It's Just That Augustus Doesn't Know How Not To Be Concerning - He's A Necromancer It Kinda Comes With The Job - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Six Sentence Sunday

I was tagged by @pluttskutt for this one! Thanks for the tag!

Six Sentences from the chapter I'm currently working on from Enchanted Illusions (it's titled Date with the Soul-Snatcher, for anyone wondering)

The six sentences in question:

[...] “Where are we going…?”  Harriet asked with a light chuckle, tilting her head as she followed him.

Augustus turned to her with a twirl but did not stop in his path, only walking backwards. There was a mischievous smile on his lips and an uncharacteristically cheery glint in his eyes as he tapped her on the shoulder before turning around again. “You’ll find out in a bit, darling. It’s a surprise, after all.”

“We’re not hiding a body, are we?” [...]

+ Bonus Snippet/Continuation (for context and because I love this scene/interaction so much)

Her question was playful, spoken through a smile, though there was the slightest hint of seriousness behind it. Augustus laughed, shaking his head while meticulously arranging the lapel of his suit for the third time.

“Oh, dear, no. Not this time - of course, unless you want to, you know I can always be convinced. Depending on the person, if they're bad or annoying, sure then - but later!”

Harriet gave him a deadpan glare, to which Augustus seemed oblivious, merely continuing his bouncy walk down the sidewalk, humming a tune. She knew he really meant it - and at this point, it wasn't as concerning as much as it was just one of the weird "perks" of living and traveling with a necromancer.

“No, never mind! Lead the way.” The girl shook her head with a sigh, a strange habit she realized she might've started to pick up from Vincent, but smiled as she gestured ahead.

Tagging - @oh-no-another-idea, @clairelsonao3, @rickie-the-storyteller, @little-peril-stories, @memento-morri-writes, @inky-duchess, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @dreaminggoblin, @your-absent-father and @lola-theshowgrl + OPEN TAG

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