Its Official In The Books Though - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

It's so funny that both Galinda and Elphaba immediately go "oh this girl makes me feel really warm and flustered. It's probably because I hate her? Idrk that makes the most sense" but god it's so in character for both of them.

I see people judging because of how obvious it was that they didn't really hate eachother but like

1- as if either of them would know what a lesbian is? We'd have "ofc I like men doesn't everyone? That's the normal thing to feel??" Vs "wdym I like her? Why would that make me flustered??" Rich people pleaser vs neglect & self loathing.

2- Galinda wouldn't have had that kinda feelings for anyone yet but also wouldn't have hated anyone (at least that much) yet. So when she got the feels she absolutely would've gone "oh that's weird it's probably hate? It's a girl so idrk"

3- Elphie is way more used to negative feelings and people hating her than she's used to liking people. She gets strong feelings about someone, she assumes it's just hate.

4- Do people forget that they didn't get along even before that song? Elphie thinks Galinda is spoiled, Galinda thinks Elphie is weird. It's not like they got those feelings immediately, it was after they already decided they didn't like eachother. It's not like you would fight with someone and then go "wow my face is red and my hearts beating really fast, I must like them!" Like come on guys, context??

Like yeah looking back on it it was obvious they liked eachother but those are also all things that happen when you really hate someone?

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