Its Really Not Professional - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

There are no words to describe how much I hate one of the counselors I work with. Friday, after I left, she came into my office and grabbed all of my stacks of work (carefully sorted into trays), tossed them in a box, and stuck the box in the supply room. Because HIPPA compliance, apparently? But the stuff she grabbed was unrelated to any of the client files. Most of what she grabbed was affiliate stuff, notes, cheat sheets...stuff that does not need to be locked up.

I have just spent my morning (and will have to spend a good part of my afternoon) sorting through this stuff, putting it all back in the proper tray, and trying to figure out what the hell I was even doing with some of it. I had that shit separated in different trays for a reason: because I didn’t have time to look at it when it came across my desk, so it got tossed in the corresponding tray to be dealt with later. I now have to read through most of it to determine where it goes.

I still haven’t found two of my cheat sheets (so I’d better hope I don’t get any calls I need them for). I’ve been trying to figure out which affiliate stuff has been completely dealt with and just not filed, what I was waiting on stuff for, what I haven’t even looked at, what just needed to be updated and what was new...and I’ve got things here that I’m pretty sure aren’t actually mine which means she probably grabbed things off my supervisor’s desk, too.

And I’ve got counselors breathing down my neck, demanding files and referrals and stuff that I can’t find because it got tossed in the box. I’m also getting questions about stuff in the scheduler because there’s been more admin staff shuffling and the current receptionist has made a royal mess of the schedule; since I’m the scheduler everyone thinks I know what’s going on (because they’re too lazy to check the user/date/time stamp). But...I don’t. All I know is that she doesn’t know what she’s doing, she’s screwing everything up, and I’m having to go in and fix her mistakes, on top of all this other chaos.

I think I’ve figured out why my migraines have become more frequent’s only the lunch hour and my stress levels are already through the roof, when they were just fine when I got up this morning.

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