Its Wonderful! - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Poe: tonight, Lord Dunsany is going to tell a story Lovecraft: Lord Dunsany!? Lovecraft: Lord Dunsany is here?!? Lovecraft: no no i'm not ready, i can't meet lord dunsany! Poe: you'll be fine, howard Lovecraft: do i look ok? how's my hair? Poe: it's fine, howard Lord Dunsany: submitted for the approval of Lovecraft: Lord Dunsany! I'm your biggest fan! Dunsany: thank you. submitted for Lovecraft: did you get those letters i sent? King: oh yeah howard's really big on sending letters King: he just loves it Lovecraft: gosh Lord Dunsany it's so great to finally meet you! Lovecraft: i think we'll get along great! we could be friends, maybe? Lovecraft: best friends even? August Derleth: b-but howard...! Derleth: i thought WE were best friends! Lovecraft: Lovecaft: oh this is awkward

Lord Dunsany: submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the hashish man Fitz James O'Brien: [appearing suddenly] somebody call me?

Dunsany: so i was at this party and this guy is all "hey i saw that article you wrote about the ancient and mysterious city of bethmoora" Dunsany: "you know, i myself have visited bethmoora many a time" Dunsany: "in my mind, after smoking weed"

Dunsany: now let me tell you Dunsany: when you're at a party and some guy just starts telling you about how he saw some crazy shit right after smoking weed Dunsany: you sit up and take notice

Dunsany: this guy astral projects to the court of the evil emperor Thuba Mleen Dunsany: who sics his torture goons on him Dunsany: and that is why you should never take more than you can handle and always know your dealer

Aleister Crowley: wait, this story doesn't conflate traveling in time and traveling in space! Crowley: have you ever even DONE hashish?? Dunsany: you got me, i only drink tea Crowley: Crowley: haha i love this guy! Crowley: THE GREAT BEAST! Crowley: DO WHAT THOU WILT!

Dunsany: ok sure i haven't done hashish but boy you don't know me on tea Dunsany: i can get pretty crazy if you know i mean Dunsany: i get pretty hyper on tea Crowley: oh yeah? Dunsany: oh yeah i've been known to get a little bit Dunsany: random

Dunsany: [drinks tea] hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is lord dunsany but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!!^_^ L0ve and waffles!!!!! Crowley: haha no more tea for this guy!

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[Reblogged on 8/16/22]

HIM! :D I've always headcanoned his release date as his birthday lol

Happy 3 Years To The Release Of My Favorite Old Man

happy 3 years to the release of my favorite old man <3 

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Mechs Miscellaneous Headcanons

they’re immortal. they’ve amassed far too much liquor. ashes has decided to make a fun game where they swap half the bottles for rocket fuel and space alchohol is so weird that it’s anyones guess which is which until they die four shots in

100% of the time if anyone says “give me a hand” whoever gets there first pulls a buzz lightyear joke, but it’s someone cutting off their hand on the spot and chucking at them. this never happens around marius cause they don’t want to give him the satisfaction

they have had Aurora tow one moon to another moon to see if they’ll mate and make Moon Babies (this is not the moons that were in love. that gave them the idea)

by doing so they infested both moons with the other moon’s invasive species and threw off their gravity entirely, completely disrupting their ecosystems and forcing the moons to form an entirely new ecosystem, which raphaella insisted meant they technically DID make a moon baby, just on a larger scale than expected

tim has the same relationship to his guns as that one penguin does to his trophies in surf’s up. you know the one i’m talking about.

due to the Mechanisms being semi-narrative powered, they’ve become somewhat superstitious about storytelling. the phrase Once Upon A Time is to the Mechs what Macbeth is to theatre kids: you will get tackled and forced to participate in strange rituals to counteract this. the most common of which is just airlocking

brian’s second pair of eyes are in his hat and that’s why the goggles are stupidly positioned on top of the hat

ivy has used book glue in her tea without noticing. nastya uses cyberian vodka on purpose.

at one point ashes returned to malone, only to learn about what happens when you burn an ecosystem and second growth forests- the planet is teeming with life. in any other story this would be symbolic of rebirth and possibly an emotional turning point. but this is the mechs, so instead there is a LOT of cussing and they burn the planet down again but WORSE- Fire 2 Arson Boogaloo

jonny has spurs cause he’s a cowboy and also Kicking: It’s Like If Your Feet Could Bite

there’s a planet they have sworn never to return to that’s just populated by naked mole rats with machetes. the rats have decapitated several members of the crew. on separate occasions.

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2 years ago
Sun Glowing Thru My Unicorn This Afternoon (:

sun glowing thru my unicorn this afternoon (:

i made both her and the little wooden mini pallet this year…

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9 years ago

the “beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure” meme is so good i don’t even feel right calling it a meme? i am so glad to have this way to describe characters because it so concisely sums up such important concepts

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9 years ago

Holy shit, you guys.  

The Dawn Will Come covered the way it was meant to be – as church music. 

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7 months ago
This Image Came To Me From God

this image came to me from god

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1 year ago

Hi so I haven’t finished Soriel week cause I’ve been moving into my appartment and starting University LOL. So I will be doing late week instead! BUT IN THE MEANTIME

Hi So I Havent Finished Soriel Week Cause Ive Been Moving Into My Appartment And Starting University

Check out this dragon puppet I’m making. I’m super proud of her so far and wanted to show her off abit!!

Hi So I Havent Finished Soriel Week Cause Ive Been Moving Into My Appartment And Starting University
Hi So I Havent Finished Soriel Week Cause Ive Been Moving Into My Appartment And Starting University
Hi So I Havent Finished Soriel Week Cause Ive Been Moving Into My Appartment And Starting University

Last one is a pic with the other two (non puppet) dragons I’ve made!!

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1 year ago
(May Need To Click The Image To See It Better, Im So Sorry-) This Is My Poppy Playtime Oc, Nurse Mary!Shes
(May Need To Click The Image To See It Better, Im So Sorry-) This Is My Poppy Playtime Oc, Nurse Mary!Shes

(May need to click the image to see it better, I’m so sorry-) This is my Poppy Playtime Oc, Nurse Mary! She’s a Sweetheart who’s always eager to lend a hand out to those who may need it. Was a reluctant volunteer to the experiments in playtime co. I’m still working on her whole backstory but I have a few things I can spare!! Some are in the second image but here’s more!!

She once was an employee working at Playtime co. Her Experiment number is unknown and even she doesn’t remember it but she can remember her old name. (Not gonna give that away, huehuehuehue-) Her mouth is permanently closed, she can frown or smile but she can’t open her mouth. While she mainly communicates through writing, she is still able to let out muffled hums. Has the patience of a saint and mainly remains calm in stressful or tense situations but has a small percentage of moments where she freaks out. Strangely never feels the need to eat, she never finds it a bother since to her it just means theres more food for her to give out. There’s no point for her to keep it if she can’t eat it. (Also cuz of her closed mouth-) Her two loyal companions are a mini hoppy critter and a little fusion of CraftyCorn and DogDay. The Mini Hoppy is named Lucky while the other is named Prisma. (More will soon join her mini crew) Easily able to become shy or flustered. An easy way to tell is when her music box suddenly plays at a fast rate, the melody of her music box is “You are my Sunshine”. Has no combat skills, for multiple reasons. One largely being is that because she is a porcelain doll, It’s scarily easily for her to crack and break. So even if she wanted to, she can’t fight. Second reason is her whole purpose was to be a nurturing and peaceful being. Third, she just hates violence and tries to avoid it as best as she can.

Made her up when coming up with an AU of my own but what helped to create some ideas for her lore was @abugcalledtoken ‘s AU of “The Defects”!! Seriously love that AU to bits!

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3 years ago
Here Are Two Recent Pictures Of Lu Feng!
Here Are Two Recent Pictures Of Lu Feng!

Here are two recent pictures of Lu Feng!

He’s directed a tv series called 《新台湾奇案》 recently 😁

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1 year ago


THE SURPRISE IS *drum roll please*...


i swear ro mtself (not god cuz its getting disrespectful st this ppoint🗿) why the fuck do i do rjis to myself 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Edit: did not regret this tho 🤭🤭

Loved LOVED the love letter au!💘🥹...

... Anyways im abt to ruin ! 😇

Can I ask you to write a cheerful, unassuming letter from König.?

It details his optimism for finishing the current mission and is basically him professing his love and declaring how mucu he misses reader while om deployment, how he will keeo fighting his love. So far, so good, right ?...

...The letter reaches reader long after König's passing, delivered by his colleague believing that it is what König would uave wanted. It's soaked in his blood, some letters are smudged, but it's the final piece of König that tje reader has of him.

Despite treasuring the fragile letter and holding it ever-so-gently in their trembling hands, a few tear drops stain the blood-soaked paper.

Every now and again, reader steals millisecond glances of the letter framed on their wall, yet any longer than that and they'll break down again.

(hate to do this to my hubby 😞💔)

you're about to regret this pookie

To my love, (Name),

I cannot wait to get back home to you, life has been dull without your smiling face staring at me when I wake up. I miss your breakfast meals and soft kisses in the mornings. I cannot wait to be able to remember what the feeling of love and safety feels when I am with you again. I have been so stressed lately and I have been wanting nothing more than to hold you in my arms again and show you just how much I've missed you, schatz. Your smiling face in the photo I have of you is the only thing that's keeping me going. Fighting for you and fighting to keep myself alive has been extremely hard this mission. I find myself in near death situations more often than not

But as you know me, I always manage to get out of them. I will return home to you in 3 days. It will be 1 day when you receive this letter, mein liebling. I hope for the days to go by faster so I can see you again, wanting nothing more than to kiss your lips and hold your waist close to me again. Going through these missions leave me feeling grateful I can still manage to live through the things that happen on the battlefield. But rescuing those who deserve and need it makes me swell with pride on most days. I miss and love you, your touch sets me aflame like no other. I will see you when I get back. I even have a surprise planned for you then.

Love, Your König

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9 years ago

There are no words to describe how much I hate one of the counselors I work with. Friday, after I left, she came into my office and grabbed all of my stacks of work (carefully sorted into trays), tossed them in a box, and stuck the box in the supply room. Because HIPPA compliance, apparently? But the stuff she grabbed was unrelated to any of the client files. Most of what she grabbed was affiliate stuff, notes, cheat sheets...stuff that does not need to be locked up.

I have just spent my morning (and will have to spend a good part of my afternoon) sorting through this stuff, putting it all back in the proper tray, and trying to figure out what the hell I was even doing with some of it. I had that shit separated in different trays for a reason: because I didn’t have time to look at it when it came across my desk, so it got tossed in the corresponding tray to be dealt with later. I now have to read through most of it to determine where it goes.

I still haven’t found two of my cheat sheets (so I’d better hope I don’t get any calls I need them for). I’ve been trying to figure out which affiliate stuff has been completely dealt with and just not filed, what I was waiting on stuff for, what I haven’t even looked at, what just needed to be updated and what was new...and I’ve got things here that I’m pretty sure aren’t actually mine which means she probably grabbed things off my supervisor’s desk, too.

And I’ve got counselors breathing down my neck, demanding files and referrals and stuff that I can’t find because it got tossed in the box. I’m also getting questions about stuff in the scheduler because there’s been more admin staff shuffling and the current receptionist has made a royal mess of the schedule; since I’m the scheduler everyone thinks I know what’s going on (because they’re too lazy to check the user/date/time stamp). But...I don’t. All I know is that she doesn’t know what she’s doing, she’s screwing everything up, and I’m having to go in and fix her mistakes, on top of all this other chaos.

I think I’ve figured out why my migraines have become more frequent’s only the lunch hour and my stress levels are already through the roof, when they were just fine when I got up this morning.

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7 months ago

I used XD earlier today after not doing so for a long while, and I feel SO much whimsy and joy

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11 months ago

AHH HE’S PERFECT! That pose is so wonderful for him, I can’t stress that enough—

All of these fanarts leave me at a loss for words. I’m so grateful that you all like these characters so much, and I do hope most if not all of you stick around to watch them succeed one day!!

Thank you, this art is stunning and done SO WELL! for not having many reference pictures either! I’m really proud of you and the work you did!!

—Van Vana

I'm Here To Post It Again, Yeah
I'm Here To Post It Again, Yeah

I'm here to post it again, yeah

Character @aurora-van-vana

Tumblr and my anxiety make brrr haha yay

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11 months ago

RAAGGHHH!!!!!! This is so wonderfully put together!! I myself have been trying to draw him, and he’s ✨difficult✨ to draw, that I understand. It looks like you used more than one reference image for him! The extra details are so lovely. I adore it when my crew draws each other’s characters, and it’s absolutely great to see fans do the same!

You absolutely have to keep it up, your work is incredible! I’ve noticed your proportion sizes get better as you draw, and I’m so proud of you for growing as an artist!

More characters coming your way, so that list of yours ought to shuffle around a bit!! Yee-haw!

—Van Vana



He was pretty hard to draw actually but I love the little details tho but not my favorite character of the bunch but I still like him tho he is probably my top 5 most beloved characters from this show :3

From: @aurora-van-vana

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