It's SO Good It's My Fav Bl Ever - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
I Should Really Be Asleep Right Now, And I Need To Work On Some Assignments If I Am Going To Be Awake,
I Should Really Be Asleep Right Now, And I Need To Work On Some Assignments If I Am Going To Be Awake,

I should really be asleep right now, and I need to work on some assignments if I am going to be awake, but seeing this made me think about it. So I'm posting this before bed!

TOP SERIES: Utsukushii Kare, Be My Favorite, Not Me

TOP COUPLES: HiraKiyo, KhaiThird, KongArt/PisaengKawi

Utsukushii Kare and HiraKiyo are perfect to me. Like, that is the romance to be created for me. My favorite BL couple (they will be very hard to dethrone) and the ones that got me into watching live-action BL in the first place. The writing, the OST, the relationship development from season to season culminating in that beautiful movie, and most importantly, the characters. Hira and Kiyoi truly connected with me on a level that none of the other characters I've seen in any BL have! So, yeah, first place on both podiums.

I love Be My Favorite. I think you can tell from how I talk about it, and my blog in general. It really was so beautifully directed, it has my favorite trope (let's go time travel romance!) and GawinKrist's acting is stellar. Kawi as a character is a stand-out to me, as is how the show handles its themes. Not Me is close behind as one of those shows that really had a strong hold on me. I love the messages behind the show, and it really made me fall for OffGun. I think about SeanWhite (more quietly than I do about these other guys) a lot.

Now, okay, KhaiThird is here. Look, do I think Theory of Love, as a show, has some massive problems? Well, yeah. That's why it isn't on the series list. I think it's a weaker show than the ones on my podium, at least for me. Is KhaiThird not one of my favorite pairs? Well. See, I like them. I love them. You can ask me more but, well. I'll keep it at that here!

And then the tie between the different Krist BL series pairs! Look, how am I to choose? I love both of the dynamics! Kawi and Arthit are both very, very dear to me! And so are their boyfriends! So, okay, maybe I'm too indecisive to live. Watch KristSingto's new BL come out and ask me again. Maybe by then I'll have to actually make a decision.


Do your favorite BL couples match your favorite BL series?

I feel like this must be a phenomenon, so I want to see what other people's lists look like. \:D/

These are mine. I'm very proud.



TOP 3 SERIES: Be My Favorite, SOTUS, Until We Meet Again TOP 3 COUPLES: WinTeam, KongArt, KawiPi

Because, like, we judge series and character based on different criteria, right?

Be My Favorite shot to the top of my list by episode eight last year because the writing was immaculate (Waa took extra time to really hone the script, and it shows!), the directing is phenomenal (the behind-the-scenes footage and interviews show how much influence Waa had in bringing out the best in everyone), the premise is right up my alley (subjective, but y'know, favorites lists are subjective by nature), etc. etc. etc. It's just all-around an incredibly well-crafted show, so it's sitting pretty cozy up there at the top.


When I think about couples, WinTeam and KongArt are firmly first and second.

WinTeam have been my favorite BL couple from Day ONE, and no one's even remotely challenged them since even though Between Us is somewhere around #5 or #6 on my list (depending on how much of the series I choose to selectively forget).

And KongArt? We saw them grow from age 19/20 to, like, 26/27? (I haven't math'd the years in a while, but the Our Skyy episode is definitely set during their late twenties.) Experiencing that much development for a BL couple is rare, and their relationship is portayed so beautifully.

So, y'know, both lists are completely subjective and don't always have anything to do with quality or whatever. WinTeam are my favorite couple because Win's my favorite character archetype and Team is a sassy traumatized gremlin, and Be My Favorite is my favorite series because holy shit I love gay time travel and it's the only series I've seen that's treated leitmotifs seriously.


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