Jack Traditional Art - Tumblr Posts
Been communicating with my boy mainly through letters. Updating him on stuff, keeping him informed about my health.. mostlyyy
But I also have sent some doodles and stuff, and it's been a while since I've drawn in pencil but I think my sad, wolf boy, Jaith, came out okay.

He's staring at a lil plush of my boy's Panther, Emeryll, just off screen there.
I guess this is also your reminder that I am also a furry and typically depict myself as a wolf, a bear, or a hybrid of both
Also sometimes as a dragon.. and a leopard seal.. and a Whale shark... I ~maaayyy~ have a few sonas
Anyways.. back to your regularly scheduled hiatus

Sent @solunest a doodle sheet, and this bust of his Bunny Boy, Barry, was my favorite ^^
There's some doodles from our friends too, but I didn't wanna share art here that's not mine without permission.
I did receive a doodle page from him as well, but there are things on there I can't share publicly yet, so it'll have to wait until he's done with what he's doing, and I'll only share it if he's comfortable sharing it.