Husband Tag - Tumblr Posts
Received first communication from my boy! A post card!! With a lil doodle and everything!!
@solunest is doing okay! Training is hard!! But he is well
I am.. at least put at peace by this for a little bit ^^;;

I hope his followers see this too and know he's well.
I promise I'll do my best to keep him safe. I promise.
Phone call!! My boy!! He is.... things are hard there.. and he is worried about many things.. I did not like having to tell him that my health has not been good.. but it was important that he knew..
There are.. many things I would like to say here.. but I cannot for many reasons..
But he is alive and well. And if something happens, and he has to be sent home, I will be proud of him no matter what. For what he is doing is nothing I could ever even attempt to do. No matter what, I love him and am proud of him. No matter the outcome of these next few weeks
I just want my husband to come home
I'm far too gay and soft for all this.. and sure I may be the bigger and stronger guy between us, but he is stronger than me in all the ways that matter

Sent @solunest a doodle sheet, and this bust of his Bunny Boy, Barry, was my favorite ^^
There's some doodles from our friends too, but I didn't wanna share art here that's not mine without permission.
I did receive a doodle page from him as well, but there are things on there I can't share publicly yet, so it'll have to wait until he's done with what he's doing, and I'll only share it if he's comfortable sharing it.
@solunest us with "sneef", "hweee", *growls in annoyance*, "bnnuy", and all the various critter noises we make as a form of communication

heed his warning
;^; my boooooyyyyy aaaaa he is well and staying strong and I am so very proud of him T^T
Soon!! Soon I'll see him again! My most handsome and wonderful @solunest ! For now, have a Jaith and Emeryll chibi doodle I'm sending him

Cosmos above, I am anxious and want this wait to be DONE alreadyyyy.. I am a strong man, but DAMN IT I WANNA SMOOCH MY HUSBAND Ò^Ó
But!! we may be getting married sooner than originally expected and I am EXCITED!!! HE WILL ACTUALLY BE MY HUSBAND THEN!! :D!!
(May open commissions soon to help fund things, we shall see)
I hope you are having a good day and congrats on the recent news! May everything go smoothly from here on out and much happiness for the both of you!
AAAA today is kind of a big ol pain in the rear end, but THANK YOUUUU!!! ;^;
I hope you yourself are bestowed all the happiness and kindness the cosmos has to give!
(I'm sure I'll still be soft a gushy on here sometimes after he's home -///////-)
Received a response to sad wolf boy waiting for his panther to come home from @solunest

Emeryll just fucking busting through the damn cage haha
But I also got a soft doodle from him of us together as well and... aaaaaaa ;^;

T^T My boooooyyyy
Soon! Soon soon.. 20 more days... a few flights and a hotel stay.. but I'll see him soon ^w^
It's hard, not seeing him and not talking with him regularly.. but he is worth it. He is, and will always be, worth the wait. He's worth the distance. He's worth every sleepless night of worry.
My sweet, kind, wonderful, charming, handsome, husband to be.
Apologies for gushing again -//////- ..... buuuut also not really sorry. I mean have you SEEN this guy? Absolute cutie over here. What's there not to gush about?
Been communicating with my boy mainly through letters. Updating him on stuff, keeping him informed about my health.. mostlyyy
But I also have sent some doodles and stuff, and it's been a while since I've drawn in pencil but I think my sad, wolf boy, Jaith, came out okay.

He's staring at a lil plush of my boy's Panther, Emeryll, just off screen there.
I guess this is also your reminder that I am also a furry and typically depict myself as a wolf, a bear, or a hybrid of both
Also sometimes as a dragon.. and a leopard seal.. and a Whale shark... I ~maaayyy~ have a few sonas
Anyways.. back to your regularly scheduled hiatus
Sent my final letter to my boy today! Both exciting and sad ^^;;
Saddening because I have grown use to writing to him every week now.. it has become routine. It's comfortable, and I will miss it a little after he passes through his ceremony. (I may take to just writing him little notes and letters once we live together ^////^ no reason I have to stop being soft in written form :] )
BUT!! It is also VERY exciting because it means that the time is almost upon us that he will be done with training!! I must iron my dress shirt, pack my suitcase, and get ready to take a week off of work!! (and be anxious the entire time I'm gone because OOF my work is gonna be rough when I come back...)
However.. I will only get him for a short time in said week.. Then he is being sent off for schooling for his field of expertise for a full year in yet another state.. BUT!! He will have full communication again!! AND we'll be making the plans to get married!! (December maybe?? I must confirm this òwó) then it's MOVING TIME BAYBEEEE!!!
Again, contemplating opening a few commission slots, but I can only take one at a time with my current setup ^^;;
Exciting things on the horizon!
Okay okay so yes, it's December!!! We're gettin married in December!!!
I may have been outside for a hot minute, and may be very sunburned, but hells I am so HAPPY!!!
Cosmos I wanna leap and bound and yap about this to anyone who will listen!! My HUSBAND!!
-//////- getting to discuss family planning a lil today was very soft and I stimmed a lot and aaaaa my vocal stims kept falling out and I kept happy stamping my feet -////////-
I am so excited to see him soon and discuss more in person and aaaaaaaaaa (listen I'd put a baby in there myself if it worked that way. Ò//////Ó)
Anywaaaayyys.. HUSBAND!
Personal art post! Theater things :D
Why sit in the seat when husband's lap is available? Based on some conversations that @solunest and I have had

Hold tiny husband in lap for safe keeping ~ ♡
He do a squeak when squeezed though, so be careful!
Always feels a lil odd to actually draw myself ^^;; but I love drawing him! He's so handsome!! Aaaaaa!!
Ah he was very tired and croaky.. my boy has been sick for ages now.. BUT! I shall get him soup and medicine while I am there with him ^^ he shall be care for and cherished damn it ò^ó
Ah but he's official now! He's been through one ceremony so far! The final ceremony is the one I attend and collect him after! But he's.. uhm.. shoot, I don't know how much I can say here.. but he's official now!
I have uh.. ~other things~ to say but I won't post those here -////- so I'll go yell on SuspiciousJacket about it
Anyways! Aaaaa my boy!! The wait is almost over! 9 more days!!
Let there be Dragons!

Not gonna lie, I spent way too much time deciding if I should draw the limbs like.. poking out in places or not ^^;; ultimately decided that they're just too snuggled in to have em out.
@solunest boy was a challenge since I had to weigh if I went a traditional route and made him blue or, the color scheme of his characters usually, red and gold. Obviously the red and gold one haha but I also considered black and tan as well, since Barry, Emeryll, and Eral all have some semblance of black and tan on them in some capacity. (Bunny, panther, and Shiba Inu respectively)
All in all I think they turned out okay. May revisit this later and do scale work and clean it up the rest of the way,, but for now, it's at least out of my system ^^
Trying to get all the basics down for our characters ^^;; since I'm notorious for forgetting to actually make decent ref sheets ;>.>

Kas the black wolf and Barry the black and brown bunny!
Both are shifter boys and have semi human forms as well!

Kas is my boy and Barry belongs to @solunest
Reeeee OC art!
I fly out today! I shall hear from him on Wednesday then see him on Thursday!!
Final destination reached
Hotel bed has never been more comfy
(17hrs of travel and airport nonsense can BITE IT Ò^Ó)
Ah hells
Send your vibes to the cosmos that I make this barely 20min connection time ;^;
Flights delayed aaaaa
May I offer some gay shitposting in these trying times?

@solunest shall be thoroughly smooshed in the warmest of hugs soon òwó
(Perks of having dad bod means the hugs are soft and snuggly no matter if there is a face smooshed in your chest or not)
*ramblings under the cut
I'm notorious for drawing myself a lot smaller than I actually am ^^;; I am a big dude! A bear of a guy if you will. Or as my beloved has said, a gentle giant ^////^ I just LOOK scary, I'm really not that spooky haha but I wanted an excuse to draw something soft, and a bit more accurate to what I actually look like physically ^^;; I am still very self conscious about myself, so I'm used to hiding behind the thin and svelte persona instead..
There's another variation of this kind of pose, and I may do that one at some point as well.
I still so very much enjoy the polar opposite aesthetics that we have haha its such a treat when compared to what we write too! I'm all fluff and sweet while looking spooky in blacks and stuff, and he's angst and tragedy while being soft and colorful!
And together, we make one whole gay mess ^^
TODAY!! 5HRS REMAIN! I have to leave soon to make it to the check in for the Ceremony, then it's a lot of waiting again.. But then!! Then my Husband!! AAAAAA
Irl jumpscare for the outfit for today under the cut :]

(For some reason, it's somehow less humid here and my hair is being a limp noodle about it :/ so no poofy mohawk today)
27hrs remain! Yippee!! Almost there!
Side note, this hotel iron is the bane of my existence :[
Never have I met an Iron so temperamental and Hissy.. like sir, I need to steam and iron my shirt, NOT soak it and pathetically redry the soggy bits..

Haha get loved unconditionally idiot. Get absolutely fuckin cherished. Lol you're about to be hugged so hard. I appreciate you deeply as a person, what you gonna do about it? Nothing lmao