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While I do agree with some points, imo klayley did center (mostly) about Hope. They definitely loved each other as family, but their daughter was the reason they tried to have a stable relationship in the first place.
If Hope hadn't been procreated that night, Klaus wouldn't have left Mystic Falls, because he was lured in to the city due to the witches using his unborn child as a plot to take Marcel down, and Hayley would have went to New Orleans, the curse of the Crescent pack would have been lifted sooner or later and she would have ended up marrying Jackson once again.
And without Elijah in the picture, she would have 100% fallen in love with him completely. She did say in s4 she fell in love with Elijah because he was there for her on a time she was alone and scared of Klaus (which is why I never really liked haylijah), and to me it did seem like Hayley was starting to fall in love a little with Jack by season 3.
Moving to Klaus, it’s more or less the same. If he ended up moving to New Orleans, he would have started with his whole "I wanna be king of New Orleans" shit, which would have enraged Hayley because his "kingdom" treated every supernatural creature but vampires like hell.
And knowing Klaus, if Hope hadn't been born in this reality, I feel that he would have killed Hayley the moment she got too bold/disturbed his plans too much. I mean, their mutual love for their daughter is what brought them close in the first place, so without that I really don't see a reason for them to have a good relationship.
He clearly respected Hayley's courage and bravery, but to a point. He's mentally inestable, and tends to easily snap. Their relationship would definitely have that sexual tension they have in canon, and I'm pretty sure they would hate fuck at least once in an au without Hope.
But moving on from that, I completely agree with most of what you said.
They care about each other more than the fans and show admits, and the potential for a romantic relationship is clear. She never gave up on him, and he was so damn distraught after her death. Their whole breakup scene in s5 when he hangs up the phone after she told him she would never give him is heartbreaking, especially because it's implied they never saw each other again face to face until her death scene.
Hope was what, nine at the time her parents stopped talking? Klaus and Hayley spent six years without any contact between them and yet Hayley was constantly standing up for him, making excuses and etc because she loved him. It does kinda make me mad that he was flirting with Caroline while his daughter and mother of his child were kidnapped, but anyway.
They clearly love each other, I think their mutual understanding in Hope being the most and priceless person/thing for them is quite cute and idk what more to say because it's night and I'm dying of heat.
there's something very juvenile and shallow about klaroline, in my opinion. part of it is because the narrative has never really focused on them unless its for fanservice. klayley, for example, have had ups and downs. they have worked together and worked against each other. they have made concessions for each other, they have killed for each other, and they have made choices for each other. their dynamic feels a bit more adult despite their immaturity at times, and of course part of that comes from their shared responsibility and their shared desire to put hope above themselves. it is through their circumstances that they regard each other differently and begin to treat each other like equals, which i find interesting. personally, klaroline just feels a bit stuck in the teen drama pit, which is why i do not find it nearly as compelling.
I also think it's because Caroline herself is a teenager. Yes, a vampire, but also a girl who's frozen at seventeen and will never grow up out of it, similar to Rebekah.
I'm not sure if it's been said in canon, but in tvd it's pretty clear that vampires are more or less mentally frozen with their physical age when they die. I don't know if that made sense, so: you die being twenty-two = you'll always be twenty-two mentally and emotionally, no matter how much you live as a vampire.
A clear example of that is Klaus, who died when he was twenty-one/twenty-two and despite having a thousand years, he clearly doesn't act like it. Or Rebekah, who in canon died being seventeen: she was clearly an insecure and neurotic teenager in tvd, until they made her act mature and feminist in The Originals (don't come at me for the last part, trying to steal a girl's boyfriend wasn't very feminist of her).
But back to the point, definitely. There was a lack of power between their relationship which Klaus always took advantage of, and Caroline did act like she couldn't stand his sight yet she didn't hesitate before accepting his attention or his gifts imo. I believe is because they weren't supposed to be romantically interwined at first, so the writers clearly didn't know how to handle them and they tried to make look romantic every time Klaus threatened her and snapped whenever she said something he didn't like.
Which failed, and yet fans bought it with their whole "Klaus is the only one who always put Caroline first." He didn't imo and that's final.
And Joseph and Kat, the actress of Bonnie, wanted their characters to have a romantic relationship yet Pl*c said a big no because she's a racist piece of shit. So with the way the writers jumped at the opportunity to not give us the romance between the black witch and the hybrid and instead had him "fall" for the baby vampire is disgusting. Klaus x Bonnie would have been a thousand of times better than any of his other relationships.
And now, going to klayley, I personally don't ship them anymore even though I did once. I agree about how they were more mature than klaroline, but the whole point of their dynamic is that they wouldn't have spared the other a glance if not for Hope. Hayley hated sleeping with him, as pointed out for their daughter in s5, but didn't regret it considering it brought her her hope (no pun intended lmao, or perhaps yes). Still, seeing the development in their relationship was quite beautiful despite everything: they loved each other as family, and one of the few things they agreed on was that Hope was their number one priority.
The whole conception about how Hope was made is strange though, hybrid and female werewolf = magic and most powerful baby as cliché as Renaissance from Twilight, that is three species without any logical explanation other than "we don't want any black witch (especially Bonnie Bennett) to be the most powerful" and "Klaus is a hybrid so he can procreate, despite the fact that he had been killed before having his werewolf side locked, therefore he couldn't get any woman pregnant".
I honestly love Hope, but her whole character revolves around being the most powerful and being the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson who is traumatized after her daddy and mommy died.
But going back to the point, definitely. Personally, I don't ship anyone with Klaus because I believe that to be seriously in a relationship with him, you must be as screwed up as him. It's the reason I don't believe Camille or Caroline could have been with him for a long time, and honestly he doesn't deserve either of those girls (I do though, give him to me.)
Either way, klamille and klaroline have problems of their own, but the fact that they resemble so much the sister he's always been obssesed with??? And the way Rebekah went for Marcel, the person that the show always said was the most like Klaus???
is it just me or is jackson kenner a much better character than the fandom makes him out to be?
Jayley and gilijah were the superior ships, period
☕ on the Hayley Elijah ship?
ohhh this is gonna be really long.
ok so i actually vibed with this ship during season one because they had nice chemistry and we’re generally sweet towards each other. they had ups and downs during season one but i was hoping they would be a thing.
then came season two. and oh my Lord it went downhill. elijah, for some unknown reason, distances himself from hayley or hayley distances herself from him or he doesn’t look at her the same way or whatever i honestly had no idea what was going on. whatever was happening, it was stupid and unnecessary and i skipped past all their scenes. this would’ve been a nice opportunity to invest in klayley but that’s another discussion. so i kind of lost interest in the two of them, especially when gia and jackson entered the picture. jackson and hayley were very cute and it was a healthy relationship. same with gia and elijah. AND THEN THEY KILL MY GIRL GIA. words cannot describe how much that infuriated me.
and thennn season three. at this point i have zero interest whatsoever in this ship i don’t care if they’re fighting or having conflict or whatever i don’t care. and the writers keep trying to force it down our throats. it’s exhausting. it’s stupid. i hate it. hayley, at this point, is emotionally cheating on jackson and she sorta admits it and jackson has every right to be angry but he still helps that family because they’re important to hayley. i love this man. AND THEN THEY KILL OFF JACKSON. i hate j*lie. and then the whole thing with marcel happens (hate how the mikaelson treated him but that’s for another post) and then hayley defends elijah saying klaus has to forgive him blah blah i don’t care blah. so much for marcel and hayley being friends. at that point hayley and elijah became official and i didn’t care one bit.
now on to season four. elijah wakes up and him and hayley get together and whatever. then hayley lectures him on not killing those children. idk why she was surprised because elijah had no problem in killing davina. whatever. anyways then hayley sees what’s behind the red door (which btw is a cool concept and gives lots of depth and complexity to elijah’s character) and this is when i realized that elijah and hayley are in love with idolized versions of each other. they put each other on pedestals and then get angry when they don’t meet each other’s expectations. it’s toxic and unhealthy and if they were endgame i would’ve hated it. then hayley breaks up with him and onto season five.
imo this was the worst season of the originals it was dull especially compared to the first three seasons. at this point i was just watching to finish it not because i was interested. anyways elijah loses his memory and is with antoinette. (i liked that ship too) then elijah is at fault for hayley’s death and the entire mikaelson family was trying to convince him that him and hayley were amazing and beautiful and they loved each other or whatever. which was all false btw.
so to sum up this post, elijah and hayley romanticized the heck out of each other and they had a toxic relationship. elijah should have been with gia and hayley should have been with jackson. the end.
If Hayley's real name is Andrea Labonair, then why is she still referring to herself as Hayley Marshall? And why is everyone still calling her Hayley?
Hayley found out Andrea was her real name by the time she was 19/20, and by then she had been called Hayley for her whole life.
She is Hayley Marshall, the orphan werewolf who managed to found a family in the Mikaelson, not Andrea Labonair, the confident wolf queen the Crescent pack awaited for.
Hayley and everyone else keeps calling her that because she is Hayley Marshall. By the time she found out that she was Andrea Labonair, Hayley was already beginning to be a part of the Mikaelson family and yes, she still became the alpha of her pack, but as Hayley and not Andrea.
In your opinion who is the best mother in the TVD universe? I think it has to be Hayley. She had made a lot of mistakes, but at the end of the day, Hope has never once doubted that her mother truly and unconditionally loved and supported her. Hayley practically raised Hope by herself. All Hayley wanted is for Hope to have a normal, happy childhood. And unlike many people I don’t think she ever abandoned Hope. Yes, she sent her away to the Salvatore school - but I think that’s because she knew that Hope couldn’t live a normal life in New Orleans and she thought that the best chance of Hope having a semi normal childhood is if no one knew who she was. And in legacies, it’s said that she still visited Hope at school frequently.
Hayley Marshall without a doubt was the best mother in tvdu, especially considering the events regarding her pregnancy, daughter and her daughter's family.
Hayley loved Hope from the very beginning, don't bring up how she tried to abort Hope because that's just rubbish: she wanted to do it because it would be better for both of them, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do it. Claiming Elijah was the first person to care about Hope is so wrong, he didn't give a damn about the fetus but what it could mean to Klaus and his fucked up family at the beginning, he only saw his niece as her own person when she was fifteen years old.
Motherhood was forced upon Hayley and she had no other choice but to accept it, Klaus and Elijah made that very clear and it sickens me how people brush over Hayley herself saying how terrified and scared she was during this period of her life. She was barely an adult, thrown into the most dangerous family to ever live just because she happened to carry a baby and was killed twice because of that same family.
Saying Hayley was a bad mother is crazy, she loved Hope and put her above everyone almost always (I won't praise her for this, though, loving your child is the bare minium a decent parent should do) even if it was above people she cared about. People always bring up how she "stole" Hope in season two to try to put her in a bad light and it's embarrassing every time.
Was it a dangerous and risky choice? Obviously, yes, but Klaus, the father of her daughter, was jeopardizing Hope at the time with his paranoia and refusal to trust his family, and at the time everyone believed he had killed Aiden, a member of Hayley's pack, of course she would panick and run away with their kid. It was wrong nonetheless because she was putting in danger her whole pack, her husband, her daughter and herself, but I'll never blame her for it considering how much shit she went through only because of the Mikaelson.
Like Klaus, Hayley was scared too and this is often "forgotten" by the fandom: like him, she never had any good parent, but this didn't make her stop talking to Hope suddenly. The fandom often justifies Klaus abandoning Hope because he had daddy issues and because of The Hollow, but was it that hard to write letters, answer her phone calls? He ghosted his own daughter when she was nine because she saw him murdering someone, but somehow Klaus is the better parent in tvdu and the one Hope loved the most. Make it make sense.
Caroline was away too from her daughters, but she didn't ghost them the way Klaus did. Hayley was co-leading New Orleans, a whole city full of supernatural creatures, but she didn't abandon Hope either: as you said, Josie herself said she used to come to Mystic Falls frequently just for her daughter. Sending Hope away to school after nearly dying and losing her father was too soon, and while Legacies made everything they could to make these women look like bad mothers (Hope being basically depressed as a child, wanting to belong into the Saltzman family, her line in season three "my mom and dad will come back for me" - though I'm not sure if it should consider it proof, considering it was a weird Star Wars episode -, Lizzie feeling neglected by her mother, etc) they simply weren't.
Caroline and Hayley were both forced to be mothers and both proved to be better than everyone in the series. People should start criticizing the actual bad parents in this show instead of them.
I don’t think that it’s talked about enough how weird the fandom is for pitting Hope against Caroline. Some people have an obsession in making Hope and Caroline compete for Klaus’s love and affection. People claim that Klaus loves Caroline more and that he would pick her over Hope every time. They will make up fake situations in which Klaus can only save one person, and he of course picks Caroline over Hope.
I think everyone knows that Klaus loves Hope more - that’s not really debatable. But I honestly don’t get this weird obsession over making Klaus pick Caroline. This obsession is strange, odd, and kinda disturbing.
Hope’s not one of Klaus’s love interests trying to steal him away from Caroline. She’s his literal daughter. Imagine if a stepmom got angry about the fact that her husband loves his daughter more than her - everyone would be justifiably weirded out. Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t want to be with a guy who would pick me over his own children.
And anyway, why does it even have to be a competition? Why can’t Klaus love Hope while also loving Caroline? Why does Klaus have to love Caroline more than Hope?
Of course, this obsession isn’t solely based on Caroline and Klaus shippers. All of Klaus’s love interests are somehow always in competition with Hope for Klaus’s love. It’s very important for the some people in fandom that Klaus loves his love interest more than he does his daughter for some reason.
And I find it odd that it’s mostly this fandom that does this weird competition between child and potential stepparent In OUPT, no one is said that Emma Swan loved Hook more than her son. In The Walking Dead, no one claimed that Rick loved Michonne more than his son.
And even in this fandom, this weird competition is only between Hope and Klaus’s love interest. No one is demanding that Caroline love Klaus more than Lizzie or Josie. No one is claiming that Hayley loved Elijah more than Hope.
Its just kinda creepy to me how people will go on rants and say that Klaus loves another woman over his daughter when the love for his daughter is completely different from whatever romantic love he feels for some other woman.
This may come as bashing towards Klaus’s ships. Really, don't ignore this. Don't blame me if you get your feelings hurt.
People have been bitter about Klaus having a daughter since the baby plot was introduced because they knew it would mean his priorities/love would shift.
Sure, Klaus says he intends to wait for Caroline however long it takes (a fake promise he didn't intend to accomplish, in my opinion, especially because once Caroline finally admitted they had something going on he said he would leave and never come back), but that changed when Hope came into the picture because then Caroline wouldn't be his greatest love, his favorite person, etc etc. It's not a surprise klaroline fans often think Caroline was the woman he loved the most romantically even when their interactions prove otherwise, and it's not something new either how much they hate whenever a new woman is introduced in his life (at least in the romantic aspect). Cami is the biggest proof of this.
Parents often love their children more than anything and Klaus did love Hope more than everything (I'm not gonna have the same debate again, if you think he loved Hayley/Caroline/Cami more grow up, seriously), even if he didn't act like it. He isn't a good father, obviously, but at least his daughter was the most important thing in his life. Seeing as Cami isn't a really big Klaus’s ship, Hayley and Caroline are, in klayley/klaroline shippers eyes, the women Klaus loved the most when it took like three seasons for both relationships to get along.
It's canon Klaus was sexually attracted to Hayley even in season three (I believe it was stated somewhere by Michael Narducci, but it was obvious anyway), and he clearly was attracted to Caroline too, and I'm pretty sure both girls felt the same way as they literally had sex, but lust has never been an equal to romantic love and we're talking about the man who slept with any pretty female who challenged him, Klaus feels sexually attracted to almost everybody. Klaus never loved Hayley romantically, and he never loved Caroline like that either in my opinion, but even if he did he still would not chose them over his own daughter.
Any time he has put somebody else above Hope, has always been because he was hurt or influenced by someone else's actions (see this post to see what I mean), and I acknowledge he's a selfish git who does what he wants, but Klaus would never actually put anyone over his daughter once everything was said and done. I mean, the only reason as to why he even rekindled his relationships with Hayley and Caroline was because of Hope, and his relationship with Hayley actually started because of Hope, because otherwise they would've gone their separate ways after sleeping together.
Klaus has a fucked up mentality, but his love for his daughter was probably the only thing that was a constant for him. How the fandom makes it a competition is crazy, because Hayley and Caroline didn't care about him that much either. Hayley was willing to let Klaus die in season four if that meant Elijah (the man she loved the most btw) would return to her, and Caroline literally married Stefan and went on with her life without thinking twice about Klaus.
Caroline doesn't love Stefan or Klaus more than she loves Lizzie and Josie, Hayley doesn't love Elijah or Jack more than she loves Hope and that's something people need to see because honestly, it's getting tiring.
I’m not a Hayley/Klaus shipper, but even I gotta admit they’re so similar. They are both so delusional that it’s kinda funny. Hayley genuinely thought she still had a shot with Tyler after helping in the murder of the hybrids. I don’t know what kinda drugs she was on at the time or if she was really that confident - but I actually kinda impressed by her delusions.
Klaus himself is simply delusional. He is on his own little planet. He has daggered his siblings so many times, has hurt them in unspeakable ways, and yet, he is continually shocked/hurt when they betray him - as if he didn’t hurt them first. Him being so depressed when Rebekah or Elijah betrays or hurts him is kinda funny. He’s like a kicked puppy. In his head, their betrayal is totally uncalled for - but him locking his siblings in coffins for centuries at a time is necessary.
They’re so delusional that it’s sad but entertaining at the same time.
Yeah, honestly, for me, it feels kinda weird to actually ship them due to how similar both of them are.
They obviously aren't platonic, considering they slept together, have a whole child and were obviously attracted to each other at one point, but I honestly cannot see them getting in a relationship and most of all managing to make it work.
While I do believe Hayley had slight character development and Klaus had close to none, they needed three and a half seasons to even be able to be in the same room without wanting to kill each other. Hayley hated the fact that Klaus was her daughter's father and Hope even believed her mother hated the fact she slept with her father once. Like it's crazy to me they slept together while complaining about how they would never get a chance with their corresponding crushes of the time. Their treatment towards Tyler and Caroline had simply been awful, and while Klaus had the chance to sleep with Caroline due to fanservice, Hayley never got to be with Tyler, who seemed outright disgusted anytime she flirted with him.
Shippers often act like Klaus and Hayley never had the chance to be together, due to haylijah, klamille, or Hayley's marriage to Jack, but it's just false because they had a lot of time to act on their "feelings" but they never did simply because there were none. Hayley was alone with Klaus for two months during her pregnancy yet nothing ever happened, Klaus even went back to screw Caroline and was busy sleeping with Genevieve while Hayley was in a swamp the last months of her pregnancy. They had seven years too, but nothing ever happened.
And let's not act like Klaus couldn't go for Hayley. If there was a woman he definitely could be with, it was her: they were both immortal, she was a part of his family whether he liked it or not and she was his daughter's mother. He didn't need to stay away from her to protect her, like he did with Cami, because she didn't need him to, but nothing happened either.
But I definitely get the appeal of Klaus and Hayley as a couple, I shipped them once too, but I honestly just can't see them in a romantic relationship, especially because they were just family in canon.
I kinda drifted from what I was trying to say, but thanks for the ask anyway!
Because we don't see Klaus in his wolf form, it pretty much a free for all playground.
So the idea I had was Klaus going out to shift on the night of the full moon, which already makes Elijah frown, but sometimes it's best to let Klaus do what he wants to do.
The issue starts when he doesn't return the next morning and by noon Elijah thinks this is getting ridiculous/something happened, so he goes out to search for Klaus, since he is the only one who's actually seen Klaus in his wolf form before.
After a few hours or so, Elijah finally finds his brother, still in his wolf, which makes him suspicious. Klaus is a hybrid, so he can change by will, so why didn’t he turn back yet? After some attempts of reasoning, pleading, and commands, Elijah concludes that it's not that Klaus doesn't want to change. It's that he can't.
Elijah, of course can't leave his brother out in the woods, so he does one of the following:
A) Coax him into the car
B) Picks him up like a puppy
C) Knocks him out and takes him back to their house, where Rebekah is both shocked and instantly worried. They have a quick uodate discussion which ends with Elijah asking/ordering Rebekah to keep an eye on Klaus while he tries to figure out which witch cursed their brother (again).
Rebekah: Why am I always the babysitter?
Elijah: Rebekah, please, just make sure he doesn't run away. *whoosh*
Rebekah, as she glances at Klaus: Or a petsitter in this case.
Klaus growls at her for that.
Rebekah: Oh don't give me that, you furball, or I'll give you a bath. A flea bath.
Klaus snips at her, which only makes Rebekah laugh, because if Klaus still can be a vindictive ass, he will be fine.
Meanwhile, Elijah contacts Hayley to ask her about this strange occurrence, but since most wolves don't have a choice in shifting schedule, she doesn't know either, but she promises to ask around, maybe Jackson knows something she doesn't. So Elijah heads to the witches, because clearly they are the culprit, and yet, after numerous threats, and choking scenes later, they still deny any involvement, so Elijah has to conclude they aren't the culprit. He is forced to regroup, finding Hayley and Jackson already there. (Insert Freya if she is there, telling them she couldn't find any traces of magic on Klaus, so it is definitely Klaus' doing.) Which baffles everyone, more so Elijah, because clearly, Klaus would prefer to be a vampire, unless....
Unless it's psychological. Marcel comes strolling in. He wanted to investigate the news about a lone wolf appearing and there he is.
The group concludes that Marcel is probably right, groaning inwardly, except for Rebekah, who voices her (and everyone else's) opinion on the complexity of Klaus' issues, and finding the reason why he doesn't want to change might take them ages. With no other choice left, they turn to Cami.
Cami takes one look at Klaus and turns to Elijah with a mortified, confused look: Do you want me to have a session with a wolf?
Elijah: No, I would appreciate if you could help us figure out what's stopping Niklaus from turning back.
Cami, slightly fed up with the ordeal already, concludes that something must have happened recently that made Klaus want to change, have a new perspective on things, etc. Everyone wrecks their brain, throwing accusing glances and words at each other, especially Marcel, who denies any involvement.
It's not until the doorbell rings that finally it clicks for Rebekah that Elijah and she wanted to throw a surprise party for Klaus for one reason or another and that maybe that could be the reason. Putting two and two together, they conclude that Klaus must have overheard their conversation, or at least parts of it, (which he did). Reassuring Klaus that no, they don't want to leave him or conspire against him, they just wanted to celebrate him brings Klaus out of his sulking.
(His sulking started by him hearing Elijah telling Rebekah that she can't tell any of what they have discussed to Klaus. Hurt by feeling left out, especially from Elijah's secrets, his brother’s lack of trust was the reason he wanted to be left alone for a while. Which failed because he wasn’t left alone at the end, though he enjoyed the fussing, eventually it comes to an end.) So there he is, shifting back, butt naked.
Their reactions: Elijah has seen it all before, but he might have failed to provide clothes this time. He is upset enough to not bother grabbing something for Klaus. They are at home anyway. Klaus can take care of himself.
Rebekah is exhausted, and doesn't care one way or another, more annoyed than anything.
Hayley probably looks away, not something she didn't see before, but now she is not interested, thank you.
Jackson is definitely measuring sizes, undoubtedly.
Cami is trying for modesty, but she is definitely checking him out, which Klaus doesn't mind a bit.
Marcel is just happy it wasn’t anything serious this time.
They send Klaus away to get dressed while they set everything up for the party. A few hours later, they have a blast despite the rough start.













The Originals - Christmas header
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Werewolves of The Originals as the Seven Archangels
Aiden (Colin Woodell) as Gabriel Ansel (Lloyd Owen) as Michael Vivianne Lescheres (Caitlin Stasey) as Raphael Niklaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) as Uriel Armand Navarro (Tyler Posey) as Raguel Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) as Remiel Jackson Kenner (Nathan Parsons) as Saraqael


Two more boards for you guys! Once again, let me know what you think!