Jacobblack - Tumblr Posts
Part One

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I did it!!!!! I posted the first chapter of the Jacob Black story and am pretty proud of it. Anyway, feedback is always appreciated and thoughts about the story.
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Chatter was all over the bar as people slurred their words and order another round. "Oh god, he looks young" my friend Kiki murmured, I follow her gaze to see a young man hunched over the bar with bottles around him. "I got him," I say, her eyebrows furrow "are you sure? He looks like a mess," she whispered, I drop the cloth on the counter and smile at her as I walk down to him.
"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him, my eyes focusing on the bottles of some pretty strong stuff. The guy looks up, his soft brown eyes looking at me with sadness, they widen when meeting my own soft green, he freezes when seeing me. "Do you need some help?" I ask him softly, his gaze softens.
"I'm Jacob," he said shakily, I smile sweetly and place a hand on his forehead, he leans into my touch and I gasp at his temperature. "Let's get you out of here," I say, moving my hand down to hold his cheek as he muzzles into my touch. I look at Kiki and she smiles before turning and clocking me out as she goes back to work.
I clear the bottles and pay for his alcohol as Kiki brings me my bag. "Taking in another stray?" She joked and I look down at Jacob, "he needs help Kiki," I reply, she shakes her head. "You're too nice, it scares me sometimes," she said before walking away and I help Jacob out the door. My apartment was only three blocks away so I never really used my car.
"Come on," I say, my our footsteps shaky at his weight and muscle. "What's your name?" He said, surprisingly not slurred. I smile at him "I'm Katrina but my friends call me Kathy" I say softly, he smiles wide. "Everyone calls me Jake" I chuckle "well you can stay at mine for tonight Jake, I don't want you getting hurt" my eyes see my apartment building and I pull him closer.
His lips lift "I'm so lucky" he murmured, I laugh softly and turn to him. "I just don't want you getting hurt okay?" He nods.
We reach my apartment and I push him inside and close the door before pushing him down the hall and into the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up," I say, he nods "I'll be right back, okay?" I ask placing him on the toilet but he reaches out and holds me close, his body filling my cold one with warmth. "Stay, please" he begged, I lick my lips "let me grab you a towel and then I'll come back and help you," I say softly.
He shakes his head and pulls me closer "don't leave" he murmured, my chest aches and I bring my hand up and softly drag my nails across his scalp. A tired groan falls past his lips, I slip out of his hold and quickly walk around to the linen cupboard to grab a towel, a towel of baby blue resting in my palm.
I walk back into the bathroom and freeze when seeing tears fall down his face, "oh baby" I say walking towards him. I wrap my arms around him and hold him "it's okay, your okay" I mutter, his arms come around and hold me tightly.
"Let's get you cleaned up" I mutter softly, after a couple of minutes. I pull his shirt off and undo his zip and pop his button, slowly pulling them down his legs. He pulled off his underwear and tugged his shoes off as I run the bath, dropping vanilla salts in the water and applying pomegranate soap, forming pink bubbles.
"It's all ready," I say turning back to him, my eyes trained solely on his eyes as I hold a hand out for him, he takes it without a thought and I help him into the bath. I get down on my knee's beside it and bring out a fluffy loafa to dampen his skin.
I apply honey soap to the loafa and spread it down and across his back before moving to his chest. "I'm 19 and work part-time at the bar, I don't have a family and like to keep my head down while living alone," I say softly handing the bubbly loafa to him with a smile. He stares into my eyes before taking it from me and starting to wash other parts of him.
"I-" I place a hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me. "I just wanted you to know that I'm not going to hurt you, you can tell me about yourself tomorrow at breakfast okay?" He nods slowly, I wash the soap off silently, Jacob and I taking in the comfortable silence as I try to not hurt him.
I lend him some clothes from my fathers before taking him to my bedroom. I close the curtains that didn't let light in anymore and pulled the covers back, "are you hungry?" I ask he shakes his head. I hold a hand out to him and he takes it as I place him softly on the bed.
"Stay here while I get you some water," I say softly, my nails softly raking across his scalp once again before he could protest. I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of water before going back to my room and seeing Jacob look at me, his shoulders relaxing. I hand him the glass "could you drink some please?" I ask, he nods taking the glass, my eyes widen then seeing him hand me the empty glass.
"Well done," I say shakily before placing the glass beside him. "Is this your bed?" He asked quietly, I nod "hope I don't smell too bad" I laugh, his eyes soften "you don't smell bad at all, it's a sweet scent" I smile at him, "thank you" I whisper before I stand "we'll talk in the morning okay?" He nods.
I walk out of the room and to the bathroom, grabbing his clothes I chuck them in the wash before doing a small tidy up. 'Who could hurt someone like that?' My mind wandered I shake my head 'he'd tell me when he's ready' I told myself sharply.
I have a shower before grabbing a blanket and spare pillow from the linen closet and walking to my couch. My eyes fall shut almost instantly and my mind shuts down as the thoughts stop going through my head and I fall asleep.
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I hear his footsteps before seeing him, placing the last piece of bacon on the plate before pushing it the edge of the bench and looking up at his warm chocolate eyes no longer held in a daze of alcohol and heartbreak.
"Morning" I smile sweetly, his eyes land on me immediately "morning" I grab a glass before opening the fridge and pouring orange juice. "You should eat, you drank a lot last night, I'm surprised your standing" I laugh placing a fork and knife across the counter and next to the plate.
"I can take a lot," he said, I raise a brow "a lot of people can" he smiles before walking over and sitting down. I grab my cup of coffee and see his stuff food into his mouth "you can stay for as long as you like" he looks up at me, eyes wide.
"Why are you so nice?" He asked, I meet his eyes and stare into them before placing my cup down and standing across from him, the bench keeping us apart. "I believe someone hurt you, repeatedly maybe, toyed with you until you were on the ground and breathing those toxic fumes of the person who couldn't let you go and I was taught the only time you look down at someone is when you help them back up"
His eyes widen as they look up at me with warmth, I move my hand forward and place it on his "so I'm here to help to help you back up"
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Soooo what does everyone think?
Your lovely writer
Part Two

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Hello Everyone
How is everyone today/tonight? Good I'm hoping.
So I did chapter two and I am so thankful for all the support I've been receiving from everyone thank you all so much!!!!!!!.
I'm slowly figuring this out, slowly. But I'm pretty happy with my writing here, I thought people would wanna know about my characters little past so wala.
Feedback is always appreciated and ideas or suggestions about what to do after the Jacob Black series, I would be honoured to listen.
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"How is he?" I ask with a smile looking out the window to the dirt-covered construction site as I see Jacob moving logs out of the way for the machines. "Incredible, I've never had such a strong young man and such a hard worker as well, he's doing great" Lucas laughed when sitting down rubbing a damp cloth over his skin to collect the sweat and cool him.
"That's great" I praise turning my body fully towards him, Kiki walks into the trailer closing the metal door with a loud bang as her shoes are rubbed into the brown mat. "You're not gonna believe what I heard" she practically screamed as Lucus and I share a look for his eldest daughter of three.
"What-" "Bianca proposed to Roy!" She squealed and Lucus stared at her in shock on finding out his second youngest asked a man to marry her. "Your joking" I gasp out, shock covering my features as Lucus slapped his forehead. "Daddy it's not that bad, he said yes" she squealed and I smile, "good for them" I smile and Kiki brings her phone into view to show me the engagement ring that Bianca got for Roy.
"It's lovely" I compliment the silver band, "it's plain but the silver used is from-" I block out the conversation as I turn back to the window, I soon hear Lucus's voice start speaking but ignore it as I watch Jake, his eyebrow knit together in concentration as he looks at the plans before ordering others.
His eyes look away from the planned parchment and up around to see his surroundings before his chocolate brown meet my leafy green and he smiles "lunch?" I mouth, he nods with a small smile, I look away before closing the curtain letting out a small giggle. "What are you giggling about?" Asked Kiki, eyebrow raised as Lucus turns to me.
"I'm treating Jake to lunch," I tell her walking towards my bag, "I'm happy for you" she cooed and my eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?" I ask and she rolls her eyes "have you noticed how he looks at you? It's as if you're the only girl on the entire planet like nobody else exists between you too not to mention you live together and hang together and you check on him all the time, god you're more married that my sister and she proposed"
I roll my eyes "it's just lunch" I pick up my bag and turn to Lucus who laughs "go on, take my best worker" he grumbled and I laugh walking over to kiss his red cheeks before pulling back "thanks Lucus, I promise I'll return him safe and sound with a full belly" he nods and I pull back before opening the metal door and walking down the small wooden steps. Wolf whistles echo around the Site and I roll my eyes "back to work!" I yell having a few snickers before going back to work as I see Jacob glaring at most.
"Here to take me away?" He asked when I got close, I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifts me off the ground. "Yes, we'll travel far away to where food is warm and old chipped leather seats are many" he laughs before placing me on the ground for a second before lifting me over his shoulder and holding me as he starts to March through the dirt-covered site.
I roll my eyes "Jake" l sigh but he just walks out of the site as people watch as with a brow quirked. "So where is this land of old chipped leather?" He asked, "simply follow the yellow brick road" I tease back before he places me down and I link arms with him as we start down the cement path.
"How's the job? I know it's not the best-" "it's great" I release a breath and look up at him with a smile. "Lucus and Kiki have been my family for a long time," I tell him looking ahead again as we turn a corner. "Can I ask about your parents?" He asked, his hand wraps around the mind to intertwine our fingers.
"Murdered, they were apart of the Seattle massacre, drained of blood on date night," I tell him, his eyes widen "they had business there and we're gone for almost a month before I got a call from the head detective" he squeezes my hand. "That must have been hard" I nod "but Kiki and Lucus with their family are where I belong now" he nods "I'm thankful they were there for you when I wasn't" I elbow him.
"You didn't know me then" we round the corner to see Emerald's diner. "I heard the guys talking about this" he muttered, I nod "Emeralds was destroyed in a fire and because I knew the owner Lucus built it back up again" his eyebrows furrow "knew the owner?" He questioned, I nod "Emerald was a good woman, she died during the fire leaving everything to her daughter Ruby who now runs the diner while also raising her daughter Opal" he laughs.
"Emerald, Ruby and Opal?" I nod before letting go of his hand having his head snap to look at our hands as I pull away before interlocking our fingers again and swinging them as we walk through the busy parking lot of the diner. "I know but it's cute" he smiles. We reach the door and he opens it for me "do you want kids?" He asked I smile at the last behind the counter as she went to grab the menu's "of course, I want a lot of kids" he stares at me.
"Why?" We sit down at a booth across from each other as I tap the table "cause I want one of those big families" he raises a brow "you know those ones were they always have to count the kids to make sure they're all there" I look up to his eyes and his lips part as he stares into mine.
"Could you imagine finding someone who you loved more than anything and they loved you but then creating something that's half of you and half of the person you cherish more than anything in the world and then watching it grow up as it relies on you?" He looks into my eyes before down at the table "Yeah, I could" he muttered.
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"Why does Kiki work at the bar if her dads pretty well off? She could be anything?" I smile softly handing him the bowl as I sit down on the couch beside him turning my body to him as my legs fold in beneath me and as I start to eat. "Kiki's mother and Lucus met at a bar" he nods, scooping into his stew.
"She feels close to her when there" he raises a brow, "why are you working at the bar?" I smile softly into my stew "I'm studying Philosophy and folktales" he raises a brow "I'm surprised your not a doctor or something" I laugh before placing my bowl down on the coffee table and walking to the small desk next to the front door of my apartment, opening the drawer and bringing out the folder.
I tip tow back to the couch and hand the folder to him, he raises a brow before taking it as I take his now-empty bowl and place it down before grabbing mine and starting to scoop the hot meat and vegetables into my mouth. "Are these yours?" He asked bewildered, I smile "I'll try not to take offence" I laugh, he goes through the certificates of majors I've accomplished.
"Psychology, law- is that engineer?" I nod, "why don't you work these jobs?" I look down at the stew "I love knowledge, the knowing and learning of it all, I don't want to be one thing I want to be many things and I want to try and understand the world" he smiles, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss to my knuckles having my cheeks turn red. "You're so-" "limited edition?" I smile, he chuckles.
"I was going to say perfect," I roll my eyes, "don't tell Lucus, he'd brag about me to everyone"
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What does everyone think? If you are confused or unsure of something please let me know and I will explain it to you.
I was also thinking I should do the layout of Kathy's apartment, what do you guys think?
Your lovely writer

Jacob Black ~Chapter 3~

Hello everyone! It's been a long time, like a really long time, I know, I know, I'm sorry but I didn't know if anyone actually liked my stories- Anyway, chapter three of the one and only Jacob Black, I might actually start posting the other stories of my Twilight delights, I have a few.
I dedicate chapter 3 to @famousdestinydefendor, I'll try and update soon of possible.

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I place the drinks down, smiling at the girls sitting at the table "have a good night" I smile, they nod before I walk back to the bar "look who came to pick you up" I look to see Kiki, her blonde hair in a ponytail as her golden hoops swing. I turn to see Jacob walk into the bar, looking over the place before seeing me, his lips lift as mine does as I lean against the bar "what are you doing here?" I ask, when he's close enough, he rests his arms on the bar, looking at me.
place the drinks down, smiling at the girls sitting at the table "have a good night" I smile, they nod before I walk back to the bar "look who came to pick you up" I look to see Kiki, her blonde hair in a ponytail as her golden hoops swing. I turn to see Jacob walk into the bar, looking over the place before seeing me, his lips lift as mine does as I lean against the bar "what are you doing here?" I ask, when he's close enough, he rests his arms on the bar, looking at me.
"I came to pick you up, figured we could have a movie night?" I smile, looking into his eyes "sounds great" he smiles, his white teeth on the show as I take my apron off, hanging inside the hallway as Kiki comes over to me. "Ask. Him. Out" I raise a brow, looking at her "pardon?" She rolls her eyes, placing her hands on her hips "Jacob has been staying with you for months, you walk to his work, he picks you up, he buys you flowers, you make him dinner, you live together Kathy, you're practically together" my eyes widen.
"Kiki-" I start "don't you dare say nothing is going on, he hasn't even thought about drinking since being with you, besides a beer with dinner every now and then, something is going on between you" I stare into her eyes "I... Don't know" she raises a brow as I slump on the wall beside me. "I don't know maybe, it's so confusing sometimes, I mean he's attractive and so nice and sweet, he buys me flowers and is interested in my life and I think he might feel the same but I don't want to seem manipulative, I helped him Kiki, what if he doesn't like me but feels like he has to?" Her eyes soften as she walks forward and wipes my cheek.
"He feels the same, trust me, your everything in his eyes, stop being scared and just... Go for it, take your shot" I look up at her, biting my lip. "Ready to go?" We both turn to see Jacob at the door frame, his eyes looking directly at me as he smiles softly "come on, your mine for the night" I chuckle at his words as Kiki pushes me along, pointing at him "take care of her or ill come for you" he takes my hand, nodding at her as he wraps an arm around me and we leave the bar.
"So what movie do you think we'll watch?" I question with a warm smile, he looks down at me "I want us to do something first" my eyebrows furrow "what?" I ask, a playful smile gracing my lips as he looks down at me, biting his lip "you'll see" he walks us to my car as I hop in the passengers as he starts the car, starting to drive down the road as I raise a brow at him, he looks at me for a moment before turning back to the road, his huge warm hand enveloping my small one as he places it on my thigh.
I reach my hand over to his hair and lightly drag my nails across his scalp having his shoulders tense up before relaxing "God, that feels nice" I laugh quietly as I smile at him "where are we going?" He looks at me again before back at the road "you'll see" I raise a brow but don't question it as he drives us further out of the city "planning to murder me?" I question, he chuckles shaking his head "no, I just wanna show you something" I roll my eyes "okay murderer" he smiles, pinching my thigh having me yelp as I slap his hand.
My eyes take in the vast trees around us, the headlights showing larger shadows as I raise a brow looking at him, his idea now making him nervous. "Okay, are you actually a murderer?" He smiles, shaking his head as he puts his hands in his pocket, looking down as I walk towards him.
"I fell in love with a girl" my heart dropped "that was why I was in your bar that night, I fell in love with her and she was with this guy who did all these horrible things and was a monster and she couldn't see it.... But I still loved her and in the end...she chose him" I grab his hand, his warmth seeping into my skin like a drug as I lean against him, his arms coming around me as he holds me close.
"I was...heartbroken, angry and I just wanted- needed to get away, I left and then I grab any and every way to forget and it still was never enough and it still hurts and I was close to giving up, that maybe there is no love for Jacob Black but then this adorable little thing walks over to me, trying to get my attention as she asks if I'm okay" my heartbeat accelerates at his words, his nose moving past the nape of my neck.
"Little did she know, that when seeing her I felt more okay than I had in my entire life" I turn to look at him with a smile, his eyes half-closed as he looks down at me. "Meeting you Kathy had to have been the best thing in my entire life with you just being you" my eyes widen as he looks down at my lips. Looking into my eyes, I nod as I move closer having him relax as his lips meet mine, his hands tightened around me as if begging me not to leave, as if I ever could.
I turn around to wrap my hands around his neck, hands moving to his hair as I pull at the smaller strands, a grunt escaping his lips as his hands fall down my hips further, hands groping by ass having me smile as I lean on my tiptoes to reach more.
"Kathy" he growled lowly, my eyes widening at the sound as he pushes me back, following with me as I almost trip before he lifts me up, my eyes closing as I feel a heat course through me at the contact. Warm hands gripping my thighs as my back hits something but I barely pay attention as embrace him further. "Kathy" he continues to breath my name between pants, kisses and soft grunts as he slowly moves his hips against me having my grip tighten as his hands move to my ass.
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My cheeks blaze as we drive back, after being caught by a few teenagers, I had pulled Jacob back to the car after wishing them a good night as Jacob has practically glared at them as we left. I had tried starting a conversation but had gone quiet everytime I tried, my skin feeling sticky around my neck as I touched my collar bone only to feel a dull ache which had Jacob grin as he looked at me before back on the road.
"I meant it, Kathy, I'm happy with you and I love being with you" I bite my lip as I reach for his hand, slowly as I grab it. Warmth filling me at the contact as he pulled my hand to his lips, placing a kiss on my knuckle as he played it on my lap.
My cheeks heating "I didn't think you we're lying, I think I'd believe anything if you told me" I say quietly, he smiles as we reach the city.
"I wanted to tell you something else tonight, but I'll tell you when we're more okay with 'us'" I look back to his face as I interlock our fingers. "I like us, sounds-" "perfect" I smile as we share a look "yeah, sounds pretty perfect" he smiles as I lean my head against his shoulder, driving through the city.
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Have a lovely day everyone!!!!