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step 3 mc not taking care of themself, what do qiu and tama do?
Tamarack & Qiu x gn!MC not taking care of themself headcanons.
step 3.

Qiu Lin.
— It’s immediately clear that Qiu will be so worried. So worried about you that every day they will ask how you are doing and just smile sadly, looking at all the mess on your head.
— They are unlikely to try to know why are you so uncaring about yourself because they don’t want to violate your personal boundaries.
— But, nevertheless, Qiu came to the conclusion that then they will take care of you as best they can, if you can't do it yourself.
— Depending on why you don't take care of yourself, they may compliment you frequently, support you, or do some things instead of you. Or maybe even all together. They just want you to feel better about it.
— They will carry snacks in their pockets that you might like, just in case you are hungry and offering them when there is a sign that you want to eat. If you refuse a snack then it's alright, but they'll still carry it with them.
— If they ever come over to your place for a sleepover several times, these nights Autumn will try to do something with your hair if you let them. They will comb it carefully, distracting you with conversations.
— They will also make sure you ate well and that you were hydrated, but they do not force you in any way. And despite all the fun you had there, Qiu will also make sure you go sleep first before falling asleep too.
— They'll make extra sure that if anything happens, you know that at any moment you can come to them and ask for help or support. Qiu will always be here, looking out for you.
— In general, they will do everything they can while trying not to cross your comfort in hope that your inattention to yourself will soon end. And not because they will get tired of caring, but because the best care is caring for yourself...
— ...and their dear neighbor deserves only the best.
Tamarack Baumann.
— From my impressions, she won’t be as sad about it as Qiu does, it's just that still you and your trait. But she will be worried too about your attitude towards yourself.
— Tama won't think for long, she will immediately move on to small, but caring actions.
— Tamarack will gently dust your clothes with her hand if you have any, while you are not looking, will also treat you to food, and probably not only snacks (I think she will be an excellent cook, I don't know why).
— And Tammy will simply be a shoulder on which you can fall asleep or which you can confide in.
— If you ever go with her to the forest and maybe even have a picnic there, Tama will definitely take everything that might be useful - more food, drinks, the softest and warmest blanket she has and even possibly small pillows, if any of you want to lie down comfortably. Because... Why not? But be prepared to walk with her a lot at first!
— After such a day with Tamarack you probably will be the most rested from all the hustle and bustle, or at least she will try to make it so! These walks will also repeat often, as she invites you anytime she can.
— Also based on my headcanon that Tamarack cooks greatly, I think that she will often pass ready-made meals to you, and not necessarily when you are at home. She will definitely try to make this food your favourite! So yeah, you'll be the most well-fed person thanks to the chef Tama.
— I can say that she will be so caring as the one who truly accepts you. She won't try to change you, because she believes that everything will come in its own time. As well as self-love and care for yourself.
— Tama will live through this with you. You are her favourite neighbor after all, so it's not difficult for her at all.

a/n: as someone who faces kinda the same problem thank u for a request! it was comforting to write.
also I'm sorry that it took such a time :(

A vent piece, life's been tough rn and even now it seems like it'll never end, but can always look forward to when a new day breaks
Guilty Pleasures
Literally all I want, all I need, is to be taken care of by some hot, hot man. I want him to coddle me, worry over my wellbeing, and all around be attentive to my needs. Those fics where the reader faints, is overworked, gets sick, has horrible period cramps, or is injured (Minor or on the brink of death) I eat those up every time. This is why characters like Leon and Carlos from resident evil, and then COD characters like Ghost from MWF2 are fueling my hot military men agenda. It’s such an easy setting to be like, “Guess what you’re too injured to walk and now have to be carried to safety by a man of hulking muscle” I want someone to sit by my bed in the hospital waiting for me to wakeup, holding my hand, telling my unconscious body its all going to be okay, you’re going to be okay. Because he’s going to make sure it happens. Hurt /comfort with a physical injury, none of this emotional angst please, is what I gobble up in fanfiction when done well.
This is really beautiful, kindness is not something to be shoved away, the world needs more of it, so be kind to yourself and others and if you can't, don't at least, treat people badly for being kind or term them as foolish or naive rather appreciate them for doing what they can to spread goodness, the sunshine the world needs.
Spread kindness ❤️
Honestly something that bothers me more than most things is having my compassion mistaken for naivety.
I know that another fish might eat this bullfrog right after I spend months rehabilitating it.
I know that turning a beetle back onto its legs won’t save it from falling over again when I walk away.
I know that there is no cosmic reward waiting for my soul based on how many worms I pick off a hot sidewalk to put into the mud, or how many times I’ve helped a a raccoon climb out of a too-deep trashcan.
I know things suffer, and things struggle, and things die uselessly all day long. I’m young and idealistic, but I’m not literally a child. I would never judge another person for walking by an injured bird, for ignoring a worm, or for not really caring about the fate of a frog in a pond full of, y’know, plenty of other frogs.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But I cannot cannot cannot look at something struggling and ignore it if I may have the power to help.
There is so much bad stuff in this world so far beyond my control, that I take comfort in the smallest, most thankless tasks. It’s a relief to say “I can help you in this moment,” even though they don’t understand.
I don’t need a devil’s advocate to tell me another fish probably ate that frog when I let it go, or that the raccoon probably ended up trapped in another dumpster the next night.
I know!!!! I know!!!!!!! But today I had the power to help! So I did! And it made me happy!
So just leave me alone alright thank u!!!!
When it comes to fear, what do we REALLY care about?
If I ever date someone and they remind me to take my medications or they check that I have, I will simply marry them. For someone to care about me so much that they are willing to remember what times I have to take my pills is just so unbelievably sweet. Maybe I have low standards but this would make me swoon.
(don't worry, my standards are slightly higher than this XD)

Bring Me Home The world is too busy fighting off their demons. Always at war with their flaws, always running away from what scares them.

Salted Caramel Sauce - Side Dish

Maybe i do... Maybe i dont... Mostly its because i care much more than i show....
Disappearing from this world is extremely easy, especially when no one knows you exist. it's the appearing and trying to stand out that's difficult, when your mind is begging to be free from all of your worries.
Is It None of Your Concern
Sometimes in life you gotta lean back and look at the reasons bad things happen.
It’s almost automatic by now, this is my fault, I hit this point because of my actions. And you know what, to a point it’s right, but once it hits that point.
Sometimes, rejection is just caused by you not having the same mindset as the people you’re dealing with, and I know it can hurt a lot when people you know well reject you but, sometimes it just wasn’t meant to be.
You just have to wonder if it’s time to move on, time to fly away and take whoever does really feel like you’re someone that wants to be with you, or is important to you away.
Because sometimes, sometimes you just need to lie back, and decide if it’s none of their concern what you do now. If they’re still on your path or if they’re walking a different way.