Jadyns Sky AU - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

so I was inspired by @lactoseintolerentswag to do a characterization sheet for my OC Dawn to help with my Sky AU (and for my TMNT and Sky COTL crossover)

I do have other OCs but I wanted to do her first since she is the most developed of them all

Dawn Reference sheet

Dawn’s Powers Reference sheet

So I Was Inspired By @lactoseintolerentswag To Do A Characterization Sheet For My OC Dawn To Help With

Dawn’s Characteristics

STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE AND DUTY: Dawn feels that due to her power it is her duty to protect others, and to carry out justice against evil. When she feels a sense of injustice, she will do what she can to bring justice

STUBBORN: Once Dawn has her mind set on something whether it be a small task or big mission from her sensei, she will what she can to complete the task. In the words of her brother Lloyd “once Dawn has her mind set on a task, it will be nearly impossible to stop her. You would have better luck petting a dragon and coming back alive than stoping my sister.”

FEELS ASHAMED OF HER SCAR: Dawn has a scar on her right forehead that she hides with her mask because she feels it’s a reminder of her worst memories and past experiences she does not remember. She rarely ever shows her scar to anyone but she only shows it to people she is close with, whether it be family, or friends. But occasionally when she meets someone young with a scar who feels sad about their scar, she may show hers to show that we all have scars

MAY MAKE JOKES TO COPE: Occasionally Dawn may make jokes to help her or others cope or to bond with others, these joke may range from bad dad jokes to jokes about her trauma “hahaha yah I was asleep in a crypt for who knows how long no biggy”

HAS A SMALL ANGER PROBLEM: while it can be hard to make Dawn anger, one thing that will make her rage is harm coming on to people she is close with, friends, or family. To the point where she may go after the culprit alone and fight them.

HER KINDNESS AND EMPATHY: Dawn tries her best to put herself in others shoes and see their point of view. And she also tries to lift others up emotionally and help them feel happy, she will do things like give compliments, listen to them, or give them small gifts.

LOOKS UP TO HER BROTHER: Dawn looks up to her brother Lloyd and sees him as a great leader, when on missions with him she will let him lead the missions as she feels that her leadership skills are nothing compared to her brother’s. Lloyd was also the one who taught her how to use a sword and trained her.

LOW SELF CONFIDENCE: despite having her powers and great skills as a ninja, she feels that the accomplishments she has done are nothing compared to what she has seen other people have achieved, and feels that she doesn’t have what it takes to be a great leader like her brother and sensei.

PRESSURE AND HIGH EXPECTATIONS FROM OTHERS: ever since she unlocked her powers, people have put a lot of pressure on Dawn. From total strangers to fellow Ninja Corp members, people have high expectations of her, some of it is simple stuff like hoping she does great things in the future, others seem to take it a bit far excepting her to preform almost impossible miracles to believing her to be a god of some kind. It has lead to Dawn having run ins with people trying to get her to help them or even invading her personal space. This has lead to Dawn having a fear of failure and big crowds, she feels that if she does not meet the expectations of others she will disappointed them and that she is nothing without her powers.

So I Was Inspired By @lactoseintolerentswag To Do A Characterization Sheet For My OC Dawn To Help With


• Dawn is 18 years old and is 5.5 feet tall

• unlocked her powers when she was 15 years old

• was found in a mysterious crypt 4 years ago with amnesia by researchers on an expedition near Eden, they believe Dawn may have been in there for many years but have never been able to fully estimate exactly how long. They even had to guess Dawn’s physical age based on her appearance (they guessed her to be 14 years old when she was put in the crypt

• her sensei before adopting her was old friends with the reachers who found her, so he offered to take care of her as he saw great potential in her

• while her sensei was the one who adopted her, she doesn’t really see him as a father figure due to him being quite absent because of his duties of being the leader of the Ninja Corps

• Dawn has a fear of needles

• Dawn and her sister Lilac like to read books together, her favorite genres are comedy, action, and mystery

• her nickname is Sunny, her brother and sister gave it to her when they first met Dawn

• she can be a bit of a dummy sometimes, if she’s off duty and relaxed, there is a chance she may get into some shenanigans, especially if she is around other dummies

• if in a tense situation and she can’t calm down she will freeze up and possibly have a panic attack

• has a bit of separation anxiety

•says sorry a lot

•has canonical beheaded a guy for kidnapping her siblings

• can cook some basic foods

• has dated a couple guys in the past, but the relationships ended quickly for each one after learning that they only wanted to date her due to her status and reputation, with the last one ending pretty badly to the point that she doesn’t want to date another person (until she mets a certain guy in the forest when she was 17)

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8 months ago

Encounter with Resh comic in a nutshell

Not really what happened but this was just something too funny to not make

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8 months ago
Originally This Was Gonna Be A Small Sketch But I Honestly Had A Lot Of Fun Making This

Originally this was gonna be a small sketch but I honestly had a lot of fun making this

this is actually this first time I’ve drawn the rise turtles and April (except for Leo) so hopefully I did them some justice especially April since she is one of if not my favorite version of April

original ref pose I used by mellon_soup on instagram

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8 months ago
Made A Color Palette For Dawn So That If Anyone Wants To Draw Her They Can Use This

Made a color palette for Dawn so that if anyone wants to draw her they can use this

I also officially given her a full name

Dawn Solaris Resh

Dawn- the name she was given by her sensei when he adopted her Solaris- the name she had before she lost her memories Resh- her father’s name

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8 months ago
Heres Another AliDawn Post For You All (yes That Is What Im Calling The Ship)

here’s another AliDawn post for you all (yes that is what I’m calling the ship)

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7 months ago

Umm IDK what to put here

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7 months ago

Me searching tumblr to see if anyone has made a Sky OC that is related to Resh

Me Searching Tumblr To See If Anyone Has Made A Sky OC That Is Related To Resh

I’m generally curious if anyone has made a Sky OC that related to Resh/Alef because that would mean that they are related to Dawn (in some weird multi dimensional way) so if you have one do share I would love to see them

also the Megabird as well because the Megabird is technically Dawn’s parent

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7 months ago
Ninja Corps symbol

The Ninja Corp is a group of warrior sky kids that do many things from slaying dark creatures, protecting other sky kids from danger, handling fallen shards from Eden, being Bodyguards for high status people, and many other things. Even though they kill dark creatures, they will not slay them unless they show signs of being a danger to other people, if a dark creature is living in peace and not harming others, they will leave them alone. not much is known about their leader who they call The Sensei, some say he has lived for a hundred years. Only a few of the highest ranked Ninjas know him personally and get a chance to meet him face to face. His Nephew Lloyd and adopted Niece Dawn are among the high ranked ninjas.

the Ninja Corps follow a special code that must be followed or you risk being disbanded from the Corp

Always respect your fellow ninja

Never take a life unless absolutely necessary

always respect your opponent

never disobey your sensei

Never give up hope

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7 months ago

I updated Dawn’s ref sheet to where it finally adds her scar

Dawn my Sky OC

Dawn My Sky OC

Wanted to put the reference sheet for my Sky Children of the Light OC Dawn

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7 months ago

I made this video last year during Sky’s 4 anniversary but I’m gonna post it here

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7 months ago
He Is A Bit Of An Old OC I Made But Im Hoping To Make A Goal Of Actually Drawing My OCs And Making A

he is a bit of an old OC I made but I’m hoping to make a goal of actually drawing my OCs and making a small reference sheet for them

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7 months ago

This is a cute idea I had but what if the ninja turtles were sky kids, I hope to draw it later but here is the screenshots of the outfits I made

This Is A Cute Idea I Had But What If The Ninja Turtles Were Sky Kids, I Hope To Draw It Later But Here
This Is A Cute Idea I Had But What If The Ninja Turtles Were Sky Kids, I Hope To Draw It Later But Here
This Is A Cute Idea I Had But What If The Ninja Turtles Were Sky Kids, I Hope To Draw It Later But Here
This Is A Cute Idea I Had But What If The Ninja Turtles Were Sky Kids, I Hope To Draw It Later But Here

I’m not entirely satisfied with Raph’s outfit so if anyone has any ideas on what to add please let me know

I do plan to add them to my Sky AU as maybe some side characters that Dawn befriendeds

this also doesn’t have anything to do with my Sky COTL x TMNT crossover AU but I’m still gonna tag it because why not 🤷‍♀️

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