Resh - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
 | I'm Sorry |

• | I'm sorry | •

Another art of King (Prince) from concept-arts of Sky by Tom Zhao.

This time it was inspired by Orbit's concept-arts with King.

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2 years ago
 | "Hello Fellow Sky Kids!" |

• | "Hello fellow sky kids!" | •

The King returned to the Sky after very long vacation.

(I'm sorry, my friends and I were joking about the return of King after beta season update)

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2 years ago
 Skykid With An Umbrella + The King
 Skykid With An Umbrella + The King

• Skykid with an umbrella + The King •

Some sketches, while I didn't have electricity today.

And sorry, I suck at drawing umbrellas.

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1 year ago

So um... As this art suddenly blew up this much, that it even got in TIKTOK, so I'm very surprised haha (though the art got edited and cropped a bit)

So Um... As This Art Suddenly Blew Up This Much, That It Even Got In TIKTOK, So I'm Very Surprised Haha

Also people apparently getting horny for this guy??? Which is very surprising and even a bit funny for me to see :D

So Um... As This Art Suddenly Blew Up This Much, That It Even Got In TIKTOK, So I'm Very Surprised Haha
So Um... As This Art Suddenly Blew Up This Much, That It Even Got In TIKTOK, So I'm Very Surprised Haha
So Um... As This Art Suddenly Blew Up This Much, That It Even Got In TIKTOK, So I'm Very Surprised Haha
So Um... As This Art Suddenly Blew Up This Much, That It Even Got In TIKTOK, So I'm Very Surprised Haha

It's just my first time see this at all, but it's funny for me

Also people apparently compare him to Dottore, who looks completely different and from different game??

So Um... As This Art Suddenly Blew Up This Much, That It Even Got In TIKTOK, So I'm Very Surprised Haha

It's just a bit funny and surprising for me to see this at all, it's my first time getting this to my art at all

 | The Corrupt King |

• | The Corrupt King | •

It was a sketch of King from concept arts of Sky

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1 year ago
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them

More resh doodles because why not 🫶🏻 actually they were meant to stay doodles but i ended up inking them . . Since i love inking

And now he has luscious hair 🫵

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1 year ago
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them
More Resh Doodles Because Why Not Actually They Were Meant To Stay Doodles But I Ended Up Inking Them

More resh doodles because why not 🫶🏻 actually they were meant to stay doodles but i ended up inking them . . Since i love inking

And now he has luscious hair 🫵

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1 year ago



Corrupted King.



I had actually drawn the corrupted version even BEFORE the actual design, and now that I've done it . . I can't stop😞🫵

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1 year ago

Inner Child

Alef / Resh


I literally cannot stop speculating about who Resh was, and who he could've been. It's almost inevitable that given so much power, and considering how he was worshipped by the people around him due to his power . . that this might've eventually gotten to his head, to the point where, there was both a superiority, (or even a god) complex, and the intense apprehension of disappointing the people who believed in him and held him to extremely high standards . . . the corruption certainly didn't happen overnight and was a progression towards the point where it has gotten . .


I've been thinking so deep about the golden child we see in the Void . . in such a way that Alef has lost himself further and further until he became unrecognizable, but at the end of it, he's still there, but of course has to pay the price of what he's caused. AURGHHHHH 💔

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11 months ago

Corrupted King, Resh

Corrupted King, Resh
Corrupted King, Resh

I have quite a few headcanons when it comes to Alef / Resh, and I will mention them below ( PS: could contain spoilers, so please be aware of that )

like I mentioned in a previous post, I differentiate Alef and Resh as before corruption, and after corruption. So Alef is the uncorrupted Prince which later on becomes King. The corruption is gradual however, and doesn't settle immediately, hence the "semi- corrupted", where I see him as losing his former personality to be replaced by increasing coldness, and ruthlessness. That being said, Alef and Resh become like two different people. the way I see it, is that Alef becomes a very small part of light, lost in the darkness. metaphorically very similar to the lone golden child in the void, before we get reborn. the way I envisioned it is, the darkness seeped into the very core of his surroundings, to such an extent it may as well have been an extension of himself. in that sense, Resh "fused" with the darkness around him, and the mountain of Eden, is /alive/ and actively trying to destroy sky kids, even though Resh is not visible himself. when the Elders set on sealing the King away, because he is too powerful, he might have been as big as a mountain tbh, and the sheer power that was being let out on that day likely shattered the diamond. perhaps, Resh's intention was to overthrow Megabird and become the sole source of Light, hence directing the diamond towards the heavenly Light, but of course.. it turned out for the worst

in a way, perhaps Alef is watching himself becoming unrecognizable, but is unable to do anything at all against the all-consuming darkness, which is himself?

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11 months ago



Alef / Resh has been living rent free in my head for a while and I just can't stop thinking about how everything led up to the shattering . . How Alef's person gradually slipped away until he was unrecognizable, and replaced by a corrupted version of himself, unreachable since he was trapped within his own darkness. Starting off with good intentions, only to be lifted so high he believed himself to be a god; aiming for eternal light only to be plunged in eternal darkness. A never-ending storm of rage and all-consuming darkness.

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11 months ago



"For I am the One,

The True Source of Light;

Greater than a mere star,

and the most Honored.

Brighter than the Sun,

if not the Sun Himself,

I am to become."

another impromptu verses to accompany the drawing ⎯⎯⎯ while it might have started with good intentions, I believe that Resh's ultimate goal was likely to overthrow Megabird and take her place as the source of Light, as he judged that her light was weakening. he comes to believe that he is the only one from who emanates the Light, and who gives life to the Kingdom. Basically that nothing could live or prosper without his existence.


Can you tell I have an obsession? Eh? Okay

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10 months ago

i really like to believe that Alef / Resh aren't really the same person, even if technically, they are. but Resh is more of the humanoid form of the darkness that has taken over Alef's body, if that makes sense? i imagine there was probably a period during which Alef had a sort of internal battle ( that he obviously lost ) , against the growing darkness inside of him. much like darkness absorbs light, perhaps light was absorbed from Alef, and Darkness has replaced it, in a similar fashion that when Light was drained out of light creatures, they became dark creatures? an empty shell of what they used to be? something of the sort... eitherway, I am fascinated by this concept ( as you can see )

once again amazing voice work by @doofguyva on tiktok !!

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10 months ago

The Shadow of Darkness

this video elaborates more on how I picture that after the King becomes corrupted, the darkness gains "sentience", and it grows the more Resh "listens" to it. In a sense, Resh's body is like that of a puppet, and Alef is imprisoned somewhere inside, his voice and light getting snuffed out more and more as Resh falls into Darkness. I believe that around the time of the Shattering, Resh (the body) and the Shadow become one; an all consuming Darkness which has a consciousness of its own. and the more it is fed, the more it grows. so basically, as the Elders attempt to seal him, he cannot be defeated due to his power. so the Darkness is sealed within the mountain of Eden, thus rendering it "alive" to a certain extent. it doesn't have a human body to manifest through anymore, so the rage is perpetual through the storm of Eden.

sound belongs to the very talented @doofguyva on TikTok!!

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8 months ago

AWAKENING — Mother, Son ( Sun ) and The King

AWAKENING Mother, Son ( Sun ) And The King
AWAKENING Mother, Son ( Sun ) And The King
AWAKENING Mother, Son ( Sun ) And The King
AWAKENING Mother, Son ( Sun ) And The King

Now that many truths have been revealed in the Awakening series, I can post them together ( not in the same picture because I refuse to — plus they don't belong in the same picture 😔 )

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