James Potter Appreciation - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

full disclaimer: this is an anti himbo james, anti himbo sirius, anti himbo harry, and anti himbo ron space

these boys, described multiple times as bright students—who performed well in exams in spite of their fairly blasé attitudes towards studying—didn’t execute magical feats well beyond their years whilst juggling a full academic workload and dubious quality of education, at times for the fandom to depreciate their intelligence and reduce them to cavalierly confrontational good-for-nothings who rush into danger like lemmings and come out the other side purely by dint of luck and a book-smart friend conditioned to save their necks (and their academic progress).

can we finally bury the notion that they’re either chinless wonders or slackers heavily dependent on that one friend in class? like did they carry a pocket-sized remus or hermione into exam halls to wheedle answers out of them or ghostwrite their assignments after school hours?

be for fucking real. stop equating dislike of homework with subpar intellect. fred and george are fine examples of underachievers whose cleverness shone brightest outside of a classroom setting.

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