Jd Support Group - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1
Support Squad Incorrect Quotes #1

Support Squad incorrect quotes #1

The support group brainrot is real. I should be working on the Eldest and Youngest fic since there's only 6 chapters left. But I'm not. Feral @draco-after-dark Hitman @lemony-and-zesty Brotherhood @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache Crystal @tea0w0stache Fratricide @rdostuff World Tour @year2000electronics Grey @ijjstlostthegame Unusual Brotherhood @ijjstlostthegame and me Eldest and Youngest is mine

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1 year ago

Love tthe support group so i offer thee this

Eldest: aw we're like a big happy family! And im the dad, and Grey is the mom

Grey:why am i the mom? What gender roles are we pushing here

Crystal: i know they think that I'll be the son, but im not!... I'll be the gay emo cousin

UB: i will be the son! The hotshot! Whos only dream is... To be a star...

World tour: i feel like id be a fresh out of jail uncle

Brotherhood: and I'll be the sassy aunt, who drinks wine and talks shit about everyone

Love this but for all intents and purposes I think Grey and Eldest would be switched XD. Just by pure vibes alone. I do agree that Eldest gives Patton vibes and Grey gives Logan tho. But when it comes to mom and dad vies its opposite XD Eldest probably carries a first aid kit and Grey uses chips to sic Feral on people.

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1 year ago

Everything to me.

The beginning of a friendship

welcome Hitman JD I love your Au and design. it is scrumptious

The Beginning Of A Friendship
The Beginning Of A Friendship
The Beginning Of A Friendship
The Beginning Of A Friendship

Also this is post arm saga events. Still got one or two things left for that thing but this was too funny to not post

Eldest and youngest belongs to @matmiraculous

Hitman JD belongs to @lemony-and-zesty

Feral JD belongs to me


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1 year ago

Fair. Frat is only there because they can't get rid of him

So. Aside from the known conflict with Feral, do you think Snake Dory is going to attack any of the other JD's?

i mean, unless they provoke him I doubt it. He'd maybe threaten them or like. consider it but yknow.

except fratricide. fratricide is litterally like. his fucking pinacle of everything he hates. I obviously don't know much past a initial fight maybe cuz i dont like. own frat and i dont know much about him but. i do know snake dory hates his fucking guts. i hope they kill eachother <3

feral belongs to @draco-after-dark fratricide belongs to @rdostuff

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1 year ago

This came to me in a vision

This Came To Me In A Vision

Grey is mine

Brotherhood belongs to @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s

Ey belongs to @matmiraculous

Ageswap belongs to @hey-hey-j

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1 year ago


@matmiraculous they are THE bestfriends ur honour

@matmiraculous They Are THE Bestfriends Ur Honour

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1 year ago


Idk if you answered already, but how did Ink Dory and Error Dory meet?

i had to talk to lemon about this but!!

Idk If You Answered Already, But How Did Ink Dory And Error Dory Meet?

(lemon is the first person, I'm the second)


Idk If You Answered Already, But How Did Ink Dory And Error Dory Meet?

error dory by @lemony-and-zesty

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1 year ago


More rock zombie grey JD shenanigans

More Rock Zombie Grey JD Shenanigans
More Rock Zombie Grey JD Shenanigans
More Rock Zombie Grey JD Shenanigans
More Rock Zombie Grey JD Shenanigans
More Rock Zombie Grey JD Shenanigans
More Rock Zombie Grey JD Shenanigans

The aus shown

Crystaldory by @tea0w0stache

Brotherhood by @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache

World tour by @year2000electronics

Wldest and youngest by @matmiraculous

Fratricide by @rdostuff

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1 year ago

Can we know more about bunker duo? Im genuinly interested in the two

I am ALWAYS happy to talk about Bunker Duo. They're actually discretely referenced in the fic lol. So basically, Bunker Duo were actually the first two JD's to be drawn together by @ijjstlostthegame. We were talking in Discord and got to talking about how our JD's would interact and stuff and how Eldest would probably try to therapy/big bro Grey and Grey would probably tell him to back off. This was the actual first documentation of two JD's meeting. That spurred on the idea for the support group and now basically, despite their differences, Grey and Eldest consider each other close friends. Grey is basically the "leader" of the support group, much to his dismay. He considers Eldest like his right hand man and second in command. They both have a lot of trust in one another that's built up over the different Doryverse "meetings." They're besties and everything to be your honor. Obviously Grey belongs to @ijjstlostthegame and Eldest is mine.

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1 year ago

Does the JD support group have fun activities like baking contest or bring your Branch to Support Day or who gives Feral a Shower

Soem of us have talked about bring your brother to support day lol but not much beyond that. Those are pretty good ideas tho We'll kep those in mind

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1 year ago

Is Grey and Eldest JD the Leader and Co-leader because their Branch favorite brother and having the baby of the family saying that their the favorite gives them power over all?

Nah lol. Grey just kinda has Ferals favor because of the chips so he became defacto leader, and Grey trusts Eldest the most not to mention Eldest being like the go to mom friend so those two just kinda ended up as the leaders (Much to both of their chagrin low-key)

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1 year ago

How would the EY bros react upon seeing Eldest's bestfriend (grey JD), i imagine the shock

Oh definitely quite a bit of shock. Especially since Eldest doesn't really talk about him unless its in his journal.

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1 year ago

Grey crashes at eldest's place after not being able to do so in his own universe and the bros start interrogating eldest

Clay: Youve been in contact with another you this whole time and we never knew???

Branch: why is he grey??????

JD: i mean you never asked

Bruce: when was that ever a thing wed ever ask about???

Branch: why. Is. He. Grey.

JD: idk it never seemed relevant???

Floyd: is he the friend you sometimes talk about but always vague about too?


This is wonderful omg. This kind of thing would happen and JD is consciously trying to avoid Branch's question because that means explaining the original Branch and JD doesn't wanna do that. @ijjstlostthegame is Grey's parent

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1 year ago

Ok wait now im curious to EY branch's reaction to grey JD (@ijjstlostthegame) cause we know that the weeks his brother went grey were devistating for him, so what would be his reaction to a version of his brother that went grey and stayed grey for 20 years, all alone, cause at least he had john, grey had no one

Ooh this is a hard one honestly. Branch is torn between wanting to help him and wanting to hate him because Grey reminds him of what he COULD have been if John wasn't there for him.

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1 year ago

Omg. You didn't XD

Uh OOhhhh looks like we've got a special guy at our doorstep👀

Uh OOhhhh Looks Like We've Got A Special Guy At Our Doorstep
Uh OOhhhh Looks Like We've Got A Special Guy At Our Doorstep

Original JD belongs to dreamworks :]

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1 year ago

Does Eldest and Grey John have AngelDust and Husk friendship like in Hazbin Hotel?

Kinda? They are very much grumpy and sunshine besties. Black cat and orange cat. For the record, I don't want Hazbin Hotel XD

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1 year ago

I swear one of the times I make a support group drabble it will be less goofs and more Brotherhood getting understanding because I love this au so much.

We ssee brotherhood JD a lot in JD support group posts, so i got curious, how does brotherhood JD feel about a bunch of hims from other dimensions

Like how does he feel about a universe whete he went grey (@ijjstlostthegame) or an au where he raised branch alone (@matmiraculous)

Heck how would he feel upon realising that none of these guys are playing god like him and theyre just living their lives without having to lead a whole ass village and lying to their people


for to him, they will never truly understand the sacrifices and he went through. they will never see the things he's seen or have the same responsibilities.

they can see him as egotistical and have a god complex, and while that might be a bit true, none of them see the way he interacts with his brother's.

he'd never dream of leaving any of his brothers.

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1 year ago


How do you think feral’s brozone (and co) would react to finding out about the support group?

Ooooooh this is an interesting one.

I also still need to do designs for Feral's brothers but not much changes just a few small things.

I'm going to take this in the direction of something me and a few other JD's group creators talked about before. It's basically a Brozone day where all the JD support group JD's and their brothers all meet up.

This also makes things easier because Feral can't tell his brothers about the group. For obvious reasons.

I guess it really depends on the timeframe. If were talking right after the third movie then they would all be pretty sad. They don't know where their JD is (except for Floyd but oof) and now here they are watching all these different JD's hanging out with their younger brothers. At least for the ones on good terms with each other.

They would definitely get approach by Eldest at one point or another. That man is wholesome and sweet to not check in on the group of brothers tucked in the corner with no JD insight or even near them.

Que sad convo where they explain they don't know where their JD is and that he's most likely dead. Eldest feels incredible bad and would defiantly make them hangout with his brothers for the rest of the event.

For Feral the event would be so over whelming he would tuck into a corner after running through the crowd trying to see if him brother might be here but would quickly start to panic and then run off. Hitman would probably find him hiding under a table cloth. Hitman would defiantly get some chips from grey and give Feral some snacks. Checking in on him periodically during the event.

Now if where talking a few moths after the third movie things would be a lot different. Feral would be so excited for him brothers to meet his fellow JD's. Upon entering the event he would pin point his favorite JD's very quick. Dragging all his brothers over to Eldest and Hitman. I can Feral grabbing the arms of which ever two brothers are closest to him and pulling them up into the air and shaking them around like a kid going "LOOK! LOOK! I FOUND THEM! WE FOUND EACH OTHER!"

I don't know if Eldest and Feral's brothers would recognize each other but i can see Eldest crying at the wholesome dynamic between them all. Feral's brothers all giving him head scratches like the animal his is. Feral trotting around with Floyd on his back as he gives then a tour of the house. Bruce and Feral starting a wrestling match in the living room. Snake would definingly be cheering on the sidelines or even join it dragging his brothers into the mix. So it just turns into one big play fight. Feral's Clay and Branch simple off to the side shaking their heads.

I can see Feral's Branch getting along with Grey easily and Grey giving Feral's Branch the info on the chip bag tactic. Branch may or may start keeping chips bags in his vest at all time incase a certain purple and green haired troll ever appears. Grey and Branch fist bump.

Also i see Feral grabbing Hitman abruptly when his mid conversation with some and picking him up only to place him down it front of his brothers and Hitman being the awkward man his is just stands stands well Feral starts wildly gesturing around. His brothers don't really know what his saying but clearly Feral really like this JD so after they get past the initial awkwardness they start talking. Also they all lose their minds over tiny Ronda. Clay most of all to where he starts going the shaking hands thing.

So yeah his brothers would be thrilled to know that even though their technically other versions of himself that Feral has a few nice and awesome people in his life.

It also explains where that chewed up prosthetic arm came from that they found in the bunker. Among a few other items.

So yeah they are very happy for Feral and it was nice for them to hear JD's voice again even if it's not their JD's.

Also they loose their minds over some of the stories Eldest and Grey tell them about Feral. Most notable is the chip bag and arm incidents.

They get mentioned so "Hey guys bet your weren't expecting this. L."

Eldest JD belongs to @matmiraculous

Hitman JD belongs to @lemony-and-zesty

Snake JD belongs to @gingisauce

Grey JD belongs to @ijjstlostthegame

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1 year ago

How will Feral React to Moth Bois

He'd get along with thembut the minute they start flying he would chase the shit outta them and jump at them snapping at their feet. Playfully of course. Also they love when he glows.

Feral is @draco-after-dark

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