Jdrysdale - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Trevor Jabbering At Jamie Before Ot | ANA Vs CGY 12.03.21

trevor jabbering at jamie before ot | ANA vs CGY 12.03.21

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6 months ago

but actually it is extremely funny seeing flyers beats bewildered about the jamie/cam content not getting any legit traction because it really shows trevor z was the driving force behind the anaheim bromance angle. perf combo of playing it smart/recognizing an opportunity when you see one and real genuine fondness of each other like you can’t fake that or force and trevor z understood the assignment like no other!

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6 months ago
Anaheim Ducks Introduce A TEAM DOG!
Anaheim Ducks Introduce A TEAM DOG!

Anaheim Ducks Introduce a TEAM DOG!

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6 months ago
"my Mom Was Calling Me Saying Like 'get A Haircut!'"
"my Mom Was Calling Me Saying Like 'get A Haircut!'"
"my Mom Was Calling Me Saying Like 'get A Haircut!'"
"my Mom Was Calling Me Saying Like 'get A Haircut!'"
"my Mom Was Calling Me Saying Like 'get A Haircut!'"

"my mom was calling me saying like 'get a haircut!'"

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6 months ago
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social
X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X . X Andrew Garfield, To Jesse Eisenberg During The Filming Of The The Social

x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x Andrew Garfield, to Jesse Eisenberg during the filming of the The Social Network // The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!By Sufjan Stevens // In Memoriam A. H. H. OBIIT MDCCCXXXIII: 7 by Alfred, Lord Tennyson // Emily Dickinson, from a letter to Susan Gilbert featured in The Selected Letters of Emily Dickinson // Trevor Zegras about Jamie Drysdale // Clementine Von Radics, from In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive; “The Fear”

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5 months ago
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale
Trevor Zegras On Jamie Drysdale

Trevor Zegras on Jamie Drysdale

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5 months ago
Jamie Drysdale/trevor Zegras + (insp.)
Jamie Drysdale/trevor Zegras + (insp.)
Jamie Drysdale/trevor Zegras + (insp.)
Jamie Drysdale/trevor Zegras + (insp.)
Jamie Drysdale/trevor Zegras + (insp.)

jamie drysdale/trevor zegras + 🎶 (insp.)

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5 months ago
JAMIE DRYSDALE 240110 From The Second I Got On The Ice, Seeing The Crowd, It Was A Pretty Unbelievable
JAMIE DRYSDALE 240110 From The Second I Got On The Ice, Seeing The Crowd, It Was A Pretty Unbelievable
JAMIE DRYSDALE 240110 From The Second I Got On The Ice, Seeing The Crowd, It Was A Pretty Unbelievable
JAMIE DRYSDALE 240110 From The Second I Got On The Ice, Seeing The Crowd, It Was A Pretty Unbelievable

JAMIE DRYSDALE ✧ 240110 From the second I got on the ice, seeing the crowd, it was a pretty unbelievable environment and a really fun spot to play in. Hell of a first game to be a part of, and just glad we came out on top.

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5 months ago
Jamie Drysdale // The Standard: Season 3 | Ep. 2
Jamie Drysdale // The Standard: Season 3 | Ep. 2

jamie drysdale // the standard: season 3 | ep. 2

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5 months ago
So Maybe In Like 2 Years, Hell Get Like The Two Or Three Strums [x]
So Maybe In Like 2 Years, Hell Get Like The Two Or Three Strums [x]
So Maybe In Like 2 Years, Hell Get Like The Two Or Three Strums [x]
So Maybe In Like 2 Years, Hell Get Like The Two Or Three Strums [x]

“so maybe in like 2 years, he’ll get like the two or three strums” [x]

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