Jean Kirstein Cosplay - Tumblr Posts

2/14/17 ; 1:32 am


((I know I’m awful and haven’t answered asks for a few months but I promise promise PROMISE I will this week (or if I have time, tonight) So please fill up my inbox with normal or Valentine’s asks and I will be sure to answer them!!! Thank you loves~~~))

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How lobg have you cosplayed jean

How Lobg Have You Cosplayed Jean

((Hmmm, I’d say AT LEAST 3 years, maybe 4. Jean is my second ever cosplay, and the only thing that’s changed throughout the years is my makeup, which has greatly improved!))

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mfk eren annie and pixus

Mfk Eren Annie And Pixus

Interesting.....Definitely fuck Eren.....I guess marry Pixus and kill Annie. Annie’s a live wire, I don’t trust her at all....Pixus would take care of me

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Ok who has a better butt Levi or Marco and by the way I would do a pick up line but there are just to meny I know

Ok Who Has A Better Butt Levi Or Marco And By The Way I Would Do A Pick Up Line But There Are Just To

I love Marco to pieces but Levi definitely has a better ass. ALSO SEND ME THOSE SWEET SWEET PICK-UP LINES!! I’ll give you one I used on Levi to encourage you.

Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.

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Hey! My name is Alex, and I'm Aly's onee. She just told me about that post and how happy it made her and I just want to thank you SOO much! I love my imoto and love it when she's happy. So once again, thanks thanks thanks! -Alex

Hey! My Name Is Alex, And I'm Aly's Onee. She Just Told Me About That Post And How Happy It Made Her

((No problem, very glad I could help

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Who is the first aot character you cosplayed before Jean?

Who Is The First Aot Character You Cosplayed Before Jean?

((Jean is the first and only character I’ve cosplayed from AoT!! This is fetus me cosplaying him for the first time))

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Who would you Marry, fuck and kill? (Marco, Armin and Reiner)

Who Would You Marry, Fuck And Kill? (Marco, Armin And Reiner)

I have to marry my sweet Marco, and I have to kill that dick Reiner. I feel bad but I’d have to say fuck innocent Armin (he is extremely fuckable, don’t get me wrong, I just feel bad doing it)

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Uhh.. Admin of Jean.. Why did you use the word fetus..?

Uhh.. Admin Of Jean.. Why Did You Use The Word Fetus..?

((Oh! I meant it as like “baby” or “younger”, because that was a picture from when I was a lot younger. Sorry, my friends and I use that word like that a lot))

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Do Ya Ever Go To Conventions With Other SnK Cosplayers? If So Who Had The Best Cosplay, Beside You Of Course ;)

Do Ya Ever Go To Conventions With Other SnK Cosplayers? If So Who Had The Best Cosplay, Beside You Of

((Everyone has lovely cosplays, no one person is better than another. And I’m actually hoping to go to Anime Boston this year with a group including @thecaptaincleanfreak and @jaegerrrrbombtas-dick , if they’ll have me as their Jean (ง ˙o˙)ว))

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