Jean Kirstein Ask - Tumblr Posts

this is a late night ask because lmfao I (the marco of this blog) do not sleep, buuut, I was wondering, discluding armin mikasa and marco, who would you date out of the squad?

This Is A Late Night Ask Because Lmfao I (the Marco Of This Blog) Do Not Sleep, Buuut, I Was Wondering,

Honestly...Eren...BUT DON’T TELL HIM

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Horse face or Nay Nay face? Jean? ~Hanji

Horse Face Or Nay Nay Face? Jean? ~Hanji

Nae Nae face ((I’d like to call this one, “Making a Complete Fool of Myself”. AND I SWEAR I CAN DANCE BETTER THAN THIS, I JUST CAN’T WHIP OR NAE NAE))

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2/14/17 ; 1:32 am


((I know I’m awful and haven’t answered asks for a few months but I promise promise PROMISE I will this week (or if I have time, tonight) So please fill up my inbox with normal or Valentine’s asks and I will be sure to answer them!!! Thank you loves~~~))

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How lobg have you cosplayed jean

How Lobg Have You Cosplayed Jean

((Hmmm, I’d say AT LEAST 3 years, maybe 4. Jean is my second ever cosplay, and the only thing that’s changed throughout the years is my makeup, which has greatly improved!))

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mfk eren annie and pixus

Mfk Eren Annie And Pixus

Interesting.....Definitely fuck Eren.....I guess marry Pixus and kill Annie. Annie’s a live wire, I don’t trust her at all....Pixus would take care of me

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