jae-duhb - The Duhb Hub
The Duhb Hub

My name's Jae Duhb. Welcome to my personal blog where I think I have Big Brain™️ ideas.

139 posts

Jae-duhb - The Duhb Hub - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

Listen, would anyone indulge me and entertain my TmKz power fantasy where Tomo still dies, but Kazu's a nine-tailed fox that tears Ei's puppet asunder, furiously searching for her when he discovers that's what the Shogun is?

It's equal parts sad and satisfying. The sadness comes from Tomo's death and Kazuha's survivor's guilt. As a powerful yokai who could've won a seat amongst the Seven millennia ago, he should've been there to eat the wretch before she could summon her sword. How could he've let another his most precious person die needlessly? He's learned nothing from his disgustingly long existence!

My satisfaction comes from watching this colossal fox that stands as high as the main building in Tenshukaku utterly demolish Raiden Ei's little to- puppet and forcing her to confront him in person. He demands retribution, recompense, revenge, whatever you wanna call it. He has half a mind to deprive Inazuma of their god. The only one who can put a stop to Kazuha's rampage is his lover, Tomo, and he's dead; so, there's a fat chance someone can use Talk no Jutsu on him. Alternatively, and this is a very slight alteration, Kazu reveals his true form when the Resistance storms Tenshukaku, ripping the head off the Shogun as she attempts to murder Aether.

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3 years ago

Have Your Sake & Drink It, Too

Inspired by https://archiveofourown.org/works/33226927 by kae_karo

Ayato (A) looks drastically different when you compare his hobo self to his noble one. It's like night and day; so, forgive everyone who didn't connect the two. Ayaka (O) and Thoma (O) were just so happy to have their loved one back. The loss of his Vision was regrettable, tho. The Kamisato elders, on the other hand, are just relieved that they don't have to keep pretending the Yashiro Commissioner was severely ill and not missing for x-amount of yrs.

With only one set of memories now, Ayato doesn't remember Kazuha (O) or the love they'd shared. There's just one love in his life, and that's Thoma, his childhood sweetheart whom he promised to marry despite the elders' vehement protests. Thus, there're no issues between anyone important when they tie the knot after the Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decrees are abolished, though Kazuha's unable to attend the ceremony for Thoma's sake. He's out on an expedition with the Traveler. The End—this chapter comes to a close.

X-amount of yrs later, and two things kickstart a downward spiral into discord: 1) Ayato regains his other set of memories as "Tomo," and he spurs himself into looking for Kazuha; and 2) Thomato are childless; thus, the Kamisato clan lacks an heir, which the elders use to further criticize the couple's marriage.

When he reveals himself as both Ayato and Tomo, everyone who knows him as either is startled, and they all have this look on their faces that says they know something he doesn't. He, of course, asks what's wrong, and his mate and sister tell him that Kazuha'd been pregnant and has a son called Yura (悠良). He smiles, albeit sadly, at the news but is glad Tomo's lover was living well. "I see," he says. "So, who's the lucky alpha?" Thoma and Ayaka just exchange looks, like they can't believe he can't connect the dots.

Ayaka opens her mouth first, "Brother, Kazuha-san's not been with anyone since, well, you." She gestures to him.

"Just me?"

"Just you."

"Then, that means—" They can see the gears in his head turning. "Princess, he- I- WE HAVE A SON!" Everyone and Ei in her Plane of Euthymia could hear him.

"Yeah," says Thoma, "now we don't have to make any formal announcement or anything; you just screamed it to the whole of Inazuma!" He rubs his ears in discomfort and shoots a pointed look at his mate, who shrinks under his gaze.

"Sorry, sorry, but this's exciting news, isn't it?" Ayato grins his signature goofy grin while blushing.

"Mmhm." Cut him some slack; it's not everyday that your alpha finds out he has a love child w/ one of your own friends and is more than happy about it. (The average married person would probably feel the same.) Try as he might like the kind person he is, though, Ayato fails to put his mind at ease in terms of their marriage's stability, which is further disturbed by the actions of the elders following this incident. How they found out about their clan head's love child is anyone's guess, but most blame the man himself and his big mouth.

One morning, they summon Ayato to a meeting and discuss the future of the Kamisato household. Not unusual since that's what they've been pestering Thomato about since the day they got married, but when they bring up "this Yura boy they've been hearing about," it's like a sudden slap to the face. "His mother is the last living Kaedehara, is he not?" one elder asks.

"There're rumors that Yura-kun looks much like Young Master," says another. Don't tell Thoma, but Ayato really likes the sound of that.

The old ppl go back and forth w/ their comments that range from praises about his looks to compliments about his temperament, and that's all fine and dandy. Ayato wants his family to like his son with Kazuha, but he knows they're leading up to one thing: the Kamisato heir. They're not going to speak ill of his bastard or his bastard's mother b/c they want him to bring Yura into the clan.

They want him to legitimize him. If he makes Kazuha a second consort while he's at it, why not? The elders' only concern is that the son who inherits his title is wholly Inazuman and of purely noble blood. (Forget the fact that the Kaedehara clan is long gone.) A bastard who has all those traits is considered far more suitable than a legitimate child that's half-Mondstadtian and whose mother's a servant. What's more, if the human fossils get their way, Kazuha is eligible to replace Thoma as Lord Consort of the Kamisato Clan. It's the perfect way to add insult to injury.

The result of the meeting has a correspondence delivered to Kazuha, asking for his presence at the Kamisato Estate, signed by Ayaka. Ayato's name would imply official business awaits him, and while there are important things to be discussed, they want everything to sound as friendly as possible. Her brother might find himself knocked out on the floor if he steps on Kazuha's toes while he's already tense. Believe her, she's seen the absolute beast her fellow omega becomes when someone acts against his son, and by extension, himself. She likes her brother alive, thank you.

I think y'all can guess what the whole story is by now. It's about a custody battle w/ politics, which I'm really bad at, and a love triangle feat. Thomatozuha. Who's the winner, who's the loser? Are they all winners, all losers? Idk. I didn't think that far.

✌ Peace.



I've realized that Yura doesn't sound as nice w/ Kamisato as it does w/ Kaedehara; so, a good alternative, I think, is Hajime (肇).

I feel like a silly person b/c I’ve recently discovered that AyaThoma does not, in fact, refer to Ayaka x Thoma; it’s the alternative name for Thomato that denotes bottom!Thoma.

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3 years ago

Kazuha Whump in the Wizarding World



Kazuha used the Killing Curse on Raiden Ei, the Lady Shogun of Japan's Magical Shogunate. Her discriminatory decree against half-bloods and muggle-born persons lead to Tomo, his lover w/ no magical ancestors, declaring a duel before her throne. The stipulations said that his victory meant the abolishment of the decree, but if the Lady Shogun won, he would accept death by her wand. To no one's surprise, Tomo lost.

As Raiden Ei prepared to cast the Killing Curse, Kazuha struck her w/ one of his own before she could even point her wand at Tomo. Everyone was in shock, esp. himself. He hadn't thought; he only moved and saved Tomo from death. Onlookers screamed in horror and fled the scene, others barked out orders to seize the lovers both, but the only thing that Kazuha cared about was Tomo's look of betrayal. He'd brought shame upon a duel of honor and murdered the Lady Shogun. The Kaedehara wizard was a gifted legilimens, but he didn't need the ability to mindread to understand the severity of his actions. As Shogunate officers closed in on them, Kazuha drug his dearest to the nearest fireplace and narrowly escaped the Magical Shogunate. Outside, Tomo condemned him and severed their relationship.

The consequences that followed this incident were the capture of both men; a trial overseen by the new Lord Shogun, Kamisato Ayato; and the absolution of Tomo on the grounds that the duel was sabotaged by a third party. Kazuha plead and was found guilty, but instead of the traditional punishment of seppuku for such a grievous crime, he was sentenced to eternity in Japan's version of Azkaban.

It was an underground facility guarded by baku, yokai that ate dreams and nightmares alike, but these specific ones were trained to eat only dreams. Thus, prisoners could only experience terrifying, horrifying things when they slept. You were very lucky if you didn't dream at all.

Kazuha was thrown into his cramped cell, stripped down and reclothed in a simple white kimono. You might've mistaken it for a pathetic excuse of a furisode, but this garment was enchanted; its long sleeves forced the wearer to have their arms crossed in front of them and bound them close to the body at all times except mealtimes. (You had to eat fast before they reset.) It was also rather heavy for what it appeared to be. On top of this standard wear, hwvr, Kazuha had a blindfold tied tightly around his head.

His guess was that it was a precaution. He was a known legilimens, one of the most talented of his generation, and it made sense that they wanted to protect the guards from his influence. If you asked him, tho, he'd tell you it was entirely unnecessary. If he escaped, where would he run off to? What sort of life could he live? More importantly, who would be waiting for him?

Oh, that's right: no one.

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3 years ago

Maguu Kenki!TomoKazu

Together. TmKz are Maguu Kenki together. 🐱🍁>👹

They're tragically beautiful but equally terrifying, reminding you of some sorta Dark Souls boss since one is massive and fully-armored; and in one arm, he cradles the other who's fragile and nestles against him.

Even as husks of their former selves, TmKz still display overt affection for one another. Tomo is always careful to not jostle Kazu around too much, which remains true even in the heat of battle; and Kazuha speaks words of love and comfort, his quiet voice the only thing that keeps his dearest from entering a frenzy. When idle, you can catch Kazu planting little kisses against Tomo's helm and receive gentle strokes on his head from a large hand in return. They're a as pitiful as they are deadly.

Tomo's unhindered with Kazuha occupying a whole arm—he can wield his giant sword in one hand and mow down enemies with scary effectiveness. His unnatural command over cryo is abetted by Kazuha, whose anemo swirls and turns the battlefield into an icy-cold hell. He laments his lost ability to wield his own sword, however. In his crippled state, he adopted catalyst techniques. Not that the couple's captors gave him much choice.

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3 years ago

Electro Archon & Fox Wife

I've seen this type of AU—archon!Tomo and nine-tailed fox!Kazuha—talked about before, and it's not that I have anything new to say; it's just a couple headcanons.

Like, Tomo's electric aura causes Kazuha's hair to become staticky; so, he turns into a big puffball sometimes. It can also linger for a period of time, and sakura blooms will stick all over him, much to Tomo's amusement and his chagrin.

Kazuha does NOT act as the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine. He's too busy being the Electro Archon's keeper, which is a 24/7 job. He's also Tomo's little wife; so, yeah, he's gonna be by his husband's side more than anywhere else.

The Raiden twins, Ei and Makoto, work directly under Kazuha and help him manage Inazuma's governance. Y'can't trust Tomo to do it bc he'll do things at a snail's pace. If it's not that, then he's FORGOTTEN about the Thing™ altogether.

The twins are probably why the Madame of Tenshukaku hasn't collapsed from overworking yet.

He's super on the ball when it comes to festival organization, tho. The faster that gets done, the more time there is to drag Kazuha around to all the different festive activities. That means it's safe to say the Yashiro Commission is very close to their archon.

Since "raiden" belongs to the twins as a surname, I'd rather Tomo's formal title NOT be Raiden Shogun. He might just go by "The Almighty Shogun" bc I can't think of anything cool and doesn't sound too edgy.

He's also called the God of Dreams. His storms over Inazuma are not as violent as the ones he upholds out around the surrounding ocean. The patter of rain and gentle roll of thunder lull the ppl into restful slumber. Nightmares dare not pierce the protective storm of a god to disturb them.

Don't tell Kazuha, but Tomo does, in fact, have an obnoxious collection of cat-related items. No, it's not clutter! No, he's not a hoarder! Please don't throw them away, Kaede-hime!

In equal measure, don't tell TOMO that Kazuha has a series of journals filled w haiku that do nothing but praise the hell outta his husband. The Electro Archon doesn't need a bigger ego than he already has. That, and he might cry.

The mandatory Booba Sword is here, except Tomo wields a claymore made from one of Kazuha’s tails.

He had it commissioned when Tomo returned from the Archon War as one of the seven victors. (He was there, actually; he made sure his handsome himbo stayed alive.)

Ofc, this all happened secretly; so, when Tomo saw his foxy babe short one beautiful tail, he thought somebody assaulted him. After many “calm down’s,” hugs, and kisses, Kazuha managed to explain himself. Kazuha: It’ll grow back, okay? Now, stop worrying! Tomo: Kazu-chaaaan! 😫

In case ya wanted to know, Kazuha still wields a sword and the power of anemo.

Tama the Cat exists and is a recent addition to their home, but Tomo carries her everywhere. He also demands the Shogunate staff address her as Tama-sama. Kazuha refuses, but he buys her hella fancy cat necessities. He will also personally cook her fish.

Tomo and Venti trade alcohol frequently (when Venti’s actually around) and try to out-drink each other. They bicker about how to best ENJOY alcohol, too.

Kazuha just shakes his head right along w Zhongli. He can’t really say much, tho, bc he likes a good drink just as much as they do. He’s simply more delicate w his approach (and doesn’t drink anywhere NEAR as much).

Tomo calls Kazuha every nickname under the sun, ranging from the cutesy Kazu-chan to the more refined Kaede-hime; but there is one name, one moniker, that he's never said in front of him unless it was in a formal setting: The Madame of Tenshukaku.

You'll only ever hear those words in succession if Tomo's whining in your ear after the kitsune gave him a good scolding. It almost sounds like he's referring to a demon or monster. Tomo: Ei, the Madame of Tenshukaku has struck again! Take pity on this poor archon! Ei: Your Excellency, please make haste. The meeting is in five minutes. Tomo: *audible gasp, face of betrayal* The Madame has taken you, too!

Kazuha doesn't really use nicknames. He just addresses Tomo as "Your Excellency" and "Lord Shogun" like everyone else, even if they're alone in private. Occasionally, Tomo can coax him into calling him something like "Tomo-dono," but it's still not casual enough for him. He'd rather his wife drop the honorifics altogether when it's just them. Tomo: You'll call Tama "Tama," but you can't call me Tomo? Kazuha: She's a cat, you're the ELECTRO ARCHON, Your Excellency. Tomo: Yeah, but you're also my WIFE, and I permit you to call me by my name when we're alone!

The reality is that Kazuha prefers the proper forms of address bc it reminds him that Tomo has risen to the highest position someone on their level can reach and earned his seat amongst the Seven. He's just so proud! Tomo still wants to hear his name, tho. Sometimes, he wonders if he'll forget his own name bc no one'll hardly say it these days.

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3 years ago

The Difference Between the Hero & the Martyr



Kazuha eats the divine punishment directly after shielding his partner with his body. It doesn't save Tomo from the shockwave and intense heat, but his injuries are minor compared to Kazuha's: severe burns in lightning patterns, branching from a clean gash running at an angle from his face down through his shoulder. You'd think he'd die on impact or not long after, but he doesn't even fall to his knees. Kaedehara stands firm to show he'll not be cowed by the display of power. Is it adrenaline that holds him up? Probably, but what does it matter? His mind focused solely on the survival of Tomo. When he turns to look at him, though, Kazuha's blood runs cold to see a face of betrayal glaring back at him.

"You idiot," Tomo says as he gets his own feet under him. "This is a duel, a duel with clear rules and honor riding on the opponents. Why- Why did you interfere?!"


"You dare dishonor me and everyone who stands against the Shogunate?!"

"No! I- I just- I wanted—"

I was being selfish, Kazuha thinks. I wanted to save your from becoming a martyr. He never finishes his sentence as the Raiden Shogun prepares to strike twice and take the life she's owed. Strong arms wrap themselves around him and haul him off to safety. Kazuha doesn't remember what happens after that.

He wakes up to find himself in a Resistance camp, being tended to by their medical team. Tomo is nowhere. General Gorou introduces himself and explains that his friend had dropped him off and left.

Gorou tells him, "He didn't explain very much—only that you survived the Almighty Shogun's wrath. Pretty impressive!" Kazuha, ofc, is only concerned about Tomo's whereabouts and wellbeing, but Gorou can't give him much information. "He never said where he was going next."

It's like the whole world shatters before him, and Kazuha tries desperately to get outta bed to hunt down his lover. "Don't- Don't leave me! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I hadn't meant—" He's silenced by pain and violent coughing. His body is weak, but Gorou still has to put strength into wrestling the hysteric patient back into bed, evidence as to what sorta person Kazuha was to survive the Musou no Hitotachi.

After winning their struggle, Gorou demands he rest, and then they will talk once he's better. "I'll see about sending ppl to find your friend." Kazuha can only slur out pleas for him to do so before succumbing to exhaustion. Whether it's from his condition or a sedative, no one needs to know.

Meanwhile, Tomo does not go back for his punishment at the Tenshukaku. He instead wanders Inazuma alone with the heaviest heart he's ever had and an even more burdened mind. He isn't just abandoning Kazuha; he's running from him. Forget about the duel, forget about the Shogun, the divine punishment, the Vision Hunt Decree! They angered him, boiled his blood, but nothing could compare to his beloved's willingness to forfeit his life for him. For him! You can't call it indignance or fury because the thought of Kazuha's grisly wounds doesn't ignite the urge to beat Shogunate soliders or curse Kazuha himself some more. It's to run.

Thanks to Tomo's reckless heroism, his partner's overwhelming love drove him to throw himself at death in his stead. Call him cruel, but he had to get away from Kazuha. He can't stomach the idea of ever having to see him in such a state again because of a thoughtless man named Tomo.

It's all his fault, and if he must separate himself from Kazuha to preserve him, then it's karma.

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3 years ago

All's Fair in Love & War

Inspired by:

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

When I read about a Kazuha w virtually omnipresent eyes and ears, presumably thru his vision, I brimmed with inspiration.



Imagine that Kazuha (O) became known by the Shogunate for this amazing feat, and as this takes place years before the damning decrees, the Tenryou Commission didn't seek to confiscate his vision. Instead, they used him for their own ends in law enforcement and later the search for visions.

The Kaedehara clan was more than eager to give up their only child for the opportunity to reenter high society. The icing on the cake: "Baal" was so generous enough to grant a marriage between her own brother, Kunikuzushi, and Kazuha. (Yes, Scaramouche [A] is Ei's little brother.) This tightly secured the old samurai clan's place among the nobility.

Though they started out at odds thanks to Scara's abrasive personality, ScaraKazu built a love you'd probably only see in one of Yae's light novels.

The evidence: When the Raiden Shogun intended to punish her brother for some offense or failure, Kazuha didn't even blink before shielding his partner. Her lightning struck him square in the face, rendering him completely blind, hard-of-hearing, and without a good sense of smell. The top half of his face was branded with scars lightning strikes.

When she had no sympathy for his ruination at her hands, calling it a punishment for them both, Kunikuzushi vowed to revenge his partner and cast away his name in favor of the title, Scaramouche. He cared for Kazuha until he could adjust without three of his five senses and left without a goodbye to join the Fatui.

Fortunately, Kazuha didn't lose his unique ability in the incident. Were he useless to the Tenryou Commission, especially in their hunt for visions, "Baal" would've done away with him and sentenced him to death for association with a traitor. In the privacy of their home within the palace, he prayed for Kunikuzushi's safety and eventual return. Unbeknownst to him, his alpha had indeed planned to come back.

At the height of the Vision Hunt, the Sangonomiya Resistance sent Tomo (A), a stranger to Kazuha, to carry out an assassination attempt on the "Shogun's Eyes" to cripple the Shogunate's efficiency.

Tomo wasn't ninja, but the Resistance couldn't rely on anyone else at the time. Thus, he infiltrated his target's residence and prepared to strike Kazuha down as he sat peacefully on his porch. He noticed, however, that his target couldn't see, implied by the silk embroidered blindfold around his face.

The next thing he discovered was that the other man couldn't hear nor smell well. There was no reaction to any close proximity or when he knocked over a vase...which made his day.

He hated Shogunate dogs, but this was just unfair. Tomo had no desire to cut down someone so highly disadvantaged. (Even when he was finally caught, the tremendous fight Kaedehara put up didn't sway him differently.) Instead, he opted to kidnap him for the Resistance's use. He wasn't dead like they wanted him to be, but he wasn't at the Shogun's disposal either. Still a win, right?

Regardless, General Gorou was understandably upset with him for disobeying orders in the name of mercy. Yet, at the same time, he acknowledged the ethical dilemma Tomo was in. (He wasn't so sure he'd've made a different decision himself.) Punishment had to be dealt, though; so, the responsibility for the surprise prisoner was foisted onto Tomo. The bruises and cuts made by someone proficient with a blade made it apparent that Kazuha couldn't be left unsupervised.

Tomo: Why don't we just lock him up somewhere?!

Gorou: You're the one who thinks we can pry information out of him; so, why don't you make friends w him and learn everything you can?

Neither parties involved were happy with this arrangement, least of all Kazuha.

He needed to return home in case Kunikuzushi came back to him and thought he'd been left when Kazu wasn't there. He said as much to Tomo after he proved himself trustworthy, and the fondness only grew when he made a genuine offer to help find the omega's mate if he cooperated w the Resistance. Then started the downward spiral toward a romance.

From the shadows, Scaramouche seethed when these rebels dared to put their hands on his Kazuha, and his blood boiled as this "Tomo" began seducing him. Guilt for not telling him he'd been in Inazuma for a year already fought equally hard for room in his heart, but there was time for that later. The mission came first, and once it was finished, he'd go to Kazuha and make up for lost time. Tomo would also pay for his transgressions. A nobody trying to lure his partner from his marriage bed would not be overlooked.

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3 years ago

Person: You can't ship Kazuha with his friend when he's dead.

Me, a fanfic writer: I can fix that.

When Kazuha witnesses Tomo receive divine punishment, he tries to run to his side. There are too many guards and he can't get close enough to check on Tomo's wounds. He picks up his fallen vision before he's chased out of the castle. Kazuha doesn't realize that Tomo is on the edge of death. Baal sees Tomo's strong will/ambition as he tries to stand up again and help Kazuha escape.

He scrambles to his wounds and the light of his vision disappears. She revives him by erasing his past. "This will be your second chance at eternity". Tomo can't remember Kazuha or anything else from his past. He thinks Baal had saved his life from an unrelated thunder strike. He decides to become her personal samurai.

One day, Kazuha goes to help the Traveler face Baal. He steps into the courtyard and he's shocked to see his best friend alive. He instinctively runs to him, happy and in disbelief that his Tomo is alive. He hugs him and the vision reacts to Tomo. Flashes of that day return to Tomo but he thinks that Kazuha stole his vision.

Tomo challenges Kazuha to a fight but he refuses to hurt his friend. He desperately tries to make Tomo remembers him as he blocks his strikes.

Me, a fanfic writer who makes angst while laughing like a super villain: I fixed it by making it more sad :3

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3 years ago

The Tyrant King’s Demotion!

⚠️ Omegaverse, implied mpreg



Set is the only omega among his royal siblings and also a member of the caste most disrespected in the ancient world. His fellows are afforded no rights, are often slaves, and are never the main consorts of noblemen. This combined with his status as a war god paints a very ugly picture.

When the siblings' lord great-grandfather assigned Nephthys (B) to be Set's wife, not only did his brazen nature disgust her but also their union would be fruitless. Such a slight against her was protested by herself and the court, but their lord great-grandfather was too doting on all his great-grandchildren and couldn't bear to leave Set out. Nephthys just had to make the sacrifice.

Truthfully, Set couldn't've cared less. He'd long quashed any maternal instincts he might've had whilst trying to earn their lord father's acknowledgment. Even if Nephthys herself had been able to bear them a child, he severely doubted he'd make a good parental figure in general. In his second chance at life, he didn't expect this aspect to change.

Horus (A), his nephew, surprised him when he refused to kill him after he proved himself as the rightful king. Set looked to Isis (B) in the audience, but she seemed as confused by her son as he was.

The new king then declared before everyone in the throne room that the Usurper would not face the death penalty. Instead, a new title was foisted on him—Queen of Egypt.

What was this little brat thinking?!

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4 years ago

He’s his Emotional Support Archon™️.

I’m sorry I just needed to get it out of my system

Rex Lapis, except he can control the size of the dragon he turns into.

Tartaglia, holding tiny Rex Lapis in his hands & nearly crying because this is the most precious thing in his entire freaking life while said dragon god is oblivious and doesn’t understand why his red-headed mortal suddenly got so emotional.


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4 years ago

This is the cutest. I could look at this all day. Absolutely perfect. 💖

In Which Two Dummies Somehow Start A Courtship While Thinking Its A Friendship
In Which Two Dummies Somehow Start A Courtship While Thinking Its A Friendship
In Which Two Dummies Somehow Start A Courtship While Thinking Its A Friendship
In Which Two Dummies Somehow Start A Courtship While Thinking Its A Friendship

in which two dummies somehow start a courtship while thinking it’s a friendship

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4 years ago

Anyone who’s perused my blog will know that I have very simple tastes, and that’s pretty gorgeous men and ABO dynamics. 

Now, I know next to nothing about Onmyoji, but I know a little something about the Douji duo, and there’s no way I can just let them be; so, imagine with me an omega!Ibaraki as the de facto Queen of the Demons. 

He and alpha!Shuten aren’t married, but since they’re often seen in each other’s company, and the ancient world can’t imagine an alpha-omega pair that spends that much time together and aren’t also married, everyone just kinda assumes they are. Shuten will protest when he’s asked, esp. when he’s flirting with other pretty things, but no one really believes him. His actions don’t match his words. (Some will whisper words of pity for Ibaraki when the Demon King has his back turned.) Ibaraki himself insists he’s simply his righthand man and best friend, but there’s a fine—and I mean really fine—line between queen and righthand in his case. 

A child between ShuIba is probably raised solely by their mother, while their father is off gallivanting and terrorizing the country of Japan. If he does bother to show his face, Shuten acts more like a friend of the family—happy to play around with them but not too keen on doing the hard stuff. “That’s an omega’s job,” he says, and Ibaraki isn’t going to correct him. If anything, he probably believes that, too, and imagines his unofficial husband has better things to do. (A progressive Ibaraki might chalk it up to Shuten’s declining dignity and increased drunken stupors post-resurrection; he doesn’t know what he’s saying.) 

Mt. Oe is in the de facto queen’s care following Shuten’s return to the living and subsequent neglect of the land. When he’s not chasing down his drunken, lecherous friend, he’s listening to the complaints and worries of the local spirits and resolving pressing matters. Honestly, Shuten probably didn’t have a knack for administrative work to begin with and just ran everything over with his brute strength, leaving Ibaraki to handle things with more finesse; so, it’s not like he hasn’t done this song and dance a thousand times before. He just wishes Shuten were half the king he used to be to make the maintenance worth it.  

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4 years ago

It’s funny ‘cause, as a Pathfinder player, TDP dark magic just looks like regular arcane magic. 

Ya got your spell materials, gesticulations, incantations, etc. 

OFC, not all Pathfinder spells require materials like dark magic does. They also don’t necessarily lead to mental damage, gradual w/ usage or not, either. 

Other than that, though, Viren and Claudia are pretty much just regular wizards if ya tossed ‘em in Golarion.  

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4 years ago

When I think of The Dragon Prince in an omegaverse, the human population is 96.4% betas. Other dynamics are more present in Xadian folk; so, when a human presents as an alpha or an omega, people assume there’s elven blood in them. This isn’t necessarily true, obviously, but the Human Kingdoms are ignorant and therefore discriminatory toward non-betas. The discrimination will actually extend to the individual’s family b/c idiots will claim that somewhere in their line, somebody bedded an elf. 

If Callum is an omega, then he’s had to live his life as a beta, and thank goodness betas of any race cannot smell as well as alphas and omegas; so, some cologne here, some oils there, and the scent of a non-beta can be well-hidden. His heats would’ve been harder to sweep under the rug, esp. w/ Viren slithering around, but he doesn’t have to worry about that. Fourteen is two years away from a typical first heat, and as things have progressed, he might not need to hide away, not if Ezran has anything to say about it.

Rayla is an alpha, and I take no criticism. Callum being an omega is just icing on the proverbial cake of their relationship. The problem lies with the Moonshadow elves, particularly Runaan. Ethari is a tolerant man and will eventually come to terms with the couple. Runaan is a mule, and he’ll be the world’s worst in-law ‘til something or other changes his mind. That could be a life-changing field trip w/ Callum, a heartbreaking confrontation w/ Rayla, who knows. 

As a closer, I’ll say Aaravos is an omega. 

Thank you; have a nice day.

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4 years ago

So, I’m gonna pull a Tale of Genji move and propose an omegaverse AU where Crown Prince LBH falls in love with one of his father’s harem members, SY, who greatly resembles his foster mother, Imperial Noble Consort SQQ. When he ascends the throne, he marries and names SY empress.

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4 years ago

If ya want some Lance angst, imagine a post-canon AU where Keith confesses his long-held feelings to Lance, but he rejects him, still not over Allura. He comes to regret this decision when, some time later, Keith begins dating James, and as he watches James discover all of Keith’s lovely qualities, he rediscovers what he’s always known about him and realizes that he’s been in love with Keith from day one.

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4 years ago

In a perfect world, I like to imagine that an omega King Noctis has three daughters by Prompto and Gladiolus, alphas; and Ignis, a beta. 

Gladio fathered the first daughter and Crown Princess of Lucis, Amaryllis;

Prompto fathered the second, Aurora;

and Ignis fathered the third, Alma. 

They were born in the same order as when the boys married their king, and as a trio, they’re affectionately called the Triple A (AAA). The rest of the kingdom knows them as the Three Stars of Lucis.

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4 years ago

Y’know, I refer to Somnus as a king in the two or three posts I talk about him, but when I really think about it, an omega Somnus might be called a queen ‘til modern times. The ancient world was rife with rigid gendered traditions, after all, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they slapped a feminine title on him. Several editions of Cosmogony and textbooks probably have “Founder Queen” written on their pages, and so do the plaques accompanying his monuments. I’d say this changed in the last two centuries of Lucian history.

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4 years ago

If galra!Keith had a face like this


do you think Lance would have an existential crisis over whether or not his attraction makes him a furry?

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4 years ago

Honestly, if alpha!Gilgamesh became king consort of omega!Somnus, he wouldn’t want his true name to be written in the family registry. He’d want to keep his identities as the king’s shield and the king’s spouse separate to maintain some form of professional dignity; so, he might go by an alias—Erebus Lucis Caelum?—when needed as the king consort. A potential consequence is history forgetting that it was the first Shield of the King who fathered the line of Lucis. Gilgamesh would be perfectly happy with this.

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4 years ago

Somnus: "Ah, how shall I do it? Oh, I know. I'll turn Ardyn into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives...I'll smash it with a hammer! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you! Genius, I say!" Spills the potion onto a plant and the plant dies. "Or, to save on postage"—grabs another bottle—"I'll just poison him with this!" Offers it to Gilgamesh. "Take it, Gil. Feel the power."

Gilgamesh: "Oh, I can feel it."

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4 years ago

What I like the most about this lore is that Madara’s not a god of death and warfare. He’s more akin to the Greek goddess Hestia, who presided over the hearth and home. If Tobirama retaliated by kidnapping Izuna, he’d have a connection to Demeter, too.  

Madara As An Elder God. (Part 2 Of The Naruto Gods Series)

Madara as an elder god. ❤ (Part 2 of the Naruto Gods series)

Madara winces as the molten slag on his arms contracts and hardens with each touch of the field of frigid stalagmites. He flicks off the gathering obsidian shard and assesses his counterpart–takes stock of the strong, slow beat of Kakuzu’s heart in Tobirama’s chest and how it mirrors his own. They share a similar form, if not function, that much is obvious. Why their creator sought to have this heart container in particular brought to heel is beyond him. Madara finds that, though fire roars in his veins, he does not have a taste for senseless destruction.

Keep reading

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4 years ago

Imagine if Madara were on his deathbed with Hashirama by his side, but before he can die himself, Hashirama becomes a wooden statue decorated in stunning foliage with his hand forever in Madara’s. Madara sheds a tear and curses him for dying on him like that, but he’s smiling, and he breathes his final breath. At least he’s not leaving alone.

how to heal

hashirama doesn’t look any older, but madara can tell. his chakra is wilder, harder to tame. it feels less and less human, and more and more…something else. his limbs are stiff and they creak like old wood, and sometimes when he sits very still for a long time (as he tends to do more and more often now) madara is afraid he’ll never move again. he creates plants more, without meaning to, and more than once madara has gone out to the garden and found him covered in creeping tendrils of moss, or had to push back layers of layers of ferns just to find his face and cradle it in his hands. it feels like the forest is slowly—but with steadily increasing urgency—calling him back.

not yet, madara thinks, clasping hashirama’s rough-hewn hand in his own. not yet.

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4 years ago

I’m 92% sure Hashirama saw a doodle Madara thought he drew stealthily on his paperwork and said, “Yep, that’s the new symbol of the Leaf.” 

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