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💀 What I’ve Learned About Curses 💀

As the title states, this is what I’ve learned. It is all based on my experiences, opinions, and personal knowledge. Most of it comes from my grimoire.  What Is A Curse? A curse is a type of spell a person can cast on you. It can cause misfortune, health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, even in some cases death. What About Hexes & Jinxes? I also want to define hexes & jinxes before we get too into this.  • Jinxes • Temporary, can last hours, are just meant to cause a bit of bad lack but nothing too serious, are for a bit of fun or to teach someone a simple lesson.  • Hexes • Also temporary, but have greater effects, they’re a lot more curse like in that they can teach more vital lessons and can cause things like sickness.  • Curses • Permanent, can cause death, they’re for the worst, nastiest people, and the most intense situations.  In other words, they’re all negative spells. Just 3 different levels of them. The main difference is curses are permanent, the others are not, and a jinx certainly wouldn’t cause death or permanently effect someones well-being.  Are They Okay? I used to wonder this myself and have seen TONS of people ask it. It’s a matter of morality. I can’t tell you what to believe or think. It’s about you and your path.  How Do I Know If I’m Cursed? There are symptoms, I’ll go over all the ones I’m aware of. • Bad Luck/Misfortune  • Lack of motivation  • Nightmares • Bad Omens • Personal items going missing  • Plants dying • Fatigue  • Health issues/sickness • Financial issues All and any of these things can happen, they will come along suddenly and have no other explanation other than a curse.  How To Test If You’re Cursed Okay, you’ve identified you’ve got some of the symptoms, you can’t find any other reason or suspect someone specific has cursed you. The next step is testing to be sure. Here are my personal favorite ways to test for curses. The Egg Test  Break an egg, what you find inside will give you insight.  • Blood  • You’re cursed  • • White clots/chunks • There is no curse, but there is something clotting you or your life up • • Broken yolk  • There is no curse, but you have inner turmoil and need to work on it • Divination Test Ask whatever forms of divination you may have if you’re cursed.  Deity Test I don’t do deity work, but I also imagine it’d be an option to ask your deities if you’re cursed.  What To Do Next? Alright, so you’ve looked at the symptoms, they’re unusual for you. You did the tests, you’ve come to conclusion you’re cursed. Now what? • Cleansing  Cleansing is one of the foundations of witchcraft, use your favorite forms of cleansing to cleanse your space. This is a default for many witchy issues or situations anyways. But it’s a good reminder.  • Crystals  Use crystals as sources of positivity, luck, healing. To combat the symptoms of the curse. Also any crystals you can keep near you for protection will help too.  • Salt bath This a method of cleansing yourself, it may get the curse off of you. It may also help if you found something unusual in your egg (that is if you did the egg test).  • Warding  This is another thing that’s very common and simple, but effective, ward yourself and your space to make sure nothing else that’s bad or unwanted gets in. •  Deities  You could ask your deities to help remove the curse or ask them what you should do about it.  • Other witches Ask other more experienced witches what their experiences with curses are and they they recommend, get some feedback. Posts like this are nice but so is talking to someone and hearing their experiences!  Here’s some types of spells you could use to help you! Spells • Return to sender spell • Protection spell • Remove curse spell (of course)  Edited 6/24/2019 I’m sure I’ll add more to this in the future. I hope someone learned something! Enjoy! Have a lovely day (right after I just went on about curses and death for quite a while) 💖

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🗡️ Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses 🗡️

Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses

🗡️  JINXES -  quick-lasting, harmless but mean-spirited.

nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity

your heart in my hand -  to send someone nightmares and to feel a general sense of being lost in life

burn your wishes - a simple curse to destroy someone’s wishes

spell of shattered sight -  a spell that makes a person only see the most ugly aspects of themselves and others around them

🗡️ HEXES - mal-intended spells with temporary effects. 

burst your bubble -  a simple curse to destroy someone’s ego/hope

hex for a player -  a curse from scorned lovers to the one breaking hearts, to give them difficulty finding anyone to be with romantically/sexually

cerberus hex - attacks what hurts things under plutonic protection spell

breezeblocks curse -  to affect someone you resent for leaving

pumpkin head - seasonal hex to “burn” those who wrong you

bad moon rising - a revenge curse, general misfortune for a month

🗡️ CURSES - intense, powerful and long lasting.  

to sink a sailor -  to symbolically drown someone 

marooned sailor curse -  a curse to strand them alone in life. 

avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life. 

imperius curse -  to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control

cruciatus curse  - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional

seven devils curse -  a curse to burn the kingdom of and haunt the target

thorn in my side - a curse for abusers

red in your ledger - to return the hurt someone has done

if you take issue with cursing, jinxing, or hexing, that is your craft, but please do not add onto this post telling witches not to curse because “karma”, “the three fold law” or whatever.  mind your own craft. 

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Harmless Jinxes

may your birdfeeder attract rodents

may you choose the grocery cart with a janky wheel

may your toilet bowl be extra echo-y

may the airlines scuff up your luggage

may you settle into bed all comfy and cozy, only to realize that you have to pee

may your credit card get briefly stuck in the chip reader when you have a long line behind you

may your coworkers point out how tired you look

may you get lipstick on your teeth

may you receive a backhanded compliment that replays in your head for the rest of the day

may your hot date have awful taste in movies/music

may all the produce in your fridge spoil before you get the chance to cook it

may your smoke detector go off while you're cooking

May your pillow never have a “cold” side when sleeping.

May you feel like a rock is stuck in your shoe when walking.

May you always drop your keys before unlocking any doors

May your shower only give you lukewarm water

May your razors always be slightly too dull when you want to shave.

may you receive spam calls often

May your winged eyeliner never be even

may your gravy be lumpy

may all your doorknobs be sticky

may you put down your hot tea/coffee and forget about it until it's too cold to properly enjoy.

may your antibacterial gel leave a sticky residue on your hands

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2 years ago

Harmless Jinxes

may your birdfeeder attract rodents

may you choose the grocery cart with a janky wheel

may your toilet bowl be extra echo-y

may the airlines scuff up your luggage

may you settle into bed all comfy and cozy, only to realize that you have to pee

may your credit card get briefly stuck in the chip reader when you have a long line behind you

may your coworkers point out how tired you look

may you get lipstick on your teeth

may you receive a backhanded compliment that replays in your head for the rest of the day

may your hot date have awful taste in movies/music

may all the produce in your fridge spoil before you get the chance to cook it

may your smoke detector go off while you're cooking

May your pillow never have a “cold” side when sleeping.

May you feel like a rock is stuck in your shoe when walking.

May you always drop your keys before unlocking any doors

May your shower only give you lukewarm water

May your razors always be slightly too dull when you want to shave.

may you receive spam calls often

May your winged eyeliner never be even

may your gravy be lumpy

may all your doorknobs be sticky

may you put down your hot tea/coffee and forget about it until it's too cold to properly enjoy.

may your antibacterial gel leave a sticky residue on your hands

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