Witchcraft 101 - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Things to put in a grimoire.

Herb correspondences!

Zodiac Signs and Traits


Crystal Wishlist

Color correspondences

Questions to ask other witches (philosophy?)

Things that make you think of witchcraft

Your favorite characters from books/movies/shows and how they inspire your craft

Altar setup ideas

Deity collages




Personal Beliefs (Update this often!)

Journal Pages

Cartomancy Spreads

Call Out Page (Pages that you use to acknowledge things you ignore/avoid in your craft, that are important)

Offering Ideas

Spirit Info Pages

Short Stories (Can be used as offerings!)

Wordless/One Word Spells

Charmed/Enchanted Items

Wheel Of The Year

History of *whatever you choose to research*

Mediation Methods

Pathworking Places (Great for artists!)

Water Correspondences

Personal Recipes

Book charm/enchantments


Spell/Ritual Logs

Tags :
2 years ago

P.1 Common Herbs A-Z

This is A-C of some common herbs and their uses


Good luck



Personal power

A dried acorn is an excellent natural amulet for keeping a youthful appearance.





Obtaining treasure

Provides added determination and energy to any spells and charms. Burn crushed allspice to attract luck and money. Use in herbal baths for healing.






Invokes the healing energy of the deities. Provides magickal help for overcoming dependencies & addiction. Associated with Candlemas and Beltane. Carry, wear, or use as incense to attract abundance.




Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success. Hang in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. Grow in the home to provide protection from household accidents. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon.



Garden Magick




Place seven apple seeds in a bag with Orris Root to attract sexual love. Use in rituals to give honor to gods and goddesses of fertility. Considered the food of the dead, which is why Samhain is called the 'Feast of Apples'. Symbolizes the soul and is burned at Samhain in honor of those who will be reborn in the spring. When doing a house blessing, cut an apple in half -- eat half and put the other half outside of the home as an offering.



Add leaves and flowers to love sachets or carry apricot pits to attract love.











Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside of the building where you hope to be employed for luck in a job interview or in your business to attract money and success. Wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity.

Bay leaf


Good fortune





Psychic powers

Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. Place under the pillow (or use in dream pillow) to induce prophetic dreams. Place in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf to protect yourself against black magick.

Black pepper

Banishing negativity


Protection from evil





Sacred to Brighid. Leaves and berries said to attract wealth and healing.





Incorporate into rituals of death & dying to comfort those left behind and ease their sorrow.



Though not recommended, blueberry is said to cause confusion & strife when tossed in the doorway or path of an enemy.


Used for cleansing magick when feeling highly negative about oneself or others. Use in protection incenses and spells. Rinse with a decoction of burdock to remove negative feelings about yourself or others.




Good luck

Lunar magick

Money magick





Bury with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden to prevent unwanted intrusions. Place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) for full protection.











Mental powers

Psychic powers



Male potency




Reducing stress.

Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. Sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses and spells. Burn or add to prosperity bags to increase money. Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Wash hands in an infusion of chamomile for luck before gambling or playing cards. Use in bath magick to attract love. Keep a packet of the herb with lottery tickets for luck.








Chilli Pepper



Hex breaking

Scatter powder around the house to break hexes and spells against you. Use in love charms & spells.



Weight loss *weight loss spells can be dangerous*











Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity. Wear in an amulet to bring passion.


Draws friends to the home, customers to the business. Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, and prosperity. Protects and cleanses the aura. Encourages self-expression and creativity (great for writers & actors!) and brings clarity to the mind. Repels insects and deodorizes











Helps to dispel nightmares and negative thoughts and to overcome internal blockages. Provides peace of mind and grounding.






Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang in the home to bring peace & protection. Add to love charms and spells to bring romance or use in ritual work to ease the pain of a broken love affair. Promotes peace among those who are unable to get along. Throw the seeds in lieu of rice during Handfastings and other rituals of union. Use the seeds in love sachets and spells. Add powdered seeds to wine for an effective lust potion. Wear or carry the seeds to ward off disease and migraines.









The seed is said to prevent the theft of any object which contains it. Burn with frankincense for protection. Scatter on the floor alone or with salt to drive out evil. Use in love spells to promote fidelity. Steep in wine to make love potions.



Burn curry powder to keep evil forces away.

And as always, merry meet <3


P.1 Common Herbs A-Z

Tags :
2 years ago

P.2 Common Herbs A-Z

This is D-N of some common herbs and their uses





Used to keep negative energy away from the home or altar. Place fresh daffodils in the home to increase fertility. Wear near the heart to bring good luck.





Associated with babies and newborn infants. Incorporate into baby blessings & Wiccanings or to bring protective Magick into a baby's sleeping area. Wear or carry to draw love.

Dandelion leaf

Summoning spirits



Defeating negativity.

Bury in northwest corner of yard to bring favorable winds. Use in sachets and charms to make wishes come true.

Dandelion root



Calling spirits

Use in dream pillows & sachets for sleep protection. Bury on northwest side of house to draw good luck.




Use to purify any space. Use dried leaves to stuff healing poppets, pillows, or sachets. Arrange a ring of dried leaves around a blue candle and burn the candle for healing vibrations. Carry in a sachet or amulet to help reconcile difficulties in a relationship, for protection, and/or to maintain health.


Money drawing

Fertility magick

Use in floor washes to bring money to the home. Place in a jar and add a few seeds every day to increase money flow to the household.


Mental clarity



Dispelling negativity

Keep in room where studying is done to help concentration. Burn a sprig of fern before an exam. Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection.





Place a branch in front of the door before traveling to ensure a safe return. Write a question on a fig leaf -- if the leaf dries slowly, the answer is yes, otherwise the answer is no.


House & business blessing

Protection for the home

Wear around the neck for health and protection against the evil eye. *Poisonous*


Protection of home & garden



Used to commune with those of the Underworld. *Poisonous*





Repulsion of vampires

Purification of spaces and objects

Used to invoke Hecate. Guards against negative magic, spirits, and the envy of others. Hang in the home to bring togetherness to the family or keep your willpower strong. Said to ward off bad weather when worn or carried during outside activities. Believed to absorb diseases -- rub fresh, peeled garlic against ailing body parts then throw the garlic into running water.


Overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes, lifting spirits, promoting protection & happiness. Repels insects. Balances mind and body.


Draws adventure and new experiences. Promotes sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, and success.

Adds to the strength and speed of any mixture of which it is a part. Place in amulet, mojo, or medicine bag to promote good health & protection. Use in herbal mixtures for the consecration of athames to strengthen and energize the ritual blade. A ginger root in the form of a human is a very powerful magickal token.




Mental powers

Garden magick


Use to paralyze a situation.

*Highly poisonous, do not consume.*


Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams.

Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love.


Draws money


Quick abundance

Aids persuasiveness and confidence, sharpens intuition.

Ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers or use honeysuckle in charms & sachets to attract money. Crush the flowers and rub into the forehead to enhance psychic powers.


Promotes peace of mind and peaceful sleep. Attracts love, luck, and good fortune.

Named for Hiakinthos, Greek God of homosexual love, this is the patron herb for gay men. Guards against nightmares when used as an oil, burned as incense, or included in dream pillows. Carry in amulet or sachet to ease grief or the pain of childbirth.



Love drawing

Lringing back a lover








Hang an ivy plant in front of the home to repel negative influence and discourage unwanted guests. Mix in a sachet with Holly as a wedding gift to provide protection to the newly married couple. Place ground ivy around the base of a yellow candle on a Tuesday, then burn the candle to discover who (if anyone) is working negative magick against you.


Uses include snakebite and divination; good for charging quartz crystals. Use in sachets and spells to draw spiritual love and attract a soul mate. Carry or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. Use in dream pillows to induce sleep or burn in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. Helps to promote new, innovative ideas.








Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.



Spiritual opening


Removal of blockages

Add lemon peel to love sachets and mixtures. Soak peel in water and use the mixture as a wash for magickal objects to remove unwanted negativity, especially for objects received second-hand. Use an infusion of lemon to induce lust.

Lemon balm




Psychic/spiritual development

Use in love charms & spells to attract a partner. Use in healing spells & rituals for those suffering from mental or nervous disorders.


Psychic cleansing


Also used in lust spells.



Lunar magick



Love spells

Male sex magick











Promoting calmness and tranquility

Strengthening love


Promotes energy

Communication and vitality

Draws customers to a business

Use dried leaves to stuff a green poppet for healing. Place in wallet or purse or rub on money to bring wealth and prosperity. Use on the altar to draw good spirits to assist in your magick. Place in the home for protection.


Carried to increase lust & fertility

Prevent backache

Cure disease & madness

Place around divination and scrying tools to increase their power or near the bed to enable astral travel. Use in sleep pillow or place in a sachet under your pillowcase to bring about prophetic dreams. Use an infusion of mugwort to clean crystal balls and magick mirrors. *Toxic in large amounts*


Dispelling darkness & fear

Strengthening the will

Aiding in the ability to handle emergencies

Sprinkle in the home to drive off evil & negativity. Carry in a sachet or use with a poppet to turn back a spell on the one who cast it. Sprinkle on self to remove petty jealousies, gossip, envy, and uncomfortable situations.


Attracting money/prosperity

Bringing luck


Breaking hexes

Include in money magick and sachets. Carry as a good luck charm and/or to increase the intellect. Sprinkle nutmeg powder on green candles for prosperity.

And as always, merry meet <3


P.2 Common Herbs A-Z

Tags :
2 years ago

P.3 Common Herbs A-Z

This is O-Z of some common herbs and their uses






Assures fidelity in love and is used to attract a marriage partner. Inspires fruitfulness and security in love, family, and business.






Burn onion flowers to banish bad habits and negative influences. Cut onions in half and place in the corners of a room to absorb illness, then bury or burn the onion halves in the morning. Sacred to the moon.


Attracts abundance and happiness through love and marriage.

Concentrate on a yes/no question while eating an orange, then count the seeds -- an even number of seeds means the answer is no, an odd number of seeds means yes. Use the leaves and flowers in love rituals to bring on a marriage proposal. Add an infusion of orange to the bath to increase attractiveness and beauty.

Orange peel





House & business blessing

Add to love sachets to help someone make up their mind. Use in sachets & amulets to bring luck to business negotiations.



Strengthening memory


Will power





Added energy


Use to add energy to any spell or mixture. Throw in someone's yard to cause them problems.


Calms and protects the home

Draws prosperity

Financial increase


Restores a sense of well-being

Use in spells to increase strength & vitality after surgery or illness. Use in amulets or other magickal workings to help yourself out of a rut. Eat to provoke lust and promote fertility. Place on plates of food to guard against contamination. Useful for bath magick to purify and end misfortune. Mix with jasmine and carry in your shoe to make you more attractive to the opposite sex.


Male sex magick




Eating pears induces love. Use dried fruit in amulets and sachets for love and lust.





Use to increase the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing & purification. Place in sleep pillow to ensure peaceful sleep and bring about prophetic dreams. Use to anoint furnishings and household objects. Burn in a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy. Use in magickal workings to provide the push needed to bring change to one's life. Carry with other herbs to boost love & abundance wishes.


Promotes clean breaks, new beginnings, prosperity, success, strength, grounding, and growth; Also used for cleansing, purification, and repelling negativity. Great for house and business blessing.





Add an infusion of pineapple to the bath to attract luck.











Image magick





Lunar magick








Divine love

Close friendships

Domestic peace/happiness

Lasting relationships

Great for use in incense, potpourri or bath magick. Place around sprains and dark bruises to help them heal faster.


Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking (great for students!). Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing magick. Use in bath magick for purification. Associated with faeries.






Wind raising



Burn, wear, or carry for healing and strengthening psychic awareness. Commonly used in love magick, healing spells, and to control the weather. Wash hands with water and saffron or keep saffron sachets in your home to bring happiness.


Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy. Place near a personal object of a person who is ailing when performing healing spells or rituals. Write a wish on a sage leaf and place it under your pillow for 3 nights -- if you dream of your wish, it will come true; if not, bury the leaf in the ground so that no bad will come to you.

Sea salt

Uses include cleansing crystals, purification, grounding, protection magick and ritual. Used on the altar to represent the Earth. Used with water for asperging, sea spells, consecration and casting circles. Used with garlic and rosemary to banish evil.


Add an infusion of shallots to the bath for luck.

St Johns wort

Worn to prevent colds & fevers. Placed under pillow to induce prophetic, romantic dreams. Protects against all forms of black witchcraft. Place in a jar in a window or burn in a fireplace to protect from lightning, fire and evil spirits. Used for banishing, protection & blessing. Carry to strengthen courage and convictions or when confronting nasty situations. Burn to banish spirits and demons. Used in divination for the care of crystals. Note: Can be poisonous, use with caution.

Star anise

Burned as incense to increase psychic awareness & abilities. Placed on the altar to increase the power generated. Carried to bring luck.


Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Served as a love food. Leaves are carried for luck. Pregnant women carry a packet of the leaves to ease the pain of pregnancy and childbirth.


Love spells

Sex magick







Sweet pea

Attracts friends and allies; Draws the loyalty and affection of others.

Sweet potato 

Image magick


Promotes energy



Awakens joy and dissolves negativity

Tea leaves

Use in talismans for courage or strength. Use as a base for lust drinks. Burn leaves to ensure future riches.

Tea tree

Eliminating confusion

Increasing harmony


Attracts loyalty


The good opinion of others

Wear a sprig to ward off unbearable grief or provide strength and courage when needed. Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification, and to attract good health for all occupants. Use in cleansing baths prior to working candle magick. Use in dream pillows to ward off nightmares and ensure restful sleep. Add a thyme infusion to the bath regularly to ensure a constant flow of money. Place in a jar and keep in the home or at work for good luck.


Promotes peace


Personal strength


Mix with salt and burn with a black candle to win a court case.


Love spells


Ending relationships




Averting evil


Access to divine energy

Bringing the blessing of the Gods



Lunar magick

Sex magick

Witch Hazel



Carry to ease grief over a lost love. Use in a sachet to reduce passions. Use in love spells and spells to ward off evil.

And as always, merry meet <3


P.3 Common Herbs A-Z

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2 years ago

How To Sense Your Own Energy

How To Sense Your Own Energy

Energy Work 101: Sensing Energy

When first trying to sense energy, it's suggested you try on crystals and objects first. The first step to learning to sense crystal energy is to discover which is your sending hand and which is your receiving. Although some ambidextrous people can sense energy equally in both hands, most people find they have one hand in which they feel energy more strongly. Typically, your receiving hand is your nondominant hand and it draws in universal energy. Your sending hand is your dominant hand (the hand with which you write) and moves energy out of the body and back out to the universe after the receiving hand has drawn it in. The process of sending and receiving energy is constant, but you can also consciously direct the energy flow, during healing and meditation, for example.

SENSING YOUR OWN ENERGY FIELD: A simple way to become familiar with energy is to learn to sense your own. Start by rubbing the palms of your hands together to activate the tiny energy centers located here. Then draw your hands apart and slowly move them together, palms facing one another until you feel the quality of the energy shift or change. Continue moving your hands together and apart to become familiar with the feeling of your energy.

Don't get caught up on if you can or cannot feel it right away. Use visualization if it helps you. You aren't imagining it and you're doing great. Take a minute to just play with the energy. Make it grow larger, make it tiny. Envision it turning into different elements, different shapes, moving around away from your hands using your will and intent to guide it. Play with it, see or sense it in your mind's eye, and roll with it. It may seem silly at first, but I promise it works.

For some, sensing energy is difficult, it may come more naturally to others but don't get discouraged. Keep practicing.

SENSING DEITY AND SPIRIT ENERGY: One great way to get a feel for the energy of your spirits or deities is going to be to have them come to you and put their energy on your back or hands or whatever you feel is right for you. What does the energy feel like? Do you get any images from it? What color do they feel like? Hot or cold? What makes their energy different from others? In my practice, Bast feels like red velvet. Hades feels cold but fatherly. Rhiannon feels like the color yellow and pale flowers, Medusa feels like staring up at the sun through a lemon tree. See how the energy of the deities feels to you. It may be different for everyone.

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2 years ago

Difference Between Charms, Enchantments, Amulets, and Talismans

Charms: A charm's main magical purpose is to bring about luck, happiness, love, good fortune, health, etc. It isn't strong magic, but it's something. Ex.: "See a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck", that's a charm and it's said by school children all the time. It's an object that is spoken over to give it a little bit of magic. It doesn't have to rhyme, and it can be whispered, but it can help bring about a minor magical intention. (It's like the first-level armor you get in a video game. It's not strong, but it helps)

Enchantments: Enchantments are usually worn or carried and the objects are themselves magic. They are wearable or portable spells that effect the wearer/carrier. They can have a much larger effect than charms can, however, they are a bit more complex in the making - creating a spell, speaking over it, and whatnot.

Enchantment hows and whys can be found here.

Amulets Amulets are magical objects that protect people from evil spirits, negative energy, disease or illness, general harm, bad luck, etc. People believe that the amulet has some kind of magical power that protects the person possessing the charm.

Amulets are all different types, which includes herbs, stone, garlic, coal, horseshoes, plant or animal parts, coins, or any other metals. Amulets also include various signs and symbols. Amulets can be of the general type or can be personalized or changed according to the person going to use them.

It is often used in the form of jewelry so that it stays within the person every time and the chances of losing it becomes negligible. Amulets are natural objects and do not harm anyone. They improve the quality of life of a person having it as they satisfy the natural desired of the individual.

Talismans Talismans are magical objects supposed to give strength and power to the person possessing them. People also believe that it provides some kind of magical abilities to the person having it.

Talismans are natural amplifiers. They boost up the energy and empower the people leading them to make the right choices. Talisman is usually in a single piece, made up of gemstone or any other crystals. Talisman is a magical charm that can be customized or changed according to the person.

The talisman can be personalized according to the requirement. Some of them are supposed to bring joy and happiness, some of them bring health, some bring good quality of life, and so on.

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2 years ago

Ok, so you want to practice every day?

You know what, valid. So do I. I'm going to make this as short as I can because we have a lot to get through.

You don't have to practice every day to be a "good," valid, powerful, or whatever-you-want witch.

Generic "ground and center every morning, then enchant your tea" practice routines aren't going to be helpful for 90% of us out here. (yes, I wrote similar in the past!)

"Practice" does not equal repeating exercises and casting spells.

When witches say "in my practice," IMO they are using this word interchangeably with "in my path," or "when I actively engage in my path."

Eschew the idea that your "daily practice" is supposed to be a workout routine that is training you for something better.

Embrace the idea that we're actually talking about "practicing daily," aka "engaging with my path on a daily basis." You aren't training for the next thing - you're at the thing already :)

Your daily practice needs to start with what you want out of your faith and practice.

Not everyone wants to be an energy worker.

Not everyone wants to venerate nature.

Not everyone wants to be a spirit-worker.

Not everyone wants to learn herbalism or kitchen witchery

Brainstorm your idealized path. I mean envision yourself in the cutest little cottagecore village, living your total fantasy witch life. What are you doing?

Do you want to...

Be a diviner?

Learn sorcery?

Be a licensed herbalist?

Talk to spirits and make friends with the forest and the flowers?

Help and heal the villagers?

Be a spiritual warrior who battles with evil spirits and aberrations?

Be a world-walker, who goes to unseen realms?

Learn to slip into new skins?

(The list goes on)

Also ask yourself what you don't want. Gods freak you out? Ok, don't interact with them. You want to do pure energy work with very little ritual ingredients? Beautiful. Stand your ground, flip off people who tell you "but witches worship pagan gods and burn candles to their familiars 🥺"

Find ways to start including what is the most important to you in your daily life.

It might be helpful to make a list of the 1-3 things you really want to focus on right now. If it helps, choose a time frame of weeks to try out these practices and see if you like them.

But before you get too far into that:

Ok, So You Want To Practice Every Day?

[Picture ID: A tweet from @rmccarthyjames which reads, "all of my plans for the future involve me waking up tomorrow with a sudden sense of discipline and adherence to routine that i have never displayed even once in my life"]

This, right here, is what we want to avoid.

Please, for the love of God, do not sit down and say, "okay, I'm going to wake up 30 minutes early and do a 15 minute meditation each morning, then 5-10 minutes of energy exercises. Then, I'm going to ground and center (energy work goals). Then during breakfast I'll enchant my food and read about herbalism while I eat (kitchen witch goals). Then, in the evening ---"

I can pretty much guarantee you that almost any activity you have access to right now will be actively draining.

Magical techniques, exercises, and spellwork take energy - just like working out at the gym.

You can work out at the gym and feel energized for the next couple of hours, but then become fatigued in the evening/next day.

You can work out at the gym every day for 5 days, but then suddenly you feel too weak or sore to even get out of bed the next day.

Meditation, grounding, and centering can restore metaphysical energy to your body, and increase your access to it. But it's like eating a protein bar after a workout - you still have to rest and recover.

So if you've tried to stick to "do X, Y, Z" activities every day and failed, ask yourself if you were actually engaging in a strenuous magical workout routine that wore you into the ground.

Instead of choosing "X activity for Y minutes at Z time every day, consider this:

One of the most available ways you can engage in your path is by dwelling within your magical and spiritual worldviews.

Are you an animist? Look for a plant. Think about how it's got a soul. You just engaged with your path :)

Are you interested in energy work? Look for a conversation between two people. Consider the energy flow between them. You just engaged with your path :)

Are you into Traditional Witchcraft? Watch a TV show. Ask yourself how you'd solve a problem on the screen (not necessarily using magic to solve it, just in general). Then, ask yourself how your hag, fetch-beast, or familiar (hypothetical or otherwise) would solve it. You just engaged with your path :)

Are you into religious magic? Look around you. Feel the vibes, feel your feelings, feel your mood. What would your god(s) have to say about it? You just engaged with your path :)

Do you play a lot of video games? Overlay your beliefs onto the game and use events, interactions, and developments as an opportunity to consider your own beliefs (or, with Minecraft, build your own astral temples).

The more you dwell within your magical and spiritual worldviews, the more you "phase in" to the reality that you're a witch and magic is within you and around you.

Over time, constantly engaging with your path in these small ways - through choosing to see the world through the lens of your practice - makes choosing and employing "techniques," exercises, and spells soooo much more relevant and practical.

With that tangent is out of the way, practical tips for how to interact with your path on a daily basis:

Avoid "daily" activities with a high barrier to entry. If you make all these rules and regulations for your own practice, like you have to make a journal entry for every spell and magical activity, and it has to include the moon phase and planetary hour, you're going to be engaging probably a lot less than you think you will.

Choose activities which directly help and support your day to day life.

Tough work environment? Try picking up energy shielding or amulet-making.

Art commissions down? Try learning prosperity or money magic.

Feeling confused or directionless? Experiment with forms of divination.

Lonely? Learn to talk to spirits.

You do not need to create barriers to these things. You DO NOT need to meditate, ground, or center before you make an energy shield. You can just make one right now, actually.

You don't need to learn protection and warding before you practice talking to the nature spirits around you, or bringing protective presences into your sphere.

You don't need to copy down a two-page spell and then write grimoire entries for each correspondence before you can do effective spells and charms.

One of the easiest ways to perform casual, daily magic is to extend regular daily actions into the spirit world.

(For me, the "spirit world" is where all magic happens. Maybe you might call it the etheric, or the energy-double of the world).

Shower to clean yourself - just expend energy to extend the cleaning to your spiritual bodies.

Eat food to gain energy - just expend energy to also feed your spiritual bodies.

Exhale to send old breath away - and at the same time, send away an unwanted thought, energy, or presence.

("Expend energy" can be done in many ways; most often we say "visualization" but you can also dedicate your power to the task through words of intent ["I apply my power to nourish myself thrice over"], mindfulness [staying present in the moment and maintaining focus on your spiritual goal], physical gestures [stirring food clockwise with the knowledge that you are stirring power into it], etc.)

So you've found some free time. What do you want to do with it?

Maybe you started energy shielding earlier this week, and now you're feeling worn out and just want to take a day off.

Hot take: "Hey, I'm too tired to do this magical thing, I'm going to choose something else instead" is engaging with your path :) You didn't forget or ignore your path. You checked in with your magical self, took stock of the situation, and choose the activity of rest.

Be flexible!

I personally say, give all techniques and methods a chance. I myself am not a person where I start out good at things. I'm one of the people where I start out bad at things and get a little better each time I practice.

But if a technique is not vibing with you, or if new concerns arise in your life, there's no need to dedicate yourself to doing something you don't like and don't need for the sake of reaching an arbitrary goal of completion.

Remember, it's not a daily workout until you're good enough to improve your life.

It's improving your life, right now, and each time you do it you get a lil better at it :)

Your path is not subject to object impermanence*.

(*The following is primarily poetic; take it or leave it as you please)

You are what you are and wherever you stand, there your path is around you. To try and curse your path into a quasi-existence where it only appears when you're making energy balls is a terrible fate for a path to be bound to.

It's your friend. It wants to be with you. It doesn't want to be told it's invisible and un-present unless you're staring it in the eye.

A great deal of my early path was taking huge breaks from magical practice - I mean, for months and months at a time. It's called the Crooked Path, not the Straightforward Linear Path Where Expected Things Occur.

Sure, if you're done with witchcraft for a while (or forever), set it aside. Tell your path it's done, closed down, and you'll be back when you're back.

But while you're in, you're walking it. Is your path one where you accidentally forget witchcraft exists and take breaks for months at a time without meaning to? So that's your path. It matches you step for step, no matter where you go.

It doesn't go hungry - you eat and you sleep, and it eats and rests with you. It doesn't feel rejected - it's right there with you. When you touch the doorknob, your path reaches through and holds your hand. When you write a school exam, it traces the pencil lead from the other side. It doesn't matter if you know it or see it - it's there, patient and waiting, watching you with love. All you need to do is fail to believe that your path is gone when you stop paying attention to it.

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2 years ago

Clairaudience Development Tip

One of the best tips i learned when developing my clairaudience was listening to music. When listening to music, just pick out the guitar, the drums, the vocals, the fuckin triangle in the back, just pick a sound an isolate it, listening only to that for a while. Then switch to a different sound to isolate.

Sound isolation is a MASSIVE help when developing your clairaudience so you can learn to isolate the sound of your deities/entities speaking to you so you can better hear them.

It works so well, give it a try and see what you think.

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2 years ago

Harmless Jinxes

may your birdfeeder attract rodents

may you choose the grocery cart with a janky wheel

may your toilet bowl be extra echo-y

may the airlines scuff up your luggage

may you settle into bed all comfy and cozy, only to realize that you have to pee

may your credit card get briefly stuck in the chip reader when you have a long line behind you

may your coworkers point out how tired you look

may you get lipstick on your teeth

may you receive a backhanded compliment that replays in your head for the rest of the day

may your hot date have awful taste in movies/music

may all the produce in your fridge spoil before you get the chance to cook it

may your smoke detector go off while you're cooking

May your pillow never have a “cold” side when sleeping.

May you feel like a rock is stuck in your shoe when walking.

May you always drop your keys before unlocking any doors

May your shower only give you lukewarm water

May your razors always be slightly too dull when you want to shave.

may you receive spam calls often

May your winged eyeliner never be even

may your gravy be lumpy

may all your doorknobs be sticky

may you put down your hot tea/coffee and forget about it until it's too cold to properly enjoy.

may your antibacterial gel leave a sticky residue on your hands

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Book Of Shadows


I've been editing my Book of Shadows for a few days now and I think it's time to share some of it here. These are just a few excerpts from it. I purposely made it black&white so it looks Victorian and uses less ink when printed on parchment paper.

1. History of Paganism

Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows

2. Satanic Panic

Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows

3. The Sacred Circle & Altar

Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows

4. Lunar Transit

Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows

5. Moon Phases

Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows

6. Wheel of the Year + Imbolc

Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows
Book Of Shadows

Keep in mind that these are just some of the random pages I picked so it's unorganized. I'll be sharing my Table of Contents next time to show you how I organized it all.

P.S. Almost all of the fonts are free to download from Dafont. So if you want any font from these pages let me know :) We do not gatekeep here!

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🥕Vegetable Correspondences🥕

Vegetable Correspondences

Artichoke- Love, lust, personal growth, protection, safety, sexual desires, temptation Asparagus- Aphrodisiac, cleansing, fertility, healing, lust, sex, power, unfaithfulness Avocado- Beauty, love, lust Beans- Decision making, grounding, love, lust, prosperity, protection Beet- Beauty, blood, desire, fertility, healing, love, passion, relationships, sexual energy


Red- Love, strength

Yellow- Intelligence, energy, focus, creativity

Green- Money

Broccoli- Healing, health, leadership, physical strength, prosperity, protection, wealth Brussels Sprouts- Determination, endurance, health, protection, stability, strength Cabbage- Anti-nightmare, fertility, lunar presence, money, prosperity, protection, sleep Carrots- Desire, dispel illusions, fertility, healing, lust, sexuality, protection, visions Cauliflower- Emotions, feminine energy, growth, lunar energy, personal protection Celery- Calming, concentration, lust, mental clarity, passion, peace, psychic awareness, sexuality Corn- Abundance, blessings, fertility, luck, prosperity, protection, rituals,  spirituality Cucumber- Calming, chastity, fertility, healing, hinders lust, peace, relaxation, stress relief Eggplant- Hoodoo, money, prosperity, sexuality, wealth Horseradish- Anti-negativity, breaks hexes, energy, passion, protection, purification Kale- Healing, strength Leek- Anti-impurity, exorcisms, friendships, healing, love, protection, purification, strength Lettuce- Astral travel, divination, love, lunar magick, meditation, protection, sex, sleep


Button- Protection

Chanterelle- Love, romance, protection

Chicken of the Woods- New beginnings

Enoki- Psychic power

Morel- Protection, memory, clarity

Oyster- Prosperity, protection, psychic abilities

Portabella- Strength

Shiitake- Healing, love, divination

Olive- Fertility, healing, lust, peace, protection, spirituality Onion- Anti-negativity, dreams, endurance, health, lust, money, prosperity, protection, stability Pea- Love Potato- Energy, healing, hoodoo, luck, money, poppet, stability, wealth Pumpkin- Banishing, divination, love, lunar magick, prosperity, protection, rebirth, wishes Radish- Breaks curses, fire magick, lust, protection Spinach- Prosperity Squash- Spirituality Sweet Potato- Friendship, harmony, grounding, nurturing, sensuality Tomato- Anti-negativity,creativity, love, offerings, passion, prosperity,  protection, repel evil Turnip- Death, ending relationships, fertility, protection, sexual energy Zucchini- Faithfulness, fertility, lust, prosperity, protection, relationships, sex magick

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11 months ago

Witchcraft Basics Masterlist!

Witchcraft Basics Masterlist!

Witchcraft Basics and Giggles:

Everything to know before you start! The various practices The Tools healing, protecting, and grounding. shielding and banishing herbs,oils and crystals.| Herbs | Oils | Crystals the sabbats the Elements astrology + astrology calendar spells, hexes and curses energy manipulation the various entitis

more master lists!

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11 months ago

Rowan Méadhbh’s List of Tips and Advice for New Witches

Rowan MadhbhsList Of Tips And Advice For New Witches

Rowan Maédhbh’s List of Tips and Advice For New Witches!



Before you even think about practising magic, you need to study. It sounds tedious, I know, but witchcraft is not a trivial undertaking. You also need to learn to read critically, and with a pinch of salt! Why? Because, although almost all authors do have some valuable and useful content in their work, some perpetuate problematic ideals, such as racism, sexism, stealing from closed cultures, and the use of Wicca and witchcraft interchangeably.

Start a grimoire/Book of Shadows/Journal.

You’ll need a safe place to keep all of the information you’ve gathered safe, and a grimoire (as I call mine), is essentially a notebook for that exact purpose. It doesn’t have to be fancy (though you’re welcome to make it as ostentatious as you like), - it can be a bullet journal if that’s easy for you. Within your grimoire, you should keep all gathered information, spells, failures, successes, records of work you’ve done, etc,. Anything that pertains to your craft.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to pick a path.

You might see a lot of witches who class themselves as one thing or another, e.g., storm witches, kitchen witches, elemental witches, spirit/divination witches; green witches; cosmic witches, and so on. That is cool and their prerogative, but you will also see witches known as eclectic - like me! Eclectic Witches, are simply witches who choose to practise many different types of magic and forge their own path, instead of following only one, or following a pre-established path.

Basically, there is no need at all, whatsoever, to label yourself. With many of us, our paths found us in time.

Research paths, secular witchcraft and religious witchcraft.

Witchcraft alone, is a practise. However, some paths are indeed religious, such as Wicca. Make sure you know the difference before you begin actively practising and before you decide on your path, if you do choose to do so.

Carry a little notebook on your person.

You can’t always carry your grimoire with you, so I personally like to carry a tiny little notebook with me, for those moments when inspiration takes me, or if something captures my imagination or attention. You can add it to your grimoire/BoS later.

Oh, and one more thing: don’t ever stop learning and reading and recording. Witchcraft is a path of continuous learning.



Herb and crystal correspondences, e.g., such as colour and planetary.

Sabbats and esbats, if you want to observe them.

The basic tools of witchcraft.

Altars (if you’re so inclined).

Lunar phases.

Divination, e.g., tarot, runes, pendulums.

Witchcraft and deities (if you’re so inclined).

Traditional witchcraft practises.

SAFETY! What is safe to use/burn/touch/ingest. There are lots of poisonous and potentially fatal plants and ingredients out there.

Easy/budget magic/witchcraft.

The history of witchcraft, including lore, myths and tales.

The importance and use of the elements in magic.

Research cultures. Find out what is and is not available for you to adopt and practise. Make sure that your practise does not steal from closed cultures.


Grounding - grounding is the act of centering your energy and focusing it within yourself. You can ground yourself by being out in nature and using visualising techniques that tie your energies firmly into the ground (very traditional method), or by finding a quiet place that you are content in and meditating.



Sigil crafting/creation.

Charging jewellery/crystals/objects/sigils.

Using glamours in makeup/cosmetics/everyday wear.

Incorporating intent via ingredients into cooking.

Incantations and chants to bring about luck, good fortune, etc.

Cleansing your space with incense.

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11 months ago

Animals Master List

Here is a very brief list of symbol meanings of various animals and other shapes. Never feel the need to stick to one definition or meaning, the most powerful correspondences are those that you discover for yourself.

Animal Symbolism


Alligator - aggression, survival, adaptability Alpaca - minimalism, generosity, interdependence Ant - team player, worker Antelope - nimble, quick, sensitive Armadillo - active, nocturnal, protection

B Badger - aggression, assertiveness, powerful defense, determination Bat - guardian of the night, cleaner Bear - power, adaptability Beaver - builder, planner Bee - communication, abundance, productivity Bison - survival, fortitude, strength Black Panther - secrets, solitude, stealth Blackbird - mystery, sacred messenger, cosmic knowledge Blue Bird - joy, pleasures, messenger Boar - sacred, cunning, ferocious Bobcat - patience, listening, interpreting Buffalo - sacredness, life builder Bull - strength, warning Butterfly - metamorphosis, carefree, transformer

C Cat - protector, guardian Chameleon - adaptation, patience, perception Cheetah - accuracy, elegance, refinement Chinchilla - curiosity, innocence, warmth Chipmunk - creativity, intuition, exploration Cougar - leadership, courage Coyote - prankster, insight, playful Crab - emotion, security, vulnerability Crane - solitude, independence Cricket - meditation, vibration, spirit Crocodile - longevity, fierceness, power Crow - messenger, clairvoyance, change, ancient wisdom

D Deer - kindness, love, gentleness Dolphin - kindness, play, bridge man to ocean Dove - peace, understanding Dragon - wisdom, nobility Dragonfly - flighty, carefree Duck - intuition, awareness, communication

E Eagle - divine spirit, connection to creator Eel - adaptability, wisdom, inspiration, defense Elk - strength, agility, freedom Elephant - patience, strength, wisdom

F Firefly - illumination, possibility, belief Fox - cunning, provider, intelligence Frog - water element, prosperity, transformation, true love

G Giraffe - graceful, observer, foresight Goose - community, synchronicity, treasure Grasshopper - discipline, balance, freedom Grizzly Bear - hunter, nature’s pharmacist

H Hawk - messenger, observer of the sky Heron - moon magic, shamanic travel, secrets, the logical mind Horse - stamina, nobility, strength Hummingbird - messenger, stopper of time

J Jaguar - confidence, power, preparation

K Koala - slow down, mystery and power of self, soulmates

L Ladybug - luck, enchantments, dreams Leopard - secrets, mystery, sensuality Lion - wisdom, power, mastery Lizard - conservation, agility Lynx - instincts, observation, silence

M Magpie - omens, prophecies Marmot - truth, consciousness, curiosity Moose - headstrong, unstoppable, longevity Moth - wonder, delight, passion Mountain Lion - bravery, freedom, intention Mouse - survival instincts, cunning, observations, shyness

O Orca - healing, spirituality, journey Otter - laughter, curiosity, mischievous Owl - wisdom, truth, patience

P Panda - enjoyment, prosperity, carefree spirit, conservation Peacock - grace, pride, prosperity Pegasus - carrier of lightning Penguin - elegance, survival, imagination Polar Bear - power, fearlessness Porcupine - liesure, nonchalance, wisdom Praying Mantis - intention, hypnotism, perception

R Rabbit - alertness, nurturing Raccoon - fearless, exploration, secrets Ram - determination, new beginning Raven - trickster, teacher, hoarder Reindeer - determination, visionary, magic Robin - new beginnings, good luck, serendipity

S Scarab - eternity, creativity, imagination Scorpion - precision, defense, passion Seahorse - confidence, grace Shark - hunter, survival Skunk - power, respect, protection Snake - shrewdness, transformation Snow Leopard - intuition, solitary, secrets Spider - creative, pattern of life Squirrel - trusting, innocence Starfish - flow, movement, sensitivity Swan - grace, balance, festive

T Thunderbird - caller of rain Tiger - sanctuary, mysticism, passion Tortoise - treasure, guidance, peace, meditation Turtle - self-contained, creative source

U Unicorn - singular, unique

W Wren - divination, strengthening, cleansing Whale - wisdom, provider, cleaner White Peacock - illumination, renewal, attraction Wolf - loyalty, success, perseverance

Z Zebra - clarity, individuality, balance

Other Symbols

All Birds - freedom, messengers from the divinities Angel - guardian of hope and wonder Bear Paw - strength, mobility Cross - redemption, salvation Eye of Horus - protection, nobility, good health Heart - love, fondness Hopi Hand - life, creative, healing Kokopelli - fertility, joy, music Om - the sound of the universe Star of David - union, heart, love Trinity Celtic Knot - long life, eternity Wolf Paw - freedom, success, guidance Yin & Yang - balance, harmony Zuni Bear - good health

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11 months ago



p.s. all these links will lead to the blog that i originally liked the post from, not the original poster (unless i liked it from the original poster) so yeah

beginner witchcraft

beginner witchcraft resources masterpost by @witchtips

ideas for things to include in your grimoire/ BOS by @the-aries-witch

five beginner witchcraft essentials by @violetwitchcraft

jinx/hex/curse by @the-serpent-witch

authors/ icons in pagan community to avoid by @breelandwalker

tips for beginner witches by @magic-for-the-masses

finding your witch niche by @polar-solstice

4 mindsets to keep during the craft by @myonlysecretly

four things to do before a spell (with examples) by @witchy-tips

check the notes on this post by @helleborea for basic secular witch starter kit ideas

witchy tips by @a-witch-named-lyd

witchcraft resources galore

all sortsa witch types by @wicca-weekly

questions for new witches to ask themselves by @witchtips

how does one start wicca/ witchcraft? an ask answered by @technicolor-moon

how to start becoming a witch, answered by @breelandwalker

do ___ when ___ by @dog-rose

low budget witch supplies by @witchtips

where do i start? by @tiny–witch

where to start by @magic-for-the-masses

advice from @broomcorner

basic items witches should have (NOTE BY ME: NONE LISTED ARE NECESSARY!) BY @mermaidyke

how to pick good resources by @equ1vocal

where to find cheap supplies by @rainy-day-witchcraft

@violetwitchcraft‘s witch tips- ALL OF THEM.

plant witch growing basics by @fawn-witchling

tips by @blotchwitch

windvexer’s basics by @windvexer

lavender is god by @winter-elf-witch

artist witch tip by @spellsandwitchtips

improve those powers with these herbs by @themooniswatchingoverus

online witchcraft resources by @witchtips

liquids in witchcraft

best spells for beginners by @windvexer

the “blessed be” controversy by @phoenyxwitch

bargain hunting by @the-aries-witch

masterpost of masterposts

types of witches by @rainy-day-witchcraft

basic witchcraft resources by @acorn-puffs

getting started by @thepunkgreenwitch


divination masterpost by @witchbxbe

youtube divination masterpost by @witchella

masterpost by @magic-for-the-masses


runes 101

rune casting 101 by @kitchenwitchk8

rune reading by @witchy-words


pendulum basics by @leahblogsandstuff

pendulum basics by @thewitchylibrary

pendulum basics by @violetwitchcraft


palmistry 101 by @occultgoddess

palmistry 101 by @everything-wiccan– THE USE OF “G*PSY” IS IN THIS, BUT IT’S A GOOD RESOURCE NONETHELESS


court cards 101 by @theexistentialastrologer

when to turn down a reading by @lunasagedotcom

all cards and meanings


different types of charts by @pegasus-astrology

astrology basics by @dxncinginblxck

more astro basics, by lunarcappy

the only important astro masterpost including basics by @witchbxbe

astrological terms by @punkrock-astrology

NASA, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? by @astrology-addict

important things to remember

you’re a witch. you are powerful.


useful advice from witchblr

to be the wicked witch by @evilsupplyco

dont be scared

non-beginner basics

sex magic 101 by @magic-for-the-masses

hair magic 101 by @myonlysecretly

moon gardening, by phase

hymns to hellenic deities by @temples-wreathed-in-laurel

ID your crystal here

planet to gemstone guide

dry herbs in your oven!

daily affirmation spells by @magickmomma16

charging water by @the-wiccans-glossary

ahh… what to plant?

why is silver ravenwolf bad? by @natural-magics

how crystal cuts effect energy flow by @rainy-day-witchcraft

herb 101 by @thebluechicory

spell record sheet by @krem-dorian

how do i make a hellenic shrine? by @modernhellenismos

crystal correspondenses w/ the body by @the-day-of-the-witch

a bunch of pagan symbols

how to interpret a candle flame

help me pick a wand please! by @witchtips

animal associations with witchcraft by @witchtips

witchcraft and depression by @green-witch-uprooted

spell writing tips- VERY IMPORTANT!

sigil making sites by @sigils-and-herbs

where the witch books at? by @arachnospooky

elemental work by @windvexer

how to communicate with the unseen by @greenspell

astral travel starter pack @winkingwyvern

more astral stuff by @thewitchylibrary

crystals for the signs by chakra

sigil charging methods by @sigilathenaeum

find time for witchcraft by @recreationalwitchcraft

FREE PDF WITCH BOOKS! by @dailywitchlings

MORE WITCH BOOKS! by @natural-magics

hellenic masterpost by @shipping-the-gods

circle casting 101 by @crunchypagan

auras 101 by @everything-wiccan

charging and cleansing crystals by @spellsofcraft

norse goddesses by @moonbornwitch33

one of many herb association posts ive stumbled across by @lunarsunshine

masterpost by @witchy-words

SIGILS 101 VERY GOOD POST by @inkanddestroy

what kind of water should i use? by @sstoness

ENERGY WORK MASTERPOST!!! GOOD POST by @magic-for-the-masses

moon garden by @bluechicory

candle-making by @natural-magics

meditation tips by @belladonnaswitchblog

SPELLS! by @tarigrove

crystals for ___ by @pluto-in-tao

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11 months ago

Types of Witches

…A complete masterpost!


Hello everyone! So as many of you may remember, I posted this interactive witchy post awhile back asking for people to reblog and add 2 types of witches in order to create an entire archive of all the different types! And seeing as that post seems to be slowing down, I think it’s about time I post all of the lovely types and information I gathered from the wonderful witchy community who got involved ~ So, enjoy!      ➺ Rainy

Each type includes a simplified description, a few examples, and almost every bolded term includes a link to a (hand-picked) useful post/website for that type of practice

Types of Witches

(Some may also fit into the second category)


Solitary - Practicing by ones’ self; not included in a group

Secular - Non-religious / Not connecting with deity(s)

Eclectic - An individual’s practice that has bits and pieces pulled from different magickal and/or spiritual practices, respectfully

(Theistic) Satanic - Witchcraft that is often centered around honoring and/or working with satan in spellwork and prayer

Athiest Satanic - Witchcraft worked with the idea that satan is a concept, rather than a real person. These practicers also do not “worship” in the same way the above would.

Hereditary/Blood - Including oneself in the practice of witchcraft on the grounds of having been born into a family who also practices. Knowledge and practice may also be passed down through generations, and honor old ways of magick

Traditional - One who practices witchcraft by honoring and using old and ‘traditional’ ways of magick; this type of witch would not be one to practice urban or innovative witchcraft, for example

Christian - Witchcraft that is performed to honor / or is performed in conjunction with the Christian God as the primary and only deity

Voodoo - A practice with origins in western Africa and a few other near Africa, which eventually came to the Caribbean area. It focuses on two separate worlds intertwined, spirit-related beliefs, and other beliefs unique to this practice!

Hellenistic - A form of non-witchcraft practice in which the practicer follows Greek ideals/culture and honors the Greek pantheon

Celtic - Magickal practice that is based from the Celtic culture, including its’ mythology, deities, old ways, and (occasionally) language / symbols.

Science - A form of magick in which both metaphysical ideas and scientific facts/theories are mixed in together by the individual practicer

Types of Witchcraft

Keep in mind that each term’s explaination is the basic description of that type of witchcraft/magick; each individual witch might be a certain type but define it differently, as their practice may be different from the next witch


Green - Utilizing greenery/plants/herbs/flowers in herbal and natural magick, such as creating blends of different plants or using primarily herbs in spellwork

Hedge - Also known as an astral title, a type of magick that is oriented around more spiritual work; astral travel/projection, lucid dreaming, spirit-work, healing, and out-of-body experiences are all practices included in this magick

Dream - (A possible variation of Hedge) Mindful and internal magickal practice mainly based from interpreting dreams and/or engaging in lucid dreaming. Those who intensify as this may “de-code” symbols and messages in the dream world similar to how one would use a divination technique.

Sea - A type of magick derived from materials and abstract ideas involving the ocean and oceanic world. Sea/Ocean magick can be worked using seashells and bones, sea weed, beach sand, driftwood, ocean water, etc. and a sea witch might draw their energy from that of the sea!

Storm/Weather - Magick that is worked by combining one’s energy with the energy of the weather, and most commonly rain. Weather witches will do things like collect rain/snow water, absorb the energy of a lightning storm, “whistle up” or manipulate wind, predict the weather, etc.

Cottage / Hearth - (A slight variation from kitchen) Magick that is weaved, worked, or embued into mundane tasks around the house or for loved ones. Cottage/Hearth magick may be worked into daily tasks such as cleaning, cooking, or any hobbies

Kitchen - Magick that is worked specifically through “kitchen craft” such as herbal mixtures, brewing, baking, and cooking, and honors many aspects of the natural world: including herbs, crystals, fey, and the elements

Tea - Those who drink tea, make tea, use tea-leaf divination, or enjoy blending herbal remedies! A variant of Kitchen/Cottage witch

Tech - Magick that is skillfully worked through technology! A tech witch will most likely have at least a few magickal apps on their phone, digital sigils, or an online/digital BoS and/or Grimoire

Garden - While having a garden and/or working in any type of garden; magick that is mostly (if not all) herbal and botanical-related! Garden witches take pride and find it calming or invigorating to work the earth, harvest that which they have planted, and are closely related to Green type

Elemental - Magick that is worked by honoring/acknowledging the 4 or all 5 elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Commonly an Elementalist will dedicate different areas of their altars to each element, call upon them during spells and rituals, and use symbols to represent each

Water - Specifically centered on the element of Water; water scrying, collecting sea/storm/snow/river/spring water, swimming/bath spells and other water-related actives, creating and using symbols associated with water

Earth - Specifically centered on the element of Earth; grounding exercises, rock/soil collecting, strong appreciation of the natural world, creating and using symbols associated with earth

Air - Specifically centered on the element of Air; working with wind, using air-related tools (such as the wand), creating and using symbols associated with air

Fire - Specifically centered on the element of Fire; Using anything fire-related (bonfires, candles, burning objects) in most spellwork, creating and using symbols associated with fire

Flora - Much like a Green or Garden witch, those who work majorily with floral materials and flowers in their practice and in their spellwork! Their grimoire may be heavily associated with flowers rather than herbs, and likewise, one might use flower properties in spell or craft work.

Urban Primative/City - For those who live or prefer the urban/city lifestyle; magick that can be worked without the seemingly “traditional” ways of witchcraft

Faery/Fey - Magick for those who communicate and work with the fey during spells and rituals. Usually, those who work with the fey may also leave offerings regularly, as thanks for the assistance of a faery in their spellwork.

Spirit Working - A practice in which the person will perform spellwork in conjunction with or with the help of any manner of spirit. This includes Ouija, (sometimes) demon spirits, spiritual contact, etc.

Draconian - Refers to type of magick for those who call upon or work with dragons and dragon imagery in their practice; whether it be through astral matters or in spells and rituals

Seasonal - Witches who utilize and draw energy from the specific times of year for their magick, sort of how a person might have a strong love or connection to a certain time of year! This can also be spread out into Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer witches

Embroidery / Sewing / Knit - One who embues magick into household “stitching” or “string” hobbies such as embroidery, sewing, knitting, stringing, and knotting ~ Basically, one who identifies with using knot or chord magick in many different skills

Paper - Magick that is worked with, essentially, paper! Burning paper written with sigils, chants, symbols or spells, creating magickal offerings, items, or sachels from paper, etc.

Music - Magick that is worked with music, musical chimes, or rhythm! Humming/singing, clapping, singing chants during spells, playing instruments (even simple ones, like the triangle or bells), or even just simply playing music during spellwork, magick, or during energy exercises are a few common things a music witch might fancy

Chaos/Chaotic - A type of magick utilizing new, non-traditional, and unorthodox methods. It is a new and highly individualistic practice, while still drawing from other common forms of magick.

Animal - (A variant of Green) Magick that is strongly tied to the animal kingdom, which includes a deep appreciation for all animals, and most often: usage of animal materials in spellwork. An animal witch will most likely be one who loves animals, a person who animals are immediently “drawn” to, and those who appreciate the natural world. Some animal witches might also use bones, wings, feathers, fur, skin, scales, (etc). from deceased animals in their magick, if they choose to do so. 

Sanguine - Meaning “blood” or “blood red color” in Latin, a type of magick that deals with blood or other life giving fluid; life blood can also be represented through things such as water, or nutrients. A term for those who work with blood and life-oriented magick!

Sigil - A witchcraft working majorly with sigils, and the intent that can be put into them to active their power

Art/Craft - Witchcraft that can be worked through arts and crafts, simply put! One may embue macgick in creative activities such as painting, drawing, building, cutting, creating, etc.

Grey - A neutral witch, who practices magick that neither benefits or harms others. Grey magick may also both harm and benefit at the same time, balancing and neutralizing.

Bone - Witches who commonly collect, clean, and use animal bones in their magickal practice, and for things like altar decoration or magick-infused charms/jewelry. Materials used by those who identify as Bone witches are usually collected peacefully or after the being has passed on naturally!

Lunar - One who works magick with / honors the moon and it’s energy and phases. This type of witch is also one to favor casting magick during the night hours rather than during the day

Astronomy - (A wider variant of lunar) Those who practice magick and correlate their beliefs in conjunction with the planets and stars! These witches may focus their magick with the properties of each planet, regularly read a horoscope or study astrology, and have a love of the stars and the night.

Energy - Those who prefer to do magick through energy exercises and manipulation rather than with many physical tools or materials; using the enhanced power of the mind and the body’s natural energies to bring about a magickal result or feeling. (Also may include aura work)

Crystal - Magick that is worked commonly with stones and crystals, such as during spellwork or for crystal healing techniques. This may also include chakra balance, crystal meditation… anything that uses crystals, really! A crystal witch may also have an extensive knowledge of stones, including how to identify them and using their properties.

Literary - Those who practice magick through books and literature; a literary witch may do thing such as using book divination, often study witchcraft/magick even after the “beginner” phase of learning, etc. Also a term used to describe witches in stories, books, or movies.

Types of Spellwork / Magick

Each term below includes a link to a resource of that specific type ~





Knot / Chord


Energy Manipulation

Bottle / Jar

Vocal (Chanting)

(Physical) Binding



If you have any questions or comments regarding this post, please let me know! I tried to include as many types as I possibly could, as well as the information that others gave me from my first post, so I do apologize if your type is not here. In the future, I may be making an updated list! 

➺ Rainy

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11 months ago

Hey, could you send me the links you have about divination or just tarot if it's not too much trouble? Thank you for the help!

Hah, hah hah. I actually didn’t have ANY links at the ready. So I went and compiled all this for you. Hence why it took like 3-4 hours for me to answer this. Hope it helps!


[Divination: List of Symbols] *

[Divination: Symbolism]

[Fun Ways to Divine Masterpost]

[Master List of Ways to Tell Fortunes]

[Methods for Divination and Fortune Telling] *

[Types of Divination]

[Types of Divination, a Masterpost of Sorts]

[Youtube Divination Lessons Masterpost]

Astrology / Star Reading

[Astrology] *

[Astrology as Divination] *

[Divination: Astrology]

[Star Reading: a How To]

[Star Scrying]

[Star Scrying] *

[Star Scrying] *

Cartomancy / Lenormand

[Basic Guidelines for Reading with the Petit Lenormand] *

[Cartomancy Basics: Meaning, Spreads, and More] *

[Cartomancy: A Comprehensive Guide to a Deck of Cards] *

[Cartomancy Card Meanings] *

[Create Your Own Playing Card Oracle Deck]

[Divination: Cartomancy]

[Divination Using Playing Cards] *

[Divination with Playing Cards]

[How to Design and Create Your Own Cartomancy Deck/System]

[How to Read Lenormand Card Combinations] *

[Lenormand for Tarot Readers]

[Lenormand for Tarot Readers Master Post]

[Lenormand Lessons] * (a lot of links and videos)

[Lenormand Keyword Chart]

[The New World Witchery Guide to Cartomancy] *

[Petit Lenormand Card Meanings] *

[Playing Card Meanings] *

[Playing Cards Divination]

[So You Want to Learn to Read the Lenormand (Resources)] *

[Tips for a Beginner in Cartomancy] *

Ceromancy / Ceroscopy / Candle Wax Divination

[Candle Wax Divination]

[Candle Wax Scrying]

[Candle Wax Scrying] *

[Ceromancy] *

[Ceromancy - Predicting the Future from Observing a Burning Candle] *

[Ceromancy - Scrying With Candle Wax]

[Ceroscopy] *

[Divination: The Delicate Art of Ceroscopy] *

[How To Do a Candle Wax Reading] *

[How to Wax Scry]


[Divination Using Crystals] *


[Lithomancy: A Powerful Divination Technique Using Stones] *

[Lithomancy: The Psychic Art of Reading Stones]

[Lithomancy- The Psychic Art of Reading Stones] *


[Apple Divinations]

[Dice Divination]

[Divination Dice]

[Domino Divination]

[How Rook Does Aura Readings]


[Metoposcopy - The Divination Form No One Has Heard Of]

[Ran’s Runes (divination tool in honor of the sea goddess)]

[Sea Shell Divination and How I Do It]


[Divination: Palmistry (Part 1 of 2)] and [Divination: How-To Palmistry (Part 2 of 2)]

[An Easy Palmistry How-To Guide] *

[A Guide to Palm Reading] *

[Illustrations showing Basic Lines and Mount Areas of a Hand]

[Palmistry 101: A Guide To Palm Reading For Enchanted Babes] *

[Palmistry Room] *

[Top 10 Lines in Palmistry]


[DIY Pendulum]

[How to Use a Pendulum]

[How to Use a Pendulum] *

[Limited Pendulum Masterpost]

[Pendulum Dowsing: A Guide]

[Pendulum Guide] *


[Pendulums (A Beginner’s Guide)]

[Pendulums: A How To]

[Teach Yourself How to Use a Pendulum] *


[All About Rune Reading] *

[Casting the Runes] *

[How-To Read Runes] *

[Pages from The Book of Runes]

[Reading Runes]

[Runecasting: Divination] *

[Rune Guide - An Introduction to Using the Runes] *

[Runes: The Basics]


[The Art of Crystal Ball Gazing] *

[Beginner Tips for the New Scryer]

[Beginners Guide on How to Use a Crystal Ball] *

[Black Bowl Scrying]

[Crystal Ball Reading for Beginners]

[Crystal Gazing]

[DIY Scrying Mirror]

[Fire Scrying, Mirrors, Bowls, and Pendulums] *

[Guide to Water Scrying]

[How to do a Nephelomancy Reading {Cloud Scrying}]

[How to Scry]

[How to Smoke Scry]

[How to Water Scry] *

[Hydromancy] *

[Mama Odie’s Gumbo Scrying]

[Mirror Scrying] *

[Mirror Scrying and Wax Divination- Methods of Meditation] *

[Scrying] *

[Scrying] *

[Scrying and Divination Techniques] *

[Scrying, Crystal Gazing]

[Scrying- How To]

[Scrying Mirror]

[Scrying Using the Black Mirror]

[A Short Course in Scrying] *

[Using and Empowering a Black Mirror] *

[Water Gazing]

[Water Scrying]

[Water Scrying I] and [Water Scrying II]


[How to do a Shufflemancy Reading]

[How to: Shufflemancy]

[Intro to Shufflemancy] *

[Shufflemancy] *

[Shufflemancy: 101]

Stichomancy / Books

[Book Number Divination]

[How to Do a Stichomancy Reading]

[Intro to Stichomancy]

[Stichomancy] *

[Stichomancy Tricks and Tips]

[What is Stichomancy ? and How You Do It] *


[The Basics of Tarot]

[Beginners Guide to Tarot Cards] *

[Divination: Tarot Reading]

[How to Read Tarot Cards: A Step by Step Guide] *

[Masterpost of Tarot Related Content]

[Tarot Masterpost] (a buttload of links on all things tarot)

[Tarot Starter Guide]

[What Every Newbie Tarot Reader Should Know] *


[The Art of Reading Tea Leaves] *

[A Dictionary of Symbols] *

[Getting Started with Tasseomancy] *

[How to Read Tea Leaves]

[How to Read Tea Leaves] *

[Reading Coffee Grounds] *

[Reading the Tea Leaves or Coffee Grounds] *


[Tasseography with a Marked Cup - Possible Pros and Cons]


[Tea/Coffee Readings]

* = external links

Tags :
10 months ago

Taking Notes for Witchcraft

You'll see the advice of "write everything down" everywhere, and for good reason. It's a fundamental skill when studying anything, in my opinion. You can be a great reader and know all the right ways to spot a bad source, but none of that matters if you aren't keeping notes. A student is only as good as their note-taking skills, and all witches are students.

But how do you take notes?

Well, first of all, take note of this: I'm not talking about a grimoire. This isn't about writing proven spells in a pretty notebook. This is about writing down everything in a non-judgmental, kind of messy, comprehensive log. It should have a standard layout or template to make it easier to use and look back on, but otherwise, it's a working document for your eyes only.

There are countless ways to keep notes on anything. If the school system failed you (as it did many of us), chances are, you weren't ever taught how to take notes. You were just told to "write that down" and never looked at it again. You're not alone! You, too, can learn how to take not just notes but good notes.

Fundamentals of Note-Taking

The important thing to remember here is that notes are for you. There is no test to pass, no professor to impress, no essay to write. These notes are meant to help you in your magical and/or spiritual practice. But what's the purpose of taking notes, if there's no one and nothing forcing you to take them? In my mind, there are a few:

Absorbing new information by associating a physical movement with the topic (as in, remembering writing something down and using that to recall the information)

Being able to go back and reread information you've already gone over, creating a reference document for future use

Making note of thoughts, opinions, and ideas in the moment so you remember them later

With these basic purposes in mind, you might think to yourself, "Oh, that's easy! Just write everything down. Easy peasy." But to make notes not only effective in the moment for absorption and having the information in one place, they also have to be organized. Writing things down willy-nilly is fine right up until the moment you're spending 20 minutes looking for one specific note buried in a pile of loose, unlabeled papers.

So here are my (very opinion-driven) guidelines for taking notes on anything:

Notes must be kept in a dedicated, bound notebook or dedicated digital file system. Not a binder, not in loose-leaf pages, not on scraps of paper. In a notebook. Spiral notebooks are fine, but I prefer something I can't rip pages out of. I have both a digital system and a notebook system; the notebook is for raw notes and unfiltered thoughts, whereas the digital system is more polished (my actual grimoire).

Notes must be kept in date order. Chronologically! Not by subject. No jumping around the notebook, either. It doesn't matter if one page has a list of recipes to test and the next is detailing an odd dream. If they happen on the same day, they exist together.

All pages must follow a template. I have several templates for various subjects -- one for test recipes, one for completed recipes, one for spells, one for research topics... Some are more rigid than others (recipes in particular). You can use any template or method that you want, so long as it works for you. What matters is that they're all the same every time.

The template must include the date, a title, and the purpose or a summary of what the notes are about. This makes it easier to remember when I did something, what it was, what the contents of the notes are, and why I was taking the notes later on.

Number your pages. A pre-numbered notebook is ideal, but you can always add the numbers yourself.

Notes have to be legible. It just has to be legible to you. If your handwriting sucks (like mine), that's fine so long as you can read it later. But this also means making an effort to use language you'll understand. Don't use fancy script you can't read or big words you don't actually understand.

Write in pen! Controversial, maybe! But you should take notes in pen, never pencil. For one, pen won't smudge and fade like pencil will. For another, writing in pen prevents you from erasing your thoughts in the moment. You shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes or crossing things out. Plus, erasing destroys paper. Just don't do it.

Write in two or even three colors. The third reason to use pen! When I write notes, I usually write my template out in black. Then, I'll fill in the basic information in the same black pen. The "actual notes" are taken using a colored pen (blue, often). As I take notes, I usually have thoughts and ideas outside of the information I'm trying to take down. To make these more clear and easier to find later on, I write them down in a third color (red or another fun color).

Let yourself be a little disorganized and "ridiculous." Look. I know I'm saying to use templates and write neatly. But these notes are for your eyes only. You can write things down that you don't think will be actually useful later. Jot down that this detail made you think of that person. Scribble doodles in the margins. Whatever. If it's not going to impede your note-taking, it doesn't matter. But also, if you start reading a book today and don't come back to it until next week, don't pick up the notes on the prior page. Start a new page. The title should reflect that it's a continuation, but don't skip pages to make room for more notes. Fill in every page as you get to them. This is why we number our pages -- note down where the last set of notes are and then keep moving.

An Example - Book Notes

Let's say I'm reading a book and want to take notes from it. The first thing I want to consider is my goal in taking these notes and what I'm hoping to get from the book. My notes will look very different if I'm trying to review a book's quality versus learning a particular type of magic. For the purposes of this example, we'll say I'm taking general notes to glean as much information as I can from the book.

And let's say I'm using... *casts about looking for the nearest book*... The Bountiful Container, by Rose Marie Nichols McGee and Maggie Stuckey. A book I genuinely do recommend for anyone looking to learn how to keep an edible container garden, by the way.

My ideal template for a book includes:

The date in the upper left-hand corner

The page number in the lower outer corner (for left pages, bottom left; for right pages, bottom right)

The title of the book as the title of the page, followed by the author

The topic of the book

What the book contains (spells, instructions, philosophy, guides, lists, etc.)

My goal in reading it and taking these notes

A heading to delineate where the actual notes begin

Dividing parts or chapters in my chosen note-taking pen color

Here's an example of what that might look like:

Taking Notes For Witchcraft

Note how I'm using bullet points to keep my thoughts organized and separated. You can also see the purple writing that denotes my less organized, in the moment thoughts and feelings on what's being said in the book. Here, the black pen is the template, the teal is the facts presented by the book, and purple is my personal commentary.

You don't have to divide your commentary and factual notes, by the way. I do it because I want to easily delineate between what's actually being said by the authors and what I'm thinking in the moment about what's being said. Sometimes, I'll write them as I have in the above example, in the margins or next to the factual stuff. Other times, I'll write them in line as a dedicated bullet point. It all depends on when I have the thought.

Another Example - Spell Notes

"But what about spells?" I hear you hypothetically asking. I'm glad you've hypothetically asked, dear reader! A very similar approach can be applied to writing notes on spells.

For the purposes of this example, I'll actually show off an updated version of the notes for my Pickled Pickle Hex. Note that this isn't my actual notebook or grimoire, since those are for my eyes only.

For spells, my ideal layout includes:

The name of the spell as the title

The date in the upper left corner

The page number as described previously

The source of the spell

Type of spell (hex, protection, edible, jar, candle)

Purpose of the spell

Ideal timing, if applicable



Space for notes before, during, and after the spell (during/after notes may be recorded separately)

And here's the visual example:

Taking Notes For Witchcraft
Taking Notes For Witchcraft

Note again how the template and basic information is all in black. This color is all business, detailing the actual, physical steps taken for the spell. The teal pen describes the magical parts -- ingredient correspondences, magical acts, incantation locations, etc. In the actual version, I include the incantation itself here. Then, the purple pen is my thoughts while recording it. It's mostly me talking to myself, but note under number 5 in the second image where I ask, "Include time frame here?" It's a note to self to consider where to add an expiration or expected end date during the casting process.

Again, you can include whatever you want. My original notes have doodles and copious notes in the margins... plus ingredients I needed to pick up for the spell. You can include whatever notes you need to. If it's relevant in the moment, write it down.

Recording Spell Results

A big part of note-taking for me is writing down how things work and how it all went. After all, why would I want to cast a spell again if I didn't enjoy it and it didn't work?

It's important to keep notes during your casting. I would suggest tracking the following:

Thoughts and feelings you have (nervous, tired, happy, angry, "I'm hungry," "I should've brought water with me," etc.)

Messages you receive from spirits or other entities

Odd things you notice (wax dripping strangely, shapes in the incense smoke, sounds nearby, increased pet activity, tarot cards jumping)

Alterations to prescribed steps, ingredient substitutions, added or removed steps or actions

Questions you have during the casting and answers if you look them up immediately

Concerns that come up regarding efficiency, energy levels, whether you're "doing it right," missing ingredients, and so forth

How the final result turns out (how it looks, how you feel about it, etc.)

What your next steps are (hiding it, burying it, setting it on your altar, eating it, etc.)

During this stage, particularly for that last bullet point, decide when you'll come back to this spell to check how it went. Sometimes, it isn't possible to test your results (hexes on someone you don't see consistently, for example). Even so, you should still return to the spell to record how you feel, what you think with hindsight on your side, and so forth. If you can tell how the spell worked, write down what happened and why you believe it's connected to the magical working.

If you like, you can make additional notes on the spell and steps themselves. What I do is I put a note under the post-casting section that says, "Additional notes written [date] in this pen color." And, true to form, it'll be a different pen color to everything else I've written with so far.

Again, remember that these notes aren't final. They're experiments and study notes, not grimoire pages. These notes are what your grimoire will be based on. Once you feel confident with a spell, write it into your official grimoire using your layout and medium of choice. In my case, this means typing up the final, expanded version of my notes and spells.


Look, in the end, it doesn't matter how you're writing stuff down. All that matters is that you're writing it down. Keeping it organized makes it easier to use later. Do what works for you.

Here are a few suggestions for note-taking methods and applications that have fed into my philosophies:

Bullet journaling - This ended up not really being for me, but a lot of the ideals are really appealing. This is where the templates idea came from.

Lab notebooks - By far the biggest influence. I highly suggest all magical practitioners give the lab notebook method a try, especially for testing spells and recording results.

Writing prompts - No, really. Using writing and spell prompts to build out and test my note templates was critical when I was trying to figure out how best to set things up. It's a low-effort way to bang out a bunch of ideas and refine layouts.

Spell books - Obviously. Take a look at how authors lay out their spells. It's organized, easy to parse, and includes details about the working. That's ideally what your notes should mimic.

Obsidian - This is an application for taking notes. It completely replaced my massive, disorganized folder of Word documents. Link between pages, tag documents for easy sorting, embed content from reference websites, draw brain maps, organize folders, use add-ons to create templates... Obsidian has literally been life changing. I use it for everything, including my grimoire. You have to pay for it, but it's very worth it. A second brain, indeed.

Try different layouts, formats, methods, mediums, everything. Hell, write notes on what works and what doesn't for your note-taking. You gotta start somewhere.

If you like my work, consider throwing a tip in my tip jar! Your support helps me keep making posts like this one. Plus, supporters got access to the full version of this post a full week early! That could be you for as low as $1.

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10 months ago

How I Make Sigils

How I Make Sigils

Hello my lovely friends! As you probably have seen, I love using sigils in my spell jars, and I thought I would make a little tutorial for you all about how I like to make sigils. Keep in mind there is no right or wrong way to create sigils, but this is my preferred method :)

This is the method I use copied directly from my grimoire. If you want to learn more about my grimoire and how I like to organize my witchy life, just lmk :)

You Will Need:

- A piece of paper (or a digital way to do it, I did this example on my iPad)

- A pen

- An intention


1. Come up with your intention. This should be worded in present tense, and can be as specific (I have a successful career at NASA as an aerospace engineer) as you want to make it. Normally, I would recommend airing on the more specific side, as having a clear intention in mind is essential to spell work!

2. Write out your intention on a piece of paper. For this one I will be using my protection sigil you can find here. My intention was: I am protected and grounded as I am reminded of my inner strength.

How I Make Sigils

3. Cross out any vowels, including 'y'

How I Make Sigils

4. Cross out any repeating letters

How I Make Sigils

5. Using the chart below, write out the number correspondences

How I Make Sigils
How I Make Sigils

6. Draw out your number circle. Again, there are many ways to do this, but this is the method I prefer

How I Make Sigils

7. Finally, connect your lines and dots! When I hit a repeating number, I add a dot to where the number was previously used and skip over it, connecting to the next number (This is pretty hard to explain via text, so I highlighted where I did it on the sigil with the numbers 5 7 1)

How I Make Sigils

As you can see, I added the dot to the 7 and connected the 5 and 1 together with a line, since those are both first time numbers

8. Practice your sigil and add a flourish or two and you're done!

How I Make Sigils

For @lemongrass-and-daydreams who requested this tutorial :)

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