Johnny/peter - Tumblr Posts
Honestly they're practically comic canon at this point. Might as well go ahead and officially lose the "B" in their Bromance.

Everyone come aboard the Johnny/Peter train, it’s time for a rec list! You hear that Google?! I’ll just say it again a couple more times so you get it. This is a JOHNNY PETER REC LIST PETER PARKER JOHNNY STORM FIC REC SPIDEYTORCH FIC STUFF, SO DO YOUR JOB AND LINK IT WHEN PEOPLE SEARCH FOR IT.
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on to the important stuff. The amazing manip you see was done by the lovely razzledazzy, so all kudos, love and praise go to them. Since Johnny/Peter is such a small ship, I shall be recommending not just fics (at the bottom of the list), but also some websites/tags where you’ll be able to find lots of Johnny/Peter. Extremely exciting stuff, I know.
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