Joy Of Learning - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Things that made me study science and maths (mostly good books)

·       A picture in yuval noah harari’s book, ‘Homo Deus’

·       A picture in the ‘Brief History of Time’

·       The word ‘epoch’

·       The book, ‘A Brief History of Everything’

·       A superb book called Number devil

·       A college level physics textbook called, ‘Conceptual physics’

·       A book called ‘We have no idea’

·       My school maths textbook(s)

·       The software Desmos

·       My poetic disposition

 Things that still dissuade me from studying science and maths (in no particular order)

·       The essay ‘A mathematician’s apology’

·       The competition

·       The hype about this place <insert name of popular institution/college>

·       My physics and maths TEACHERS

·       My school physics textbook

·       Guys who pretend they know everything

·       Guys who know everything

·       Biographies of genius mathematicians and physicists

·       Imposter syndrome

·       My inability to crunch big numbers

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