Jules Kounde - Tumblr Posts

The French team after the win against Portugal!
via smorcl on IG

Jules Kounde via ig story
@jkeey “Don’t do intense cardio and weightlifting on an empty stomach ‼️ #cooked “
→ stuck like glue I jules kounde
requested I jules k. x wife!mom!reader
genre: fluff
summary: emile never wanted to leave his dad's side. he wanted to be in jules’ arms or have him in his sight at all times but everything changes when jules comes home from an away match and baby emile refuses to leave his mama's arms & is suddenly over protective of her, too.

“Emile, daddy’s going to be back.” You said to your son who was emotional over his dad even leaving his sight.
Emile was in a fit of tears, his little lip quivering as Jules dared to step away. Jules desperately needed to get a shower and change. He was exhausted and hadn’t rested well the night before because of Emile’s clinging demeanor. Jules couldn’t hide the small smile at his baby boy needing him. It made him feel loved but once he looked up at your nearly tear filled eyes, he stepped in and grabbed him. You sighed at the loss of the weight and tried to remain calm. Emile had been so testy lately and you were at your wits end. Emile was the sweetest and most calm baby until he hit his two year old bench mark. Now, he was a menace if he wasn’t in his daddy’s arms. Which would be fine in a normal situation, where your husband had a simple 9-5 job. But your marriage and your husband’s career was far from normal.
“I’ll be quick and make sure he’s in my sight.” Jules said and placed a kiss to your temple.
“Okay.” You sighed again and let your tense shoulders drop. “Take your time, I’ll be here with the other girls.” You tipped your head to the other WAGs.
The entire time you sat waiting, you wondered why you felt so tired and so hungry. You were snacking the entire match and you were well rested because you napped before coming, which was out of the usual, but you still felt tired.
You loved chatting with the girls but you loved seeing Jules carrying Emile, ready to leave much more. Nothing sounded better than a shower, leftover pasta, and bit of Love Island before bed. You met them with a smile but made no effort to try and grab your son. He clearly cried while he was away, his eyes puffy and still watering. He held his hand in his mouth and when he saw you coming, he buried his face in the crevice between Jules’ arm and chest. Jules handed you the keys to drive so that he could focus his attention on Emile.
Once Emile was finally down for bed, Jules shuffled into the room and took a deep breath. You sat on your knees on the bed and wrapped your arms around him - soaking up the warmth of his shirtless skin. Jules let go to head to the bathroom and do his skin care routine, which you crafted, and you followed. You sat on the counter as he talked to you about his new coach and how things had been. This would be their first trip on the road and he wasn’t certain how it would go.
“And I feel bad,” He said gripping the counter. You tilted your head to look at him, confused by the statement. “Emile has been fussy and you look tired.”
“Oh…” you said unsure of what you were meant to say in response. You were tired and Emile had been fussy but that doesn’t mean you want your husband to say it to your face - it felt odd. Like it almost was an insult but you knew he didn’t mean it that way.
“I don’t want you to be here alone and be stressed.”
“Emile is fine, dramatic…but fine. When you leave he’s all over me and it’s like you never existed.”
“Ouch,” Jules frowned but smiled knowing that Emile wasn’t going to be difficult for you. “I can’t lie, I love seeing him be like that sometimes.”
“I know,” you giggled, “you love to be wanted.”
“Especially by you.” He moved in between your legs and you spread them for him to have more access to you. You made no hesitation and grabbed your husband’s neck and pulled him into you. There was never any loss of attraction in your marriage - it just shifted. The lust for sex turned in a yearn for him when he was gone and turned into making love once he was finally back. You’d grown used to him coming and going but you were also used to the intentional time he spent with you so that there wasn’t any time for you to ever feel forgotten.
Jules’ mouth on yours was heavy and slow. Kissing him was the best part of your day and it was probably childish but it felt so sweet. You weren’t surprised by him taking your body off the counter and walking you over to the bed, his mouth moving down your neck, his hands moving to removed the silk robe you had on. To his surprise, there was nothing on underneath. His laugh echoed in the quiet bedroom and you slapped your hand over his mouth to keep him quiet.
“Sorry.” He mumbled against your hand. Emile was a hit or miss when it came to waking up from noise. The two of you aired on the safer side of being quiet whenever you had sex. “Did you miss me?” He teased once you finally removed you hand.
“Always.” You propped yourself up on your elbows to watch him untie the robe slowly.
“We were apart for like, six hours?” Jules laughed quietly.
“That’s a long time for a girl who wants to fuck her husband.” You said with a bit of sass but ultimately serious. Recently, you couldn’t get enough of Jules - no matter how much sex you had, you were never satiated by it. It didn’t help that you got to watch him sweat, run, and body other players while drinking glasses of wine from the comfort of the reserved section of the stadium. It was similar of someone dangling a carrot in front of a horse.
“You can’t say stuff like that.” Jules groaned and slid his hands up your abdomen and between your breasts, his hand finding a spot around your neck. You flopped back down on the bed, letting him experience every part of you. His face hovered over yours and you asked him why. “Because I’ll be inside you all night and you might end up pregnant.” He placed warms kisses on your neck and clavicle. You laughed at the statement.
“I’m on birth control, that ain’t happening.”
You awoke to the sound of Emile crying his heart out and you were disoriented, usually at this time he would still be in bed. The sounds of his cries grew louder, closer and you heard the door open. Jules was trying to calm Emile down but it wasn’t working. It wasn’t until Jules was standing over you that you realized he was asking for you. Emile was muttering mama over and over as he reached out to you.
“Hi baby,” you comforted him as Jules placed him in your arms. You laid back down and Emile settled himself on you, cuddling you tightly. Jules placed a kiss on your forehead and let you know he was going to finish making breakfast for you before he left for work.
You attempted to let go of Emile to get your morning started but he was having none of it. You told him to stay and sleep, reassuring him you would only be in the bathroom but that was not enough for him. He held onto your leg and made it wet from his teary face. You spoke to him with a calm tone, hoping to ease the situation and not send him into another fit of tears. You gave up on changing clothes and opted to stay in your pajamas to avoid another screaming fit from Emile.
He was happy as ever being carried down the steps by you and was giggling the whole way down though his eyes were still damp but tears. You sat on the barstool at the kitchen counter with Emile on your lap. He smacked the counter and wiggled his little legs and you were stunned from the emotional whiplash he was experiencing.
“Uh, what are you cooking?” You placed your hand under your nose to mask the smell. Jules turned around with the pan in one hand, the spatula in the other. The frown on his face was an immediate reminder of who’s pouty lips Emile inherited.
“Eggs?” Jules glanced at the pan without hesitation and back up to you. “What’s wrong with that?”
“They smell awful. Are they expired?” You gave up on trying to breathe through your nose and instead just took air in and out of your mouth.
“Eggs don’t expire.”
“They have to, there’s no way.” You shook your head. The smell was a mixture of rotten trash, soured dishes and something else you couldn’t place.
“But they don’t.”
“Google it.”
“You google it.”
“I don’t have my phone.”
The only noise for a few moments was Emile and the searing sound from the stove top. Jules eyes widened then narrowed at his phone.
“They do but…we just got these there’s no way.” He concluded. He went back to the stove to keep on cooking you willed your spirit to think of anything other than the rancid smell filling the kitchen. It took all your energy to get through the cooking and as soon as Jules was finished, he reached for Emile.
“No!” Emile whispered and wrangled his way into hiding his face and your neck.
“Ah, Emile, let maman be.” Jules said.
“No!” Emile said a bit louder into your neck which made you laugh. Jules mouth opened and he dropped his hands down in disbelief. “My maman.”
“That’s my maman, too.” Jules argued childishly.
“No that’s mine.” Emile turned to peek at his dad sbc when he got a glimpse of Jules still standing, he whipped his head around and sighed, as if Jules was a nuisance to him.
“Okay, fine.” Jules surrendered. “Are you going to be okay?” He asked you.
“Mhm. He’s probably just having one of those days.” You reassured you husband. Jules smiled at you softly and leaned in to kiss you but as if Emile could sense him, he whipped his head up and threw his hand out.
“Oh mon dieu.” Jules groaned, retreating from his spot next to you and went upstairs.
One of those days, turned into a week, then two and you were certain that you were losing your mind. You weren’t feeling the best and with Emile practically attached to you as if he was in the womb, you had no time to breathe.
Simply standing in the tunnel waiting for Jules became a game of “will E or won’t E bawl his eyes out if I set him down?” Luckily, for just a few moments, he was out of your arms and on the ground even though his arms were wrapped around your calf. A small win was still a win. You were exhausted and you could not get to the bottom of Emile’s sudden clinginess.
“Oh precious,” an older woman who you were familiar with walked up, leaned down to pinch Emile’s cheeks softly. His amused giggles were truly music to your ears and she seemed very pleased with making him smile. “How are you?” She asked, her accent thick with each word.
“Tired.” You replied with a weak smile. You opened your palm towards your baby boy who was content gripping and releasing your pants leg. It was the most calm he’d been in a while.
She smiled in a way that was so endearingly maternal and sweet that you nearly her to teach you how the hell to get through this. She clasped her hands together in sympathy, smacking her tongue against her teeth.
“Too young to be so tired.” She said with a laugh. Her eyes went down to Emile then back up to your face but not before she took a long look at your abdomen and hips. It wasn’t in an odd way but with a sense of discernment. Just as you were about to ask her to elaborate, Emile broke free from you and happily took to waking aimlessly.
“You’re like a fairy godmother…he hasn’t left me alone for more than five minutes.” You chuckled. Emile skipped and hopped before he bent over, looking up at you through his straddled legs. His eyes were bright, his giggles loud. You watched him with genuine confusion about his sudden independence and the odd way he was moving.
“Oh,” she said with a giggle. “Ah. Kids know, you know?” She smiled.
“Know what?” You tore your gaze away from Emile to look at her. With her facial expression unchanging you looked back at Emile and asked, “Know what?”
“Just a little wives tale…” She trailed off but before she continued on the men started to pour out of the hallway, emerging showered and ready to go home. She kissed you goodbye and waved to Emile who was now promptly back in his favorite place: next to you.
“Hey.” You said to your son and he looked up at you with the most adorable eyes - he was a spitting image of his father. “What is it you know?” You asked as if he was going to miraculously tell you genius information. You sighed and patiently waited for your husband to walk out the door.
“Oh…” you said lowly. You blinked slowly at the bathroom counter, refusing to move. Two pink lines reflected on the stick as clear as a full moon.
After Jules fell asleep and Emile, for once, was in his bed, you spent an ungodly amount of time tossing and turning before you gave up and played on your phone. You couldn’t stop thinking about what she said earlier about kids “knowing” and you ended up deep in a subreddit about old wives tales and traditional folklores. It hit you instantly.
“Older generations believed that kids tend to look through their legs while upside down when their mom is expecting or when they are looking for a sibling.”
“What the fuck?!” You whisper shouted and grabbed the test, staring at it as if it would change in your hands. You covered your mouth with one hand, screaming quietly as if truly dawned on you.
You were pregnant.
The hunger, the restless energy, the smells.
All of it. It was there and Emile knew.
You knew that it wasn’t scientifically possible for him to know, you felt that he truly did. He was latched onto you and so overwhelming because he sensed a different in his mom because he was the one who used to be there - he knew all of you. The thought of Emile’s growth and how he was soon to be a brother, tears welled up in your eyes. You sobbed quietly. First of surprise and then out of joy. The two other test results finally settled, they were all in agreement: pregnant, pregnant, pregnant.
“Why are you up?” Jules asked, slowly cracking the door open. He rubbed his eyes in confusion and walked in with heavy feet. “Are you sick?” He touched your forehead with his palm as if your were a kid and it made you laugh. “Are you crying? Why’re you crying?” He opened his eyes and scanned you for an injury.
“What am I looking at it? It’s 2 in the morning.” He said and turned in a circled, trying to find the culprit behind your emotional distress.
“Jules, look.” You grabbed his shoulders and turned him square to the counter to look at the other two test and then presented the one in your grip in front of him with shaky hands. “I’m pregnant.”
“Oh…” Jules said, his voice cracking. His chest was rising and falling at an increased pace and he leaned in close to see the results.
“Babe…I’m pregnant.”
Jules gasped and crushed you in a hug before immediately apologizing. His hands fell to your bloated stomach - which you knew now not to be a consequence of your eating habits. He was as stunned, if not more than you. Jules held you in his arms gently this time and pressed kisses on your head. You continued to cry, unable to fathom the change that was coming.
You were so excited about the baby considering the birth control you were so adamant about getting on. Now you knew that it truly only worked 99.9% of the time.
“Say good morning.” Jules said gently and quietly, placing Emile onto the bed. Emile whispered a little good morning in French before he climbed onto you. He sprawled onto you, his legs dangling on either side of your waist with his head on your chest. You couldn’t believe this was your life.
Jules smiled at you knowingly and leaned in to give you a good morning kiss but Emile wasn’t having any of it. His voice wasn’t loud but it was aggressive and it sent you into a fit of laughter.
“No, papa!”
I remember seeing that one game Barça played vs Sevilla and I saw kounde hit alba w the ball and I immediately started raging…. Now he plays for Barça and I absolutely adore him😭 crazy how times change
guys i want to try to write stories again but idk who to write abt & if i should continue my song prompts 😓😓

had to jump on the trend, made a few. enjoy