Just The Food - Tumblr Posts
A few things I keep thinking about

the unreleased death painting wombs are on the table, with the food. Not next to it. Not on a separate piece of furniture, not on their own chair. If they had a high chair, that could foreshadow them being incarnated.
But here it looks like they're going to be eaten.

There is no rice on the table. Here, Yuuji is passing bread to Choso.
Remember the juju stroll about "are you a rice or a bread person?" or the character pages telling us their preferences?
Rice is generally associated with more traditional, and bread is more modern, from what I've read (but pls add any meaning you noticed that I've missed here).
The way I see it is that nothing about their brotherhood is conventional, but they're happy with it.
I also wonder when the youngest death paintings became remains. Choso said that he would free his brothers from the warehouse, and he can sense their death from any distance, so not knowing bothers me. I will guess that it was an effect of the Shibuya incident - the barrier around the school loosening, the major clans clearing their tools from the warehouse, the pact that the death paintings would be protected there was broken, and the weaker ones might have needed that to keep surviving in their state.