Just Write - Tumblr Posts
There will never be a perfect time to write.
Never a perfect opportunity.
Never a perfect setting or ambience.
Never a perfect sentiment or mood.
You could wait, hopeful, for perfection to arrive and bless you, but you could be waiting your entire life. Think of all the half-written stories, half-developed characters that will be buried in your grave alongside you, just because you chose not to make the best of an imperfect circumstance.
Stop waiting.
Start. Now. Just write. Horribly, sloppily, tangentially.
Write for yourself. Write for someone in particular. Write for an imaginary, idealized audience. Write to commemorate a phase of your life, a friendship that's long since wilted, a parted loved one. Write for the beauty in life, the shimmering snail trails, the rustle of a falcon's feathers while in flight, the crescent moon.
Write for everything. Write for nothing. Write for no one. Write for the madness, for the hell of it. Write just because.
Just write.
Done is better than perfect, as they say.
Some details in life need a voice, however shaky and imperfect. Give these things a voice.
-penned by j. m. medna (2024)
me writing the worst paragraph of my life knowing that a sexier, more hydrated version of me will fix it later
“I think the secret to creativity is just being able to open your head up and just let stuff pour out at the risk of looking like an idiot, and the more you can do that, the more you get good brain storming. It’s like not saying no to any idea before you throw it out there and see if it works. And that’s where you find these little nuggets of uniqueness.” -Jeff “Swampy” Marsh