Justice For The Victim - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Ppl pls spread this🙏

Taeil from NCT 127 was kicked out from the group for s3x crimes allegations. The victim said she tried speaking up on her socials for months. It is said her did this 6 years ago, Taeil threatened to k!ll her hospitalized mom and got her phone hacked. The victim is also allegedly a minor so that's even more sick. I can't believe he went on with his life like that too...

The evidence was probably so bad that they immediately kicked him out. The official account and the members all unfollowed him on their socials too. I can't believe that this is real like he was the least expected person to do this ☹️ it is genuinely sick and I hope the victim is ok💔

@yuinjins @yuqi-luv @cutewon @c-heriis @mainyourheart @i-zna @draculasdaughterrr @ilovebl75 @qqmariztwsse @iwonzyou @hyelita @lil-liaa @lilivampire @n-americano @saralinkaizo @cupid-l0v3r @idillyas @i-kyujin @jimzittos @jazzitos @haesite @taroism @chocoblogs @cherubita @inatty @beomgyuluva @beompercar @cg1rl @i-mmaculatus @sugarish @wonysmiu

Guys pls reblog so more ppl know🙏

I am so absolutely sick to my stomach I cannot believe what I just woke up to ... i’m genuinely horrified

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7 months ago


Sorry for not being active.

This is a triggering topic. For reasons, read at your own risk.

Even if your not reading it, please reblog. I want this to get

Tw: s3xual h4rassment

Hi everyone. So remember sober husk? Aka @/ember-oc?

He was racist, and blamed it on his sleep deprivation. I know, pretty fucked up. I'd think by now he'd learnt his lesson. But no, instead he continues to be a horrible person.

Being racist to multiple people, and now engaging in a non-consenual s3xual relationship with someone who clearly wanted nothing to do with him.

He s3xually harassed them. It disgusts me to see how FUCKED people can be sometimes.


Here is proof.

Why are the msgs edited? They said they kept misspelling things which I can confirm. They do misspell a lot. And imagine being put in THIS situation. Imagine how traumatized and scared they were. Yes, they're going to misspell.

This is disgusting. The most degenerative, diabolical shit I have ever seen.

Not only forcing someone to e-s3x with them, even making them do dirty things on VC?

Its absolutely foul. He needs to take accountability, apologize for the shit he has done. He cant just sit in silence and not expect consequences. For now, it seems his blog is inactive. Despite that, I still demand an apology from this cowardly fuck.

Its so surprising to see him stoop this low, getting off to a person he didnt meet irl. Its pathetic.

Dont just like. Reblog.

@tired-xyra @tofumixp @mod-rainfrog @king--of--ducks @alyxdefoisnthere @headlessdeaddancer @nerdyquestier @penguinmaster9999 or anyone else

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