Sex Tw - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
We Had This Dilemma: Well, Where Do We Place Alicent? And It Seemed That There Was A Kind Of Nice Irony
We Had This Dilemma: Well, Where Do We Place Alicent? And It Seemed That There Was A Kind Of Nice Irony

We had this dilemma: “Well, where do we place Alicent?” And it seemed that there was a kind of nice irony that she would end up in Rhaenyra’s apartment. Interesting seeing as that’s where Rhaenyra lost her virginity and then that’s where she’s having sex with Cole. They both had sex with Cole in the same room. (x)


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6 years ago

Sex makes me angry. I hate myself for being a product of it. It’s dirty, it’s disgusting that I am inherently associated with it. The fact that people can imagine me having sex or being in a sexual situation makes me paranoid, sick to my stomach. I don’t want to be human, humans are dirty and sex-driven. I want to fly away to a universe without sex. It’s dirty it’s dirty it’s dirty

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8 months ago


Sorry for not being active.

This is a triggering topic. For reasons, read at your own risk.

Even if your not reading it, please reblog. I want this to get

Tw: s3xual h4rassment

Hi everyone. So remember sober husk? Aka @/ember-oc?

He was racist, and blamed it on his sleep deprivation. I know, pretty fucked up. I'd think by now he'd learnt his lesson. But no, instead he continues to be a horrible person.

Being racist to multiple people, and now engaging in a non-consenual s3xual relationship with someone who clearly wanted nothing to do with him.

He s3xually harassed them. It disgusts me to see how FUCKED people can be sometimes.


Here is proof.

Why are the msgs edited? They said they kept misspelling things which I can confirm. They do misspell a lot. And imagine being put in THIS situation. Imagine how traumatized and scared they were. Yes, they're going to misspell.

This is disgusting. The most degenerative, diabolical shit I have ever seen.

Not only forcing someone to e-s3x with them, even making them do dirty things on VC?

Its absolutely foul. He needs to take accountability, apologize for the shit he has done. He cant just sit in silence and not expect consequences. For now, it seems his blog is inactive. Despite that, I still demand an apology from this cowardly fuck.

Its so surprising to see him stoop this low, getting off to a person he didnt meet irl. Its pathetic.

Dont just like. Reblog.

@tired-xyra @tofumixp @mod-rainfrog @king--of--ducks @alyxdefoisnthere @headlessdeaddancer @nerdyquestier @penguinmaster9999 or anyone else

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6 months ago

I was goin to pull this on an aro or ace culture inbox, but I stopped n said “nam, too intersectional to put in only one space” so I'm typin this all to post here now.

Btw, content warning for romance and sex mentions.

All this patifaria started yesterday, when the school general (cuz I study in a civica-military school, so we got a general) made me n my classmates watch a movie (I think it was “the brightest places”, “the bright places”, smthn like that. I forgot even the portuguese version of that name, for y'all to have an idea) for yellow september/suicide prevention month.

Until the fateful moment I'll talk about later, all right; it was really selling me that it was about awareness for suicide, with all that setting in yellow, and the boy savin the girl from jumpin off the bridge, n tal & tal & tal. Aí, when I think it's a no: unsolicited romance.... *Sigh.*

a photo of Michael Jackson with an unamused face, plus a text saying “i hate it here”

It was horrible, becuz I didn't want no romance bullshit, and to get it worse these two little pieces of shit were kissin in a french kiss. “But Angelle! How did you know their kiss was more intimate if your coward ass was turning your face around becuz you was cringing so bad?” ......The 5th grader spirit of my class didn't let that shit slide. Nuh-uh, their immature asses would not be seeing a fuckin tongue kiss and be normal about that. If they did that, that would never be a brazilian school. Not even in a thousand years.

And the worst wasn't even that, it was the fact that this movie had a sex scene two millimeters of minutes later.

Now imagine: you. In an auditorium. Full, IMPISTIATED! Of brazilian middle and high schoolers, with the maturity of 5th grade children... And all of the sudden: The general pauses the movie to skip the scene, and the next thing you know is that the female protagonist is making a pleasure face on the fuckin screen...

a photo of a disappointed black person facepalming with a cigarette between their index and middle fingers
the photo of a unopened WhatsApp status with a text saying “alguém me tira dessa escola” (someone get me out of this school) with a wine coloured background.

Only God... Only God and anyone who went through somethin like this knows the embarrassment I felt at this very fuckin second, and I cannot understand how these niggas choose to play a movie like that to a bunch of hormonal teenagers (n not hormonal in the sexual sense, I mean it in the “shrimp head” way!). At least they skipped that scene, WHICH IS THE BARE MINIMUM!

Enfim, resumin the opera, I got no classes for the second half of the day, I got slapped with unwanted allorose shit, and of break, the ending was weak asf, bcs I still don't know if that nigga killed himself of if it was an accident.

I just get leñed, huh, I deserve it.... 🤦🏽‍♀️

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