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Maiden of the Moon Index

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

I made some Yua family members, as we will see in this chapter with a Rinmaru Medieval Avatar.
Please take a look on my DeviantArt
Chapter 11: Home of the Moon
After being sent off in the early morning by their friends Yua and Tanjiro with Nezuko in her box made the journey to the Moon Mansion, the home of Yua family, the Mochizuki.
They were making a good tiSlayersey even met a nice man with his carriage and he drove them in the direction of the Mochizuki Estate.
The two Demon Slayers passed their time with talking and singing. They couldn’t slack off in Tanjiro’s Total Concentration Training, now could they?
Yua quite enjoyed the journey to her home with company. This was the first time she brought a friend over.
She felt a bit like a normal 17-year-old. It was a nice feeling.
“Your family will be okay with Nezuko?”, asked her Tanjiro right now.
His worry wasn’t without reason.
They would enter a home full of Demon Slayers.
Tanjiro knew how hostile the Hashira’s had reacted to Nezuko before Oyakata-Sama told them that he recognised Nezuko as Demon Slayer so she wasn’t to be killed.
Entering a home full of people who could kill his sister in one instant, made him nervous.
“Don’t worry, I wrote about your situation to my father.”, reassured Yua with a small smile. “He promised my family wouldn’t go against Oyakata-Sama orders. Nezuko is safe. Also, I would help you protect her from them if they attacked her.”
The boy stared at her in disbelief.
“You really would go against your own family for me and Nezuko?”
As an answer, Yua reached out and petted his shoulder.
“I love Nezuko like she is my own sister and I’m fond of you too. For me, you guys are family too.”
Her confession made Tanjiro feel all tingle and happy. He felt the blush rising in his cheeks, how his heart beat faster and the butterflies in his stomach flying wildly.
His crush on Yua just got bigger.
Shyly he squeezed the hand on his shoulder.
“You are for us family too.”, he told her.
For a second he imaged Yua as his bride, didn’t need to know nobody or how it filled his heart with happiness.
Yua gave him a thankful smile. She was also happy that the Kamado siblings loved her as a sibling. She would ignore this vision of herself as a bride with Tanjiro as her groom on her side.
Nope, not thinking about it all or what it meant.
Soon they entered a little forest of Wisteria trees.
It reminded Tanjiro of the forest on Mount Fujikasane where Final Selection was held. Just as pretty and mysterious.
They passed under a Torii with a half moon on it, following the way up a little hill.
After a few minutes, Tanjiro could see an old, traditional house which had also a half moon and the Kanji for Mochizuki over the entrance door. Around it grow beautiful flowers of any kind. You could tell that the garden was tended with love.
Before the house stood a tall man. He was wearing the Demons Slayer uniform with a green Haori with swirls on it. The man had long midnight blue hair in a ponytail and grey eyes.

That must be Yua’s father.
They looked alike.
“Otou-San!”, called Yua and raced up to her father.
He smiled happily and twirled his daughter around as they hugged each other tight.
Tanjiro was touched by the loving scene and had to fight his tears. This made him miss his father.
“Oh moon bunny, it’s so good to see you. Did you grow a bit?”, asked Yua's father, petting her head.
“I don’t know, maybe.”, answered Yua, then turned to Tanjiro and waved him over. “Otou-San this is my friend I told you about. Kamado Tanjiro, following swordsman of the corps and in the box is his little sister Nezuko. Tanjiro this is my father Mochizuki Haruto.”
Tanjiro bowed before the man.
“It’s an honour to meet you Mochizuki-San.”
“Ah, young Tanjiro it’s okay to call me Haruto. I’m happy that Yua found some friends. Any friend of hers is welcome here.”
“Alright, Haruto-San.”
Then Haruto got all sober as he told his daughter: “Your grandfather is expecting you in the Tea Room, moon bunny.”
Of course, Yua got scarred. She had stayed away from home for months and was only raised to Kinoto.
Her Grandfather would give it to her.
“Yua, are you okay-”
“It’s alright Tanjiro.”, she interrupted him. “Just go with my father, I’m sure one of my aunts is currently making lunch.”
With that, she stepped into the house and made haste to the Tea Room.
“I’m back, Grandfather.”, she announced as she entered the Tea Room.
Like she was taught she made a deep bow, waiting till her grandfather gave her permission to raise and sit before him.
It was eerie quiet.
Yua felt the sweat dripping down from her forehead.
Thanks to her Aura-Sensing she knew her Grandfather was not happy.
He was pissed off.
What hurtful words would he hurl at her?
“Ah, the lost daughter has returned.”, he spat, not even letting her rise from her bow. “You stayed away a long time from home.”
“I’m sorry, Grandfather.”
“Did I give you the permission to speak, girl?!”, he growled.
The girl started to shake in fright, she felt all clammy and like throwing up. She never had seen her grandfather like that.
She knew she had to tread carefully, but she couldn't help but ask, "May I know what I have done wrong, Grandfather?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Mochizuki Makoto let out a deep sigh and finally gestured for her to rise and take a seat. She did so hesitantly, trying not to make any sudden movements.

"You dare to stay away from home for months," he said sternly. "Then you have the gall to send a letter asking about the Hinokami Kagura Dance, not even telling us what Rank you are now."
Yua felt a pang of guilt in her chest.
He was right -when she was healing from her wounds, she actively avoided sending letters home. She was scared of telling her she was only a Kinoto now and what would happen as punishment. Then when she finally wrote them, again she didn’t tell her Rank because of this fear and asked for something.
"I apologize, Grandfather," she said sincerely with a deep bow, her forehead touching the Tatami mats. "I was in the wrong, I will do better."
He nodded slowly, still eyeing her critically.
"You better," he warned. "The future of our family depends on it. Now your Rank."
The midnight blue-haired girl stayed in her position, not daring to raise. Maybe if she stayed demure, her Grandfather wouldn’t verbally hit her.
Yeah, right.
She was just scarred looking into his cold grey eyes and saying hatred in them.
It was still for a long time, Yua started to feel pain in her body because she had stayed in the bow so long, till her grandfather shouted: “Kinoto! KINOTO?! You dare to show your stupid face into this house after months, daring to ask about the Hinokami Kagura Dance and you are only a Kinoto?! You are a disappointment! A waste of space! Oh, why are you the only one who can use Moon-Breathing? Why have the gods punished me with a talentless granddaughter like you? You are not worth it to be a Moon Breathing User!”
Yua felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
She knew her grandfather was harsh, however, this was a new kind of harshness.
"I understand, Grandfather," she said softly, still not daring to look up at him. "I will work harder and strive to become better."
Mochizuki Makoto let out a snort of disgust.
"You better," he said coldly. "Because if you don't, you will bring shame upon our family."
She nodded silently, feeling the weight of his words on her shoulders. She knew she had a lot of work to do if she wanted to prove herself worthy of being a Moon Breathing User.
But no matter how hard it would be, she was determined to make her grandfather proud and show him that she was not a waste of space after all.
What else was there in life for her?
She was born to become a Hashira and make her family a respected Demon Slayer in the Corps.
This was her only right to existence.
Suddenly both inhabits of the Tea Room nearly jumped into the air as the door opened.
“I’m sorry to disturb you!”, it was Tanjiro.
In disbelief, Yua turned to him.
Tanjiro fixed her Grandfather with such an angry look, that Yua wasn’t even sure if this was really the Tanjiro she knew.
This was a completely new side of him.
“Who are you boy?”, hissed her Grandfather angrily. “You dare to disturb me and my granddaughter talking.”
“With all due respect sir, you didn’t talk to your granddaughter you insulted her! And I will not stand around hearing you insult Yua. Yua is my friend and one of the strongest people I know! You are in the wrong about her!”
Makoto narrowed his eyes at Tanjiro, clearly not pleased with the interruption. Yua watched in shock as her friend stood up to her grandfather, defending her honour. She had never seen anyone do that before!
"How dare you speak to me like that," her grandfather growled. "You are just a mere Demon Slayer. Probably not higher than Kanoe."
Tanjiro didn't back down, his expression was unwavering. "I may be a lesser Rank, but I know a good person when I see one. And Yua is one of the best."
The room fell silent as the two men stared each other down. Yua held her breath, unsure of what would happen next.
Then her grandfather gasped and pointed at Tanjiro Hanafuda-Earings.
“You have the earrings?! Of course, this red hair, red eyes and the scar on your forehead...you are a Sun Breathing User.”
Both teenagers were more than confused.
“That’s why you asked about the Hinokami Kagura Dance.”, mumbled Grandfather rubbing his chin. “Now it makes sense.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, sir, but apologize to your granddaughter.”, growled Tanjiro angry, his red eyes ablaze like the sun. “She doesn’t deserve your harsh and unnecessary words.”
This only made Makoto laugh nasty.
“You may be a chosen one of the Sun, but you have no authority here, boy. This is the realm of the Moon and I’m the clanhead. I can do as I wish.”
To show Tanjiro he meant it, Makoto suddenly grasped Yua by one of her hair buns. The 17-year-old shouted in pain, tears streaming down her face.
Tanjiro could only stare in shock. He never saw how the family treated each other this way.
“She is merely an extension of my will.”, told Makoto. “She was only born to be a Hashira. She doesn’t have any other reason for existing: I can do with my Granddaughter as I wish!”
Things happened fast then.
From one moment to another, Yua felt like her grandfather would rip her hair out, then suddenly his hand got slack and a terrible crunch was heard.
Tanjiro had headbutted her grandfather.
Yua's mouth met the floor, while her Grandfather was knocked down by Tanjiro's headbutt.
The room fell into stunned silence as Yua's grandfather lay on the ground, clutching his nose. Tanjiro stood over him, his fists clenched at his sides. Yua couldn't believe what had just happened. She had never seen anyone stand up to her grandfather like that before.
"You can't treat people like that," Tanjiro growled, glaring down at the older man. "Especially not your own family."
Makoto looked up at him, his eyes filled with anger and disbelief.
"You dare to strike me?" he spat out, wiping blood from his nose.
"You deserved it," Tanjiro said firmly. "No one deserves to be treated like that. You are a bitter old man who bullies his own family to his enjoyment because he couldn’t become a Hashira. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Instead of seeing what great progress Yua made, you are obsessed with her becoming a Hashira. Even dirt is better than you! I met demons who showed more humanity than you...you piece of shit!"
With that, Tanjiro helped Yua to her feet.
Yua felt a rush of gratitude towards her friend. She had been so scared and alone at that moment, but Tanjiro had come to her rescue without a second thought. She knew she could always count on him to have her back.
As they left the Tea Room together, Yua felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew there would be consequences for what had happened today, but she didn't care anymore. For the first time in a long time, she felt free - free from the weight of her grandfather's expectations and free from the fear that had held her back for so long. With Tanjiro by her side, she knew she could face anything that came her way and come out stronger for it in the end.
Maybe that’s why she did what she did next.
No one has ever defeated her honour quite like that.
She must show him her thanks.
Softly she called out Tanjiro's name, he turned to her, opening his mouth, probably to ask her if she was okay, however, Yua leaned down, wrapping her arms around his neck and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
Tanjiro was shocked by Yua's sudden gesture, but he didn't pull away.
Instead, he wrapped his arms around her curvy waist and deepened the kiss.
Yua felt a warmth spread through her body as she kissed him, grateful for his unwavering support and protection.
As they finally broke apart, Yua looked down at Tanjiro with tears in her eyes, both of them breathing heavily.
It was madness that she had done it, love had no place in her life, but...how could she not love Tanjiro after he faced her, her biggest fear?
Maybe she could love him and be a Demon Slayer.
She only knew she always wanted to be on his side.
This was the only sure thing in her life.
Softly she smiled and Tanjiro returned her smile and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.
Yua nodded, feeling a surge of love for him in her heart. "I'm more than okay," she whispered back, leaning in for another kiss.
This time she slipped her tongue in his mouth.
They continued to kiss passionately, lost in their own world.
Yua couldn't believe how natural it felt to be with Tanjiro like they were meant to be together.
Like two pieces of a puzzle.
Like Yin and Yang.
Like the Sun and Moon!
As they finally pulled away from each other, Tanjiro looked up at Yua with a deep sense of love and admiration.
"I don't know what the future holds for us," he said softly, "but I do know that I want to spend it with you."
Yua's heart swelled with happiness as she heard these words.
"Me too, Tanjiro," she whispered softly. "Thank you. For everything."
Tanjiro smiled up at her, his eyes filled with affection and admiration.
"I'll always be here for you," he promised.
And with those words, Yua knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead of them, they would face them together - as equals and as lovers.
“Wow, that was some hot, sappy shit.”, called a female voice, which Yua know really well, while Tanjiro nearly jumped to the roof.
It was Sayako, Yua's younger black-haired cousin with pretty green eyes.

Deadpanning Yua looked over Tanjiro's head to her younger cousin.
“Hello you pain in my butt, you have splendid timing as always.”
While Tanjiro resembled a tomato, Sayako giggled with a shit-eating grin.
“I’m a lesbian, but even I got hot seeing you both making out with each other. Leave something for tonight.”
“You are so weird, Yako, also don’t you mean wedding night?”
“Oh please, you gonna deflower the little redhead the first chance you get YuYu.”
What did Sayako think, that she had no self-control? Tanjiro was still two years younger than her, she wouldn’t overwhelm him with that!
Poor Tanjiro resembled a teakettle with the sounds he made and how red in the face he was.
Kissing his temple, Yua took his hand to calm him down.
“Ignore my stupid cousin, Tanjiro, Sayako likes to rile people up.”
“I’m here, you know.”
Huffing Sayako walked up to them and made a little bow.
“Whatever, it’s nice meeting you Tanjiro-Kun. I’m as Yua said Sayako, her cousin, 15 years old and Kakushi of the corps.”
Seems like Tanjiro calmed down enough to greet Sayako back with a bow and a smile.
“Ah you are a cutie.”, cooed Sayako, petting his head. “Take good care of my cousin, please?”
“I will, I promise!”, he shouted.
“Also did you break our shit grandpa's nose or something, everyone heard a loud crunch?”
“He did.”, confirmed Yua proud of her love. “Grandfather is licking his wounds, I don’t think he will come out of the Tea Room.”
“Then we will have a nice lunch. Come you two, food is ready.”
So they followed Sayako to the dining room where the rest of the Mochizuki was already waiting in excitement.

So Tanjiro and Yua kissed and are kind of together, aww.
Wouldn’t it be terrible if all would go to shit after they leave the Mochizuki? *whistles innocent*
But what I’m saying, all is good. ;D
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

I’m still in search of a Beta-Reader. I need someone with Discord who is online often so we can also talk about plotpoints if necessary ^^
Also more pic for Yua family members.
Chapter 12: Under the Moonlight
Laughter and the klir of chopsticks against bowls could be heard in the dining room of the Mochizuki family.
It was a happy and warm atmosphere.
Not all Mochizuki were participating in the lunch.
Their clanhead still nursed the broken nose their guest Tanjiro had caused him and Aunt Chiyako, her oldest son Daku and Uncle Keitaro were on missions.
Even if they were missing the lunch the other Mochizuki would tell them all about how Tanjiro had stood up for their Yua.
For them, the red-haired boy belonged already to the family.
Yua, herself, was holding Tanjiro's hand under the table and looked with loving eyes at how Tanjiro (Her love? Boyfriend?) interacted with her family.
He was gentle to her little cousins Kaito and Hikari.

Charming and thankful for the lunch she had made to her Aunt Miwa.

Talked with Uncle Hansuke about their work as Demon Slayers.

Laughed at Sayako jokes.
And gave the utmost respect to her father Haruto.
Even more, after her father came back from talking with her grandfather and had told his father if he ever touched her again in a harmful way, he would move out of the mansion with her.
Everybody saw Haruto’s bloody knuckles and applauded him for hitting their father/father-in-law/grandfather.
Then when Nezuko came out of her box, the younger Kamado fit in just as easily.
She played with Kaito and Hikari, who were fascinated by the good demon, while Tanjiro told her family, their tragic story.
Aunt Miwa gave the Kamado siblings each a big hug after that, while the other said words of comfort.
All in all, it was an amazing lunch.
The Kamado felt again like a part of a big loving family and the Mochizuki already saw them as their own.
In Yua's eyes, it couldn’t have gone better.
Sure, her Grandfather gripping her hair and saying these harmful words to her, she could live without it, but beggars can’t be choosers.
After lunch, it was time to do the thing Yua and Tanjiro had come to the Mochizuki Mansion.
It was time to research the Hinokami Kagura Dance in the archives.
Nezuko stayed with Miwa and the kids, while Haruto led his daughter and their guest to the archives.
“Here.”, said Haruto and laid an old scroll on the table in the archive. “This is what I found about the Hinokami Kagura Dance. It was written by Mochizuki Meiyo.”
“Mochizuki Meiyo?”, repeated Tanjiro, gently opening the old scroll. “Wasn’t he the one who founded your family?”
“Yes, young Tanjiro. I will leave you two to your research.”, with a forehead kiss to Yua and a shoulder squeeze Tanjiro Haruto did just that.
“This should be interesting.”, said Yua, eyeing the scroll.
“Should I read aloud?”, asked Tanjiro his love. He needed to ask her if she wanted to be his girlfriend soon.
The midnight blue-haired beauty nodded and sat down on the table.
“Let’s see what my ancestor has written about the Hinokami Kagura Dance!”
Mochizuki Meiyo knew what people thought about him.
Especially his brothers-in-arms in the corps.
After...after his Master left them..they thought he would follow him.
Betray them.
Betray humanity!
What a nonsense.
Tsugikuni-Sama may have saved him, a lowly orphan, from a life on the street and sure death, had treated him like a son, but Meiyo was his own person.
He...he knew his master was in the wrong.
Not only because he was also close to Yoriichi-San, Tsugikuni-Sama's younger brother, no, but because he remembered what demons had done to his beloved parents.
What they did to humans any day.
He would never betray his race.
Yes, he still used Moon-Breathing, but it would be nonsense to not use the second powerful Breathing Style against their enemies, only because his master was now one of them.
Meiyo signed and looked up the mountain trail he was going up.
He would soon reach the home of his friend.
“Otou-San.”, called his pride and joy, his daughter Nozomi to him. Her tiny hand squeezed his big, callous one. “When are we at your friend's house.”
He chuckled.
Nozomi was already tired, he could see it clearly.
“We are nearly there, want me to carry you, moon bunny?”
She frowned and shook her head. She wanted to show him what a big girl she already was.
He was so proud of her.
Meiyo was sure she would be the first woman in the Demon Slayer Corps, she already could copy Moon Breathing in a playful dance.
“A there it is!”, Meiyo pointed at the little hut before them. “There lives my friend. Sumiyoshi!”, he called loud for him...
...The two men and friends were sitting on the veranda of the little house enjoying a cup of tea as they watched how Nozomi played with little Sumire.
“So...a dance?”, Meiyo asked a bit in disbelief at Kamado Sumiyoshi.
The man in the checkered haori, laughed sheepishly.
“I thought this was the best way to preserve Yoriichi-San Sun-Breathing. It’s really fluid if you think about it. One Kata goes to the next like, well, in a dance.”, laughed Sumiyoshi a bit embarrassed.
Meiyo huffed and hit his shoulder playfully.
“I was just pulling your leg. Nozomi...when she sees me doing my Kata’s, she copies them in dancing moves too. My wife is actually freacking out about that, she wants Nozomi become a lady of the high society, but Nozomi wants to be a Demon Slayer too.”, explained the blue-haired male.
“Oh dear.”, laughed the red-haired male. “I don’t know how I would feel about if Sumire or my son wanted to join the Corps. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for what you guys do, but...”
“No, I get it.”
Both looked at their children.
“No one wants their child in that danger, but I think I can’t forbid Nozomi to follow me into the Corps. She is my only child, my wife sadly can’t bear any more children...My Master betrayed the Corps...It’s our duty to stay loyal to the Corps and serve them with the Moon-Breathing.”
Sumiyoshi put a hand on his friend's shoulder.
“It’s not your fault that your Master betrayed the Corps.”
“But it’s my fault that he could leave...Sumiyoshi...When I fought him, begged him to stay with us...I could have done it...I could have killed him...but I only saw the man who raised me after my parents died, the man I loved like a father...I just couldn’t.”
As an answer his friend wrapped an arm around his shoulder and gave him a squeeze.
“Old friend, who could blame you for not raising your sword against the man you loved like a father? The one who saved your life?”
A bitter laugh escaped Meiyo.
“Oyakata-Sama and all my fellow Demon Slayer. They cursed me and Yoriichi-San out for our weakness for Tsugikuni-Sama.”
“Then they are fools.”, told Sumiyoshi sure. “Everybody with a heart understands how painful it would have been for you two.”
“Enough with this.”, decide Meiyo. “Tell me how are you gonna call the dance.”
“The Hinokami Kagura Dance.”
“Fitting for a family of coal makers. You know...I think I will turn Moon-Breathing into a dance too, it’s a good way to see if someone can do it. Nozomi showed me that. It just needs a name also.”...
Surprised Yua and Tanjiro looked at the scroll.
“Wait, that’s it?”, asked Yua shocked. “Is there more?”
Tanjiro flipped the scroll, but there was nothing.
“No, it ends with the naming of the Jihibukai Tsukigami No Mai and Meiyo and Sumiyoshi saying goodbye to each other.”, told Tanjiro, equally shocked.
“Wow, what a disappointing ending.”, grumbled Yua, crossing her arms.
The red-haired boy closed the scroll and gave her a tiny smile.
“But I think we learned the most important things.”
“Like my ancestor and yours were friends!”, shouted Yua, still in shock about that discovery.
Who would have thought that?
And who would have thought that 300 years later a Kamado and a Mochizuki would be friends and maybe lovers?
“And both were friends with someone named Yoriichi, who used Sun Breathing, which is my Hinokami Kagura Dance.”, added Tanjiro.
The girl nodded.
“Still, some things are still missing. Like why is Sun Breathing so powerful, when we all thought for a long time that Moon Breathing was the strongest?”
“I agree. You sure there is no more in the archives.”
“If there were, Otou-San would have found it.”
Both Demon Slayer signed.
Well, at least they have found something.
Now what to do with it?
Since it had taken them half a day to reach the Mochizuki Mansion, Yua, Tanjiro and Nezuko stayed the night over.
They would return back to the Butterfly Mansion tomorrow.
So they enjoyed the rest of the day with the other Mochizuki.
Then even Aunt Chiyoko, her son Daku and Uncle Keitaro came home and met the Kamado Siblings too.

Yua was happy to see all her family, besides the death and the missing Noritaka, together and treating Tanjiro and Nezuko as their family too.
She could see how it touched the Kamado Siblings a lot.
More than once Tanjiro had to wipe away his tears.
Anyway, it was time to sleep.
Tanjiro and Nezuko would sleep in her room, as would Kaito and Hikari.
Her younger cousins didn’t want to leave Nezuko.
It was so cute.
Nezuko lay in her futon, one arm around each child and both gripping the demon girl's clothes with their tiny fist.
Yua and Tanjiro put their futon together and automatically their hands found each other.
They stayed awake watching the moon outside Yua's window.
As they lay there, Yua and Tanjiro couldn't help but think about the scroll they had found earlier that day. They had learned so much about their ancestors and the origins of their respective Breathing Styles. But there were still unanswered questions lingering in their minds.
"Why do you think Sun Breathing is so powerful?" Yua asked, breaking the silence.
Tanjiro thought for a moment before answering. "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's based on the sun. Sunlight destroys demons in one instant."
Yua nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. But I wonder if there's more to it than that."
"Maybe we'll find out someday," Tanjiro said optimistically.
Yua smiled at him, grateful for his positivity. She was more of a pessimist.
They complemented each other nicely.
So there was one thing left today before they could fall asleep.
Yua turned sideway in her futon and reached with a hand Tanjiro's head. She turned it towards her.
Automatically Tanjiro was on his side too.
“Tanjiro.”, she whispered quietly under the moonlight. “What are we?”
The boy blushed cutely, putting his hand over Yua and squeezing.
“I want to be together with you.”, he confessed. “Like a real couple. I know it will be hard, us being Demon Slayer, but...I like you so much Yua, I will regret it if I don’t ask you to be mine.”
Yua's heart skipped a beat at Tanjiro's words.
She had been hoping he felt the same way she did, but to hear him say it out loud was still a shock. She took a deep breath before answering.
"I want that too, Tanjiro," she said softly, her hand still on his cheek, gently stroking it. "I want to be with you, even if it means facing danger together as Demon Slayers."
Tanjiro smiled at her, relief and happiness evident on his face.
He leaned in and gently pressed his lips against hers in a tender kiss.
It was brief but sweet, and Yua couldn't help, yet it felt like everything was falling into place.
As they settled back into their futons, Yua snuggled up closer to Tanjiro, feeling safe and content in his arms.
They drifted off to sleep with smiles on their faces, excited about what the future held for them as lovers.
The next morning, Yua and Tanjiro woke up early to prepare for their journey back to the Butterfly Mansion.
Nezuko was still asleep with Kaito and Hikari in her futon.
Yua and Tanjiro quietly got dressed and packed their bags.
Then they woke up the sleepy Nezuko and helped her get into her box.
Hikari and Kaito they let sleep. It was still too early for the four and five-year-old.
As they were about to leave, Haruto came to see them off.
"It was nice meeting you Tanjiro. You and your sister.," he said warmly. "Be sure, that you will have always friends and family in the Mochizuki’s."
"You are so sweet Otou-San," Yua replied with a smile.
"We are really grateful, Haruto-San. Nezuko and I enjoyed staying with your family and thank you for letting us research the archives," added Tanjiro.
Haruto nodded. "Of course, anytime. And be careful on your way back."
"We will, Otou-San" promised Yua.
Father and daughter hugged each other tight, putting all the love they had for each other in it.
They didn't know when they would see each other again.
As Tanjiro and Yua walked out of the mansion gates, hand in hand, the girl couldn't help but feel grateful for everything that had happened during their visit.
They had learned so much about their ancestors and themselves and had strengthened their bond as a couple.
She looked down at Tanjiro, who was smiling up at her with love in his eyes. She knew that whatever challenges they faced as Demon Slayers, they could face them together as partners.
Yua squeezed his hand tighter as they made their way back to the Butterfly Mansion, ready to continue their journey together.

And with that, the little Arc is over, now we will get into the Demon Slayer storyline back again.
Also who all are interested in how the others reacted to Yua and Tanjiro being a couple...

“I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!”, shouted Zenitsu, as he watched how Yua and Tanjiro cuddle together in one of the beds of the Butterfly Mansion Patient Room. “HOW THE HECK DID YOU SCORE A GODDESS LIKE YUA-SENPAI?! WHAT IS YOUR SECRET TANJIRO, TELL ME, TELL ME, I MUST KNOW!”
The blond-haired boy crawled up to their bed, tears and snoot flying everywhere and was met with Yua's fist.
He crumpled on the ground like a cheap firework.
Inosuke hollerd, while Tanjiro tutted at his girlfriend.
“What, he was being annoying.”, she defended her action.
From the ground, you only heard pathetic groans.
“So you are mates?”, asked Inosuke to clarify. “Does it mean when mating season is you two will breed?”
The red Tanjiro turned needed a new name, while Yua just deadpanned.
“Boarhead, you don’t ask such things couple normally.”
Meanwhile from behind the door of the patient room the four little girls celebrated that their favourite couple, become one, Aoi was busy explaining to Kanao what was going on and Shinobu?
Giggling she put a hand on her mouth.
“Ara, are, what a nice surprise. I wish you, kids, the best.”
And if she thought about a certain Water Hashira, no one, but Shinobu needed to know.

Now we really are done!
So I beg you please leave A COMMENT!
The more comments I get, the faster you will get chapters ;D
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

Also, I want to make clear, that we may be talking about sex, but I will never write smut for Tanjiro and Yua.
Both are minors.
Just no.
But we also know how horny and hormonal teenagers are and that most people, not all of course, have their first time as teenagers.
So if both one day will do the deed, I will only hit on it.
No smut.
Hope everybody is comfortable with this ^^
Now on with the story.
Season 1 ends and in the next we are in season 2!
Chapter 13: The first steps in a new journey
There was tension in the air.
Yua felt how sweat dripped down her temple.
The honourable Hashira, Shinobu, just stood before her with a calm smile.
On the side were Aoi and Kanao, the four little girls, her boyfriend (still amazed her that Tanjiro felt for her so much) Inosuke and Zenitsu.
All were looking at the showdown and what was about to happen.
The day had started like normal, with rehabilitation training against Kanao.Â
Tanjiro had made incredible progress and out of 20 times, he could win 10 against Kanao. After he wanted to go on a run, trying to motivate Zenitsu and Inosuke to come with them (Yua didn’t need an invitation, she was always ready), Shinobu came into the training room.
At first, all thought she just wanted to check on the four Demon Slayers and their progress, but playful she had turned to Yua saying: “I heard from Aoi-Chan and Kanao-Chen how fast and strong you got, Yua-Chan. I would like to see for myself.”
So here she was about to be playing Tag with a Hashira. Yua had a feeling this was a test.Â
Maybe...maybe they were scouting her out to see if she was ready to be a Hashira?
The midnight blue-haired girl had worked all her life for this goal. How much sweat, tears and blood did she shed? It seemed nearly unbelievable that this could happen. She wouldn’t lie, after what had happened at home with her grandfather, a part of her wanted to pull a Noritaka and just leave the corps, another part wanted to show the old bastard who called himself her Grandfather she could become a Hashira.
Also, she didn’t want to leave, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke and also Zenitsu hanging. They were a team now. She would feel like a traitor if she left the Corps.
If this was a test to see if she was ready to be a Hashira, she would give her all against Shinobu.
Yua took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand. She couldn't let her thoughts wander, not when she was about to play Tag with a Hashira. Shinobu's calm smile didn't reassure her, it only made her more nervous.Â
As they started running, Yua felt the tension in the air increase. She had to catch Shinobu as fast as she could. The boys and the four little girls were cheering her on from the side, while Aoi and Kanao were watching intently.
The Kinoto couldn't help but feel grateful for their support. They were more than just teammates, they were family now. And she couldn't let them down.
Shinobu was fast, but Yua was determined. She ran left and right, trying to anticipate Shinobu's next move. The sweat dripped down Yua's temple again, but she ignored it. This was her chance to prove herself.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of running and dodging, Yua managed to tag Shinobu.Â
The Hashira smiled even wider and patted Yua on the back.
"Well done," she said. "You have great potential."
The 17-year-old felt relief wash over her as Shinobu walked away with Aoi and Kanao following behind her. She looked at Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu before she was suddenly stormed by Ema and her friends. The little girls all hugging her.
“That was amazing Yua-Nee!”, shouted Ema.
She laughed and hugged each girl. Then she felt how someone picked her up and twirled her around.
It was Tanjiro.
“You were incredible!”, told her boyfriend. This made her laugh even more, hugging his neck tight, leaving kisses on his head.
The girls cooed, while Zenitsu mumbled to Inosuke: “Lucky Bastard. He has her amazing breasts in his face.”
“What’s so special about this?”
Zenitsu made a facepalm.
“I’m surrendered by stupid virgins.”
For that Inosuke hit him over the head.
“I have no idea what ya talking about Monjirou, but I have a feeling I must hit you!”
The blond faceplanted on the ground and only pathetic sounds came out of him.
Since they weren’t any more patients of the Butterfly Mansion, but guest the four Demon Slayers were moved into one of the guest rooms.
Tanjiro and Yua liked to share their futons, the girl often spooning her younger lover. For both, it was the best sleep they had in ages in each other arms.
Still...Yua was 17 years old and she had...erm...some urges..hust.
So it was a blessing and a curse that they shared the room with Zenitsu and Inosuke. You couldn’t do more...mature things couples do with an audition. Yua bet Zenitsu, the pervert, would enjoy watching them. Only kissing and cuddly and okay she may have given Tanjiro one or two hickeys, however, they didn’t do more.
In her head, Yua cursed Sayako out. Her cousin was right...she already wanted to go the next big step with Tanjiro...why was she such a horny individual?
Love did weird things to you, she decided. Also, she remembered that her parents were affectionate to each other, maybe she got it there?
Just...it was hard in words to express what she felt for Tanjiro...she was better with physical affection.
Maybe that’s why she wanted to do it.
However this was all just thinking, they were a fresh couple, and they had still months before this subject should come up.
So sleeping was just sleeping.
But today their peaceful sleep was interrupted by Kaguya, Yua crow.
“Morning children, morning Yua-Chan.”, cawed Kaguya.Â
Sleepy Yua raised her head from where it was buried in Tanjiro's hair, as her boyfriend sat up.
“What the heck?”, shouted Inosuke pissed.
“Huh? What’s going on?”, wonders Zenitsu also sitting up.
Yua turned on her stomach and held out a hand for Kaguya to sit on.
“Morning my princess.”, she kissed her crow on the head, which made the bird caw happy. “I assume you have a mission for us?”
“That’s right. The casualties of the Infinite Train are increasing. More than 40 are now missing. You are to join Rengoku Kyoujurou on-site. Head west at once!”
Yua looked at her boys and smirked.
“Looks like we are back in the game boys!”
Meanwhile, one Kocho Shinobu talked with Oyakata-Sama about how she had recommended Tanjiro for this mission and then about the Fire/Sun Breathing they had talked about and how maybe Rengoku Kyoujurou could help him.
“Now my child about the the favour I asked you about.”, said Oyakata-Sama in his calm voice. “What do you think about Mochizuki Yua.”
“Her strength and abilities are on Hashira Level no question.”, answers Shinobu. “Like you asked me Oyakata-Sama I tested her and she could bet me. I also sensed a change in her behaviour thanks to entering a relationship with Kamado Tanjiro. Both complement each other nicely, caring for each other but never forgetting their other important people.”
“This sounds all very good. She may be ready.”
“You mean master?”
The man nodded.
“I will wait how Kyoujurou is going to evaluate young Yua in this mission, but we may have finally found a new Hashira and the first of the moon.”
In the Butterfly Mansion of course no one knew what was going on in the Masters Mansion. The four Demon Slayers were more occupied to prepare for their mission.
Yua had already said her goodbyes, so she had taken Nezuko with her. They took a bath and then in Nezuko's room they got ready.
It felt good wearing again her Demon Slayer Uniform. It was such a part of her...maybe she was forced into this life, but...leaving it?
Maybe when Tanjiro and her would start one day a family...long in the future, hopeful there weren’t any more demons.
Under no conditions wanted Yua to birth a child into a world full of demons. Her and Tanjiro's children should grow up in a world without fear of them. Also, she was too young to be the mom of someone.
A big blush formed on her cheeks, which made Nezuko poke them in curiosity.
Did...did she really think she wanted to start a family with Tanjiro one day? Was she already that gone for him?
Again, love was so weird.
But beautiful.
To distract herself she braided two thin braids on each side of Nezuko's head and then together fixed them with a cherry blossom hair clip.
The demon girl cooed and touched her new hairstyle in wonder.
She was so cute, that Yua couldn’t help it and kissed Nezuko on the head. Nezuko started to purr and Yua now needed to cuddle her.
That’s how Tanjiro found them.
The two most important girls in his life are on Nezuko's bed cuddling each other.
“Hello love.”, greeted Yua with his pet name. She only used it when they were alone or with Nezuko. “Said goodbye to the others?”
“I did, dearest.”, he answered with his pet name for her. “Did you know that Kanao needed a coin to decide what to do? I hope I could help her make now-alone decisions.”
This made Yua sit up, while Nezuko still embraced her. She stroked the younger girl's hair.
“Yeah, I know it. We all just rolled with it. From what Aoi-San told me Kanao-San did not have the best childhood. You are amazing you know that. Always so helpful, I’m a disaster at these things.”
“Don’t say this.”, tutted Tanjiro, stepping towards them.
He petted his sister's hair, while he kissed his girlfriend on the forehead.
“You have your way of helping, you are kind and gentle and don’t try to deny it, I can smell it.”
Huffing Yua patted his cheek.
“Won’t say a thing. Now get dressed. We need to go.”
Tanjiro nodded and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.
“Dearest, I like this new hairstyle, didn’t know your hair was so long.”
Grinning with a blush Yua stroked her hair. She had decided to keep the buns but left most of her hair free. Now one could see that it passed her curvy hips.
Soon the four Demon Slayer and one Demon in a Box were outside the Butterfly Mansion with Ema and her three friends.
Yua stood beside the little girls and watched how Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke blew into the big guards.
They all cheered them on, till the boys managed to make them explode!
This made the girls cheer louder.Â
“Amazing boys, you did it, I’m proud of you!”, congratulated them on their Senpai with a lovely smile.
The boys blushed under her praise. Some more than others.
It’s then Kiyo holds out a basket of rice balls to the four.
“Here you go.”
Tanjiro thanks her and Inosuke reaches for a rice ball, but Zenitsu stops him.
“Don’t eat it now!”
The four little girls chorus: “Please go out and defeat tons of demons.”
“We’ll do our best.”, promises Tanjiro, then he sees the Water Pillar Tomioka Giyuu and runs up to him, while Zenitsu and Yua try to stop Inosuke from eating the Rice Balls.
“Boarhead, stop it!”, shouts Yua.
“I told you not to eat it now!”, reminds him Zenitsu.
Inosuke only tells them to shut up.
An angry mark forms on Yua's head and faster than lighting she hits Inosuke on the head and catches in the some moment the basket with the rice balls. Inosuke is just a whimpering flat form on the ground. A little crater formed around him.
Zenitsu's mouth meets the floor and the little girls are in aww.
“Yua-Nee/Lady Yua is amazing!”
What strength!, thinks Zenitsu scarred to the bones. Yua-Senpai was strong when we met, but now she is a force of nature! I hope you never forget any anniversary Tanjiro or she will kill you!
Soon Tanjiro joins them, wondering where Inosuke got a new bump from, Yua innocent standing there with the basket and Zenitsu is terrified.
The red-haired boy can just smile.
Yeah, these are his precious people.
And he would do anything to protect them and Nezuko.
The Demon Slayers say goodbye to the little girls and make their way to their mission.
At sundown, they reach the train station.
It’s a while since Yua has been in the more modern parts of Japan, but she is excited to drive on a train for the first time.
Her excitement gets a bummer as she sees how Inosuke is freaking out about the train.
“Hey… Hey! Hey! Wha… Wh-Wha… What the hell is this creature?! I bet this is that thing! The master of this land! The ruler of this land! See how long it is? So intimidating! No mistake! It looks like it’s asleep right now, but don’t let your guard down!”
“Uh, no, it’s a train.”, deadpans Zenitsu at him and Yua the queen of Deadpanning is a tiny bit proud. “Haven’t you ever seen one before?”
“Shush! Calm down! I’ll lead the charge!”
Inosuke prepares to fight the train.
“Hold up, Inosuke!”, stops him Tanjiro.
At least her boyfriend isn’t some country bumpkin.
“You never know, it might be the guardian spirit of this land. Also, you shouldn’t attack all of a sudden.”
Yua takes it back...and are these sparkles around Tanjiro?
“Tanjiro, babe...”, she says exasperated, rubbing her forehead. “A train is a vehicle for transporting people. It’s not gonna eat us.” (A sentence she would regret later)
“Both of them are country bumpkins, Yua-Senpai.”, huffs Zenitsu with crossed arms.
Well, she can’t say something against it.
It makes her feel dirty.
“Huh? A train?”, repeats Tanjiro surprised. “So is that what Kaguya was talking about?”
Suddenly Inosuke walks toward the station building, while his friends stare at him in confusion.
What is he planning now?
He charged the train and headbutted it!
“Stop it! Talk about embarrassing!”, scold Zenitsu and Yua together.
Of course, two station attendants saw all this and ran up to them. They start to shout for the police when they see all of the group's Katanas.
“MOVE IT GUYS!”, shouts Yua.
Fast she throws Tanjiro over her shoulder, while Zenitsu drags Inosuke by the arm away. They managed to hide from the station attendants and police.
The moon is raised as Zenitsu gives it to Inosuke: “Thanks to you, we went through hell, Inosuke! Say you’re sorry!”
“Huh?! In the first place, why did we have to run from the police?!”, he asked.
It’s Yua who answers him, hand on her hips. “The Demon Slayer Corps isn’t an officially recognized organization by the government. Walking in broad daylight with our Katanas out is dumb, it only gets us in trouble. We can’t tell the normal mass about demons, they would think us mad and probably look us up somewhere.“
"Even though we’re working so hard?”, ask Tanjiro a bit sad.
His girlfriend pats his shoulder.Â
“It can’t be helped, Tanjiro. It’s how it is. People don’t wanna know the truth about what lurks in the dark. Being ignorant is a blessing.”
“For now, let’s hide our Katana’s on our backs.”, adds Zenitsu.
The three hear how Inosuke giggles, then the wild boy stands up and shows them his back... where you can see his Katana’s clear as daylight.
All three are deadpanning. Yua feels again proud.
“You can see them. Put on some clothes, idiot.”, advises Zenitsu, still deadpanning.
However, they don’t have time to look for clothes since the train starts to drive away.
“Oh crap, they are driving away without us!”, shouts Yua.
 “Are the police still around?”, asks Zenitsu.
“We’ll have to go even if they are.”, tell Tanjiro.
Like the maniac wild boy he is, Inosuke jumps out from their hidey hole and challenges the train to a race.
“Oh kami, that guy!”, shouts Yua, but races after him and the train. “Guys let’s go!”
She can hear how Tanjiro and Zenitsu follow them.
Inosuke, Yua and Tanjiro jump on the train while Zenitsu trails behind. He calls for his friends and the three manage to pull him onto the back of the train.
“Haha! Man, it’s fast!”, laughs Inosuke excitedly.
“I know what you mean.”, agreed Yua, her long midnight blue hair dancing in the wind. “That’s my first time on a train too.”
Zenitsu turned to Tanjiro asking him if it was right to bring Nezuko with them if she would be safer at the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters. Tanjiro told him that it was fine and that no one would separate him and his sister.
The red-haired boy feels how someone takes his hand and squeezes it.
He doesn’t need to look to know it’s his girlfriend.
And what she is telling him with this.
I will be on your side too. Always.
He squeezes with the same feeling back.
And so the Mugen Train rolls into the night, the four Demon Slayers and a Demon Girl none wiser what nightmares they would encounter on it.

Next Chapter: UMAI! :D
Also, comments are delicious like food for me, feed me with them, feed me please I’m starving!
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

So I made a pic of the passenger who entered Yua's mind and the rest of the Mochizuki family.
And as little treat how Yua looks in Inosuke’s dream.
I found a Beta-Reader the wonderful JayWalkerReal from Wattpad.
So it can happened that the chapter don’t come all two to three days but a bit later, till she corrects anything-
Hope you understand!
Now on with the Story.
Chapter 14: Beautiful Nightmares
Our four Demon Slayers enter the inside of the train.
Fascinate Yua looks around, as she had said she never had taken a train, so it was an amazing experience.
Inosuke thought the same and showing no manners like always, stormed between seat rows, scarring passengers, so he could look out the window.
“So fast! Hahahaha!”, laughed the wild boy in amazement.
“Sorry! We’re very sorry!”, said Zenitsu to the passengers and grasped Inosuke. “Forget that! Get over here, idiot!”
“So freakin’ fast! Hahahaha!”
“Boarhead, calm down. I know it’s cool, but show some manners!”, hissed Yua, as Zenitsu pulled Inosuke away from the window.
The quartet makes their way towards Rengoku.
“He’s a Hashira, right? This Rengoku person…”, ask Zenitsu Tanjiro. “Are you sure you’ll recognize his face?”
“Sure. He had this gaudy hairstyle, and I remember his scent, too.”
“That’s good to know, Tanjiro. My Aura-Sensing is useless if I don’t know what I’m looking for.”, tells Yua. “But in the next wagon is someone with a fiery Aura.”
“That could be him. I think I’ll know it’s him once we get close.”
Tanjiro prepares to open the door to the next train car. He only can open it to a slit, when all of sudden a loud shout of Delicious rattles even the windows!
This quiet shocks the four Demon Slayers.
Who has so much power in their lungs?!
They enter the train car, hearing someone shout Delicious over and over again. Yua feels a warm and fiery Aura coming from this person.
They stand now behind a young male with blond hair and red strikes in it, eating Bento’s to his heart contentment.
“Delicious!!”, again he shouts and it looks like all the Bento Boxes fly into the air!
Yua was disbelieving, (was that the Hashira?!), as was Tanjiro, while Zenitsu hides behind them and Inosuke looks curious.
“Is that the Flame Hashira guy?”, whisper-shouts Zenitsu. “Not just some random glutton?”
“The aura is in any case fiery and warm like a flame.”, answers Yua, watching in bizarre fascination how the Flame Hashira eat and shouts with any bite Delicious.
He is like a shouty black hole. She never met someone who could eat that fast and with enthusiasm.
Tanjiro tells them that this is the Flame Hashira they searched for. He tries to talk to Rengoku, but he just eats and shouts to his heart contentment.
“Uh, we really get that part already…”
“The people in Kyoto get this part, what a shout...”, mumbles Yua with crossed arms.
Two nice attendants prepare to discard a tall stack of Rengoku’s empty bento boxes, as the overhead light flickers.
“And you’re the kid from that day at the Master’s.”, say’s He finally something different and stopped eating.
Yua wasn’t sure he could.
“Yes. I’m Kamado Tanjiro.”, answers her boyfriend. ”And they are my fellow Demon Slayers, Mochizuki Yua, Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke .”
Zenitsu and Yua bow in greeting, while Inosuke just puts his hand on his hips and lets out a loud huff from his mask.
“It’s an honour to meet you, Rengoku-Sama.”, greets Yua. “Kocho-Sama only had good things to say about you.”
That her fellow Hashira was a shouty glutton she had left out.
“Now none of that young Mochizuki, we are all comrades here. Rengoku is fine.”
In agreement, Yua nods.
Then Rengoku turns back to Tanjiro.
“And inside that box there…”
“Yes. It’s my sister Nezuko.”
“Right! That demon we saw that day, huh? Since the Master has acknowledged her, I won’t say any word for now.”
The Flame Hashira pats the seat beside him.
“Have a seat here.”
So they all settle down.
Tanjiro beside Rengoku, Yua with Nezoko’s Box in the seat in front of them and Inosuke and Zenitsu settle for a seat nearby.
The wild boy is so amazed by the train that he pounds the windows, shouting how fast the lord is. Thankful Zenitsu grasps him and makes him sit down again.
“What are you four doing here? A mission?”, ask Rengoku Tanjiro and Yua, while facing forward with crossed arms.
Yua raises an eyebrow. Why isn’t the Hashira facing her or Tanjiro?
Anyway, she answers him. “My crow Kaguya gave us orders. “The casualties of the Mugen Train are increasing. Join Rengoku on site,” she said. And here we are.”
“Yes! I see now! Understood!”
He still wasn’t looking at them.
“Right.”, says Tanjiro. “Also, there’s one more thing. There’s something I wanted to ask you, Rengoku.”
In bizarre fascination, Yua watches how Tanjiro tries to get more information on the Hinokami Kagura Dance from Rengoku. They both take turns in talking so it’s like she is watching a Tennis Match.
In the end, the FLame Hashira has no idea about the Hinokami Kagura Dance.
What a bummer.
“Um, can you try to help me a little more?!”, begs him Tanjiro.
“Why aren’t you looking him in the eyes?!”, adds Yua curious. “My Kaa-Chan always said that’s super rude.”
“You should become my Tsugukos, my apprentices! I’ll look after you both!”
“Hold on a second! And just what are you looking at?!”, shouts the couple together in disbelieve.
What was going on?!
“Flame Breathing has a long history.”, begin Rengoku with a little history lesson. “In any given era, there’s always been a Flame and Water swordsman among the Hashira. Flame… Water… Wind… Stone… Thunder…Moon...Those are the fundamental breathing techniques, even if we only had one Moon Hashira till now. The other techniques were created as offshoots of those six. Mist is a fork of wind. Young Mizoguchi and Young Mochizuki! What color are your katana’s?”
“Huh?! My name is Kamado. And the colour is black.”
“Mine is white.”
“Ah, white, the Mist Hashira Katana is white too and Noritaka’s also. He is your uncle, right Young Mochizuki?”
“Erm, yes.”
“That means you have a calm and distant personality, fitting for someone who practices Moon-Breathing.”
“Erm, thank you?”
The midnight blue-haired girl wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“A black sword, huh?”, Rengoku turned to Tanjiro. “Well, isn’t that unfortunate? Hahahaha!”
“For real?”, asked Tanjiro in disbelief.
“I’ve never known a swordsman with a black sword that became a Hashira. On top of that, I hear that they have no clue which style to master. Come to me, and I’ll train you! You can rest easy now! You also Mochizuki, you will be the second Moon Hashira we have in the corps.”
“No… No, thank you! And just what are you looking at?!”, chorus Tanjiro and Yua.
Silence falls over them and Yua takes the chance to do a good Aura-Sensing of the Flame Hashira.
Yes, indeed, like she had noted before fiery and warm. Also caring and just. He really cared for her and Tanjiro and wanted to help them.
Yua decides, that Rengoku might be a bit weird, but his Aura shows clearly a good heart and soul.
Meanwhile, Inosuke tries to jump out the window to try to race the train (Idiot!) and Zenitsu tries his best to not let him jump out.
“That’s dangerous.”, warns Rengoku. “You never know when a demon might appear.”
And that was the thing Zenitsu didn’t want to hear. He thought they were travelling to the demon and not that the demon was in the train as Rengoku explains.
Of course, the blond freaks out and wants to get off.
“If you wanna jump out a driving train be my guest.”, deadpanned Yua with crossed arms. “But I don’t think you would survive it Agatsuma.”
The scarred boy only shakes and whines more in fright.
Tanjiro sends his girlfriend a look and she shrugs her shoulders.
She was just telling the truth.
Yes, but you could say it nicer, it’s clearly written in Tanjiro's face.
A train crewman enters the train car and begins walking along the aisle
“May I… see your… tickets, please?”
“What’s he doing?”, wonders Tanjiro
“The conductor is going to check your ticket and punch a hole in it.”, explains Rengoku.
The conductor punched a hole in each ticket of the Hashira and the four Demon Slayers.
When he is done with Yua, the light flickers again.
Suddenly Yua feels how her Aura-Sensing goes crazy, but before she can check what caused this all turn dark around her...
She is underwater.
She is drowning.
Deeper and deeper.
There was something.
Something important!
Yua tries to swim, but her arms haven’t the strength.
She sinks deeper...
Yua is leaning on the Nezuko box. Tanjiro leans on Rengoku and Inosuke is drapped over Zenitsu.
All of them are sleeping.
None of them knows in which danger they are now.
Something is tickling Yua's nose.
With a little sneeze, she wakes up and looks around.
The sun is shining warm down on her as she lays in her family garden.
“Strange...”, she mumbles. “Wasn’t it night? Wasn’t I somewhere else?”
Confused she scratches her head. There she notes how utterly long her hair is, even her bangs now reach her hips?!
What the...?
Why did she let her hair grow this much?
It will be a huge hassle in a fight with a Demon.
“Blossom.”, calls a sweet voice for her.
Immediately tears spring into her eyes and she stands up.
It can’t be.
She hadn’t heard this beloved voice since she was 14 years old.
But...but there she is.
Wavy light pink hair.
Big red eyes.
A soft lovely smile on her hips.
Wearing her favourite cherry blossom Kimono.
In her hands a little tablet with a cup of tea probably.
It’s her mother!

But mother...but mother...wasn’t she...?!
“Blossom?”, calls again Kaa-Chan worried. “Is something wrong?”
With a shout, that resembles more of a wounded animal, Yua races up to her mother and hugs her tight. The tablet with the tea fell down on the ground.
“Mama! Mama! You are here!”, cries Yua, gripping her mother so tight, scarred she would leave her. Her tears wet the kimono of her mother.
“My sweet blossom, where else would I be?”, coos Mama, hugging her back and kissing her forehead. “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Yes this must be it.”, agrees Yua, still hugging and getting hugged by her mother. “Just a long bad dream...”
In the real world on the Mugen Train, Yua sheds tears.
She isn’t the only one.
Tanjiro dreams of his dead family and cries about being reunited with them.
Rengoku dreams of his family, especially his beloved brother.
Zenitsu dreams of his beloved Nezuko.
Inosuke has a wild adventure with a bunny Nezuko, a deer Yua, a raccoon dog Tanjiro and a rat Zenitsu.

They don’t know and feel the five people who bind themselves to each of them with a robe so they can enter their dreams.
And kill them from within!
All is so perfect, Yua can’t believe it.
Grandma Junko is fine! She didn’t die when she was a little girl and is now clan head.

It was her grandfather who had died.
Good riddance.
Under Grandma Junko's lead, the Mochizuki have abandoned the Demon Slayer Corps forever and are now just a big happy family.
Everyone living their dream job.
Aunt Chiyako has opened up a dress shop in the nearest city, selling beautiful Kimono.
Uncle Hansuke helps out his wife in the shop and works as a merchant.
Cousin Taiga, the oldest, who Yua had thought die, facing a Demon, is working as a wood carver. He always liked to make them little figures out of wood, she is happy her older cousin could make out of his passion a job he liked.

Cousin Daku goes to school and it seems like he will go to the university in Tokyo! Studying Physic he likes so much.
Cousin Kaito is enjoying for now kindergarten, but he likes to build houses with his wood blocks. Maybe he will be an architect?@
Her father Haruto has opened up a bookshop, sharing his passion for books with everyone.
Her mother and she help him out with it.
Yua isn’t sure if she wants to continue her father's work, but she enjoys the tranquillity of the job.
Uncle Keitaro became a fisherman, turning his hobby into his job. He isn’t often at home, but he lives his dream.
His wife Aunt Miwa decided to stay home and raise the kids.
Sayako, her beloved pain in the butt of a cousin, has an apprenticeship with the local pharmacy and is on the best way to take it over.
Hikari enjoys also kindergarten. The youngest is still too little to have a future job in mind besides becoming a princess.
And then...there is Uncle Noritaka.

Yua grins at her favourite uncle as he cleans his face from the theatre makeup from his last show.
His uncle always wanted to be an actor.
And he was it now.
“Peach, you seem so happy, it gives me the creeps.”, jokes Noritaka, ruffling her long hair.
“I’m just so happy...we all are free from the curse of the Moon Breathing. It’s amazing!”, she chirps and hugs her uncle.
“Yeah, maybe we are egoists, but our family has done enough for the Demon Slayer Corps. They can do just fine without the cursed Moon-Breathing.”, he agrees and hugs her back.
“My bitch.”, calls Sayako for her. Her cousin enters Uncle Noritaka's bedroom with a shit-eating grin. “Your little coal lover boy is here.”
For a second Yua doesn’t get what Sayako means-
She opens her eyes.
She is underwater again.
Something is wrong!
Something is wrong!
She needs to get out of the water!
It only drags her down more...
-Till she remembers again.
Oh right, her love Tanjiro.
Tanjiro and his family moved two years ago and started to sell coal around the city and to them.
They had become friends and now after years of pinning a couple.
“Thanks, you slut!”, she gives Sayako a kiss and runs out of the house.
There is Tanjiro waiting for her with Nezuko on his side, enjoying the warm sun.
...Something is not right.
Something tells her Nezuko shouldn’t be out of the sun.
Then her future sister-in-law smiles at her and she forgets the thought.
“Yua-Nee, nice seeing you.”
Both girls hug each other before Yua kisses Tanjiro's cheek and the couple embrace.
“Hello, love.”
“Hello, darling.”
“Okay, I will let you be happy for half an hour and then we need to get going alright, Nii-San.”
“Thanks, Nezuko.”, the couple chores and doesn’t even look how the other Kamado enters the Mochizuki Mansion.
They both are more invested in each other.
Their lips met a tender and passionate kiss.
Yume herself wouldn’t say she is bad.

Yes her actions are bad.
However, she isn’t bad.
Born from a prostitute mother, who stayed pregnant with her, a child with natural blond hair, she hadn’t had an easy life.
Her mother was abusive.
She saw in her the foreigner she had made Yuma with.
The foreigner who had promised her to take her away to the far land of England to marry and raise their child together.
All men were the same.
Only promise and nothing following up.
Yume had experienced the same.
Thanks to her exotic looks the boys swarmed her.
And she listened to their promises.
Opened her legs.
She had her first child at 13.
Thankful it was a stillbirth.
Or her mother would have killed her to bring another mouth to feed at home.
Then she ran away because she couldn’t take any more of the hate of her mother and did the same job as her.
Used, used and used.
The blond was only a thing to play for people.
Then a client gave her Syphilis.
And her life would have been over, hadn’t she heard about the Mugen Train.
She didn’t have the money for the cure, so dying in a beautiful dream sounded way better.
That’s why she helped the demon.
The blond-haired woman watched emotionless behind a tree how the female Demon Slayer dreamed about being together with the red-haired Demon Slayer.
All been cutesy and coupley together.
Something she never had the luck to experience.
It disgusted her.
Silently she turned around and searched for the border of the dream and the subconscious. She found it at the edge of the little Wisteria Forest.
With an ice pick, she destroyed the border and entered the subconscious.
In it, all air left her lungs.
What kind of subconscious was that?
The floor was silver with graters, and over her a bright night sky with a million stars, the sun shining warm down on her.
Yuma walked around.
Where was the spiritual core? Only if she destroyed it, the demon slayer girl would die and she would get her dream from the demon.
This landscape was so alien, yet so incredibly beautiful.
“I’m...on the moon?”, asked Yume herself.
It made sense somehow.
She seemed to walk for ages.
A never-ending silver landscape, only the sun taking vigil over her.
Then she found it finally.
The spiritual core.
It was all silver and white, reminding her of a pearl.
“Beautiful.”, she gasped. “A shame I have to destroy it.”
She raises the Ice Pick ready to stab it!-
Yua is floating down in the water, till all of sudden her Aura Sensing goes crazy.
She opens her eyes and screams!
The water vanishes.
The intruder in Yua's subconscious never gets to change to stab the spiritual core, since the floor breaks under her and she falls screaming into the darkness.
With a jerk, Yua wakes up.
Huffing she blinks frantically with her eyes.
She is back on the Mugen Train.
What the heck had this all been?
The girl looks up and sees Tanjiro and Nezuko awake. Rengoku is in the background, still sleeping, choking some random girl, while Zenitsu and Inosuke sleep too.
“Tanjiro! Nezuko!”
She rises from her seat and hugs her boyfriend and her future sister-in-law. They hug her back just as tight.
“What is going on?”, ask Yua them.
Her boyfriend explains how they got pulled into a Blood Demon Art thanks to the train tickets. Then the people who hang them with robes have also a demon smell on them. They surely were sent into their dreams to harm them in a way.
Nezuko burns Yua's robes and then after Tanjiro asks her she burns the others because Yua notes that it would surely be a bad idea to just cut the robes.
They had a very strange aura around them.
So the two awake Demon Slayers try to wake up their sleeping comrades.
Tanjiro tries to shake Zenitsu awake, while Yua just slaps Inosuke. Hard.
“Okay, not even my bitch-slap helps.”, notes Yua dry.
What should they do?
What could they do?Â
Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

My loves I’m sorry the chapter came out so late. I had written the first version but forgot to save it. *facepalm*
Then it needed to be Beta-Read.
But here you have it now. :D
Check out my DeviantArt or Wattpad to see some AI Pics of Yua ^^
Chapter 15: Lower and Upper Moon
Long the couple can’t try to wake up their friends, since they get attacked!
Thankful both Yua and Tanjiro sensed it by a mile and jumped to safety with Nezuko.
The one who attacked them was a girl in a green kimono with two braids holding an ice pick.
What the...?
“What are you doing?!”, shouts Tanjiro confused.
Why is a human attacking them?
“Get out of our way!”, growls Braids. “Thanks to you guys, we won’t be able to have dreams!”
Soon she is joined by a boy, and two other females, one being blond, the other wearing a bow in her hair.
Are they controlled by the demon...or acting on their own free will?
“What do you think you’re doing? If you’re awake, you’d better help us out!”, yells Braids to a sickly-looking boy. So they do it of their own free will, but why wonders Yua? “You may have tuberculosis or whatever, but if you don’t do your job, I’m going to tell him, and then he won’t show you any dreams, you hear me?!”
Ah, the man is sick and his fellow passage might be too or have another tragedy they want to forget in the beautiful dreams the Demon creates.
Yua and Tanjiro share a glance.
They can understand them, however...
“Sorry. We have to go fight.”, says Tanjiro for them.
Fast as lighting the couple takes out the four hostile passengers with a chop on the neck. Only the sickly boy remains.
The couple looks sad down at the fainted passenger. This was not fun at all.
“You want to stay inside a happy dream, don’t you? I know. I wanted to stay inside my dream, too. If only this was the dream…”, signs Tanjiro.
Fast Nezuko run up to her brother, as Yua takes her boyfriend's hand.
“I understand you Tanjiro, but my mother once told me happiness and tragedy are the same sides of a coin. Without tragedy we wouldn’t know happiness, without happiness, we wouldn’t endure tragedy. The world is cruel and yet so beautiful.”
Her boyfriend gifts her a soft smile, tears sparkling in his eyes.
“Thanks, Yua, I needed to hear that.”
Then they turn to the sickly boy asking him if he is alright. He seems okay, even thankful, from what Yua can sense of his Aura. He won’t attack them.
He even wishes them Good Luck.
Whatever he experienced in Tanjiro's dream/soul/subconscious changed him.
The young woman could understand this well, Tanjiro already changed her a lot first with his friendship, now with his love.
With Nezuko they leave the cart in search of the demon.
Out of it, Tanjiro can smell him and Yua feels the demonic Aura formally twisting in the air.
Surprisingly, they didn’t sense that demon before.
“Tanjiro, I bet with you this must be one of the 12 Moons.”, shares Yua her theory. “We have to be careful from here on.”
“Right! Nezuko, don’t come here! Stay away from us and wait! Go wake everyone up!”
As the demon girl does as her brother says, the couple swings themselves onto the roof of the train car.
They run along the roofs, till they find the suit-wearing demon with a bobcut.
He turns to them, in his eyes are the Kanji for Lower Moon 1.
At least not an Upper Moon.
The Demon is surprised to see them and even has the gall to greet them friendly with a Good Morning.
Both Demon Slayers get their Katanas ready.
“Why did you two wake up? Didn’t I show you sweet dreams?”, wonders Lower Moon 1. “I could’ve shown you a dream where your families were being slaughtered. Would you have liked that one better? No, of course not. Too distressing, right? All right, next… why don’t I show you a dream where your father comes back to life? And you girl I show a dream of the sibling you always desired.”
“Don’t you dare intrude on our souls! I won’t let you… get away with this!”, shoots Tanjiro back.
“You disgust me.”, states Yua simply.
That’s when the Lower Moon notes the Hanafuda-Earrings of Tanjiro. He gets all excited since the Demon King told him to kill Hashira and Tanjiro. He talks about how he will get more blood from his master if he brings him their heads so he can challenge an Upper Moon for their position.
“Enough with the monologue!”, decides Yua and starts to run up to the Demon. Her attacks work best close to the enemy.
Tanjiro behind her gets ready to with Water Breathing… Tenth Form… Constant Flux which forms a giant water dragon that follows him.
Lower Moon One counters them with his Blood Demon Art....and Yua is back in the dream Mochizuki Estate.
“Damn it!”, shouts the midnight blue-haired beauty. “How can I wake up again? Before, something triggered my Aura-Sensing, maybe like this...?”
She concretes and tries to feel for Tanjiro's familiar, warm, beloved Aura and the repulsing, narcotic Aura of the Lower Moon.
It takes her a few seconds, but she wakes up.
Yua is sitting on the roof and watches how Tanjiro decapitates the demon.
However, she jumps up and gets herself battle-ready.
He didn’t turn to ash.
This is not a good sign.
“Tanjiro, get ready!”, she alarms her boyfriend. “This is isn’t over yet!”
And she was right as a mass of flesh forms under the Lower Moon Heads.
Cackling the demon tells them how the body they saw, wasn’t his body anymore and he managed to fusion with the train.
Now he makes clear how the passengers in the train aren’t not only his food but his hostages.
He formally challenges them to protect them all from him.
Tanjiro tries again to decapitate him, but sadly the head and mass just vanish into the train.
“Tanjiro, you go after the Demon, I will take care of the wagons!”, tells Yua her plan.
Her boyfriend looks astonished at her.
“Yua, these are too many wagons for you alone to protect! You can’t keep an eye on the whole train.”
She grits her teeth. He is right of course.
“Yes, but I can protect at least 5 alone, this is better than nothing. Someone of us needs to go and end the Demon or this nightmare never ends.”
Anyone could see on Tanjiro's face how he didn’t like this plan, yet what else could they do?
They were only in two.
However, it seemed the kami wanted to help them.
A train roof breaks open and Inosuke jumps out of it!
“Follow me, damn minions! All right! Explosive awakening!”, hollers the wild boy. “Comin’ through! Lord Inosuke’s comin’ through!”
It’s like a giant weight falls from their heart.
At least they are in three now.
“Inosuke! It’s not safe anywhere on the train anymore! We have to protect the sleeping passengers!”, informs Tanjiro. “This whole train’s turned into a demon! Can you hear me? This whole train is a demon!”
“I knew it! So, I was right on the money! That means I was a total stud as a leader!”
“Yes, yes, now help us to protect the passengers!”, deadpans Yua.
You don’t have to tell this the wild boy twice and he jumps back down the hole he came from. They hear how he slices something fleshy.
Yua lays a hand on Tanjiro and makes me take some steps.
“Inosuke can alone protect the two. You go five wagons up. I will take care of them.”
Her boyfriend nods, squeezes her hand and starts running.
Elegant Yua kicks in a window and gets inside the carriage.
Already it’s consumed in the flesh mass and fleshy-like tentacles reach for the passenger.
Like she is a whirlwind Yua cuts through any tentacles she sees. She runs her five wagons up and down, cutting tentacles on her way, using her Breathing Style in the best and most efficient way.
She feels at one point a thunderclap, this surely means Zenitsu is awake now too.
But she can’t miss a bit or her passenger are meals!
So she continues with her task.
Suddenly an explosion gets off, sending Yua tumbling. She can catch herself in the last moment.
“What the???”, she asked out loud confused.
What was that?
“Young Mochizuki!”, yells surprisingly Rengoku in her ear and okay she jumped a little.
The Flame Hashira stands beside her, grinning.
“I see, you protected five wagons on your own. The yellow guy and the demon girl are taking care of the three. I shall proceed with the remaining five. Young Mochizuki, let me tell you how proud I am of you and I will pledge to our Master to make you a Hashira.”
The young woman doesn’t even get a word out before Rengoku vanishes as fast as he came.
Blinking she looks at the dust cloud and writhing tentacles he left behind.
Slowly she registered what he said to her.
“THANK YOU!”, she shouts back, then gets back to her work.
If she had to tell you, You couldn’t tell you how long and how many times she ran up and down her five wagons sliced up tentacles.
It seemed like an eternity.
Then all hell broke loose!
A giant explosion occurred and the train jumped off the trails.
Gritting her teeth, trying to stay on top, Yua has her hands full with keeping her passenger safe and sound. She uses some of her Breathing Techniques to catch them or to destroy harmful things.
Finally, the train stops!
“Oh thank Tsukuyomi!”, she gasps happily.
She was getting worried she couldn’t keep up anymore.
Careful she checks on her passengers. Slowly she helps them up, gives the wounded First Aid and then helps them get out of the train.
Out of the train, Yua lets out a deep breath, looking up in the sky. The sun will be up soon and it seems the Lower Moon is history.
This long nightmare has found an end.
Now she can try to find her precious people.
The first ones she finds are Nezuko and Zenitsu sleeping side by side near the train. After checking that both of them are alright, she lays her dark blue haori with the big crescent moon on the lower sleeve over them.
She will let Zenitsu sleep, he isn’t touching Nezuko in any way that isn’t okay, so she will let them.
Next, she meets Inosuke and he tells her all about how he and Tanjiro managed to behead the Demon Train.
Then he tells her that her boyfriend is wounded.
And from Yua, you only see a dust cloud.
Inosuke runs after her.
However, the closer she gets where Tanjiro is, the more she feels Rengoku Aura, wild and fiery, against a powerful demonic Aura.
No...it can’t be.
After the Lower Moon an Upper Moon appeared?!
The young woman ran faster!
She needs to check on Tanjiro and help Rengoku!
Together with Inosuke she reaches Tanjiro and sees Rengoku against the Upper Moon fighting.
Yua kneels, helping Tanjiro sit upright.
They look into each other eyes, they don’t need words to tell the other that they are okay or in Tanjiro's case okay-ish.
Then she stands up and wants to unsheathe her Katana like Inosuke, but Rengoku calls out to them: “Stay where you are! If that wound reopens, it’ll be fatal! Stand back!”
“But Rengoku-San!”, protested Yua.
“That’s an order! Mochizuki, you hear me?!”
Gripping her Katana Yua doesn’t know what to do. Can she help Rengoku? He told her he saw a Hashira in her, but now he wants her to stay out of the fight.
What should she do?
Meanwhile, the Upper Moon mocks Rengoku telling him he shouldn’t waste his time with weaklings.
Upper Moon moves to hit Rengoku’s eye, but Rengoku knocks him back. Rengoku slices at the Demon again. The two are locked in battle, and Rengoku sends Upper Moon flying into the forest. He goes after him.
The three younger Demon Slayers call out for Rengoku as he comes flying out of the forest!
“Ol’ Google-eyes!”
The Upper Moon tries to sway Rengoku to his side, he should become a Demon, but, Rengoku makes clear that he won’t.
They fight longer and harder.
Yua shakes from nerves.
It was to stay down, but...she had a feeling if she didn’t help Rengoku he would die!
What should she do?
After a long and hard beat down, both opponents jump away from each other.
With the last attack, it seemed Rengoku got the demon.
“Ohh… Did he do it? Did he win?!”. ask Inosuke.
The only girl checks the Aura of Rengoku and gasps.
“Oh no!”
“Oh no? What’s wrong Yuna?!”
She doesn’t need to answer as drops of blood stream down Rengoku and he breathes heavily.
“Okay, enough!”
She ignores Tanjiro and Inosuke shouts to not do it as she runs up to Rengoku and the demon.
Surprised the demon looks at her and...is that hesitation in his eyes?
Whatever, Yua will stop!
“Moon Breathing! Sixth Form: Everlasting Night, Populous Moon, Intermittent!”
She rapidly performs a multitude of curved slashes several meters in front of her that release a wild barrage of crescent moon blades capable of slicing up the surroundings.
The Upper Moon can dodge some of her blades and heal himself, however, he doesn’t attack her.
“Young lady, my fight is not with you.”, tells her the demon. “Please, leave.”
“You made it my fight when you attacked my Senpai!”, she growls and runs up to him.
She tried to slash him, but he only dodged her, never attacking.
What is going on?
“Why aren’t you fighting back?!”, she shouts. “I’m not worth it, you sexist demon?!”
The Demon grits his teeth.
“I don’t fight nor do I eat woman. This goes against my code!”
“You are a demon, an Upper Moon! And you tell me you have an honor code?!”, she screams, slashing widely, getting a few cuts in. “If you don’t fight back your head will be mine!”
He jumps back from the big slash she wanted to perform on his head, while Yua again uses her Moon Breathing.
“Moon Breathing! Tenth Form: Moon shines on the Bambus Cutter!”
She creates three rotating circular saw-like slashes with crescent moon blades following their path.
They managed to cut the arms off the Upper Moon, so she jumped high in the air, aiming for the head, while he dodged the saw-like slashes.
Her Katana finds his neck!
Yua growls and tries to sink it deeper.
It slices a quarter of the neck.
The Upper Demon, also known as Akaza, knows if he doesn’t do something the young woman will take his head!
But he doesn’t hurt women.
Never will he do this!
And the sun is nearly up! he thinks rapidly. I will be as gentle as possible...
Surprised Yua feels how the Demon grips her under her arms and throws her away. He throws her so away that she lands in a bush, not hurting at all.
“What the hell?!”
“He is running away!”, yells Inosuke.
Yua tries to get out of the bush, however, the branches are twisted in her clothes.
The Upper Moon got away.
Angry Yua lets out a scream.
The Kakushi have finally arrived and are giving all the Demon Slayer First Aid before they move them to the Butterfly Mansion.
Rengoku, Yua, Tanjiro and Inosuke lay side by side to get the treatment.
The sun shines warm down on them.
“That was dumb and unnecessarily risky if you, young Mochizuki!”, scolds her Rengoku. “You have gone against my orders.”
“With all due respect Senpai, but you weren’t anymore cable of fighting and I will be damned if one of my brother or sister-in-arms dies when I can prevent it.”, rebuts Yua.
She feels how Tanjiro grips her hand to calm her down.
“Young Mochizuki I respect your passion and blazing heart for your comrades, but you have gone against my order!”
“You would have done the same for us!”, she shouts back, which makes Rengoku stop. “It said that People who don’t follow the rules are trash, but I think the one who doesn’t help his friends is worse than trash!”
It’s still for a few minutes, only the Kakushi talking, before Rengoku lets out a quiet laugh. “I suppose you are right, young Mochizuki. My worries for you young ones have made me forget how we all would lay down our lives for our friends. You will make a formidable Hashira.”
A little blush forms on her cheeks and she thanks him.
“I’m happy that we all are fine!”, cries Zenitsu who sits beside them with Nezuko's box. “After a Lower Moon and an Upper Moon, this was too much.”
“At least we all are alive and none of the passengers die.”, adds Tanjiro, also crying.
Loving Yua strokes the back of the hand with her thumb.
“Still, I wonder why the ball head didn’t want to fight Yuka.”
“Maybe we will never find out this, young Boar Boy, but we all did our best. I don’t think I can be Hashira for some time with only one eye left, I have to adapt to that, so I think young Mochizuki here will be an amazing addition to us.”
“You honour me with your words, Senpai. If Oyakata-Sama makes me a Hashira I will thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s all nice and stuff.”, interrupts Sayako in her Kakushi uniform. “But you guys are ready for the Butterfly Mansion, you can be sappy there.”
“It’s always a joy with you, Yako.”
“Just telling how it is YuYu. Just telling how it is.”

Rengoku is alive, Rengoku is alive!
He will be out for a while as Demon Slayer but I think when we get to Infinity Castle he will be back :D
This is the first big canon divergent of the story, let’s see what else will change.
Until next time my loves!

Here are the Pics!

Maiden of the Moon

What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.

Chapter 16: Hashira
Yua’s heart was beating so fast, that she felt it in her whole body.Â
Nervous sweat was forming on her forehead, and her hands felt clammy, as she sat in perfect seiza before Oyakata-Sama.
The head of the Demon Slayer Corps just gave her a gentle smile.
It did calm her down a bit.
“My child.”, began he in his soothing voice. “Since you have become part of the Corps you have been an incredible swordsman. Bringing honour to the corps and your family. I heard what outstanding progress you even made these last months. You may be even stronger than dear Noritaka.”
The young woman bowed in thanks to Oyakata-Sama.
“You honour me, Master. It did what was right. Protect humanity and the people who are dear to me from the Demon Treat.”
“You did outstanding well. I fear we would have lost Kyoujurou if it wasn’t for you. Mochizuki Yua, your strength and determination are admirable. So it’s my great honour to raise you to the Rank of Hashira. The second Moon Hashira we ever had. Do you accept this honour and the duties it comes with?”
For a second Yua closed her eyes.Â
This was it.
This is what she had worked on her whole life.
First only to make her Grandfather proud and accept her, however, she had started to think for herself.
Thanks to Tanjiro and all the friends she had made.
There was only one answer.
Tired Yua opened the door of the Butterfly Mansion.
The whole Mugen Train Mission had been a whole week ago and she may not have any heavy wounds, but she had still had strained herself.
The neck of an Upper Moon was hard!
She was happy to be back at the Butterfly Mansion to get cures and rehabilitation training. She would need it.
“It’s really quiet.”, she noted out loud.
Normally at dinner time, you would hear Inosuke and Rengoku shouting over each other for food/how delicious the food was and Aoi-San chastising them.
Not even Shinobu-Sama's laughter could be heard.
Confused she took off her white-silvery booths and walked to the Dining Room.
Why was it dark in there?
“Hello anyone there?”, she called into it.
Then suddenly the lights flicked on and you could hear loud shouts of Congratulations from every corner.
Astonished Yua looked at the people inside the dining room.
Ema and her friends were holding up a banner with Welcome New Hashira. Aoi, Kanao and a woman with pink-green hair had sparklers in their hands. Shinobu-Sama and the Water Hashira were applauding, while Tanjiro, Rengoku, Inosuke and Zenitsu were throwing confetti into the air. Nezuko was waving around with two little flags with her face on it.
“What the?!”, Yua couldn’t help but shout and laugh at the same time.
“We already heard the news!”, called Shinobu-Sama over, as Yua was stormed by the little girls and Nezuko in a hug. “This is a little party for our newest Hashira!”
“Oh my Tsukuyomi you guys are crazy!”
“You deserved it, young Mochizuki!”, laughed Rengoku.
The little girls chorused a big yeah.
Yua laughed, hugged them and then Nezuko took her hand.
Her sister-in-law dragged her into the room.
In one instant she found herself in the embrace of the unknown pink-green-haired woman.
“Aww, it’s so great to meet you, Yua-Chan!”, cooed the woman. “I’m Kanroji Mitsuri or just Mitsuri the Love Hashira! I heard only good things from Shinobu-Chan and Kyoujurou-Senpai about you! I hope we can be good friends!”
Kanroji Mitsuri made her title Love Hashira all honour, Yua could see it in her pink and red Aura how sincere and loving she was.
She hugged her back.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mitsuri-Chan. I would love to be your friend.”
A little happy Kyaah came out of Mitsuri and she hugged her tighter.
After they let go of each other Shinobu with the Water Hashira stood before her.
The Water Hashira made a little bow in her direction.
He introduced himself as Tomioka Giyuu and gave her his congratulations.
She returned the bow, hoping they would work well together as Hashira.
Then Aoi with Kanao hugged her, Kanao managed even to congratulate her all alone without throwing her coin, which made Yua proud of her.
Rengoku, with his now eyepatch, ruffled her hair and told her he couldn't wait to work with her.
Finally, she reached Tanjiro and the guys.
In the loving arms of her boyfriend, Yua felt at home.
Tanjiro chastely kissed her cheek, telling her how proud of her was and he knew she would become a Hashira.
Nearly anyone in the room awed at them.
Zenitsu and Inosuke gave their congratulations too and finally, they all could sit down to celebrate.
Shinobu-Sama told her to drop the Sama. The Insect Hashira told her the other Hashira couldn’t come, but they sent their congratulations too and would surely meet her in the next few days.
Yua accepted it, what else could she do, Aoi served the food.
The dinner party was filled with laughter and joy. Yua couldn't believe how lucky she was to have such wonderful friends and colleagues.Â
She had always been a bit of a loner, but since meeting Tanjiro and his friends, she had found a sense of belonging that she had never experienced before.Â
As they ate and talked, the grey-eyed girl felt herself relaxing for the first time in a week.Â
The mission on the Mugen Train had been incredibly intense, and she had pushed herself to her limits to protect her friends. But now, surrounded by people who cared about her, she could finally let go of some of that tension.
After dinner, they all gathered in the courtyard to watch fireworks.Â
Mitsuri had brought them as a surprise for Yua's promotion, and they were absolutely beautiful.Â
As they exploded overhead, Yua felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes.Â
She was so grateful for everything that had led her to this moment - for her family’s teachings (Besides her Grandfather with his toxins), for Tanjiro's kindness and support, and for all the friends she had made along the way.
As the night wore on and everyone started to drift off to home and/or to bed, Yua found herself walking hand-in-hand with Tanjiro through the gardens behind the mansion. They stopped by a koi pond and watched as the fish swam lazily through the water.
"I'm so proud of you," Tanjiro said softly, breaking their comfortable silence.
Yua smiled down at him. "Thank you."
"You know," he continued after a moment. "I never really believed in fate or destiny or anything like that before I met you."
The girl raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"But now," he went on, "I can't help but feel like we were meant to find each other. Like our paths were always leading us here."
“You know what made me accept being a Hashira? It was the dream I had on the Mugen Train.”, she confessed.
Surprised Tanjiro looked up at her, leaning his head on her shoulder.
She nodded.
“I dreamed of a world where no one in my family had to be a Demon Slayer anymore. All were so happy living their dreams. You and Nezuko were there too, your family also living the best life. I wasn’t sure what I would do, but I know I wanted to be at your side and find out who I am.”Â
“You were in my dream too.”, he confessed also. “You and your father had left the Mochizuki to live a simple life. You seemed so happy just to live normal.”
Grinning she kissed his temple.
“This sounds nice, but what I wanted to say is this. All my life I was told I had to become a Hashira to clean the Mochizuki name from the sins of our ancestors. I didn’t believe in the Demon Slayer Cause, because for me it just was a task I had to finish. Now after I saw what a world without demons could be...Now that’s my dream. To kill every last demon so that my family can be free and live their life how they want. To be free myself and choose the path I want to walk in life. That we all are free from them and can live simple but good lives!”
She felt how Tanjiro lay a hand on her cheek, so he could turn her head down to kiss her lips.
They shared a soft, tender kiss.
“This sounds wonderful, dearest.”, told her Tanjiro. “Besides making Nezuko human again, I want this too.”
“So we walk this way together?”
 “Of course!”
Laughing their lips found each other again.
The star twinkled and the moon shone softly down on them.
They continued to walk, hand-in-hand, through the gardens, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.Â
As they strolled along, Yua couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She had achieved her dream of becoming a Hashira, and she was surrounded by people who loved and cared for her.Â
It was a feeling she never wanted to let go of.Â
As they neared the end of the garden path, Tanjiro stopped and turned to face her. "Yua," he said softly, taking both her hands in his. "I know we've been through a lot together already, but I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what happens."Â
She looked down at him with a pretty smile on her red lips.Â
"I know," she whispered. "And I'm here for you too."Â
He smiled at her and leaned in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. They stayed like that for a few moments before breaking apart and continuing on their way.
As they walked back towards the mansion, Yua felt more confident than ever before. She knew that there would be challenges ahead as a Hashira, but she also knew that with Tanjiro by her side, anything was possible.
Together they would fight to rid the world of demons and create a better future for all those they held dear.
As they walked into the warm glow of the Butterfly Mansion's lights, Yua knew that this was where she belonged - among friends and family who loved and supported her every step of the way.
Dear Father,
I’m terribly sorry that I couldn’t write sooner or come home.
The family probably heard how I was raised in Hashira four months ago.
I bet grandfather is gleeful, but I took the position not for him, but for us all.
That one day no Mochizuki has to take a Katana in his hand and fight demons.
With the help of my love and friends, we will rid this world of demons!
I promise you this.
Since I’m a Hashira now, I get the toughest missions in the Corps.
Sometimes alone, sometimes with other Hashira’s.
I found good friends in them like the Love Hashira Kanroji Mitsuri and others who are a special breed like Shinazugawa Sanemi. That guy has no eyebrows, it freaks me a bit out.
But mostly I get along with my Hashira colleagues.
I always return back to the Butterfly Mansion for cures and rehabilitation training, before going back out on missions.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke are also back in action.
When we all are back together we train like crazy.
The boys are getting stronger with every day.
I’m proud of them.
Kyoujurou-Senpai has returned home to be with his brother and teach himself swordsmanship with one eye.
It will take a while before he can fight demons again, however, I’m sure he will manage.
The day Tanjiro visited him to search for more clues about the Hinokami Kagura Dance had been something.
Your future son-in-law headbutted the ex-Flame Hashira, Kyoujurou-Senpai's father because he had talked bad about his children.
At least we learned a little more about the Hinokami Kagura, who apparently is Sun-Breathing the first-ever breathing technique from which all others come.
Did you know this?
It’s so crazy to think about it.
Anyway, I hope at home all is good.
When I can manage I will come back with Tanjiro to visit you all.
I miss you all so much.
Besides Grandfather, but you know this.
I will wait for an answer with a hopeful heart.
With Love, your daughterÂ
Frowning Yua stared at the letter she had written.Â
It seemed so little, however, she couldn’t tell more about her missions.
Being a Hashira include also being secretive.
Kaguya beside her on the desk cawed.
“You are right my princess.”, mussed Yua, giving the bird pats. “More I can’t do, it’s a wonder that I’m able to write finally a letter. So, off you go.”
She gave her trusted crow the letter and Kaguya flew towards the Mochizuki Estate.
Signing Yua leaned on the chair she was sitting on.
She was as only one from their little group back in the Butterfly Mansion.
The midnight blue-haired beauty hadn’t seen her boyfriend in a good three days, she formally ached for him.
Blushing she scratched a cheek of her.
They were now together for a good six months...Yua felt that she was ready to go the next big step with Tanjiro...they already started to get more handsy with each other...should she talk with him about this matter when he returned?
That’s when she heard a loud ruckus coming from outside the Mansion.
“What the?”, she grasped her Katana and ran out of the room.
As she came nearer the ruckus, she felt familiar Aura’s.
“Tengen?”, she mumbled confused. “What is he doing here, where are his wives?”
Also, she noted happily that Tanjiro and Nezuko were back, as Zenitsu and Inosuke.
“What is going on!”, she shouted as she finally was outside.
The picture before her was priceless.
Ema and her friends hissed at Tengen's pervert. Aoi seemed ready to murder someone, Kanao was unsure but standing protective before the other Butterfly Mansion girls.
Her boyfriend and her two male friends had drawn their Katana at Tengen, while the former Shinobi just deadpanned at them.
“Oh Yua, it’s you.”, greeted her Tengen. “I actually want to have you with me on this mission with these three unflashy guys.”
“What mission and where are you wives?”, she asked back confused.
“The number one spot in Japan that’s dripping with lust and desire, a super-flashy place… the Entertainment District where demons reside.”
Why did Yua get the feeling that it would be a really hard mission?

Kamado siblings

Kamado siblings

Kamado siblings

Kamado siblings

They’re dragging him to talk to everyone they see, he has never spoken to so many people in one day. My tired father of two <33

Winter Shenanigans: She wanted under the big cloak
Hc: cuz she lived on a snowy mountain and her blood demon art is fire related, the cold doesn’t effect her much at all, however, she still makes a point to wrap up warm to encourage Inosuke to do so too

Giyuu telling off the kids by crashing their heads together and ✨Lobotomy Wife✨

And the kids ofc

I love them so much and the red light district is probably my favorite arc of kimetsu!

Sanemi and iguro are the kamado sibling no.1 haters.
It's so funny to me bc they've proven themselves to be good so many times and get along with other hashira, but they just refuse to get along with them lmao