Kanji Tatsumi - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Thank you @sunlightfeeling for tagging me in this!!

I dont have much in my room besides figures but I tried 🥺

Anyone who sees this post can join in!!!

Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!
Thank You @sunlightfeeling For Tagging Me In This!!

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1 year ago
Fashion Kanji

fashion kanji

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2 years ago

To prove my point, a shitty sketch:

To Prove My Point, A Shitty Sketch:

Favourite dynamic!! Serious smol chap and chill toll pal!! Smol can ride on toll's shoulders to achieve the intimidating vibe they crave!!

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2 years ago

Hot take: Naoto and Kanji's situation could be classified as very gay, straight, platonic, or something in-between; but they honestly don't care about labelling it. They get enough trash talk from society already. They would just vibe. Queer vibes at that.

"Yeah, sorry, can't tell you my gender, that's confidential police information.

Oh, you're asking about my partner? Yeah, he's pansexual. He doesn't care."

Cue Kanji yelling in the distance "I CARE VERY MUCH ABOUT YOU!"

(am I writing this out because I'm too lazy to draw it right now? Yes. Yes I am.)

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1 year ago
Played P4 Golden On Switch, These Two Gave Me The Biggesr Brainrot Ever Oh My God

Played P4 Golden on Switch, these two gave me the biggesr brainrot ever oh my god

Yu, Kanji and Naoto best characters fight me 🤛

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1 year ago

Yet another drawing with my school computer lmao- I've developed a weird style to accommodate the hardware limitations

Yet Another Drawing With My School Computer Lmao- I've Developed A Weird Style To Accommodate The Hardware

Kanji and Naoto on the ski trip- this was pretty fun to draw overall!

And just the lineart-

Yet Another Drawing With My School Computer Lmao- I've Developed A Weird Style To Accommodate The Hardware

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1 year ago

I once convinced my brother to salt a small piece of watermelon because of this scene in Persona 4 and he said it was very bad and refused to finish it. My brother begs for watermelon, will eat an entire watermelon by himself, will eat warm watermelon, but salted watermelon is where he drew the line. I don't particularly care for watermelon, so I'm taking his word on the matter.

Attention: psychopath on the loose

Attention: Psychopath On The Loose

please inform the police if you notice anyone adding ???? to their watermelons

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1 year ago
A Shitty Kannao Sketch From Today. Far From My Best Work, But Gotta Just Keep Drawing Until I Get Through

A shitty kannao sketch from today. Far from my best work, but gotta just keep drawing until I get through the blocks! :'/

Ft. Some headcanons and me messing with palettes. And me failing at getting the shading on skin tones right once again

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1 year ago

Redrew this sketch from a few days ago because I liked the concept but really hated the drawing for some reason- I think it turned out better this time (and I made a brush for the first time! Worked way better!)

Redrew This Sketch From A Few Days Ago Because I Liked The Concept But Really Hated The Drawing For Some

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1 year ago
A Really Stupid Idea I Had To Draw As A Sketchy Little Comic.

A really stupid idea I had to draw as a sketchy little comic.

(I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out the cringiest pick-up line that could work here... I'm sorry everyone)

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1 year ago
Cringetober: Alt Fashion

Cringetober: Alt fashion

idk how to clothes I just wanted to draw another persona thing.... [and I wanted to draw Kanji really bad]

original cringetober post

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1 year ago

Headcanon: When they're around people they're very comfortable with, both Naoto and Kanji will infodump about their interests if it comes up. Naoto would pretty much recite an essay about the history of the murder mystery genre if allowed. Kanji would go on for hours about how to properly clean various types of fabrics.

In addition, the two will happily just chat for long periods of time about random subjects if it overlaps with both of their areas of interest, even if they're discussing different facets. Kanji might know more about the technical or aesthetic aspect of a subject, and Naoto might talk about the history or cultural origin of a subject. They'd both find each other's different perspectives interesting (even if Kanji doesn't understand some of Naoto's vocabulary).

The others in the Investigation Team can't quite keep up the same way that they can and that's fine, but if someone DARES call Naoto's interests stupid, Kanji WILL fight them, and vice versa with Naoto defending Kanji's interests.

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1 year ago
Trying To Practice Drawing Hugs (ft. Kanji And Naoto)

Trying to practice drawing hugs (ft. Kanji and Naoto)

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1 year ago
Currently Going Through A Show Week And I Am STRESSED. Drew A Doodle Of These Guys To Relax.

Currently going through a show week and I am STRESSED. Drew a doodle of these guys to relax.

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1 year ago

A super rough kannao animatic I've chipped away at for the last little bit. Enjoy or don't.

Audio is from ColeyDoesThings's popular ship dynamics part 2 on YouTube-

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