Rise Kujikawa - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Rise-chi Mwa Mwa Mwa

Rise-chi… mwa mwa mwa

(Repost from Twitter with a few touch ups

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5 years ago
I Started Watching Persona 4: The Animation And I Love These Two

I started watching Persona 4: The Animation and I love these two

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11 months ago

Headcanons for the investigation team girls having a western s/o who is an exchange student join the team after being thrown in the tv world? What if they also have a more western themed persona such as a gunslinger or something?

Roger roger. This is actually the basic premise of my Persona OC surprisingly but with a different kind of western Persona. This should be interesting.

This took fucking forever to do. Writer's block with ADHD is fun. Hope this is as good as you were expecting despite that.

Headcanons For The Investigation Team Girls Having A Western S/o Who Is An Exchange Student Join The

-The moment you showed up at school for the first time Chie immediately took interest in you. Albeit for very... "Chie" reasons.

-She's naturally watched a lot of western action movies and took an interest in the kinds of martial arts they practice. She initially approached you because she was under the assumption you'd watched them, too.

-Upon finding out you haven't, the situation becomes a tad awkward, but she's able to eventually recover and get to know you normally. Her awkwardness was pretty amusing. Eventually it's not long before you two start dating.

-You're largely kept out of the picture when it comes to the Investigation Team, Chie tries to keep you out of it as best she can so that you don't get hurt. However it's not long before her worried thoughts over you manifest in the TV. When you show up on it she's immediately thrown into a panic, urging Yu and the others to get in there as fast as possible and get you out, regardless of how much time is left before you actually die.

-It's a long and hard fight, but eventually your shadow is defeated and you come to your senses, learning that as much as you hate it, this twisted, perverted (metaphorically) version of you is you. Your shadow turns into your Persona and it's...not what Chie expected.

-Granted she didn't know what she was expecting to begin with but she's certainly taken off guard. In retrospect though, it makes sense in her head. You're the westerner so it only makes sense for your true self to be a gunslinger, regardless of if you're the type to take offense to that if she said it out loud for...reasons.

-It's definitely got her approval though, it's pretty damn cool. As soon as you get out and get some rest she's going to start coming up with ideas for team attacks with you.

Headcanons For The Investigation Team Girls Having A Western S/o Who Is An Exchange Student Join The

-Like Chie, Yukiko also found a unique interest in you. She grew up in a very traditionally Japanese household/family, she's not really acquainted with foreign culture. Like, at all.

-She tries her best to become friends with you though, but has no idea what the best way to interact with you is. The way she stumbles over her words every time she even gets a suspicion she accidentally said something wrong is pretty cute, even when it wasn't the case at all.

-Eventually after you two begin dating her worst fears come true, seeing you on the TV. She tries to keep calm unlike Chie but the worry is obvious.

-As worried for you as Yukiko is, she can't help but wonder what kind of Persona you'll awaken to, considering you're so different compared to everyone else who has seeing as you're the only foreigner.

-Once the fight with your Shadow comes she's surprisingly ruthless. If Fire magic is able to hurt it she will burn it as close to a crisp as she physically can. It's...a little scary to be honest.

When you finally accept your Shadow and it turns into your Persona she's pretty confused. Is that some kind of sheriff or outlaw Persona you have? Is it like those cowboys in old western movies she's heard about?

-Next thing you know the moment you wake up after getting back to the real world Yukiko will have bought a couple old cowboy movies she found at the clearance aisle at Junes for you two to watch together, feeling inspired to do so by your Persona. It's a fun night together.

Headcanons For The Investigation Team Girls Having A Western S/o Who Is An Exchange Student Join The

-The moment Rise met you, her interest was immediately piqued. She's wondering if people overseas know about her and how popular she is outside of Japan. Definitely teases you if you do know who she is.

-Even if you don't, she finds the idea of a foreign S/O to be kinda hot. She'll tease you about being the foreign bad boy/girl type falling in love with an idol, even if you're the complete opposite. It's just all in good fun, though.

-Rise probably has the most obvious panic attack upon realized her S/O has been thrown into the TV, especially when she tries to call you but you fail answer. She's practically dragging Yu over to the entrance TV they use, her heart going a mile a minute.

-She unfortunately can't fight, but you can be damn sure if she could, she would. Her support skills are working overtime, it's the best she can do to ensure you get home safe.

-Her eyes widen in awe as she sees the Persona your Shadow turns into, gushing about how cool it and you are. She can't wait to see you in action once you finally join the team.

-Rise lowkey focuses on you a little bit when it comes to her supportive skills, especially if you show off in battle. She very much enables it.

Headcanons For The Investigation Team Girls Having A Western S/o Who Is An Exchange Student Join The

-You're probably the first foreigner Naoto's met. She's heard stories of them that her grandfather has interacted with when he had to take up cases with detectives from other countries but she's never met one for herself. She wonders to herself if you're anything like them.

-Regardless of if you are or not, you do eventually find out that she is in fact not a guy. She's pretty embarrassed regardless of how that happens but her trust in you goes up immensely when you promise to and actually keep up the act of her being a guy until the truth comes out. Soon this results in a relationship

-There was this worry in the back of Naoto's head that you'd be the next victim to be thrown into the TV after she joined the team. As much as she didn't want you to, fate seemed to have other plans. She's able to keep her composure on the outside thankfully, but really, her mind is racing as she tries to come up with as efficient and safe of a plan as possible to get you out.

She knows that rushing into the TV blindly will only makes things worse for everyone, but despite her best efforts that anxiety in her gut is still very much there. She asks Yu to be on the frontlines, wanting to contribute as much as she can to the operation.

-Once your Shadow is finally defeated and turns into your Persona it immediately catches Naoto's attention. A western style gunslinger? That did check out as far as your origin, but for your true self to manifest as such was intriguing.

-She does use a gun herself so she's extra interested. She unfortunately can't get one for you as well as it's against the law, but immediately ideas start to come to mind regarding team attacks. Lord have mercy on any Shadow unfortunate enough to find themselves in the crosshairs of your girlfriend and your Persona.

-She might be a bit hesitant to admit it at first but your Persona has sparked a bit of an interest in old style western media. Old movies from the west start catching her interest, especially ones that seem to resemble your Persona in some way. Just don't tell anyone else about it, she'll feel like fainting from embarrassment.

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11 months ago

could i please request the investigation team girls with an s/o who ends up in the tv and the whole deal with his shadow is that he feels he isn't good enough for the girls. also maybe his persona could be samael. thank you

Persona will be unspecified for anyone else who wants to read. Also Samael is already in the game, that feels cheap to me.

Also sorry for not writing a request at all yesterday, had motivation/writer's block issues but we're back now.

Could I Please Request The Investigation Team Girls With An S/o Who Ends Up In The Tv And The Whole Deal

Chie is quick to panic the moment she sees you show up on the Midnight Channel. It only gets worse when she immediately calls you and there's no answer. Safe to say, she doesn't sleep that night.

-The first thing she does at class is bring it up. The rest of the IT is very likely familiar with you already in some way or another, even if you're not one of them. Though from the looks of things that may be about to change.

-Her anxiety only gets even worse when her most dreaded moment arrives, meeting your Shadow. It quickly goes from dreaded to appalled when she hears what it has to say.

-You Shadow openly taunts you about knowing deep down you weren't good enough. You were so weak compared to Chie, she oughta ditch and find someone else not as sad and pathetic as you.

-You of course try to put up a strong front in front of your girlfriend and friends and deny your Shadow, leading it to transform and attack. Really this isn't the worst outcome for Chie, most other people would kill to literally kick their S/O's insecurities about themselves in the face. It's surprisingly cathartic despite the situation.

-To put a stop to everything, you need to confront your real feelings about yourself in front of everyone, regardless of how uncomfortable it is, and you're awarded with a Persona.

-As soon as you're out of the TV world and you're alone Chie immediately slaps you for ever doubting yourself like that. Partly out of anger and partly out of concern to get you out of that train of thought.

-She hugs you right after and promises that you are in fact good enough for her, and she'll do anything to make you see that. It won't be easy, but everything she's done for you today is at least a good start.

Could I Please Request The Investigation Team Girls With An S/o Who Ends Up In The Tv And The Whole Deal

-Anxiety and worry immediately find themselves welling up uncomfortably inside Yukiko as she sees your Shadow on the TV, claiming to know a huge secret. What could you possibly be hiding from her?

-Regardless of her feelings of fear as to what that may be, she has to push on, considering your life is now on the line here.

-Her feeling of nervousness only gets worse and worse as the team progresses through the dungeon, and by the time they reach your Shadow her heart feels as if it's trying to escape.

-It's then that your Shadow reveals the secret it teased. It lays your feelings out plain in front of everyone, saying that you didn't deserve someone so perfect like Yukiko. You'd be better off just dying so that she could find someone better for her.

-So that was the secret. She has a few things on her on mind to share, but that can wait until your life isn't in mortal danger. She attacks your Shadow relentlessly, about to do her damndest to make sure it feels how much she really loves you, make it feel it so much that it burns.

-You eventually have to fess up how you feel, swallowing your pride in front of everyone. Hey, at least you get a cool Persona out of it.

-Once you're safe and sound back in the real world, Yukiko hesitantly confronts you, asking if everything your Shadow said was true. You have no choice now but to be honest. You ask her if she really thinks that you're enough for someone like her.

-She's equal parts flattered and concerned that you hold her in such higher regards than yourself to this degree. With a slightly embarrassed demeanor, she assures you that you are in fact enough to make her happy, and she'll do anything to make you sure of that too.

Could I Please Request The Investigation Team Girls With An S/o Who Ends Up In The Tv And The Whole Deal

-The first thing going through Rise's head as she sees you on the Midnight Channel is probably something along the lines of "Oh hell no". Both in a fearful way and an angry way.

-Never before has she been so frustrated about not having a combat Persona. This is the one time she actually wishes to be out on the front lines fighting, however her Persona isn't specced for that much to her chagrin.

-Upon finally reaching you and your Shadow she's the first to warn you about it and try urging you to accept it. However this proves to be to little avail.

-Both of you are caught off guard as it spouts out your insecurities about your relationship straight to your faces, making some grim jokes about Rise ditching you and getting into a scandal with some other idol that isn't so much of a wimp.

-If Rise had the capability to slap your Shadow, it would've gotten launched out the window. Unfortunately all she can do now is support the rest of the IT to hopefully do that for her.

-She's demanding rather assertively for you to accept your Shadow. Despite how embarrassed you feel right now, there's no hiding from it anymore, and you have to accept those feeling as a part of you, giving your your Persona.

-Once you're finally back in the real world, Rise drags you out somewhere you can be alone with her and immediately traps you in a bone crushing hug on the verge of tears. She's calling you an idiot for ever thinking you're not good enough, especially when she makes it so clear how much she cares about you.

-Despite the slightly harsh words, you're her idiot, and she'd rather have no one else by her side. She doesn't let you leave her sight until she can say with confidence you're sure of that, too.

Could I Please Request The Investigation Team Girls With An S/o Who Ends Up In The Tv And The Whole Deal

-Naoto is stunned upon seeing you on the TV. She just sits there, completely appalled as she watches you announce the revealing of some big secret it's about to reveal.

-Despite the situation she does her best to keep her cool. She's rather new to the team so no one knows who you are but once she explains you're her S/O they quickly realize the gravity of the situation and waste no time in jumping into the TV.

-She immediately asks Yu for her to be on the frontlines, wishing to take charge in this mission to save her S/O. He thankfully agrees despite her inexperience. She's more than smart enough to lead the charge, knowing the intricacies of your dungeon since she's the only one who knows you so much.

-They soon find your Shadow holding you hostage, seemingly expecting the group to show up. It's cool and collected, no sign of nervousness upon seeing them.

-It seems oddly intent upon breaking you and Naoto up throwing out all your insecurities for everyone to hear.

-She had been suspecting something was up for a while now, but not something this extreme. The time to talk about that was later though, there was a fight to be had. She expected you wouldn't accept these feelings were real right off the bat.

-Reluctantly and with a heavy sigh, you come to accept your Shadow and the unfortunate truths it speaks.

-Naoto, now armed with new knowledge, confronts you on what your Shadow had said. Had you really felt that you didn't deserve her? If anything she should be feeling that way. She knows her work prevents her from making as much time with you as she ought to, she was worried she hadn't been giving you enough.

-The two of you can finally be refreshingly honest with each other. If anything, your relationship is even stronger than before, finally knowing the depths of how much you two truly admire one another, and you both can feel secure in knowing that you feel the same way.

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10 months ago

Request (Persona): Rise comes home from a tour to see her S/O and their kids have set up a birthday party for her.

Lowkey feel a little bad for any kids Rise might have. She'd be a great mom but can't be there as much as she wants due to her work.

Request (Persona): Rise Comes Home From A Tour To See Her S/O And Their Kids Have Set Up A Birthday Party

-Chances are this was quite the miracle to actually have happen. Rise really had to put her foot down with her manager so she could be home with her family on her birthday and not spend it in some far off city on the other side of the country doing some event for it.

-As soon as you got the phone call from her saying she was able to come home, you immediately got to work. The kids were immediately in on the plan as you rushed to get everything set up in time.

-You unfortunately didn't get much forewarning so it's a race against the clock to get everything done in time. Having a couple extra pairs of hands proves very critical to succeeding.

-When she gets off the train you head over to pick her up, leaving the kids alone for a bit to make sure everything's perfect. Inaba was a perfectly safe town and it'd only be for about 10 minutes, you weren't worried.

-Once you're in front of the door you tell Rise to wait outside for a couple minutes while you go and get something. She's pretty confused but complies until you tell her from inside she's good to come in now.

-Stepping into her home for the first time in a while, the first thing Rise's met with is a huge cake and he living room decorated for a party you and the kids worked hard on, down to the last minute details.

-The gasp escaping her is one of pure joy as she holds her hands to her mouth and has to hold back tears. The kids are immediately trapped in her death grip, only being let go when she pulls you into the hardest kiss of your life, much to their simultaneous relief and dismay, which you and her have a good chuckle about.

-A traditional birthday party with her family is one she's wanted for a very long time, but just hasn't been able to have much, if at all due to her work. Just something between the people she cared for most in her life. The old IT members were great and all, but things tended go get...chaotic. sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

-Best birthday ever.

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9 months ago

Request for Chie, Yukiko, Rise, and Naoto where they have a best friends to lovers relationship with their S/O. I'm talking about Yu and Yosuke levels of friendship. Please and thank you.

Ouch...almost two months...murdered motivation sucks...

Request For Chie, Yukiko, Rise, And Naoto Where They Have A Best Friends To Lovers Relationship With

-Chie first met you back in middle school. Your mutual love of martial arts movies led you to becoming fast friends, even though she was much more... enthusiastic than you were. You really just liked watch people fighting but Chie took it to the extreme.

-Not that you minded by any means of course, you looked up and admired her passion and drive. When you two met Yukiko as you entered high school you quickly became the glue holding the three of you together.

-It wasn't long before Yukiko started shipping the two of you together. Your dynamic just really struck a chord with her, she couldn't really describe it. As the Investigation team is formed and more people join, they start sharing the same sentiment.

-It never really occurred to Chie, mostly because she's not exactly a wise sage, but it certainly at least crossed your mind once or twice. Being around her just felt so...natural. It sort of felt like you were already romantically involved.

-It's after your close encounter with death when you caught the true culprit of the murders that you realized you had to do something or nothing would happen. It got you thinking on your own mortality and the realization that if you wanted to see change in your short life, you needed to make it happen yourself.

-As soon as you did work up the courage to confess your real feelings, Chie immediately breathes a sigh of relief, both at the fact that you felt the same she did and that she didn't need to take initiative herself anymore.

-Truthfully, not much changes People were teasing you about being in a relationship already for a reason. But there is that extra bit of tension when you're together. But it's the good kind.

Request For Chie, Yukiko, Rise, And Naoto Where They Have A Best Friends To Lovers Relationship With

-Your parents moved to Inaba when you were a child, and naturally you had to go along with them. While you were waiting for furniture to be moved into the new place you all went exploring and ended up at the Amagi Inn everyone was seemingly talking about.

-While you're looking around for things to do, you meet a girl your age who you learn is the daughter of the owners and you become friends pretty quickly.

-You're the first to find out and worry when Yukiko goes missing during your second year of high school. Once you figure out that Chie, Yosuke, and the new transfer student have found out where she is and they're planning to save her, you quickly assert yourself into the group, no room for negotiation.

-You lowkey lead the charge, leadership from Yu be damned. You're not letting anything happen to Yukiko as long as you still draw breath.

-Once you confront Yukiko's Shadow you go pretty much into overdrive. If her Shadow wasn't as strong as it was you would've thrown hands with it personally, even if you were weak to Fire skills after awakening your Persona.

-You barely manage to slip by and get Yukiko out safely after she's able to accept her Shadow. Something's still bothering you, though. The way her Shadow called you her prince, coming to save her.

-Upon questioning her, she suddenly gets rather nervous, but eventually confesses that she'd had feeling for you for some time now. You were able to act normal around her, supporting her no matter what.

-And you'd still stick by her no matter what. But this time, as her S/O.

Request For Chie, Yukiko, Rise, And Naoto Where They Have A Best Friends To Lovers Relationship With

-You were shopping one day in Junes when a girl your age quickly approached you, asking you to help her hide. Not really knowing what else to do when put in such a situation out of nowhere, you complied.

-After the surprisingly large crowd that came out of nowhere left, she breathed a sigh of relief and introduced herself as THE Risette, having no choice now. To her surprise though, you weren't a rabid fan. Yeah you'd heard of her, but had no interest in her status.

-Needless to say this came as quite a shock to her, but it also came with a huge opportunity. the opportunity to make a real, genuine friend without needing to worry about it going south because of her fame.

-So that's exactly what she did. You were keeping out of public eye as much as possible so people didn't catch on to your repeated plots in hiding her whenever the two of you went out, doing normal teenager things and growing closer.

-The feeling of security, of being able to be a normal person around you was something Rise didn't want to lose. Someone she could actually be Rise with, not Risette.

-The moment she knew she wanted you as an S/O, she made that clear immediately. And of course you couldn't say no to such an infectiously energetic, upbeat lady.

Request For Chie, Yukiko, Rise, And Naoto Where They Have A Best Friends To Lovers Relationship With

-Your dad was in the Inaba police force, he had been for quite a while. You accompanied him to the station one day, and for a change, actually found someone your age.

-An androgynous young man, claiming to be a student detective brought on to help solve the recent murder cases. You ask if you can help any, you did at least pick up a couple things from your old man. He said he'd get back to you if he ever needed anything and thanked you for the offer.

-It's not long before this new acquaintance, Naoto, does in fact get back to you. You two go out somewhere to eat and discuss/speculate about the case. Naoto however quickly became drawn to you, somehow, and the you ended up hanging out more casually, slowly but surely.

-Naoto in a twist of fate, however, ended up going missing as well like a few other people have. You were worrying for days about whether or not everything was alright, worried another body would be added to the count.

-Miraculously, and much to your relief, he ends up safe and sound, though saying there was a big secret to reveal. Naoto was actually...a woman.

-After listening to his- er... her reasoning for the disguise, you completely understand why it was done, much to her relief. You don't judge her for it.

-Once the secret's out, she opens up much more than before, and soon it's not long before a different kind of feeling between you two starts to develop. Surprisingly, she's the one to confess first. After confronting her Shadow, she realized she needed to be true to herself more, thought you don't need to know about the whole world inside the TV deal.

-She's inexperienced, but she's trying. It takes her a while to accept the fact you appreciated her for her, but the idea of calling you her S/O definitely wasn't one she was against.

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8 months ago

Celica, Yuzuriha, and Rise with a more mellow, jaded s/o? Like their still nice and stuff to people they just have completely opposite energy along with being a little cynical, also probably a smoker.

Garcello lookin' headass /hj

Celica, Yuzuriha, And Rise With A More Mellow, Jaded S/o? Like Their Still Nice And Stuff To People They

-This girl needs someone who can keep her down to earth so, so badly. As much as you love her, she was the type to have her head in the clouds a bit too much for her own good.

-It's as endearing as it can be troublesome at times. Your patience is the biggest reason you two mesh so well together. You sorta remind Celica of Jubei in the sense you have the chill he does that's able to remain so nice and understanding despite seeming to some like you don't care about much.

-You sorta came off that way to her too, but she's a firm believer in not judging a book by it's cover. She wanted to actually take the time to know you, and it paid off. You were definitely more than met the eye.

-If you happen to smoke, she'll gently chastise you for the behavior but it's not the biggest dealbreaker as long as you have the decency to not do it inside. She's too pure to turn something as petty as that into a relationship-breaking argument.

-Having Celica as a girlfriend will also be a huge boon to you because of her healing magic. She won't risk secondhand smoking and can heal the ill effects of it you'd otherwise have to suffer through.

-She one hundred percent wants you to meet Ragna. She thinks you two are similar enough to get along. It's an interesting interaction but it does go surprisingly well. He's lowkey impressed by you being pretty much the only stranger he's met that doesn't react with immediate fear upon meeting him.

-You and Celica stay surprisingly happy together, much to everyone's confusion. Nobody really knows how it happened but there's no complaining, except maybe from Nine, but she can be won over eventually given enough time.

Celica, Yuzuriha, And Rise With A More Mellow, Jaded S/o? Like Their Still Nice And Stuff To People They

-Yuzuriha takes an extra joy more than anyone else in poking fun at you. The way you contrast her energy so much leads her to finding a childlike, almost petty satisfaction in attempting to get you all worked up. Good naturedly, of course.

-Meanwhile you're the one keeping her down on Earth. She can be a little ditzy sometimes and forget the fact that she has duties at the shrine. Having someone other than her sister to reliably remind her of her schedule is definitely good for her.

-She's kind of the one in charge of your relationship. You don't mind her dictating the pace as long as she's happy. Though again, you'll have to tell her to hold her horses if she tries advancing things too fast.

-Yuzu is overflowing with ideas for dates she's always wanted to try out, both from seeing places that caught her interest as well as ideas she's heard from other people. Almost every other day consists of her taking you out on a new date. She prefers to mix things up a lot to keep it fresh and prevent monotony.

-She kinda just drags you along every time. She knows that you're fine whatever happens. She finds it super cool how you just shrug off what seems like nothing and just keep on trucking, as she puts it.

-You get along pretty well with her sister, though when you ask her to tell you more about Yuzu, she only sighs and wishes you luck with dating her, saying that you'd need it. You didn't really know what she meant at first but it became apparent pretty quickly.

-Still, you wouldn't have it any other way.

Celica, Yuzuriha, And Rise With A More Mellow, Jaded S/o? Like Their Still Nice And Stuff To People They

-Honestly you are a godsend for Rise. Specifically in the fact that there's no one better to help blend in and keep suspicion down on nearly every level.

-That's far from the only reason she's dating you, obviously, but's certainly a huge plus not a lot of people, if any, have. People would definitely not expect the unenthusiastic, bored looking one to be dating someone with such opposite energy, especially if you smoke, and you're a natural at acting natural. The way you're completely unbothered by paparazzi and can steer them away with such ease nearly has Rise starstruck with how unphased you really are.

-Much like Yuzuriha, she takes it as a challenge to break your facade. If she manages to get you flustered she takes great satisfaction in doing so. Though you can easily see through her tricks after the first couple times. She attempts to come up with new ways to embarrass you almost like it's a back and forth game.

-The rest of the Investigation Team has absolutely zero idea how this happened. She did crush on Yu before you two met and yeah you're both chill and mellow most of the time, though Yu was far more popular for good reason.

-You're the yin to her yang if you feel so inclined, the normalcy she so desperately needs in her life away from the lights and grandeur of being an idol. You're her safe space.

-She honestly makes a ton of jokes at your expense about you two marrying someday which you take in stride, but the more you really pay attention as time goes on the more you start to realize it might not be entirely jokes. She really can't imagine her life being spent with anyone else. She just finally feels like...herself for once when you're around.

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1 year ago
Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

Hello! Unfortunately I’m really not into persona anymore but I already made designs for the 4 cast a few months ago so why not post them now before I start pony posting about my new interests (Resident Evil and Silent Hill [I actually finished all SH2 designs]) I won’t come up with any funky backstory or anything so just have the designs, names, and species ig. (Yu being Sterling Silver above)

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

Orangespot being Pegasus

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

Roundhouse Kick being Kirin-pony hybrid

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

Phoenix Flowers being Deer

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

Whipstitch being Dragon-Pony hybrid

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

Aria Affection being Siren

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

He’s still just Teddie being Changeling

Hello! Unfortunately Im Really Not Into Persona Anymore But I Already Made Designs For The 4 Cast A Few

And finally Cerulean Sleuth being Breezie-unicorn hybrid

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1 year ago

Risette - Rise Kujikawa Tactica-style WIP

Risette - Rise Kujikawa Tactica-style WIP

gonna finish this sht SOON when work clears up a bit

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1 year ago

Rise Kujikawa in the Tactica Style!

Rise Kujikawa In The Tactica Style!
Rise Kujikawa In The Tactica Style!
Rise Kujikawa In The Tactica Style!

ok so i didn't think I was going to finish this tonight but here we are!!

I wanna do the rest of the IT but I learned a lot about the style! Hopefully when I finish these, I'll have been able to emulate the style way better! Not sure who I wanna tackle next but if anyone's interesteeeed...?

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10 months ago
I'm Going Insane Over This Being Official Art!!!???

I'm going insane over this being official art!!!???

The hand on the waist??

The arm around the shoulder!!

The knowing smirk 😳

This is more damming than an actual love confession ❤️❤️❤️

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