Jjba Pucci - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Yo sé, yo sé que es muy tarde, casi una semana tarde, pero literalmente la semana pasada y un poco de ésta han sido bastante difíciles y andaba re bajoneado tanto que no quería ni tocar el lápiz para dibujar. Pero por suerte no hubieron clases ayer y antier así que terminé toda la semana y otros 2 dibujos en 2 días xd

So... Ajá, that's all

Nos vemos como el 3 de noviembre para los últimos días xd

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10 months ago


El otro día tuvimos la clase de ácidos nucleicos y DNA así que me acordé de este cristiano y me dieron ganas de dibujarlo. Ojalá me vaya bien en el último examen de bioquímica lol

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10 months ago
asriel-demayo - Asriel Demayo
asriel-demayo - Asriel Demayo


Doodle porque saqué 92 en el examen de bioquímica de ácidos nucleicos wuuu

Mi calificación final de bioquímica habrá sido 93, pero para mi vale 100 porque fue 100% honesta. Ahora a ver que me espera en biología molecular el siguiente semestre jajaja'nt

Araki, que te costaba hacerla nariz a este wey 😔

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2 years ago

More jojo stuff!!

Yes I have a problem

Got this little Au with the Jabberwocky Jostars and bandersnatch Brandos, its basically just the jojo characters as silly little nonsense critters and I live for it-

More Jojo Stuff!!
More Jojo Stuff!!

First we got jabberwocky!Josuke happy with himself over his amazing prank he pulled in the photoshoot

More Jojo Stuff!!

Then some doodles of the beloved brothers, Dio and Jonathan (Banderstaches have pointier ears, claws and clawed feets/Talons, longer tail fluff tufts, and horns-, Jabberwockies have longer rounder ears, short tail fluffs, pawed feet and lots of hair)

《 ☆ ☆ ☆ 《♡》 ☆ ☆ ☆ 》

More Jojo Stuff!!
More Jojo Stuff!!

Here is some Pucci × Kira (Its mostly kira crushing on pucci-) with dio very confused as to why his son's weirdo friend keeps growling at him

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2 years ago


I love the sweet sweet symbolism pucci and his stands offer, it's nice to see since araki does have a habbit of tossing stands between the two roles of 'these silly ghosts have a deeper meaning to their users' and 'Lol big men with silly colors'

And BOY when he decides to shove in some symbolism does it hit. Even if it isn't something like pucci's development of his loss of humanity and emotional attachments to his guilt, it's something as simple as Killer queen looking like a cat to represent Kira's desire for a simple and quiet lifestyle, or D4c being a rabbit with its 'pulling a rabbit out of a hat' type abilities!

Love these silly fashion men lol

Also I see all of you guys in my tags giving your amazing takes >:) watching u all like a hawk/pos

I've been thinking, it's a bit silly but it's something I like, and that's the fact of pucci's stand evolutions. What do I mean? Well how his stand develops over time.

Like think about it, at the start pucci starts with a very sentient stand who he holds conversations with, considers a partner in crime and puts a lot of the blame on. HE didn't kill that guy! White snakes did!! So on and so forth. But, as time goes on, the stands start to lose that sentience, c-moon having limited speech that's far less complex than White snakes, and made in heaven having no lines.

I take this one of two ways,

1). Its pucci losing his humanity. He is devoting himself fuller and fuller to the cause of dio, in a sense losing his own sentience and autonomy. His stand morphs and shapes itself more and more to less a very helpful general stand to something perfectly crafted to obtain heaven. He is now becoming more of a tool then a man hinself

2). He is accepting the atrocities he has caused. White snakes was his scape goat, the alter ego he could separate from himself. But as time goes on, he begins to rationalize, as obtaining heaven becomes clearer and clearer he doesn't need that scape goat, he may even accept it with pride, so his stand loses that sentience pucci wanted so his guilt over these sinners didn't consume him before he could achieve heaven.

Just something fun I was thinking about =v="

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2 years ago


Dare I say he wants it and that's why the stands begin to manifest like that, when it comes to stands 'evolving' or becoming 'better' with the help of things like the stand arrow(s) and what not it's made really clear they evolve based on the users wants, and while pucci does do this through a lot of more eh- artificial(?), For lack of a better word, methods I still feel his will definitely takes a part in it.

So I'd say it make a lot of sense as Pucci begins to grow closer and closer to heaven and his achievements he has been letting brew for so long he wants to be recognized. He WANT people to know he is the reason behind this achievement. Be it subconscious or not, he wants Dio to be proud of him. So while he begins to grow closer and closer to his goal, to reaching a world where these past actions won't matter he feels some room to stretch. To show off himself, he doesn't need a scape goat anymore, brother he locked away for 20 something years who? He is about to OBTAIN HEAVEN!!

I've been thinking, it's a bit silly but it's something I like, and that's the fact of pucci's stand evolutions. What do I mean? Well how his stand develops over time.

Like think about it, at the start pucci starts with a very sentient stand who he holds conversations with, considers a partner in crime and puts a lot of the blame on. HE didn't kill that guy! White snakes did!! So on and so forth. But, as time goes on, the stands start to lose that sentience, c-moon having limited speech that's far less complex than White snakes, and made in heaven having no lines.

I take this one of two ways,

1). Its pucci losing his humanity. He is devoting himself fuller and fuller to the cause of dio, in a sense losing his own sentience and autonomy. His stand morphs and shapes itself more and more to less a very helpful general stand to something perfectly crafted to obtain heaven. He is now becoming more of a tool then a man hinself

2). He is accepting the atrocities he has caused. White snakes was his scape goat, the alter ego he could separate from himself. But as time goes on, he begins to rationalize, as obtaining heaven becomes clearer and clearer he doesn't need that scape goat, he may even accept it with pride, so his stand loses that sentience pucci wanted so his guilt over these sinners didn't consume him before he could achieve heaven.

Just something fun I was thinking about =v="

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2 years ago


Its just- mmm- I am a lover of angst writing and pucci's guilt is a topic that frequently worms it's way into my mind lol. But like, YEAH- JUST SO WELL WORDED-

It's just mmm- so nice, Honestly it's such a reflection on pucci that if he had never met dio or even met dio later in life when he wasn't so venerable and impressionable, things would've turned out very differently. Just- mmm you do words so good lol

And like- pucci's fate kind of hits really hard when you think about it,

He completely deserts this need and restraint he has shown when he gets made in heaven, he is ready to achieve heaven. What else is there to worry about? He counts his eggs before they are hatched and embraces the warmth of heaven before he actually gets there, and ultimately this is his downfall. He overestimates his abilities and it removes him from the fucking UNIVERSE.

And that just- it works so well. A punishment of death would be too good for pucci, if he just got 50 page 'Ora'd to death it may have been satisfying in the moment because sure he can't "achieve heaven" for the world now, he also in a way still kind of IS achieving it, So this death erasing him from the exact thing he was trying so hard to achieve, is a very appropriate punishment for the crime, y'know?

I think it's something that endears me to him so much, he holds the place as my favorite main villain, he is a complex character who could've turned out VERY differently had he not met dio. Imagine if he say, didn't meet dio at all, met dio and was taken to the crusaders with the help of kakyion, ect. Ect.

And on the topic I think it's what makes many jojo villains so fun and loveable to so many, why jojo is such a prolific property. There is so much wiggle room for interpretations, adaptations and fan works! Like the spin offs in the likes of Crazy Diamond Demon Heart, a spin off following Hol Horse and Josuke??? And it works so well!! It let's you mold and shape it as you want and it just is...so nice lol

I've been thinking, it's a bit silly but it's something I like, and that's the fact of pucci's stand evolutions. What do I mean? Well how his stand develops over time.

Like think about it, at the start pucci starts with a very sentient stand who he holds conversations with, considers a partner in crime and puts a lot of the blame on. HE didn't kill that guy! White snakes did!! So on and so forth. But, as time goes on, the stands start to lose that sentience, c-moon having limited speech that's far less complex than White snakes, and made in heaven having no lines.

I take this one of two ways,

1). Its pucci losing his humanity. He is devoting himself fuller and fuller to the cause of dio, in a sense losing his own sentience and autonomy. His stand morphs and shapes itself more and more to less a very helpful general stand to something perfectly crafted to obtain heaven. He is now becoming more of a tool then a man hinself

2). He is accepting the atrocities he has caused. White snakes was his scape goat, the alter ego he could separate from himself. But as time goes on, he begins to rationalize, as obtaining heaven becomes clearer and clearer he doesn't need that scape goat, he may even accept it with pride, so his stand loses that sentience pucci wanted so his guilt over these sinners didn't consume him before he could achieve heaven.

Just something fun I was thinking about =v="

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2 years ago

Day 1 of shoving random aus that are entirely just self indulgence to show u all-

Enrico Pucci, the honorary Jostar.

(Its an everyone lives au let me live-)

During the events of part 6 Enrico Pucci finds himself consumed with doubts. Having stumbled across his old friend from his time in Dio's mansion, Noriaki Kakyion, with his assumed enemy Jotaro Kujo he begins to question the legitimacy of this plan. Dio had said kakyion had died, why had Dio lied to him? Pucci would've understood if Dio was honest and simply stated Noriaki had defected...or- had he?? What else was Dio lying about?? It plagued his mind. He wanted to know, something didn't add up and it was eating away at him.

When finally confronted with Jolyne he cannot do it, he gives up and accepts whatever punishment is befitting of him. He explains how Dio has lied to him, all of his ambitions were a lie. He tells the jojos and their bros he is willing to accept any punishment they feel fit his many atrocities. Confused at first they are all naturally suspicious, jolyne is prepared to beat him to a pulp is stopped by her father. Jotaro seeing the man broken and manipulated by Dio as many he had defeated before he feels a twinge of pain and pity. Pucci recoils as jotaro reaches out, expecting to be obliterated when-

Day 1 Of Shoving Random Aus That Are Entirely Just Self Indulgence To Show U All-

He is taken to sup with the jostars!? After all he had put them through they take him under their wing, after all! He has the family birth mark!


So yeah! Dems the basics of the Au lol, pucci is taken in to be a member of the Jostar family and get a Redemption arch >:D! Again everyone lives Au so kakyion, other crusaders and some minions are there, the brando kids are vibing and getting to know their eldest brother in Italy and it's just a fun time!

I'm a sucker for the Au cause idk pucci needs a family. Needs some people to take em in and give him the love he deserves. Weather is also there bc he is needs some love too, they're kept in separate rooms dw, they'll start hissing and fighting otherwise smh.

But yes, that is it-

Feel free to ask more I mean I would love to write and draw more for this-

Till next time! Skitters away like a roach when the lights turn on

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2 years ago

Alrighty folks B),

Struggling with major ✨Art block✨ so have some doodle dumps! Various little things I've doodled up for y'all, even threw in some traditional as a treat!!

Alrighty Folks B),
Alrighty Folks B),
Alrighty Folks B),
Alrighty Folks B),
Alrighty Folks B),

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4 years ago
Jesus Christ, Man,I Laid Up For Hours In A DazeRetracing The Expanse Of Your British BackWith Adderall
Jesus Christ, Man,I Laid Up For Hours In A DazeRetracing The Expanse Of Your British BackWith Adderall

Jesus Christ, man, I laid up for hours in a daze Retracing the expanse of your British back With Adderall and weed in my veins

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4 years ago
Stress Relief Father Pucci While Im Going Through Some Rough Times

stress relief father Pucci while I’m going through some rough times

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3 years ago
I Originally Intended To Finish This Puccie Piece Just In Time For The Stone Ocean Release, But I Managed

I originally intended to finish this Puccie piece just in time for the Stone Ocean release, but I managed to finish it only now.

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1 year ago

Big sister figure Doppio being so gentle and caring to any younger children while still experiencing top tier girl rage behind a gentle smile, while the others are just giant buff assholes ready to fuck you up/fuck up the Joestars while still “calm” LMAO

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1 year ago

Retratos de práctica con jojo porque me dio la gana 👍

Estos dibujos los hice para poder practicar colores y por diversión

Pink for English

Portrait practice with Jojo bc I feel like it 👍

This are some drawing I made to practice colors and for fun.

Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana
Retratos De Prctica Con Jojo Porque Me Dio La Gana

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