Katsuki X Reader Angst - Tumblr Posts

Hi! How are you? I'm not sure if you're okay with angst but I am in a dark place right now. TW! Death of a animal.

Last Thursday, I had to make the toughest decision of my life. My dog of 12 years who I loved dearly was suffering with fluid surrounding her heart and lungs. She was dying in my hands at the vet and there was nothing I could do to save her except putting her to sleep. I'm still 19 and my parents didn't want anything to do with it so I made the call right there and then. It still haunts me seeing her dying in front of my eyes and I just would really love if...I don't know have a Bakugo X Reader where he comforts and helps reader through this tough time... Maybe moments where she comes home and from the happy barking she got used to nothing, or when she gets up for a glass to drink she goes to pet her and there's nothing.

If not, It's okay and I hope you have a wonderful night/day! :)

Oh gosh! You got lost in my inbox bby I'm so sorry :(

I hope I'm not too late to make you feel a little better, and I hope you can forgive me for taking so long :(((

I put your ask first in line to make as soon as I saw it <3

Masterlist <3

Warning: Death of an animal...

Bakugou x Reader - Because she's not here

Hi! How Are You? I'm Not Sure If You're Okay With Angst But I Am In A Dark Place Right Now. TW! Death

It felt so unbelievably... empty.

Losing her wasn't something you had expected, and it had been so sudden. You didn't even have enough time to say goodbye.

You had taken your dog to the vet for a checkup just because she had been acting a little... down. She was no longer as active and excitable, choosing instead to cuddle with you and spend most of her time laying down.

You thought maybe she had an infection, or the food just wasn't good enough for her, but when you found out there and then just how much pain she was in, the only choice you had was to let her go.

It was hard.

Seeing her eyes open for that last time... It was never something you thought you would have to see.

That night, you came home without your best friend.

You walked home in the cold, staring at the floor in front of you and, you don't remember when you got to your front door but suddenly you were there, key in hand as you prepare to spend your first night without her.

Your stomach and your chest hurt, and you couldn't even swallow through the lump in your throat as you rest you back against your now closed door, not even bothering to make it to the bedroom before sliding down to the floor.

The tears just wouldn't stop, not that you even tried to stop them yourself. Theres no wet nose pressing into your palm while you pet her, and there's no happy panting or the scrape of her nails against hardwood floor. It was just emty.

A part of your life is missing, and you don't even know how you could go on without her.

After a few hours of crying into your hands, mourning the loss of a part of your family, you finally get the courage to pull out your nearly-dead phone to call your boyfriend.

He answers immediately. It's currently 11pm.


It sounds like he's just woken up, but you know you can't do this without him, so you press on. He knows there must be something wrong for you to be calling this late.

Maybe it's just the exhaustion of crying so intensely, and the dull but heavy and painful pressure of heartbreak that's worn you down enough for you to call your boyfriend this late, but you need him, and he would never dream of refusing you.

The second you stutter out what's happened, he's already put the door, and he has to fight back his own tears so that he can be there for you. He had grown quite attached to her during the years he had been dating you, and had treated her like his own family.

"Shit-. Babe, ah- i-it's gonna be okay. You hear me? Oh-..."

Another wave of grief washes over you and you draw in a shaky breath, crying in big, uncontrollable sobs as your phone sits on the floor next to you.

That night, he holds you close and lets you cry into his chest until you have no more tears to give, and you pass out in his arms while he strokes your hair.


The next few days has Bakugou essentially living with you. He's there to greet you after work and to keep you company while you both grieve the loss of your friend.

It's so hard to come home, and you know you wouldn't be able to without Bakugou there, because it's just too soon to be face to face with the obvious emptiness of your apartment.

He helps you face it though, and he helps you move on. You couldn't ask for a better partner.

Through his tough exterior, he really does look after you, making sure to be there everytime you go to stroke your dog, only for nothing to be there, and every time you expect to be greeted by padded paws and a jumpy dog when you come back, he's there to say hello with a kiss and a hug.

This is how the two of you ended up living together.

You just weren't made to be alone. It's the one thing you're truly afraid of. Not the dark, not the boogeyman, not spiders, just the thought that you could truly be alone one day.

So he moved in with you, and it made it just a little easier to cope now that you had some more company, and someone to cuddle when you felt alone.

Together, you both tried to move on, and although the pain never really goes away, it's just a little easier to go on.

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hiii !! i was wondering if u would write a comfort fic with a bakugo x gn!reader where theyre really struggling with taking care of themselves and gone down like a depressive spiral without him knowing until they finally just broke down. i was thinking the reader would have a telekinetic quirk and they never really used it before but they use it all the time to even do simple things. sorry this is so depressing LMAO but i love ur work !! đŸ–€đŸ–€

Aw! Omg thank you <3 I'm so glad I have such devoted readers on here guys 😭 it really makes me wanna shit and sob and run laps rn abshdnakshbsnx

Also ofc I will :D

I love the angst so you bet imma make this as dramatic as possible

Masterlist <3

Katsuki x GN!Reader- Sink or Swim

Hiii !! I Was Wondering If U Would Write A Comfort Fic With A Bakugo X Gn!reader Where Theyre Really

You could tell it was getting bad again. You were hesitant to go to class or training, you no longer had any interests in your hobbies, even thoughts of your friends were interrupted by "you know they wouldn't care if they never saw you again."

And on top of that, it's was so, so hard getting out of bed in the mornings, and being motivated get stuff done. You had started being repeatedly late to class and you were skipping meals, convinced that after all of the minimal effort you've put in, you weren't deserving of a hot meal anymore.

You don't deserve a place in this school, and you don't deserve the title of a hero. You're just not good enough.

Almost every week you're introduced to yet another tragically disadvantaged youth who's given life and limb just to have a shot at being a hero, and you can't help but feel so undeserving. What use are you, even? The only quirk you have is telekinesis, and even then, it's really not very strong.

Your best friend and partner, Katsuki Bakugou, hasn't even realised just how bad things have been getting, and even though you know you're being a little harsh for expecting him to know when things are wrong even when you haven't talked about it, you can't help but feel a little upset.

During the next week or so, your foul mood only gets worse, and when you realise that your friends are actively trying to avoid you, that's when you break.

They were only giving you a little space because they thought you were having a rough time, and they didn't want to set you off since they knew they could be a rowdy group. It was Mina and Denki who thought it would be best, since they both haven't had the best of luck with sensitive people, and this proves it even more.

You spend the week stuck in your room, not coming to class and instead spending your time staring at the wall of your room, the drab, grey surroundings being a perfect match for what you're feeling.

It's Friday, and your room hasn't seen the light of day since Saturday. You've been crying every day into the soft plush that Katsuki won for you at a fair on his first try, despite your many attempts. You had refused to use your quirk because it wouldn't have been a real win. He'd found that kind of adorable. Stupid, but adorable.

Katsuki had come knocking on your door a few times, but every time you had sent him away with an "I'm sick, babe. I'll be better soon..." Or something along those lines. At this point though, he was at his fucking limit.

"Open the door before I blast it off its fucking hinges. Let me see you! You know being sick isn't a fucking excuse when we've got recovery girl! I've kept Sensei off your ass for a fucking week already, now let me see my fucking partner! I'm worried about you- you're not sick, did you think I'm some kind of dumbass?!"

Your bottom lip wobbles as you listen to him banging on your door. Of all things, you could probably learn to live with not deserving your dream carreer or your place in this school, but not him. The thought that you don't deserve him eats at you every fucking day.

He goes well above and beyond for you, and why? Because you're lucky enough to have caught his attention? It makes you feel physically sick to think about all of the other people out there that could give him more than you ever have. Maybe you should stop running from him though.

Ever so slowly, you get up out of bed, dressed in one of his loose shirts and a baggy pair of sweats. And when you finally open the door, Katsuki can really take in how much you've let yourself fall apart. You really do look sick, but not with the flu, and it breaks his fucking heart.

Immediately his eyes are glossed over and filled with remorse at the fact that he hasn't been here for you, and he opens his arms for you, ushering you into a hug that's far gentler than any other he's given you. It feels so good.

"Shit... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here. Fuck."

"It's not your fault!"

He squeezes you tighter as you cry into his chest. It's times like these that you thank your lucky stars for being shorter than him, because it makes him the best person to hug, and one of his hands buries itself into your tangled hair as he pets you, slowly guiding you back into your room.

You couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

He spends the rest of the day cuddling you, your legs tangled together under the sheets while you nap and he watches over you. And you're not surprised when, the day after, he's forcing you to get up out of bed.

"Get up, lazy ass!"


It makes a rather comical picture as he's got one hand around your ankle while you mock tears and cling to the bed frame, struggling against your much stronger boyfriend when he tries to drag you out of bed.

"Help me clean this ugly ass room! Dumbass! If you love me you'll help clean this pig sty!"

"God! Fine! It's not that big a deal- please!"

He finally lets you go and gives you an unimpressed look, since you can't even see the floor in the mess you've let collect, and as you get up and trip over a sock, he only snorts in amusement, giving you that "I told you so" look.

He really does help to distract you from your feelings when you're with him, and every time you try to thank him for it you're met with a chaste kiss to the lips, which has you blushing and stuttering in seconds. He could never get tired of that sight.

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5 years ago

Doesn’t Hurt

bnha Warnings: Light Angst, emotionally abusive relationship Bakugo and Y/N have been dating for three months, and y/n is completely devoted to her boyfriend, but it’s difficult to keep a healthy relationship with someone who only yells at her in public. Y/n’s the sweetheart of 1A, so it comes to no surprise that she gets along with everyone. But, all good things must come to end, and people can only give so much without getting anything in return.

Part 2 is out!

Doesnt Hurt

 Y/N smiled as she walked into class 1A, and she was quickly greeted by her cheerful friends who came rushing to meet her halfway.

“Morning y/n!” Uraraka said, a cheerful smile lighting up her face as her eyes closed. 

“Morning l/n,” Iida greeted, no matter how hard she tried, she could never get him to call her by her first name. 

“Good Morning Uraraka! Morning Iida, and Morning Izu!” Y/N smiled at them all, as they migrated to her seat. Izuku smiled and greeted her back seconds before the bell rang. She hadn’t had the chance to talk to Katsuki, and Y/N knew he wasn’t gonna be too happy.


By the time lunch came around, everyone was famished. People raced to the cafeteria, but y/n was always one of the last people to leave the classroom, as she slowly packed up all of her belongings. Though her classmates left their pens on their desks, she preferred to pack the multi-colored writing utensils into her pencil-pouch before leaving.

A loud huff came from above her, causing her to look up out of pure confusion. â€œKatsu? What’s up, I was gonna meet you at our table,” she explained as she grabbed her phone and her packed lunch. 

Katsuki looked around the class, and he saw two or three other people. He turned back with a glare and all but spat at her, saying â€œYou’re so slow, you’re not good at anything. Hurry up so we can get to lunch, your locker is gonna slow us down even longer,” 

Y/n nodded in understanding and smiled at him saying, â€œWhy don’t you go ahead of me? I’ll be right behind you after I go to my locker, don’t want you to get stuck with a cold lunch!” She smiled sweetly at her boyfriend. 

He smiled back at her after making sure none of the classmates could see his face. He left the room, leaving y/n with Iida, Yaoyorozu, Izuku, and Kirishima. Y/n and Izuku grew up together, and she quickly became friends with Iida by the third day of school, and Kirishima was the only other person Bakugo would willingly inconvenience himself for. 

She was just about to leave the room when Yaoyorozu stopped her. â€œHey L/N, why do you let Bakugo treat you like that? I can’t believe you guys are dating when he treats you so awfully!”

Y/N was well aware that her friends were just concerned about her, but she didn’t worry. â€œKatsu treats me perfectly Momo,” Y/n smiled, â€œhe’s just embarrassed to be affectionate in public, so people don’t see the sweet side of him that I do!” 

The others knew that they wouldn’t be able to do anything without y/n telling them she wants to break up with him, so they bit their tongues. No matter how much they disliked it, they were just going to have to let her make this mistake for herself. 


“Hey Deku, you grew up with (Y/N), right?” Uraraka asked, leaning over their lunch table.

“Yeah, I did! Why do you ask?” He smiled brightly at the memories but tilted his head in question.

“That's right! Midoriya would know more about Bakugo and (L/N) than anyone!” Iida shouted, obviously very excited about this ‘discovery’. 

“I mean, I-I guess I know Ka-chan pretty well, and me and (Y/N/N) did spend the majority of our lives living next door to each other. Why is that important now though?”

“Well, it’s just...” Uraraka scratched the back of her neck and looked away, â€œI was just wondering if Bakugo actually does treat her right? She’s just so sweet, and I only ever hear Bakugo yelling at her... Is that normal?”

Midoriya thought back to when they were children, back before any of them had quirks. There was never an obvious hierarchy in the group until quirks were added, so they all loved to hang out with each other. Y/N and Midoriya often spent the night at each other's houses, and Bakugo would- more likely than not- join in with no convincing. 

Back then, Bakugo was a lot nicer. He didn’t pick on anyone, and they all got along really nicely. Y/N received her quirk first.  It wasn’t originally what she thought it was. When she first showed her quirk, everyone thought it was a creation quirk, as she could make any object she wanted to appear before her, even though it would disappear moments later back then. 

Then, after she sent everyone into a heart attack when she turned her skin a light pink and had angel wings, the quickly corrected it, describing it as the ability to make her fantasies a reality. It was a very powerful quirk, and no one knew her limit when they were so young.

Everyone at school was impressed by her, which caused their little three-person group to gain plenty of attention, much to everyone's dismay- minus Bakugo. And then Bakugo got his quirk, which people were also impressed with. This left Izuku, the runt of the litter, with the expectations of everyone in the class to dazzle them with his quirk.

That didn’t happen until high school, but it never really bothered him. Y/N didn’t change at all when she got her quirk, but Bakugo was always easily prideful. 

Izuku remembered when they first started dating. It wasn’t much of an adjustment for him, they had always been this close, but now Ka-chan had a real reason to be possessive over their mutual friend- but that never stopped them from having sleepovers!

He can’t remember a time where he was affectionate in public per se, but he has seen them in the comfort of their homes, so he knows that they really do care for each other. 

“I wouldn’t worry Uraraka-chan! They really do like each other, and Bakugo’s a lot nicer when she’s around!”

His friend was less than convinces, but she mumbled an okay, and she went back to eating.

“Why do you care so much about their relationship?” Shoto asked, putting down his chopsticks.

“It’s just-” she huffed and tidied up her eating space, â€œI hate seeing how he treats Y/n-chan! She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met, and he doesn’t respect her!”

A soft silence spread around the table, as they all realized how weird the two really were with each other. Was it abusive if it didn’t mean anything to her? Could this even be classified as an abusive relationship? Had they ever talked about how his words affected her? Did they? They all had so many questions, but they knew it was unlikely for them to get any answers unless the pair broke up, and a heartbroken Bakguo could break their bones, while a heart0broken Y/N would break their hearts.


It wasn’t the first time y/n had heard of people's concerns or their questions. She was used to the stairs, she was used to Bakugo's personality, she was used to the questions they asked her- but she would never be used to people's looks of pity as they talked about her behind her back.

It crushed her spirits that they would ever get better. Y/N often wondered if Bakugo would get more comfortable with the thought of them being together in public, but they were in high school now, and it did hurt that she couldn’t even hold his hand in front of a stranger in the halls, or on the street where no one was looking. 

It hurt that he only spoke to her in harch tones and pointed words, and it definitely bruised her ego when he would insult her over everything she did. She knew it wasn’t personal, he grew up in a loud household where this was normal, and she grew alongside him. She knew it shouldn’t bother her as much as its dose because she knows he doesn’t mean it. But then, why does it feel like she just swallowed a large pill that was sitting in the base of her neck, resilient and unwilling to move. 

Her face had fallen after she was alone in the hallway. She knew Bakugo would come looking for her if she took to long, he honestly does worry. That’s why she doesn’t have the heart to break it off- because they love each other. 

She took a deep breath in, and she practiced her smile before re-entering the cafeteria. She smiled at her classmates as she passed their lunch tables, and she waved to those who called out to her. 

She finally made it to Bakugo’s table, and she took her spot between Kirishima and Bakugo, where she greeted everyone. Katsuki enveloped her into his side as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, obviously, he sensed something was upsetting her. He knew better than to question her about it in public, she was a very private person, or so he led himself to believe.

She was silently hoping he would voice his opinions, that he would show the table that he noticed she was upset- she knew he saw her sadness, so why not fix it? That though pooled in her stomach when Bakugo felt the need to release her, feeling like he was holding her for too long. It was like a twist to the knife.


Lunch had flown by, and so had classes. English with Mr. Yamada was finishing up, and y/n was thinking about Bakugo. Even after lunch, he only spoke to her in snarky remarks that hid their true meaning, he didn’t ask for her opinion, but he did voice what he thought she would think.

The class all noticed Y/n’s not-smile, and it was a safe bet that they all flinched when they saw. Y/n was all on her own for the last half of the day, until the final bell rang. 

Bakugo had once again ‘left her to fend for herself’ while he was really standing right outside of the class pretending to be distracted by his phone. He felt the abundance of glares being sent his way, it made him feel wrong- almost dirty. He stood there until there were only around five people in the class, including the teacher who was also paying close attention to the only conversation happening in the room.

“Y/N-chan, you know we only want to help, right?” Yaoyaroza asked, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.  

“I know Momo-chan, but there really isn’t a problem!” Y/N smiled brightly, more like she was trying to convince herself more so than the others.

Uraraka sighed and opened her mouth, â€œYou really shouldn’t have to put up with that!”

Tsu was quick to agree, as she added on with â€œWhat he’s saying must hurt! I know if it were me he was saying those things to it would tear me down more and more!”

“Like he was stabbing the same wound repeatedly,” Jiro continued while nodding in understanding.

“It must bother you, right Y/n-san?” Toru added, speaking up for the first time.

Y/N stood up with them, and she put her backpack over her arms. She smiled as bright as she could, even though her glands had betrayed her and she started to cry.

“Thank you all for worrying!” Her voice broke as she talked, and she was enveloped in a cold bitter-truth, like Bakugo’s arms. â€œI know it must bother you to hear him yelling all the time, and I’ll see what I can do to make him lower the volume, but you all really need to stop worrying about me,” she reassured, rubbing Uraraka’s arm as she started to walk towards the door.

 Maybe if she told herself that enough times, she might end up believing it, and it might become the truth. She turned around with that painfull smile, and with tears in her closed eyes she told them one last lie, â€œIt really doesn’t hurt!”

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4 years ago

Bakugo Potential Idea

So I’ve got this idea for a Bakugo x reader mini-series, but I’m still hazy about things and not sure of how it’s gonna end. But like, tell me what you think? Bakugo, after exploding a simulation building during hero-training is sentenced to three weeks of volunteer work in the local hospital. He basically becomes an errand boy for anyone, but he runs into Y/n, who dropped one of the boxes she was carrying. Bakugo, always the gentle, hands it back to her, and they chat. She gets off on her floor, and Bakugo keeps going. 

On his second day, he’s looking for this cute girl he met, but he doesn’t run into Y/n until he’s back on the elevator. They chat and she gets off, but he forgets to look at what floor she leaves on. 

He talks to the nurse he runs most of the errands for, but he's confused when she doesn’t recognize his description of the cute volunteer from the elevator. He goes a week before seeing her again. 

His job was to escort one of the children from the extended stay wing to their chemo treatment (the usual guy was sick that day). Bakugo complains about having to deal with bratty sick children who talk to much on the way until the nurse stops in front of a nicely decorated room.

And there, sitting on the bed, in Y/n. She smiles and waves at Bakugo, and the nurse leaves. Bakugo is so upset- he met the perfect girl, and she’s sick. His brain would think before his mouth, and he would say something like, â€œWhat’s wrong with you?” but like, he’s an idiot.

Y/n would snort and gesture to the whiteboard next to the door, which stated her name, age, and osteosarcoma in large black letters. â€œMy leg’s suicidal,” 

Bakugo, being an idiot, would blush and pretend to be annoyed as he walks beside the girl who had become all he thought about. 

His friends from school have to listen to him go on snd on about the cute volunteer until he stops talking about her. She’s not a volunteer, and her life is swaying in the balance. 

However, ow that he knows where to find her, he goes there every day while he’s working off his punishment. And then he keeps going long after the three weeks are over. 

His friends are growing confused at his actions, they mistake his concern for the girl to be depressed, and they follow him after school one day. There, they see him sit next to a girl's bedside as they laugh. 

He’s really happy. Every day he visits her, and on the weekends he goes all day- even eating the crappy cafeteria food- he only leaves when his friend the nurse kicks him out. 

And one day, she confesses her love for him. And he tells her he loves her. He fell too deep, and there’s no going back. 

He ends up convincing her doctor to let him take her out on dates on her good days, but on her bad ones, he lies next to her, either reading her a book or just holding her while they listen to music. 

And then, one day, he goes to visit her. He walks to her room, but she’s not there waiting for him. He rushed over to her schedule board and sees that she’s in surgery. He sits and waits, and he waits, and he waits. The nurse comes to her room, but instead of waking the boy, he just tucks him in and carries on. 

Bakugo wakes up and she’s there with him- or at least that’s basically what happened.

There’s more that I want to write, but that's basically my idea for the beginning chapters. Yay, neigh? What do you think?? Please let me know!

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