Kick It - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Future Grandkid: Grandpa, what was it like when Obama was president?

Me: Aah, yes… the Homestuck President.

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3 years ago

I'm officially deceased if anyone asked 😔😔😔😔



난 앞으로 찔러 좌우 Bruce Lee🙌

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3 years ago

He did so well 😭😭😭😭

He stole my heart and now my soul!! What else can I sell for the Black Mamba cover if he keeps stealing like this from me😭😭😭😭

[by_WOONG] NCT 127 - 영웅 (英雄; Kick It) (Dance Cover by 환웅)

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3 years ago

Day 1 of trying to recover from the emotional damage Hwanwoong's Kick It cover did: unsuccessful.

It's so well done, I will probably never recover 😭😭😭😭

Also, 1theK, Black Mamba, when? 🙃 I'm fully ready to sell my kidney in exchange.

Day 1 Of Trying To Recover From The Emotional Damage Hwanwoong's Kick It Cover Did: Unsuccessful.
Day 1 Of Trying To Recover From The Emotional Damage Hwanwoong's Kick It Cover Did: Unsuccessful.
Day 1 Of Trying To Recover From The Emotional Damage Hwanwoong's Kick It Cover Did: Unsuccessful.
Day 1 Of Trying To Recover From The Emotional Damage Hwanwoong's Kick It Cover Did: Unsuccessful.

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4 years ago

NCT Dream as your best friends:


He's like your very annoying brother

Acts like you're his little sister even if you're older than him

Teases you all the time about your non existent bf/gf, about your height... Anything he can really.

Teaches you curse words in Chinese so you can trashtalk the members (excluding Chenle)

Ruffles your hair all the time, mostly to annoy you.

(but also because he secretly thinks you're cute whenever you scowl at him)

Pretends he doesn't enjoy your company but sulks whenever you can't meet up

Sends you memey pictures of himself and of the members

Both of you have so much private jokes and codes

You can have full conversations without anyone understanding a thing

You guys bicker a lot

But even when you fight you make up almost immediately

Usually Renjun just texts you randomly as if nothing happened

Gets very jealous if you give someone more attention than you give him

Hates when you babie him

Acts like a tough guy around you but is actually just a marshmallow in disguise.


The sweetest relationship uwu

Everyone thinks you guys are a couple because of your great chemistry

Jeno will literally place his life in your hands without hesitation

You guys can talk for hours on end about the stupidest stuff

But you can also have really deep conversations sometimes

His gallery is full of pictures he took of you in every situation possible

Sleeping, eating, laughing etc...

Takes your opinion very seriously, so he constantly invites you to Dream's dance practices

You two go shopping together

Jeno always ends up carrying your bags

Despite promising that this time he won't

You guys usually go out to eat when you're together

Always complains that he gains weight everytime you're together

Your parents know Jeno and he's practically like a son to them

Same goes to you

He texts you every day

Even if he doesn't have anything to say he'll still text you

Always thinking about you, especially when you aren't together

Buys you souvenirs when he's in another country

You two don't fight at all

But sometimes you bicker like an old married couple

Usually about how Jeno should sleep more or how you should stop dieting

You're the only one who laughs from his corny ass jokes

One of the main reasons he loves you so much lol

You guys cuddle a lot

AKA you clinging to Jeno while he suffers with a smile on his face

Link arms while walking cause you cheesy AF

It still surprises you what a beast he is on stage

But to you he'll always be a giant puppy:')


The most dangerous friendship tbh

You've known each other since you were kids

You probably thought Haechan was annoying AF when you first met him (don't tell him that tho)

Pranking NCT members the majority of the time

And if you aren't, then you're probably pranking each other

Roasting each other 24/7

People probably think you hate each other but it's just your dynamic


Haechan is always ruffling your hair, pulling on your ear, pinching your cheek...

Your time together mostly consists of pissing each other off and cuddling while watching K-dramas

Cooks for you all the time

There's a fairly good chance he'll come over at two in the morning and start making you kimchi jiggae or something

Lots of sleepovers at your place when he's done with the 127 hyungs

Misses you so much when he's working

Also denies that fact religiously

But the members tell you how much he whines to them about needing to see you

Facetimes you at the most random times and feels betrayed when you don't answer

Your text messages consist of memes, ugly picture and emojis that only you understand the meaning of

Probably has some really cheesy nickname on his phone for you

Definitely changes his contact name on your phone to "the light of my life" or something gross like that

Your fights are just lots of yelling and silent treatments

Usually they start because of an insensitive comment that one of you said

But that hardly happens because you're so used to each other's bratty asses by now


Jaemin is practically your mother and your personal bodyguard

Very overprotective

He's always making sure you ate, slept on time, got your work done...

Calls you every two minutes when he's away

Saved your name in his phone as 공주님 (princess)

You saved his as 엄마 (mother)

Your parents love him because of his charming personality and probably secretly want you two to date

Buys you clothes when he's away and surprises you with them when he comes back

You always have one of his sweaters at your house because he always lends them to you when he thinks it's cold and forgets to take it back

Very affectionate with you

Kisses your cheeks and your forehead in the most random moments

Tackles you out of the blue when he wants hugs

You go out together a lot

Sometimes you go to the movies, sometimes you do a picnic, sometimes you just sleepover and eat takeout and gossip

You take lots of aesthetic pictures of each other

Have so much selfies together

One of them is probably Jaemin's lock screen or something

You feel very comfortable with each other

He knows everything about you and the other way around

Listens to whatever you say without judging, even if it's a rant about some guy you're crushing on

Will be up for whooping anyone's ass if they hurt you

Facetimes you when he's away

Sometimes you don't even talk, just minding your own business together

Both of you probably fall asleep in the middle

Flirts with you all the time

But uses only horrible pick up lines

"Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got fine written all over you"


So loud OMG

There's not a dull moment when you're together

You guys are like twins or something

You have some sort of telepathy that no one can understand

Laughing randomly without any obvious reason is practically your thing

You guys thrive off teasing each other and others

Gang up to drive the hyungs up the wall

You call each other soulmates everywhere you go

The type of bff's who finish each other's sentences

He buys you super expensive presents all the time

The type to see a diamond necklace and be like "oh Y/N might like this" and buy it

You talk mostly on Snapchat when you're apart

Chenle sends you snaps of everything he does

Literally everything

You have many cute pictures together

Also lots of weird ones

You've been to his house so much times you already have a room there

Pretty clingy

Always backhugging you or side hugging you

Likes to pull your hair to annoy you

Talks about you so much

The members probably know all about your adventures together

Teaches you Chinese and is surprisingly supportive and patient with you

Loves to explain about his culture to you and thinks it's cute you're so interested

You just make him happy tbh


You're the only person he trusts

The loyal BFF

Always says he doesn't need anyone when he has you

Appreciates your friendship so much uwu

You basically grew up together

Invites you to every one of his comebacks and gets super sad if you can't make it

You're his biggest supporter

Takes everything you say VERY seriously

Sends you every picture he wants to upload to Instagram to hear your opinion about it

Doesn't like when you get too close with the other members

Tries not to make it obvious but he's pouty and gives you the cold shoulder so it shows

Says he'll forgive you only if you buy him ice cream (a baby)

You're always taking his clothes to the point you have a small closet in your room just for them

Gets embarrassed whenever you hug him or squeeze his cheeks but he secretly loves it

Probably freaks out if you ever date someone because he's so afraid he'll be replaced

Texts you every few days when he's away to make you sure you didn't forget him

You go together to amusement parks or escape rooms or other stuff like that

Just anything extreme

Tries to prove he's a man by winning you plushies at the amusement park

Still doesn't change the fact that he's a really tall baby

He pretends to get embarrassed by your stupid shit but he honestly can't live without you

Is a bit awkward when it comes to deep conversations

So if you're sad or unwell he'll probably just take out his phone and watch fail complications on YouTube with you until you laugh

Doesn't talk to you much about his own feelings

So sometimes you feel insecure about your relationship, which is the main reason for fights between you two

But in the end of the day you know all the important stuff one way or another

Will cancel any plan he has to spend more time with you<3

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4 years ago

NCT Dream when you're clumsy:

A/N: Ok but y is this pure crack lol


"Shit, are you okay?", Mark utters, running quickly to the place where you stand, rubbing your head with your hand, a pained pout on your small face. Even you don't understand how you managed to walk into a wall, but apparently everything was possible when it's your clumsy self.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine", you mumble, your lips quirking up unconsciously at the sight of your worried boyfriend, his eyebrows furrowed and a cute frown settling on his pink lips. No matter how much times these things happen to you, Mark still managed to be worried every time.

"Maybe you should put some ice on that", Mark suggests, moving your hand gently to suspect the slightly swollen spot on your forehead, his deep brown eyes inspecting you carefully before he grabs your hand and drags you to the kitchen. "You really amaze me sometimes, you know that?"

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:


You're getting out of the bathroom after your shower, your dark hair pulled into a messy bun and the skin of your face sporting a red blush from the hot water, when you hit your leg on the side of the bed, your face immediately contorting in pain as you grab your hurt limb.

"Owie~", you whine, making your boyfriend look up from his phone, laying on the bed lazily with his gray sweatpants and black t-shirt, just passing the time until you finally finish your excessively long night routine and finally be ready for sleep.

Renjun playfully rolls his eyes at your blatant attempt to get his attention, but he still gets up despite the exhaustion swimming in his veins, walking up to you before kneeling down to look at your ankle, inspecting the red spot carefully before deciding it isn't anything serious. Now that he knows you're fine, he won't hesitate to tease you. "Yah, I've been waiting for you this whole time only for you to try and break the bed?!"

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:


Jeno came running into the room the second he heard the crash, his footsteps making screeching sounds against the parquet floor of your apartment as he finally reaches you, practically slamming into the kitchen doorway.

"Wha-", your boyfriend stops mid-sentence as he sees the state you're in, staring at the floor with a miserable expression, your hands still held out and your gaze locked on the pile of glimmering white porcelain, which used to be plates.

"Hey, come here, you might get hurt", Jeno scolds you, walking over to you quickly and grabbing your wrist, gently leading you over to the living room before ruffling your hair, noticing the embarrassed expression on your delicate features. "Y/N, it's just plates, it's not a big deal, we can always buy new ones. Now stay here while I go clean the mess."

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:


You're running, your boot-clad feet frantically digging into the snow covered ground, trying to run away from your boyfriend, who's running after you with a massive snowball is mitten-clad hands and a shit-eating grin on his face, when you manage to slip on the powdery substance, falling straight on your bum with a loud 'oof'.

"Oh my god", you can hear Haechan cackling behind you, and you manage to blush despite the cold, frowning to no one in particular as you stand up, brushing the specks of snow from your black jeans. "Shut up."

"Baby, you literally fell for me right now", Haechan says proudly, wiggling his eyebrows as you snort, amazed by his ability to turn your every action into a symbol of your undying love for him. But you don't miss the way he secretly makes sure you're fine, steering you away from the slippery slopes as you start your snowball fight again.

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:


You're helping Jaemin make some instant noodles in the kitchen after he insisted on showing off his cooking skills, which included boiling water and ripping open packets of seasoning, when you somehow manage to close the drawer on your thumb after taking out two pairs of chopsticks for the two of you.

At the sound of your pained shriek, your boyfriend turns around immediately, his eyes wide with worry before they land on you, quickly understanding the situation when he watches you sniffle, rubbing your now-red finger with your other hand.

"Oh jagiya, come here, let me kiss it better", Jaemin mumbles, forgetting about his 5-star dish as he walks over to you, taking you to the sink and washing your thumb gently before moving to kiss the red spot on your finger, his lips more often than not landing on your cheeks and lips, until you find yourself laughing once again, your embarrassment and pain slowly fading away.

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:


"I don't get it", you mutter with a defeated expression, watching as Chenle repeats the dance move he's been trying to teach you for the last hour, his body moving gracefully as he repeats the move once again, a small smile quirking at his lips when he sees the cute pout adorning your lips.

You sigh, trying to repeat the move, but of course your ankle somehow manages to twist beneath you, resulting in you letting out an embarrassing whimper as you drop to the floor, deciding to give up so you won't sprain something necessary.

"You're so clumsy, you know that?", Chenle sits next to you, bringing his hand up to stroke your hurt ankle, before he sends you a wide grin and ruffles your dark hair gently when you huff at him, annoyed at the fact he outed you with such an unbothered attitude. "But you're the cutest when you're clumsy."

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:


You and Jisung are walking down the beach, watching the sun set slowly, coloring the bluish-greenish water in a lovely golden hue, and then you go and ruin the moment by stumbling on the sand, your boyfriend managing to catch you at the last second by sliding his hand around you waist.

"Oops", you say sheepishly at the sight of Jisung's wide eyes, smiling awkwardly when Jisung lets you go, a smile of his own framing his thin lips as he intertwines your hands once again, and you can practically feel the second hand embarrassment oozing from your boyfriend's very presence.

"You good?", your boyfriend asks you after a few seconds of him trying to stop the giggles bubbling up in his throat, not wanting to make your feel more embarrassed than you already were, and he'll pull you slightly closer when you nod, letting you no silently that he loves you not matter how clumsy you are.

NCT Dream When You're Clumsy:

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4 years ago

He's so handsome ✨


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5 years ago

Song Recs!

I saw someone else do this, so here you go

Know Your Worth by Khalid

Surprisingly, I listen to more than just kpop. I love Khaild a lot, particularly his albums “American Teen” And “Free Spirt”. This song came out was released in 2020, and is a Colab with Disclosure, which he also worked with on his other song, “Talk”.

2. Dream Boy by Beach Bunny

I listen to a lot of indie music, and Beach Bunny is one of my favorite bands! The lead singer has a really distinct kind of voice and the lyrics of their songs really speak to me. This song is just really fun to listen to tbh

3. Outro: Ego by BTS ( just Jhope )

Given that Hobi is my bias, you knew that this was coming. This song SLAPS PERIOD. I’ve already made quite a few posts about this song, and I WILL NOT STOP. Stream EGO for clear skin people

4. Girls by girl in red

As a certified wlw™️ I LOVE girl in red. I really like this song because I really liked even when I was in the closet, and I enjoy it even more now, like when she sings “I not talkin’ bout boys, I’m talkin’ bout girls” I loose my MIND

5. Kick it by NCT

No explanation, but as a great poet once said, BASS KICK SWINGIN’ LIKE IM BRUCE LEE-

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