This Is So LONG - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Actually writing out this AU in full because I’m deciding to be cringe and free

Also I think it would make a good writing exercise

This is a Skulduggery Pleasant AU that basically serves as a replacement for Seasons of War (although I made it up before Seasons of War). If I was an interesting person with time on my hands, I might try to actually write it out in book form, but oh well.

Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Tanith, Saracen, Dexter, and Luke (no Serpine this time) are sent to Dimension X to kill Mevolent, as goes in SoW. However, Lord Vile isn’t doing his draugr thing and Mevolent probably doesn’t have any plans for all-out war.

They end up getting involved with the Resistance, which leads to them going around and getting into fights with Mevolent’s people (in which Luke dies, because the man can’t fight for shit). Eventually, the main gang gets separated in a pretty nasty fight (Dexter, Saracen, and Tanith go one way while Skulduggery and Valkyrie end up a ways away). Skulduggery ends up being possibly killed in an explosion (Val can’t see, but explosion happened right where he was supposed to be standing) and Valkyrie, disoriented, attempts to flee.

However, Mevolent chases her down and takes her prisoner. He decides she has the potential of a good general and starts assigning her to work alongside Vile and Vengeous. Valkyrie, naturally, tries numerous times to escape and/or follow through with the mission and kill Mevolent, but he always catches her and tortures her whenever she tries something, so her will to leave dies pretty quickly. (Also, Serafina from the main dimension shows up with a shunter at some point, so now Mevolent has his wife back. She mostly ignores Valkyrie and is pretty condescending when they do talk, much like their canon interactions).

He also assigns Lord Vile to keep watch over her and make sure she never escapes, so he ends up following her around a lot. She doesn’t like him and is very verbal about this, but there really isn’t much she can do to get rid of him. Meanwhile, her knowing Vile’s secret identity (presuming that nobody else in Dimension X knows) and just knowing a whole lot about him in general leads to him becoming just slightly obsessed with her, making him even more controlling and hard to get rid of.

At this point, being tortured (formerly regularly, now on occasion) and being an active part of an oppressive regime by the man she’s supposed to kill has badly worn down on Valkyrie and she becomes borderline suicidal, but never kills herself because she keeps insisting that Skulduggery survived the explosion and will eventually come rescue her, even as Vile actively taunts her by saying that he’s dead and she’ll be here forever.

Valkyrie eventually latches on to Lord Vile as a sort of temporary replacement for Skulduggery, because it has been over a year now and she is struggling to keep going. It also makes his obsessiveness slightly less unbearable.

Now, during all this, Dexter, Saracen, and Tanith have been going around, uninvolved with the Resistance, and quick-striking and killing as many of Mevolent’s Redhoods and Sense-Wardens as possible. Is it making a dent? Not really, but they’re hiding their time until they get an opportunity to get into the palace. They know that Valkyrie has been captured and has become a general, and they also believe that Skulduggery is dead, so they really don’t have anything better to be doing.

They eventually hear about a new Resistance leader described as being similar in appearance to Lord Vile and very good at organizing the Resistance fighters, and immediately the three of them get suspicious and go over to meet the guy. It turns out to be Skulduggery (who insists an explosion could never kill him) wearing bits and pieces of his shadow armour, but not all of it. Dexter, Saracen, and Tanith are, of course, livid, because he pretty much stranded them and left Valkyrie with Mevolent for a year. They’re also angry about the whole “being Lord Vile” thing, and Tanith gets to slap him before they tentatively agree to team up with the Resistance and start doing assignments with them.

Around this time, Skulduggery starts sending Valkyrie anonymous letters through a spy network in the castle basically talking (in VERY loose language) about what’s been going on in the Resistance lately. She puts two and two together and realizes that it’s Skulduggery, which makes her suddenly much more hopeful about the future and able to keep going a little longer.

Eventually, she quietly goes out and meets up with Skulduggery in a forest somewhere to verify that it’s actually him and he says that she has the potential to be useful within the castle, but isn’t able to get into much detail before she has to leave. She’s too happy to see him to be angry at how long he left her in that castle without contacting her or trying to save her.

As it turns out, Lord Vile has seen some of the letters they were exchanging and also figured out that Valkyrie was probably talking to Skulduggery, and he goes to confront Valkyrie about it. It leads to a fight, they throw each other into the walls a few times, but Vile eventually agrees to not tell Mevolent on account of the fact that if he found out, he’d probably kill Valkyrie and then Vile would have nobody to talk to. His only condition is that Valkyrie stop exchanging letters with Skulduggery, to which Valkyrie resentfully agrees.

A week or two passes and Dexter, Saracen, and Tanith are captured by Mevolent, which leads to Valkyrie trying to find ways to sneak them out of the castle (while Vile tries to stop her). Skulduggery, now with a fully-organized Resistance, attacks the castle in hopes of getting all his friends back and killing Mevolent in a single blow, which leads to the castle becoming a chaotic war zone that ends with Valkyrie using the Sceptre to kill Mevolent (causing the explosion that allows her to absorb the katehedral crystal), Meritorious to be freed from prison by a Resistance fighter, and the Resistance getting Serafina, Vile, Vengeous, and the rest of the castle to stand down.

With their mission accomplished, the gang teams up with Professor Nye to find a shunter who can take them home, leaving . Does Lord Vile try to stop Valkyrie from leaving? Probably, but at this point there really isn’t much he can do about it now that she’s been reunited with Skulduggery.

By the time they make it back home, it’s now been close to two years and everyone has assumed they are dead. Militsa was grieving for Valkyrie and was frustrated that Val was gone for so long when she got back, but could also clearly tell that Valkyrie did not have a happy time in Dimension X. People try to get the five of them to talk about what happened and what caused them to take so long, but all of them mutually agree that nobody wants to or should discuss what happened. Instead, they make an effort to move on with their lives, rest of the series happens as normal.

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10 months ago

Wait… will there be best friend!felix smut🤔🤔

yes one day <3

lmao😭 that sounded funny in my head but also a little rude so i want to make sure you know i didn't mean it that way!! i'll for sure write best friend! felix smut, currently i'm saving it for the longer fic bc it fits the plot better

however y'all have asked for it so many times i think i'm going to have to write smut without the full first time or un-canonical smut for the people

i think it's also a good idea bc i'm not as confident in my smut as in other areas of writing so it can be a trial run

the idea of practice best friend felix smut feels like a safety blanket tbh

i'm not uncomfortable with the idea of smut or writing it at all i just genuinely feel like my smut isn't as good but that's probably bc i haven't written it as often and ik the importance of practice but also i only want to post things i think are good enough <3

if you knew about all the smut in my drafts 😭

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2 years ago


for better reference, check out illumancer's old drawings of their miraak - i'm heavily inspired by that, because it was the first representation of miraak that i'd ever seen that totally agreed with me.

tall (which i believe is the only fandom-wide consensual characteristic), broad shouldered, long and thick limbed, strong boulder of a man. rich brown skin (in my canon, he's part yokudan) with these gorgeous golden eyes like q sunset; but, in the modern era, they're notably unsettling to look at because of their lack of life. they occasionally flare with emotion, but most of the time they are cold and flat, and despite their beauty, that thousand-yard-stare is difficult to keep prolonged eye contact with.

his hair is a bit unruly, a bit wavy but not curly (unless it grows long) and usually parted, but not slicked back, with some strands framing or falling around the edges of his forehead. his nose is broad, his jaw is broad and a bit squarish, his lips are soft and everything about his face is proportionate. and his eyebrows are pretty thick, but neat (once read a post where they said people w thicker eyebrows are more angry so YEAH).

in my canon (and mostly because, when i first started writing, i was a bit all over the place and not thinking much about anything) miraak takes his mask off almost immediately out of apocrypha. he leaves it in his backpack, and later, in their room at the college, and after that, tucked away in one of those low, long chests at the foot of the bed in their home. he never touches it unless he needs to - and he almost never needs to. he doesn't want to keep wearing the mask outside of apocrypha because it reminds him of hermaeus mora, it reminds him of the young, stupid, prideful man who thought he could cheat a daedric prince, who thought he could topple dragons, and who thought he could abandon his family in pursuit of false knowledge. he switches out the mask for a hood, usually pulling it up to cast a shadow on his face but not hide it. he deserves to be seen.

even the scars, the two over the bridge of his nose, and the one in his eyebrow. he leaves the mask behind because he forgot his face in apocrypha, and is too terrified of forgetting again to don the mask once more.

that, and he enjoys tharya being able to caress his face whenever she wants to.

Still sick.

What does your Miraak look like under the mask? Or does he never, ever take it off?

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6 months ago

gon and killua never stop training like give them a break jeez louise 😭😭💀 all i've ever seen them do is take tests and train and i get they're still young and newbies but let them shine a lil damn 😭💀 and tbh i genuinely can't tell if they've changed a lot yet and im not going all the way back to try and figure it out

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I like it when someone gives Sykkuno a bunch of gifts subs and he's just like "Thanks for the x amount of gifts subs! That's a whole buncha gift subs! :)" Serotonin goes boost everytime.

oh i agree so hard. here’s some other things sykkuno says/does that i find endlessly entertaining:

‘that’s more subs than i get in a day/week/month/long period of time!’

‘good ol’ [insert name of one of his friends] you guys! you know we can always count on them’

referring to himself in plural form. saying ‘we’ instead of ‘i’ e.g. ‘you know we’re not that great at the game guys’


‘You Guys Actually Killed Him/Her/Them!’

when he covers his mouth with his hand to laugh

‘EH’ when he hits something in the game. this man creates his own sound effects

alternatively, he goes ‘eh?’ when he’s confused sometimes. he really is the anime man huh

the way he NEVER curses, he literally will say ‘oh poop’ instead of ‘oh shit’ and ‘what the heck?!’ instead of ‘what the hell’

his friends frothing at the mouth at the NOTION of him cursing, the fact that rae has spent their entire friendship trying to get sykkuno to say ONE swear word, the way corpse bribed sykkuno with a face reveal that one time

‘Girls Aren’t Into Me™’ and the one time he said ‘honestly i think there are more straight guys into me than girls. is that weird to say?’ because weirdly he is absolutely right. i love watching him give his straight male viewers gay crises. also literally almost every gamer guy he meets simps for him. there’s literally this DAILY ‘simp chart’ where some twitter user makes a ‘ranking’ of who the top sykkuno simp is. some of sykkuno’s friends have found out about the simp chart and have voiced out how they hope to get first place some day. it’s THAT real and it’s fucking hilarious

sykkuno doesn’t know about the simp chart. the lack of awareness he has about most of social media and pop culture that isn’t anime or video games in general is INSANE he literally only knows his friends. who’s his fave actor? jordan fisher. because they’re friends. who’s his fave musician? jae from day6, lilypichu, and corpse husband. because they’re his friends. he is biased and he admits that openly

‘LET’S GO BOYS’ because i will never forget that impostor game. sykkuno’s proximity chat impostor games spawned some of the best among us moments in existence

the way he acts sus and sounds sus all the time so no one can tell when he’s lying. but also he trolls so hard and is so unconfident in his skills that he throws games sometimes. someone once said he’s an s-tier among us player who plays in the b-tier and that’s exactly how he is

how he’ll get obsessed with something very random in every game he plays: ventkkuno, standing on top of the vent in among us, thereby inventing the Vent Strat™, olivekkuno, because he found out eating olives makes ur vision blurry in minecraft and started giving all his friends olives and got called a drug dealer, also he bribed so many of his friends to make him basement rooms in their house, netkkuno, because he kept building nets in raft and at first he was accused of wasting resources, but then the nets started becoming useful, and now in rust he’s like an arms dealer or something?

the way -kkuno is a suffix. very good stuff

ok but he’s actually so sweet to his friends in games. he’s always giving people stuff, and sometimes it’s a ‘strategy’ but at the end of the day he just wants his friends to be happy

but also he’s so CHAOTIC. he likes to secretly incite chaos but not be apart of it. also his funny obsessions within games such as the nets in raft have such an unhinged energy. his alignment is true neutral but that’s because he hops across every other alignment to the point where all his actions neutralize

the way he pronounces words. i swear to fucking GOD i don’t know how he decides what to say normal and what to say in the most bizarre way possible. he says ‘Uber’ as ‘YOU-ber’ and ‘lightning’ as ‘light-uh-ning’. he once said ‘orange’ as ‘or-ran-j’. i’m so done. i hate him why is he like this

when he says abbrieviations like they’re acronyms. remember when he said ‘ASMR’ as ‘as-mur’ i wanted to kill him. i wanted him dead. rae and corpse were so confused. corpse thought he was saying ‘asthma’

when he ends the stream and he thanks everyone for coming to make it fun for him. he says p much the same thing every time but it’s endearing. as a whole he’s honestly a breath of fresh air in the gaming/streaming community and i’m glad i started watching his content

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4 years ago

NCT Dream as your best friends:


He's like your very annoying brother

Acts like you're his little sister even if you're older than him

Teases you all the time about your non existent bf/gf, about your height... Anything he can really.

Teaches you curse words in Chinese so you can trashtalk the members (excluding Chenle)

Ruffles your hair all the time, mostly to annoy you.

(but also because he secretly thinks you're cute whenever you scowl at him)

Pretends he doesn't enjoy your company but sulks whenever you can't meet up

Sends you memey pictures of himself and of the members

Both of you have so much private jokes and codes

You can have full conversations without anyone understanding a thing

You guys bicker a lot

But even when you fight you make up almost immediately

Usually Renjun just texts you randomly as if nothing happened

Gets very jealous if you give someone more attention than you give him

Hates when you babie him

Acts like a tough guy around you but is actually just a marshmallow in disguise.


The sweetest relationship uwu

Everyone thinks you guys are a couple because of your great chemistry

Jeno will literally place his life in your hands without hesitation

You guys can talk for hours on end about the stupidest stuff

But you can also have really deep conversations sometimes

His gallery is full of pictures he took of you in every situation possible

Sleeping, eating, laughing etc...

Takes your opinion very seriously, so he constantly invites you to Dream's dance practices

You two go shopping together

Jeno always ends up carrying your bags

Despite promising that this time he won't

You guys usually go out to eat when you're together

Always complains that he gains weight everytime you're together

Your parents know Jeno and he's practically like a son to them

Same goes to you

He texts you every day

Even if he doesn't have anything to say he'll still text you

Always thinking about you, especially when you aren't together

Buys you souvenirs when he's in another country

You two don't fight at all

But sometimes you bicker like an old married couple

Usually about how Jeno should sleep more or how you should stop dieting

You're the only one who laughs from his corny ass jokes

One of the main reasons he loves you so much lol

You guys cuddle a lot

AKA you clinging to Jeno while he suffers with a smile on his face

Link arms while walking cause you cheesy AF

It still surprises you what a beast he is on stage

But to you he'll always be a giant puppy:')


The most dangerous friendship tbh

You've known each other since you were kids

You probably thought Haechan was annoying AF when you first met him (don't tell him that tho)

Pranking NCT members the majority of the time

And if you aren't, then you're probably pranking each other

Roasting each other 24/7

People probably think you hate each other but it's just your dynamic


Haechan is always ruffling your hair, pulling on your ear, pinching your cheek...

Your time together mostly consists of pissing each other off and cuddling while watching K-dramas

Cooks for you all the time

There's a fairly good chance he'll come over at two in the morning and start making you kimchi jiggae or something

Lots of sleepovers at your place when he's done with the 127 hyungs

Misses you so much when he's working

Also denies that fact religiously

But the members tell you how much he whines to them about needing to see you

Facetimes you at the most random times and feels betrayed when you don't answer

Your text messages consist of memes, ugly picture and emojis that only you understand the meaning of

Probably has some really cheesy nickname on his phone for you

Definitely changes his contact name on your phone to "the light of my life" or something gross like that

Your fights are just lots of yelling and silent treatments

Usually they start because of an insensitive comment that one of you said

But that hardly happens because you're so used to each other's bratty asses by now


Jaemin is practically your mother and your personal bodyguard

Very overprotective

He's always making sure you ate, slept on time, got your work done...

Calls you every two minutes when he's away

Saved your name in his phone as 공주님 (princess)

You saved his as 엄마 (mother)

Your parents love him because of his charming personality and probably secretly want you two to date

Buys you clothes when he's away and surprises you with them when he comes back

You always have one of his sweaters at your house because he always lends them to you when he thinks it's cold and forgets to take it back

Very affectionate with you

Kisses your cheeks and your forehead in the most random moments

Tackles you out of the blue when he wants hugs

You go out together a lot

Sometimes you go to the movies, sometimes you do a picnic, sometimes you just sleepover and eat takeout and gossip

You take lots of aesthetic pictures of each other

Have so much selfies together

One of them is probably Jaemin's lock screen or something

You feel very comfortable with each other

He knows everything about you and the other way around

Listens to whatever you say without judging, even if it's a rant about some guy you're crushing on

Will be up for whooping anyone's ass if they hurt you

Facetimes you when he's away

Sometimes you don't even talk, just minding your own business together

Both of you probably fall asleep in the middle

Flirts with you all the time

But uses only horrible pick up lines

"Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got fine written all over you"


So loud OMG

There's not a dull moment when you're together

You guys are like twins or something

You have some sort of telepathy that no one can understand

Laughing randomly without any obvious reason is practically your thing

You guys thrive off teasing each other and others

Gang up to drive the hyungs up the wall

You call each other soulmates everywhere you go

The type of bff's who finish each other's sentences

He buys you super expensive presents all the time

The type to see a diamond necklace and be like "oh Y/N might like this" and buy it

You talk mostly on Snapchat when you're apart

Chenle sends you snaps of everything he does

Literally everything

You have many cute pictures together

Also lots of weird ones

You've been to his house so much times you already have a room there

Pretty clingy

Always backhugging you or side hugging you

Likes to pull your hair to annoy you

Talks about you so much

The members probably know all about your adventures together

Teaches you Chinese and is surprisingly supportive and patient with you

Loves to explain about his culture to you and thinks it's cute you're so interested

You just make him happy tbh


You're the only person he trusts

The loyal BFF

Always says he doesn't need anyone when he has you

Appreciates your friendship so much uwu

You basically grew up together

Invites you to every one of his comebacks and gets super sad if you can't make it

You're his biggest supporter

Takes everything you say VERY seriously

Sends you every picture he wants to upload to Instagram to hear your opinion about it

Doesn't like when you get too close with the other members

Tries not to make it obvious but he's pouty and gives you the cold shoulder so it shows

Says he'll forgive you only if you buy him ice cream (a baby)

You're always taking his clothes to the point you have a small closet in your room just for them

Gets embarrassed whenever you hug him or squeeze his cheeks but he secretly loves it

Probably freaks out if you ever date someone because he's so afraid he'll be replaced

Texts you every few days when he's away to make you sure you didn't forget him

You go together to amusement parks or escape rooms or other stuff like that

Just anything extreme

Tries to prove he's a man by winning you plushies at the amusement park

Still doesn't change the fact that he's a really tall baby

He pretends to get embarrassed by your stupid shit but he honestly can't live without you

Is a bit awkward when it comes to deep conversations

So if you're sad or unwell he'll probably just take out his phone and watch fail complications on YouTube with you until you laugh

Doesn't talk to you much about his own feelings

So sometimes you feel insecure about your relationship, which is the main reason for fights between you two

But in the end of the day you know all the important stuff one way or another

Will cancel any plan he has to spend more time with you<3

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4 years ago

TXT when you’re sick:


"Hey, baby, I made you food." You blink slowly at the sound of your boyfriend's gentle voice before the sentence fully sinks in your mind and you furrow your eyebrows, sending your boyfriend a suspicious glance.

"You?", you ask, swallowing down the bile in your throat as you focus your bleary eyes on your sheepishly-smiling boyfriend, his pink hair falling over his eyes cutely and a plastic bag in his hand, the content hidden from your curious eyes. 

"Well, I ordered the takeout. And made the chamomile tea.", Yeonjun says with a shameless grin as you snort silently, watching as he walks towards you slowly, careful not to spill the steaming liquid held in his free hand, before placing everything on the small, round table in front of you triumphantly. 

You can't help but smile when you peek inside the bag, seeing your favorite sushi rolls from your favorite restaurant in Seoul, snuggly placed in a foam container. Too bad your stomach felt like it was melting into your ribs. 

"Thank you, baby.", you mumble, sending Yeonjun a grateful, albeit tired, smile, before sinking back into the couch, your limbs not able to hold you up for more than a few seconds without starting to tremble. 

"You have nothing to thank me for. I'm just making sure you don't die from starvation.", Yeonjun says sarcastically, sending you a blaming look before sitting next to you, pulling the fuzzy gray blanket tighter around your frail body. 

You try to roll your eyes at your boyfriend's dramatic antics, but a coughing fit overcomes you before you manage to say a word, forcing your body to hunch up, your boyfriend staring at you worriedly, rubbing your back soothingly with a warm hand until you calm down.

"Here, let me feed you.", Yeonjun says, the tone of his voice much softer now, all playfulness gone as his caring side becomes apparent. You nod weakly, knowing that no amount of arguing will get you away from eating this time, and let Yeonjun open the container of food, the sight of the colorful rolls managing to pique your interest slightly.

You feel so grateful for your boyfriend right now, your heart melting at the way he feeds you carefully, making sure to give you moderate bites and checking up on you every few minutes as the two of you watch a random drama playing on the TV. 

"I love you", you say, avoiding your boyfriend’s shining eyes with blushing cheeks, and he seems genuinely surprised for a second, knowing you're usually too shy to say these things out of the blue, before he smiles widely, his eyes loving and teasing as one when he says: "Are you talking to me or to the sushi?"

TXT When Youre Sick:


"Aish, I told you to take a coat yesterday.", Soobin sighs, shaking his minutely as he presses another wet towel to your forehead, his eyes big and worried despite the frustration lacing his voice.

You smile weakly, finding your boyfriend's attitude adorable like always, even when he was supposedly angry at you. Or more specifically, at your sickness. 

"It wasn't even that cold yesterday, Binnie.", you mumble, cuddling even more into the thick white blanket, and your boyfriend raises his head at your words, glaring at you cutely as if he couldn't believe the audacity you have to answer him. 

"Yet here you are.", he states dryly, crossing his arms at you, and you sigh, knowing there's no point in arguing with your boyfriend. The only reason he scolds you is because he hates it when you get sick, it makes him anxious and sad.

"Can we cuddle?", you ask timidly, raising your head to look at your lover, who's grabbing another blanket to cover your shaking body. It seems like even with the furry Minnie mouse pajamas, the two huge blankets covering you and the wool hat covering your head, you can’t stop the chill in your bones, goosebumps covering your pale skin.

Soobin's eyes soften immediately, the worried crease between his thick eyebrows fading slightly, and he smiles gently, adding the black blanket in his hands to the slowly growing pile on top of you, before nodding. "Of course, sweetie."

You scooch into the couch, leaving a rather wide space between the edge of the cushions and you, and Soobin doesn't hesitate to climb into the scorching heat, wrapping his arms around you tightly and tangling your legs together, his breath a warm wind against your cheek.

"Damn, it's like an air fryer in here", your boyfriend huffs, burying his nose in your hair, and you laugh, feeling your eyes flutter shut as you finally start to feel warm, your boyfriend's presence doing wonders, heating you from the inside, the love you feel for the blue-haired boy beside you making the cold disappear slowly, the only thing left the sound of Soobin's soft humming in your ear. "I want to be your nap so I can dream with you…"

TXT When Youre Sick:


"Why can't I come~~", Beomgyu whines, the huge pout on his lips the only thing you can see on your phone screen, and you sigh, shaking your head at your boyfriend's childish antics.

"Because I'm sick, Gyu. I don't want to pass it on to you.", you say carefully, talking to your boyfriend as if you were talking to a tantrum-throwing child, which he was, at least to you.

Your boyfriend clearly isn't satisfied by your answer, the frown on his face growing even more, and he backs away from the screen slightly, revealing his straight blonde bangs and dark eyebrows, furrowed over his big brown eyes.

He looks like a mad puppy, especially with the adorable blue-colored hoodie he was wearing, the sleeves falling past his fingertips, and the matching gray sweatpants, the loose material making him seem smaller than usual, despite him being much higher than you.

"Please? I promise I won't get close to you. We'll sit in different rooms if you want", your boyfriend says, throwing you his best puppy eyes, hands clasped in front of his chest tightly. 

You know you should say 'no', for the sake of Beomgyu, especially since the two of you know that there's no way you can stay away from each other, definitely not if you're literally in the same space. But you just can't get yourself to disappoint your loving boyfriend. 

You close your eyes momentarily, knowing you lost this game, before opening them to look at the boy on the screen, his eyes hopeful as he awaits your answer. 'Just this once', you think to yourself.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me after you catch some virus!", you say, trying to sound threatening, but you can't help but smile when Beomgyu cheers loudly, his fist pumping the air excitedly, before he sends you a kissy face, not even listening to you. "On my way!"

Later, when you and Beomgyu are cuddled on the couch, you can already envision him coming back to your apartment a few days later, whining about how he doesn't feel well, and you'll take care of him like always, never really able to hold anything against him. But now, in Beomgyu's warm embrace, his lips leaving small kisses along your shoulders, you can't help but feel content.

TXT When Youre Sick:


You wake up to the sound of soft humming, a voice you know all too well singing softly beside you, your eyes fluttering open slightly at the beautiful sound.

Judging by the sunlight streaming through the window, it must be around noon, which means that you've been sleeping for more than twelve hours since you stumbled into your bedroom yesterday, after throwing up in the bathroom again.

You're still wearing the same red hoodie and black leggings you wore the night before, and you still feel horrible, your body begging you to go back to sleep and not move an inch from your place on the bed. Your dark is messy, falling over your eyes in small curls, and you feel pale, like the natural light in the room was streaming through you instead of on you.

"Good morning, love. Did I wake you up?", You sit up when you hear Taehyun's voice, closer than before, and then he's sitting next to you on the bed, one of his hands coming up to curl around your inner thigh, stroking the soft skin under his fingertips gently.

"Hmm", you stifle a yawn, not having the energy to get up and greet your boyfriend properly, but you manage to send him a weak smile, lifting your head to press a kiss to the strong arm beside you. "Sort of. But waking up to your singing is the best way to start the day, so no worries. When did you get here?"

Taehyun runs a hand through his maroon-colored hair, the gleaming strands falling over his face attractively, and even that simple action takes your breath away momentarily. "Yesterday. You were already passed out by the time I got here.", he says with a gentle smile. "How do you feel?"

You sigh, not wanting to worry Taehyun too much but also not wanting to lie to him. "Better than yesterday. But still not very good.", you admit, wincing when your stomach clenches painfully, as if someone punched you in the gut.

Your boyfriend stares at you for a second, his eyes attentive like always before he gets up abruptly, making you stare at him with confusion as he exits the room, immediately missing the warmth of skin against yours.

Taehyun comes back a few seconds later, carrying his favorite fuzzy blanket that you always steal when you sleep over at the dorm, a porcelain bowl filled to the brim with steaming soup, your favorite candy bar that he always carries with him 'just in case', and a small medicine bottle.

"Luckily for you, I came prepared.", he says with a victorious grin, sitting back next to you as you shake your head, baffled and touched simultaneously by your boyfriend's organized and responsible behavior. "You're unbelievable."

TXT When Youre Sick:

Heuning Kai:

"My head hurts~", tears prick at your eyes as you press a hand to your head, trying to make the throbbing pain in your skull disappear as your boyfriend looks at you with a pained expression, his mouth set in a pout as he watches you sniffle.

You aren't a crybaby at all, but you hate being sick, hate not having any control on your own body, so it's one of the rare times where you let the salty drops slide down your soft cheeks, the exhaustion and fatigue catching up on you.

"Oh, princess.", Kai says gently, moving forward to hug you in his arms, not caring less about getting sick himself as he presses gentle kisses to your shoulders and neck, his lips flitting over the exposed skin until you finally let out a quiet giggle, the light ministrations tickling you. 

You can practically hear the way your lover sighs in relief, his body sagging slightly more into the couch, more relaxed now that he managed to make you smile, and he pulls the blanket covering the two of you, wrapping it even tighter around you, until you look like two human burritos.

"What movie do you want to watch?", your boyfriend asks, looking down at you with those soft brown eyes, his black hair parted in the middle perfectly, the shiny locks framing the sharp angles of his face. 

"Something funny", you say, leaning your head on his shoulder tiredly, and he hums, flicking through the different movies until he finds one he likes, clicking on the remote with a satisfied 'ah!'.

The two of you start watching, your boyfriend making sure to keep his arms around you the whole time, leaving occasional kisses to your cheeks, his hands rubbing your hip-bones soothingly. 

He gets up in the middle to fetch you some snacks from the kitchen, making sure to get you your favorite kind of cookies before plopping back down on the sofa, gathering you in his arms immediately.

Heuning Kai always has the ability to make you laugh, loves seeing you happy and smiling more than anything else, and you know he's doing everything in his power to make you forget about the pain in your body, making funny comments about the plot and imitating different scenes with surprising talent. 

Nobody can really be sad next to Heuning Kai, and when you cuddle into your boyfriend even more, watching the ending credits roll on the screen absentmindedly, your eyes drooping as sleepiness fills your body, you can't help but feel lighter, like some of the sickness in your body disappeared thanks to the ray of sunshine beside you, and you leave a gentle kiss to his shoulder. "Thank you."

TXT When Youre Sick:

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6 months ago

Ironically, the concept of Communism that has been taught to me from an objective perspective is one that would be a brilliant system in a world in which all of its occupants are, in essence, intense, pure beings with either no free will or no will to do any against the Natural Law. For this to be the case, they must also possess a complete and unfaltering understanding of what is intended from the universe and (from my Catholic perspective) by God's instillation of a conscience (which is a very niche conversation, one that I'll probably post upon in the future. Basically, what you must know before you attempt to say that God intending this is malarkey at best, is that God must, through, again, very niche logic, have and contain a sense of understanding of His creation so much deeper and more wise than imaginable from our small perspective on the ground of logic rules; an understanding capable of bringing greater good out of disorder of His rules, rules that he can't, from our perspective, break, despite miracles existence, uh, existing lol). After all of this, you may wonder, 'what beings are these that may function in Communism flawlessly?', and the only logical answer is unreasonable and impossible ones, for true free will and true pure courses of action BY those that have free will are contradictory in nature, as there is a shadow to the light, a cold to the heat, an absence to the space—there will always be or have been a choice to absent oneself from objective goodness, as that is what free will entails.

So my conclusion is that, provided the following premises are held to be true...: The prerequisites for Communism to be feasible are that its civilians possess both perfect nature and perfect understanding in a land of true free will; For there to be true free will, one must be allowed to choose a wrong path; For one and one's kin to be perfect and pure in nature, there cannot be any of those in said community of kin who make a wrong choice; When there is free will, it is likely there will be those who make a wrong choice; …Therefore, it is likely that the residents of a Communist nation will make a wrong choice, leading to the ineffectiveness of the Communist culture by its very nature that states that its citizens must abide by pure and perfect choice.

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