Hieronymous Poshe - Tumblr Posts
aaw...poor Spooky 😅
Tall freaks love him!!!

These two are the best... And the worst 😅😅

Every 100 years or so 😝

shitty poshe/spooky sketch because im annoying and i love drawing my silly gijinka/humanized design of him
Poshe: TEE HEE HEE! What are you doing? Spooky: I've had enough of you, I'm gonna put you in the fucking bin! Poshe: HAHAHAHAAH! You're funny. But it's not gonna work. Spooky: Why not? Poshe: Cause I already bin there! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Spooky: SHUT UP!!
chibi bs

crackship posting

worse version under the read more

idiots idiots idiots
Considering that the original versions of some fairy tales are pretty horrific to begin with Poshes horrifying additions would have to be pretty horrifying. For example: -Cinderellas step sisters chopping off parts of their foot to fit in the shoe when the prince comes calling. -Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma get eaten by the wolf. The End. -Sleeping Beauty wakes up when she gives birth to the kings child. -And for good measure, to counteract the Disney version, The Little Mermaid by H.C. Andersen ends when Ariel is asked by the prince if she will marry him and can't reply (cause she gave her voice for legs to walk on land) so he takes it as disinterest and marries another. Heartbroken she then walks into the sea and turns into foam (H.C. Andersen was an absolute fucking pathetic disaster of a man! 😅😅). But yes. I'd say all of the above. I think the whole concept of fairy tales is a very difficult concept for Poshe to grasp. The idea that people would veil lessons in these some times vague stories is mind boggling to him. He would absolutely understand the consumption of stories/media for information/knowledge, and the idea of entertainment is not lost on him, but these parables and fables and fairy tales and things make no sense. Though in modern times most of these stories have long since lost the connection to the lessons they were supposed to convey (for example that if you disobey your mother you'll "get eaten by a wolf") Spooky would absolutely tell Poshe that they are still very much valid. This, in turn, would also cause Poshe to assume various "lesson themes" to things that are meant to be entertainment and eventually mix them up with the fairy tales. Of course Spooky does nothing to discourage this. Some times Poshe would try to tell the stories in a way that make sense to him, for example from a Necrid perspective (and this could very quickly turn very dark), but this also leaves plenty of room for Spooky to entertain himself by making up weird shit these stories are supposed to teach humans (some times taking Poshes novel version of the story and just running with it and some times making up new and often contradicting versions) and invent questionable moral codes that are in effect. Usually for the purpose of getting Poshe to make an ass of himself. Again. Ultimately Poshes problem is that he is highly "mechanically" intelligent but not very insightful and his mind will run in circles trying to work out some kind of "science" in things that are by nature more "philosophical" or "mythological".
Poshe tells really fucked up renditions of kid's stories but its up to you to decide if it's because
A. He's just like that
B. He's got a weird grasp of human culture and language
C. Spooky told him that's exactly how they're supposed to go and everyone else is wrong
or D. All of the above
Hilarious is what they are 🤣🤣
here, take whatever the hell these are

I forget who it was who started this... 😅😅
Freak (affectionate)

now look what you've done!! 😝😝😝
Idiot Poshe...

Idiot tries to be sexy, fails miserably. Spooky: Why did you cut the shield out of your outfit? Poshe: Because it's sexy! Spooky: *nearly breaks himself in half trying to facepalm so hard without having hands* You're fucking kidding, right???

Phone Doodle

phone doodle Poshe

went through a recent haul from Unfortunate Cadaver and found some more stuff to add to the purple krakowian chest of vorutanian treasures.
He looks like something straight out of The Nightmare before Christmas!
thumbnail sketch for an uncanny valley poshe drawing

i wanna kick him

ROFL! I can just picture it. Like, Voltaire accusing the rat and the rat is just, like, what? Why would I chew through chords? You think I'm a moron? And turns out it was an idiot! 😆
this came to me in a dream