King Ben - Tumblr Posts

My shitty descendants drawingsđź’Ąđź’Ąđź’Ą

Everyone stfu. I need him as my loser boyfriend right now.
part 1 of _
warnings: angst , bad mother mother gothel (cher)
pairing : prince ben x reader
fandom: descendants (1)
[ben pov]
“How is it possible you’re going to be crowned king next month you’re just a baby” my dad smiles with my mom on his arm
“He’s turning sixteen dear” my mom smiles looking at me.
“Hey pops” I say smiling back as the tailor takes my measurements.
“Sixteen? That’s far to young to be crowned king… I didn’t make a good decision until i was at least 42” my dad said folding his glasses and putting them in his suit pockets
“Uh you decided to marry me at 28” my mom rolled her eyes and scoffed
“Well it was either you or a teapot” I laughed my mom didn’t find it funny . “kidding”
“Mom,Dad I’ve chosen my first official proclamation. I’ve decided that the children of the isle of the lost get the chance to live here in auradon” my parents looked at my shocked my mom even drop a coat
“Every time I look out to the island i feel like they’ve been abandoned!” I defend my proclamation
“The children of our sworn enemies living among us?” My father looked at me angry
“We start off with a few at first the ones that need our help the most, I’ve already chosen them” I smiled standing my ground.
“Have you?”.
“I gave you a second chance , who are there parents?” my mom smiled at me
“ Cruella De Ville, Jafar, The Evil Queen, Mother Gothel and …. Maleficent”
“MALEFICENT????? She is the worst villain in the land” my dad shouts at me.
“Dad Just hear me out here” I defend raising my voice a little bit.
“I WONT HEAR OF IT. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.”
“Dad there children are innocent, don’t you think they deserve a shot at a normal life ? dad” I look at him basically pleading with him.
“I suppose there children are innocent” he sighed
the whole rotten to the core dance and song thing happens.
[y/n pov ]
Maleficent walks towards us and all the people run away. figures everyone hates her… she talks to mal but i had no interest in listening because it was always the same thing. Maleficent telling mal she wasn’t “truly evil” which is not true mal is the worst person I know and that’s a compliment.
“Oh There’s news!!! you five have been chosen to go to a different school…. In Auradon” maleficent says now im listening a different school? away from mother?
The other vks squirm trying to run away but the goons hold them back . Mal ,Evie , Jay and Carlos go back in forth with reasons we shouldn’t go i stayed quiet.
I always felt like I wasn’t evil enough hopefully some day I’ll be truly evil and wicked like Maleficent and Mal. Maybe this school would be my chance to prove to my mother that I could be just as evil as the other vks maybe even more .
{ik mother gothel isn’t a sorceress but just go with it }
“mother i don’t wanna go, please why can’t they go without me? with mal they’ll be fine” i pleaded on my knees to my mother but she just laughed and picked me up off the floor.
“don’t be a drama queen y/n, you will be going to auradon prep and you will love it” she said dramatically she looked serious so i didn’t fight her on it.
“how does this benefit us mother? rapunzel already cut her stupid hair off” i scoffed fixing my hair
“when me, eq, jafar and maleficent take over auradon , i will simply plant more of those flowers and you and the rest of the hoodlum bunch can loot and cause chaos all you want” she smiled probably daydreaming of being youthful and pretty again
“but-“ before i could even speak my mother hushed me up and cut me off mid sentence.
“Listen, you will stick with your little hoodlum bunch and steal the wand like maleficent said as soon as we have the wand the faster we can get our revenge” my mother handed me a book
“What’s this? Is it like the one maleficent gave mal?” i asked curiously.
“Nope! mine is much more powerful, you will read it , study it and practice it because?” She moved the hair outta my face
“Because mother knows best” i softly frowned while picking up my bags.
“Now go change that dress evie made you , looks to much like that blasted little princesses dress”
beep beep
“No time for that mother but I will change when I arrive to auradon “
The rest of the vks got pep talks from there parents while mine just practically insulted me but then again that was just how mother showed her love. I grab my bags and follow the rest of the villains down stairs and into the limousine.
“Bring home the gold”
“Bring home a puppy”
“Bring home a prince”
“Don’t come back until you’re eviler than you came” i shivered at my mothers words