King Harald - Tumblr Posts
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Vikings (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Sigurd (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Harald Finehair/Original Female Character(s), Hvitserk (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character/Harald Finehair (Vikings), Aethelwulf/Judith (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings)/Original Female Character/ Ivar (Vikings), Blaeja/Sigurd (Vikings), Heluna (Blaeja)/Sigurd (Vkings) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Ivar (Vikings), Harald Finehair, Halfdan the Black, Sigurd (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings), Aethelwulf (Vikings), Aethelred (Vikings), Judith (Vikings), Ragnar Lothbrok, King Ecbert (Vikings), Alfred (Vikings), Bjorn (Vikings) Additional Tags: Sigurd lives, Possibly Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, Slow To Update, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Flashbacks, maybe smut?, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies attract, some canon divergence, Roman Catholicism, Angst Summary:
Aethelswith, the Princess of Wessex, will face difficult choices as the pagans and the Great Heathen Army enter England. Answering the tough questions of her own biases and contradicting thoughts of their leaders, will she be able to save any part of Wessex?
- This is a rewrite of my old series "Cure for A King"
Hi! I was hoping to get a ship for vikings?Im a Taurus, An INTP w/ reddish brown hair, i have 2 piercings &2 tattoos, im 5'9,&wear glasses. Hazel eyes &i love to show off my tallness.I love reading, traveling, video games, history,the unexpected, animals,&music. Loyalty is very important to me &i tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. Training for phlebotomy but in my heart ill always be an artist. Open minded, down to earth, stubborn, knowledgeable, &a secret romantic.Cant wait for your reply! :)
Sorry, it took so long for me to reply. I’m on vacation with my family. I could see you with Harald and Halfdan.
They both want someone loyal in their lives. Your looks also attract them to you. They like your confidence.

- Halfdan wants someone who wants to see the world with him. He likes that you’re open-minded and down-to-earth.

- Harald likes your confidence and loyalty is very important to him. He would bring out your romantic side and spoil you with books, exotic pets, and art supply.
A-Z Kinks For Harald Finehair (B)

- Definitely into bondage. He usually likes tying you up to complete control over you, but he can’t deny how sexy it is when you take complete control and dominate him.
Here Comes the Rain Again song inspiration
Regency Au, Angst, Reader x Harald Finehair,

How long does it take to fall in love? An instant. An agonizing instant that will haunt you for the rest of your life. His eyes like lightning flashes, his voice carries throughout the room that could melt a snowstorm, I was average and he was extraordinary. I was pretty but not beautiful, good but not great, nothing to separate me from the others more eligible ladies, nothing to make him notice me.
Harald. The man that haunted me. Was it truly worse to be loved by someone in return and lose that loved one, or was it worse to long for the person you loved only to know that love would never be returned? Unrequited love was surely the bane of my existence. To know you’re a fool in love and to realize it was all for naught because he would never return your affection. To see him dance each round with another beautiful woman. To see him at each assembly and ball, with no recognition of I was when I eyes meet. To know he would marry, but it would not be me.
My voice would only cascade all of the words I could not say. My fingers danced across the piano starting with a sprinkle, a light drizzle of rain like the tears I shed for you. The light that when behind the raging clouds like my hope disappeared. The crescendo thundered and flashed as soon as it was there it disappeared into the storm that was in my soul. I vanished into the music as I poured in everything that I had for him, for he would now belong to her Ellisif.
The drizzle started to slow as the sun peeked through the storm clouds. She was the sun that brightens all things, while I was a wildflower that would die in the autumn. At least he would be happy. Harald, the last note of the piece of my heart would go to you and there he would remain.
As the song ended, I came back to reality hearing the smattering of applause, seeing all the people and my family, I caught his lightning eyes. For the first and last time, he was looking at me and just me. A true smile graced my face he was my sunlight that I would feel for the last time.
“Cousin, when do become so accomplished at the piano” James called, moving closer towards me
“When someone has true feeling in their music, it is easy,'' I replied, moving away from the crowd of people. Only to see him coming closer, I could feel my heart contracting as the air around me began to suffocate
“Let me introduce you, This is Lord Harald Harfarge.” James said, and then gesture to me, “This is my cousin, Miss y/f/n y/l/n”.
“Yes, we’ve met on several occasions, through never many words have been passed, I’m afraid” Harald laughed in a jovial tone, as he continued
“I was just speaking to your parents, they said you are going to Bath for the off-season”
“Yes, I’ll be staying with my Aunt” “I must congratulate you on your engagement to Lady Ellisif. You two make such a wonderful couple”
“Thank you. We’re getting married next spring. ``
The whole room was spinning. Next spring. Next spring. Next spring. God, please let it not be true!
“Spring weddings are so lovely. I wish you and your bride all the happiness in the world’ I said not letting my voice crack
“Thank you Miss y/l/n, If you’ll excuse me. I’ll talk to later James” and just like that he disappeared from my world again.
“ y/f/n, are you alright? You look positively ill. Do you need me to get your parents?”
“No, I just need some air, thank you James,” I said fleeing the room as soon as possible.
It was worse, unrequited love, especially to man so enchanting as Harald. I would slowly fade away as all wildflowers do and never again feel his sunlight. I drown in the rain until the floods overtook me. But I suppose, at least he will be happy even If I cannot be, for I never wish for his sunlight to go out as I did.
Vikings Season Six is Here! (And Harald is still getting a raw deal)
Excerpt from chapter four of “Killing Me Softly”

“Nuts? You must be hungry.” Harald said offering the sack of food. Looking at her pallid face and the dark circles under her eyes, he thought she must be tired after all she had gone through.
“Yes thank you”, her hand just missing his. It was almost like the touch would burn her to ashes. It was the same for all the women he wanted. Ellsif, like the goddess Sól, her sunlight would never reach him. She broke her promise for some Jarl, and only he would feel her warmth and bask in her sunlight. Ten years of life wasted for someone who would never love him.
This christian princess was not like Ellsif. Aethelswith, she was like the sea, someone that you could drown in. Eyes like ice-cold waves that would overturn a ship. A storm raged inside her, he could see that clearly when she threatened Halfdan. Now she was just still, silent, and sorrowful. Just like no one can control when the sun shines, no one can control when the sea rages or when it gives you blessings.
I am a fool to fall for a girl less than half my age, and a christian no less. We will never be together. We are destined for different lives. Harald thought moving away from her.
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Vikings (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Sigurd (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Harald Finehair/Original Female Character(s), Hvitserk (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character/Harald Finehair (Vikings), Aethelwulf/Judith (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings)/Original Female Character/ Ivar (Vikings), Blaeja/Sigurd (Vikings), Heluna (Blaeja)/Sigurd (Vkings) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Ivar (Vikings), Harald Finehair, Halfdan the Black, Sigurd (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings), Aethelwulf (Vikings), Aethelred (Vikings), Judith (Vikings), Ragnar Lothbrok, King Ecbert (Vikings), Alfred (Vikings), Bjorn (Vikings) Additional Tags: Sigurd lives, Possibly Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, Slow To Update, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Flashbacks, maybe smut?, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies attract, some canon divergence, Roman Catholicism, Angst Summary:
Aethelswith, the Princess of Wessex, will face difficult choices as the pagans and the Great Heathen Army enter England. Answering the tough questions of her own biases and contradicting thoughts of their leaders, will she be able to save any part of Wessex?
- This is a rewrite of my old series "Cure for A King"
Sorry, it’s been so long! (It’s been 84 years). Please tell me what you think.
We needed a scene like this for every season Harald was on Vikings.

A Friday night “treat” for @naaladareia 😉
Yandere Name Tag: Harald Finehair
. H: Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- Being forced to have child after child with him. All you can see is his face when you look at your children. Harald teaching them to be just like him-never taking no for an answer. Or the constantly being watched by your husband, his guards, and the people of your capital. Who knew being queen would feel so powerless.
A: Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
- He’s constantly their watching you, touching you, praising you, it’s suffocating. Gifts, sweet words, kisses, physical touch, it’s a needy rough battle. The only time you’ll get a break is when he’s off in battle, but not before he’s put a child in you to ensure your not leaving.
R: Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
- No not at all. The ends justified the means. He has his beautiful, loving wife and queen and plenty of heirs. Even if he could hear you soft cries in the first few months after he took from your previous meaningless life. Afterall, what can compare to be queen of all Norway?
- Letting you go, never! He’d go to the ends of the Earth for you. Why would ever need to go? You have everything you need, everything you want, don’t you? except freedom

L: Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
- It starts with longing stares from across the great hall before laying compliments on your beauty and grace. Within a few days he’ll ask you to marry him. If you say no, he’ll ask what he has to do to make you marry him. From this point on, you’ll constantly feel someone eye’s on you. He knows your daily schedule, you likes and dislike, and who might get in the way of your relationship. When it gets to be too much, he’ll have to take you back to his kingdom to make it clear the lengths he’ll go to prove his love for you.
-If your a Christian or thrall, anyone but a Norse women, he’ll straight up kidnap you. Drying your tears, he’ll make sure no one hurts you. He’ll teach you their language, customs, and religion. You’ll have the finest of food and clothing. If anyone disrespects you or tries to take you from him, well let’s just say they’ll end up six feet under.
D: Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
- He needs heirs to continue his legacy. Don’t you want to have precious children with him? They’ll have the best combination of you and him. He’s not taking no for an answer. He assures you that you’ll be the best mother!
So ... I somehow have 193 followers.( Probably from thr yandere content). To celebrate, and try to get to 200 followers, I'll be doing requests. Yanderes, drabbles, ships, and headcanons are all on the table. I'll try anything once... so send in your requests!