Kirby Anime - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Blade, You Can't Say That Here.

Blade, you can't say that here.

the one time they can understand him lol

Did this sketch for mother's day and put it off for so long it's August now. I can't be bothered to care, either. Anyway it's 5am. Enjoy.

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So this is how the first episode of the Kirby Anime went, right?

Tiff/Fumu before meeting Kirby: ooHoOhOo this Kirby’s probably super handsome—

Tiff/Fumu after meeting Kirby: ah well, looks like i’m their older sister now

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1 year ago
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like
So Far The Anime Is Pretty Good (besides Dedede Being A Huge Dick) Also I Was On The Verge Of Tears Like

So far the anime is pretty good (besides Dedede being a huge dick) also I was on the verge of tears like twice (the episode where Kirby got a dog and the episode where Chilly fucking died

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1 year ago

Can you please draw knuckle joe for joecember?

Can You Please Draw Knuckle Joe For Joecember?

He’s here! One of the nest things that came from the anime!

Giving one of the common enemies a sad backstory and a silly personality lol🫶🫶

Can You Please Draw Knuckle Joe For Joecember?

I still need to finish the anime lol

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1 year ago

Knuckle joe for A4 please :)))))

Knuckle Joe For A4 Please :)))))

Guys watch out one of the best KRBAY characters is among us

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11 months ago

I posted this on YT but I will also post this for my followers on here :3

I Headcannon that Tiff was a nerd even as a baby or something

she gives me vibes of info-dumping her parents about her favorite books or something

that could be me projecting because she’s one of my favorites but idc

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1 year ago

So for this fanfic idea I have is that everything is going good, N.M.E. is dead and king dedede is a good guy now and escargoon is happy and everyone is happy and good, it's a good end to the adventures for now, but then Tiff and Tuff is wakened up by a scurrying, and they see a small demon imp thing take two things that are important to them, so they chase after it and when they try to grab it they pass out and wake up in a new and colorless world, they have to go and find a way out but on the way they face monsters and dangerous lands all alone, they see some monsters thar are kind and some that aren't and same with people, over time they see that the world isn't as colorless but you just have to see it a certain way, they slowly learn that the world is actually the place where myths and folk lore come to die, when people forget and drive them away, there is fairies and selkies and swan maidens and werewolves and dragons, they learn that the food and water is poisonous to normal folk, but they ate and drank and they didn't die, when they meet the swan maidens and selkies they seem to know them and are extra friendly, they help them get some of their pelts and feathers back, most are super grateful for their help but some get sad and a little aggressive since they don't want to be an animal, they want to stay on land, but now they can't since the pull is too much. They also learn that their mother is a swan maiden and their father is a selkie, and then they have to go to the hive which is a place with many imps and the like, after sneaking about they learn that an imp stole their pelts and feathers from their birth and their parents, they at the end have a choice.

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8 months ago
 Galaxia Was Forged To Be Wielded By A Now Long-gone Hero Of Legend, But When Presented With The Blade,

✦ Galaxia was forged to be wielded by a now long-gone hero of legend, but when presented with the blade, the hero politely declined in favour of his own. The Blade took great offense to this and vowed to never let anyone that it deemed unworthy command it.

For aeons, all kinds of knights and warriors have attempted to wield Galaxia, but the blade remained incredibly critical of each and every one of them. Galaxia fiercely struck down those those insolent mortals with mighty thunder, mocking their every attempt.

One day, a terrible foe, Nightmare, used his dark sorcery to snatch the blade from its makers. Many times, he tried to put Galaxia under his spell, many times he failed. He sent monsters to wield the blade, but it proved futile as it resisted all of them.

Enraged and so that no one else could use the sword that could decide the fate of the world against him, Nightmare hid Galaxia away, at the very top of a perilous mountain that he infested with demon beasts to guard it. The Blade would have been lost forever if it wasn't for a courageous group of soldiers longing for freedom, climbing and fighting their way up to reach it. That day, two people grabbed Galaxia's hilt, but only one was deemed worthy : Meta Knight.

Ever since, Galaxia has been faithful to him, and him only, now accompanying the small knight on his journey. He currently resides on Popstar, where Meta Knight and his two acolytes have been living for a while now.

✦ Voice Claim | Thunder bringer, Lighting Yielder.

✦ Likes | Power, Bravery, Fighting prowess, Apples

✦ Dislikes | Cowardice, Entitlement to his power, Weakness

 Galaxia Was Forged To Be Wielded By A Now Long-gone Hero Of Legend, But When Presented With The Blade,

✦ Facts |

Unlike the sword beam, where one must achieve an empty mind, summoning Galaxia's avatar requires great might, both mentally and physically, where the knight's fighting spirit is at its highest and most determined.

The blade disappears when Galaxia takes the physical form of his avatar, however, it does not go away when being channeled through the blade itself by Meta Knight.

He is gigantic and towers over everybody in Dreamland.

The height of his physical avatar is not variable, unlike his apparition, which is entirely dependant on how much will Meta Knight puts in combat.

Galaxia does not need to eat, but for some reason, he has taken a peculiar liking to apples. Especially gem apples from Cappy Town's plaza tree.

✦ Height Chart |

 Galaxia Was Forged To Be Wielded By A Now Long-gone Hero Of Legend, But When Presented With The Blade,

✦ Personality |

 Galaxia Was Forged To Be Wielded By A Now Long-gone Hero Of Legend, But When Presented With The Blade,

Galaxia was forged and given life only to serve the purpose of keeping peace to the Galaxy through its power. Sadly, that makes him very dense and cold to human emotions. He has a lot of trouble understand plights that don't stem from war conflicts.

While he is a sword first and foremost, the life and consciousness he was gifted has given him the sense of Identity, hence why his avatar looks and sounds the way it does. He presents himself as a masculine figure with a male voice, because such is the way he wants to be as a person, when he is not the blade.

Galaxia does have a sense of humour, it's just very dry and could be mistaken as completely serious when you're not used to it. He's not very careful about his tone of voice or how little change to it can affect the punchline of jokes, so his usual deadpan attitude is easy to misinterpret.

Galaxia lacks any kind of subtlety and will say whatever's on his mind, even if it might bother someone to any degree. If it does bother, you can be certain he will not apologise.

Galaxia is extremely temperamental and prideful. He absolutely hates anyone challenging his strength or his ideas ; frankly, the very concept of someone having the audacity to talk back to him is completely ludicrous in his head.

While all of this makes him sound like a complete jackass (which he is, to be fair), rest assured he is on the side of good, no matter what. He may have trouble showing it, but he does care about the people around him. They are those he yielded his power to a worthy warrior for. While he may not be the most agreeable about it, due to his origins as more of an item than a person, he only wants the best for others as was, and still is, his duty to keep them safe and happy.

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7 months ago
 He's Got Maximum Pink !

✦ He's got maximum pink !

I'm so back on my Kirby brainrot (don't know how clear that last one is, it's just kirbo trying to see under MK's mask)

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7 months ago
 Son Of Magia Merline, The Galaxy's Most Renowned Mage, Ozwald Serves Wizardkind As Their Current Archmage
 Son Of Magia Merline, The Galaxy's Most Renowned Mage, Ozwald Serves Wizardkind As Their Current Archmage

✦ Son of Magia Merline, the galaxy's most renowned mage, Ozwald serves wizardkind as their current archmage ever since the passing of his mother. Weilding her staff to carry on her legacy, it is his duty to preserve the Mastery of Magic and Alchemy. When the terrible Nightmare threatened the peace of the galaxy, the wizards joined the GSA alongside the ninjas in their quest to stop this great crisis. They fought together for years, but that was until the sudden treachery of the ninjas. The warriors of the shadows defected to the side of Nightmare, which dwindled the GSA's numbers considerably. Still, as low as morale was, they carried on. However, the war took a definitive turning point when Yamikage, the one responsible for the treason of the ninjas, snatched Ozwald away from the battlefield on the back of a fearsome dragon demon beast. Before the archmage disappeared, he called out to his kin and ordered them all to flee and never return. At this moment, none of them looked back, they listened to the orders of their archmage and deserted the battlefield, leaving the GSA behind. It was weeks later when Ozwald was seen again, but it was too late then ; he had fallen victim to Nightmare's influence. Many years after the Great War, on a faraway planet called Popstar, King Dedede noticed that Kirby seemed very confused about the magic tricks Tuff was performing. Without skipping a beat, he used his downloading system bought from Holy Nightmare Enterprise and demanded their best magic user. Ozwald was sent through, and gave chase to Kirby. After a tough fight, the young Star Warrior managed to break Ozwald's trance, letting him finally return to his senses. Ever since, the archmage has been residing in Castle Dedede, occupying the vacant top of a tower.

✦ Quick Overview |

✦ Voice Claim | Regular Voice / Spellcasting voice ✦ Likes | Reading, Cooking & Baking, Moonlit strolls, Stargazing, anything with lemons in it ✦ Dislikes | Hypocrisy, Disrespect/ Disdain against magic, Egotism

✦ Personality |

• As unapproachable as he looks upfront, there is hardly sweeter than him. Ozwald is kind and patient, he will engage in conversation with pretty much anyone, even Dedede. • While Ozwald believes that a certain degree of sterness is required to properly teach the youth, he also believes that being too harsh and demanding will not serve any purpose. He prefers to teach with rewards, and attempts to make any topic interesting to get the attention of easily distracted children like Tuff, who usually dislike learning "boring stuff". • Ozwald is extremely forgiving, perhaps to a fault, some might think. But he says himself that as a man who has committed one of the greatest sins against his comrades (abandoning them), he does not get the luxury to be critical of what is done to him. • Ozwald is very doting with children. He does not necessarily want a family of his own, but he does have a strong sense of paternality in him. • Ozwald has an easygoing sense of humour, while he does not hold grudges, he is not above using previous events as ammo to tease someone. • Ozwald gets quite competitive with games of any kind and events putting him against other people/teams. He's a bit of a sore loser, but he tries to hide it !

 Son Of Magia Merline, The Galaxy's Most Renowned Mage, Ozwald Serves Wizardkind As Their Current Archmage

✦ The Mark of Merlin | (Post about Merline and the role of "Merlin" TBA)

As stated above, the Mark of Merlin is the physical manifestation of Magic's acceptance of their new protector. The bearer of the Mark harnesses the Will of Magic and is extremely powerful. The bearer of the Mark possesses one very special ability that is only to be used as their utmost last resort if they haven't yet found their successor.

✦ The Wizarding Society | (will be moved to its own post soon enough)

• Although some wizards make an exception of this, they typically live on the "Observatory", which is a huge academy/library-like structure that floats throughout space. Wizards as a society and not simply magic-using peoples are pretty private and keep to themselves. • Whilst a staff or wand are important to channel their magic, wizards that are comfortable and skilled enough with it can perform spells without a vessel, simply using their hands. Enunciating spells is, in most cases, mandatory, but simpler spells like practical ones to make things float can be performed non-verbally. • Most wands and staves are made of metals like gold, silver, bronze and the like. Only very old wizards continue to use wooden staves. Ozwald, despite being more in touch with the newer generations of wizards, keeps his wooden staff because it was his mother's, and it will not break as easily as wood, because of the enchantments she had imbued into it. • As was the duty of the late Merline, wizards continue to observe the cosmos and planets to make sure everything is in order. While they don't tend to intervene ever since the Great War, wizards will warn planets if danger is upon them. • Wizards come in all races, shapes and sizes, but the most common ones are simirrors and waddle doos. Ozwald himself is a simirror. • The Observatory has many protection wards around it, along with the ability to become completely transparent, hiding itself and the wizards inside it. • The Observatory is capable of creating dimentional rifts to fast-travel around the galaxy. Ever since the Great War, wizards have been very careful about using this travel method, as dimentional rifts cause a very high, dense residual activity around the targeted areas, which can easily alert Nightmare of their location since he currently has dominion over most of the galaxy. • Merline is the original architect and creator of the Observatory. It was created as both a safe haven for wizards, but a place to protect the Knowledge and Mastery of Magic from falling into the wrong hands. It was her domain of planetary surveillance as well, when she used to watch over the cosmos on her own.

✦ Height Comparison | New Height Comparison Ref TBA

✦ Facts |

• Ozwald has a younger sister, her name is Winnie (Link to her ref TBA). • He has backpains, because Old. He gets very cranky they start acting up, and unfortunately tries to avoid relying too much on potions to soothe them. • He's a tea-drinker over coffee all the way. • He loves playing boardgames ! Always a good time between friends. • He's got quite the astrology/astronomy knowledge. • Ozwald is very adept at Offensive magic and Defensive magic, but also Supportive magic. During the Great War against Nightmare, him and most wizards were very important assets of the GSA, able to ward of most demon beasts, aside from those with magic resistance. • Ozwald and wizards as a whole do not really have mana. However, using magic, especially strong spells, for long periods of time can tire and wear them out. Ozwald can perform non-verbal and staffless magic. • He only has one eye ; he lost his other eye during the war after a certain treacherous ninja threw a kunai at him. He tends to hide it from people who aren't used to "gore", not to mention that he feels it to be a tad unsightly. If he feels comfortable enough with someone though, he may unhide his scar.

(Sidenote : i'd like to add things like the observatory and Winnie to his info sheet, but it's already me taken me long enough to get this done so i'll add those later !)

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11 months ago

(Reposts are appreciated to reach a larger audience!)

(Poll 1/2)

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11 months ago

(Reposts are appreciated to reach a larger audience!)

(Poll 2/2)

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2 years ago


The fansub project is official DONE! All 100 episodes! Including UPDATED SUBS for the original 66 episodes with improved translations!!  (*Except the 3D special but I was gonna wait til I got a better quality video…)

So you can either watch em here:  (apologies if there are ads, I can’t actually control em! I hear Firefox with Ublock origin can block em)

Or download em here!

Softsub MKV:

EDIT: also on Internet Archive if Mega gives you trouble)

Hardsub M4V:

Or raw vids:

Please share this so more people can see! :D  We worked really hard on this so it’d be appreciated!

* Softsub means the subtitles aren’t ‘baked in’. This means higher quality video and you can modify the subtitles if needed. You’ll need a program like VLC or Media Player Classic to view them and they may not work on phones! Hardsubs are ‘baked in’ so you can view em, anywhere, but there is a slight reduction in video quality

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6 months ago


The fansub project is official DONE! All 100 episodes! Including UPDATED SUBS for the original 66 episodes with improved translations!!  (*Except the 3D special but I was gonna wait til I got a better quality video…)

So you can either watch em here:  (apologies if there are ads, I can’t actually control em! I hear Firefox with Ublock origin can block em)

Or download em here!

Softsub MKV:

EDIT: also on Internet Archive if Mega gives you trouble)

Hardsub M4V:

Or raw vids:

Please share this so more people can see! :D  We worked really hard on this so it’d be appreciated!

* Softsub means the subtitles aren’t ‘baked in’. This means higher quality video and you can modify the subtitles if needed. You’ll need a program like VLC or Media Player Classic to view them and they may not work on phones! Hardsubs are ‘baked in’ so you can view em, anywhere, but there is a slight reduction in video quality

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