Kirby Fumu - Tumblr Posts

Tiff and Tuff

A bunch of Kirby doodles

Rewatching the Kirby anime after years lol
btw I’m watching the dub of the anime

Even more anime doodles
basically what each doodle is saying:
KJ: 4 kids won’t mind me whipping you guys
Tiff: what happened to your color palette?
KDDD: pork chops sounds good right now
Tiff: I will not be afraid
Escargoon: damn kids…
MK: TF is wrong with you?

Not a lot of doodles today since I only watched 2 episodes today
*insert cool title*

So I’m not as sick as I was for the past two days but I keep coughing and I’m losing my voice so that’s cool :3

I like drawing the krbay cast ngl(mainly Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon)
Tiff and Tuff

some kirb shenanigans


I love the anime man like some episodes kinda suck but like the majority is enjoyable
Kirby Kirby Kirby, Saving the day‼️‼️‼️

Kirby Kirby Kirby he’s here to stay
a random doodles of characters

No context
drew them from memory

also I’m sick again 😭😞😭😞
Joyous day

Drew them in health science

I’m going to draw some fuck ass clowns later lol
I posted this on YT but I will also post this for my followers on here :3
I Headcannon that Tiff was a nerd even as a baby or something
she gives me vibes of info-dumping her parents about her favorite books or something
that could be me projecting because she’s one of my favorites but idc

I am hdhdggdhsgsgsgsggafagsgs