Kirby Reed X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Nightmare’s Manifesto

About Me

Nightmares Manifesto

I’m Saffron, I’m twenty, and I have always loved horror movies, like it’s a bit of an obsession <3 I’m also quite slow at updating fics lol sorry xD I have terrible motivation

BTS [Beneath Still Waters]

The Hunger Games Masterlist

Scream Masterlist


send in requests for anything, there’s a chance I might not do the request but I’ll try my best,

I personally feel more comfortable writing in a Fem or GN perspective, I will be writing in the (y/n) style or without any name or characteristics inserted into the story

If sending in a request for a fic, you’d prefer a GN!Reader, just add in just GN! as Fem!Reader is my personal preference :) Also just a quick disclaimer for you horny freaks (aka also me) I am unable to write smut, i physically can’t do it. I might try my hand at it one day but that’s definitely not the type of thing I write, (but it’s almost all i read)

I always love getting fic ideas so send away any thoughts you have on your mind


If your homophobic, transphobic, racist, don’t like x readers, or my content, if you don’t like it just don’t read it simple as

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1 year ago

Scream Masterlist

Scream Masterlist


Stu Macher

I’m Not Dead, So I’m Not Done (part 1)

Synopsis: after the events of the Woodsboro massacre, Sidney and her girlfriend think they can live out their lives in peace, until familiar items keep popping up

Sidney Prescott

Coming soon…

Tatum Riley

Coming soon…

Scream 4

Jill Roberts

Shattered Unity [series]

Fragment 1: Part 1

Synopsis: Jill Roberts had everything, a perfect house, with a perfect family and a perfect little sister, who she cared for far more than she realised.

Kirby Reed

Coming soon…

Scream 5/6

Tara Carpenter


Synopsis: when (Y/n) receives concerning texts from Tara about a psycho phone call after a fight

In These Arms Of Mine

Synopsis: Tara think that just because she is the ghostface killer the people she loves are safe


Synopsis: Tara is stuck in the hospital after Ghostface attack, when (y/n)’s absence becomes too much to bear after hearing a strange thud in the corridor

Sam Carpenter

Coming soon…

Mindy Meeks-Martin

Coming soon…

Amber Freeman

Heads, Hearts, and Hangovers

Synopsis: Amber and (Y/n) wake up with strange bruises after a drunk night out

Quinn Bailey

Coming soon…

Ethan Landry

Coming soon…

Anika Kayoko

Coming soon…

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1 year ago

Shattered Unity

Shattered Unity

[Fragment One: I] [Fragment One: II]

Shattered Unity

Synopsis: Jill Roberts had everything, a perfect house, with a perfect family and a perfect little sister, who she cared for far more than she realised.

Pairings: Jill Roberts x Sister! Reader

Word Count: 2k

Warnings: nothing so far :) some sibling fluff

Shattered Unity

34 Elm Street epitomized the pinnacle of luxury in Woodsboro, an affluent community coveted by all. The neighborhood itself exuded an aura of safety, lined with sycamores and white picket fences. In the middle of it all stood the Roberts household, bustling with the loud sounds of a typical Monday morning.

Jill rolled over in her plush bed, pulling her pillow over her ears to block out the loud noise of her alarm. Letting out a deep groan, her arms fumbled around until they found the snooze button. Her eyelids fluttered shut again, aiming to steal a few more precious moments of sleep until a sudden crash echoed from downstairs.

"Sweetheart!" Her mother's voice reverberated through the house. "Are you okay?"

Jill could hear her little sister mumbling something in response, probably attempting to make herself breakfast. She always had this habit of striving for independence. Jill stretched, her long black hair cascading as she released it from the loose bun of the night before. Running her fingers through the tangles, she slipped into a pair of jeans and rummaged through her wardrobe in search of a shirt. As Jill swung her door open, the sound of small feet scampering up the stairs reached her ears. It seemed her sister had an uncanny sixth sense for detecting when Jill was awake.

"Jill!" Her little form came barreling around the corner, running toward Jill's feet. Her face lit up when she saw her sister. "I made you pancakes," she announced proudly. Jill laughed and asked if that was what the crash was. The little one hid her face in Jill's shirt, her speech muffled by the fabric. "I might have dropped the pan." Jill ruffled her hair before manoeuvring around her  to start going downstairs.

The kitchen bore the aftermath of a culinary hurricane—flour dusted every available surface, eggshells added a crunch underfoot, and a symphony of pots and bowls occupied the sink. Amidst this chaos sat a plate of hastily assembled pancakes, syrup awaiting its inevitable deployment. As Jill cautiously surveyed the scene, her foot met an unexpected puddle of milk, sending a shiver up her spine as the sock soaked up the liquid.

Suppressing a sigh, Jill turned her attention to her sister, ready to issue a gentle reprimand. However, before she could speak, (Y/n) beat her to it with a spirited declaration. "Don't worry, Jill! I'm cleaning it all up after I eat. I just wanted to make sure you had something to eat before Kirby picks you up." Her bright smile melted any lingering frustration, reminding Jill why (Y/n) was her undeniable soft spot.

"You're such a little troublemaker, (Y/n)," Jill joked, pulling off her damp sock. She walked to the kitchen table, grabbing a few pancakes to smother in syrup. (Y/n) climbed onto the stool beside her big sister, looking at her intently. "Speaking of Kirby, do you think I can say hi when she comes to pick you up? I want to show her the picture I drew of us three!" Jill looked over, shocked at her sister, talking with a mouthful of pancake. "You drew a picture of me?" (Y/n) corrected her, saying it was all three of them together, but Jill's mind was elsewhere. All (Y/n) ever drew was puppies and rainbows—childish things. Never had Jill seen her draw a person, never mind her.

Jill's fork hovered mid-air, laden with syrup-soaked pancake, as she stared at (Y/n) with wide eyes. The surprise etched across her face deepened, a mix of disbelief and genuine awe. For a moment, she was caught in the realization that her little sister had moved beyond the realm of fluffy animals and sunny scenes, venturing into something far more personal.

"You drew a picture of me?" Jill repeated, as if the words needed confirmation. The syrup dripped slowly back onto the plate, forgotten in her slackened grip. (Y/n)'s innocent nod was met with an almost incredulous smile from Jill, as if the simple act of portraying her in a drawing was a revelation.

"(Y/n), that's... incredible," Jill finally managed, her tone carrying a mix of surprise and warmth. The thought that her sister had chosen to illustrate her, amid all the subjects she could have picked, lingered in the air like a sweet revelation.

"I'll show it to you!" (Y/n)'s syrup-sticky hands seized Jill's, leading her in an eager ascent up the stairs, their footsteps an echo of shared laughter. The little haven at the top, (Y/n)'s room, painted in every shade of pink. It was a sanctuary of innocence, adorned with unicorns, magical creatures, and the captured moments of their life.

The walls told stories in crayon and glitter drawings, tales of a childhood untainted by the complexities of the world beyond. Pictures of Jill and (Y/n), frozen in time, grinned back at them. Jill couldn't help but notice the subtle nostalgia woven into the room, a familiar echo of her own youth. The glow-in-the-dark stars overhead seemed to promise dreams as pure and boundless as the universe itself.

Most of the toys strewn across the floor were remnants of Jill's childhood, a nostalgic scatter of innocence now usurped by time. Yet, what tugged at Jill's heartstrings most was the teddy bear lying on the bed, a mirror image of the one resting in her own room. (Y/n) never ventured anywhere without that bear. It was a shared relic, a testament to a bond forged in the simplicity of happier times.

As Jill sank into memories, the room became a vessel of echoes. Most vivid was the recollection of a day long past, a shopping trip with her father to find the perfect gift for baby (Y/n). The brown bear, soft and fluffy, had captured Jill's heart. She pleaded with her father to let her have one too. That day marked the last fragment of happiness she could recall with him.

A small shake brought Jill back to the present. She found herself gently pushed to sit on the edge of the bed. (Y/n) darted to the desk by the door, the chaotic rustle of pages scattering in her wake. Amidst the flurry, a small sound of excitement at her discovery. (Y/n) rushed back, concealing a page behind her back, anticipation dancing in her eyes.

Jill was presented with a page, a kaleidoscope of waxy stripes in every imaginable color. Amidst the vibrant chaos, three figures took center stage. Two of them stood at a similar height, towering protectively over a smaller figure nestled between them. A soft smile graced Jill's lips as she looked at her younger sister, who returned the gaze with anticipation sparkling in her eyes.

Gently, Jill pulled (Y/n) into her arms, the paper the only barrier between then. She whispered softly in her sister's ear, "Kirby's going to love this."

Shattered Unity

Kirby's car rushed into the driveway of the Roberts household, letting out a loud beep that echoed in the quiet neighborhood. As Jill stepped onto the front porch, the car's blaring music masked the sounds around them.

"Before you get in the car, you need to promise not to kill me!" Kirby shouted over the music, quickly turning it off as Jill approached.

"Why?" Jill asked, walking closer to the passenger door, while her sister eagerly ran toward the car. "What did you do?"

"Trevor called me last night," Kirby explained, and Jill's face twisted in disgust. "Why is he calling you?" She leaned down, poking her head through the car window, while (Y/n) stood on her tiptoes to get Kirby's attention.

"Because you won't take his calls, he knows I have you here and he wants to know," Kirby said. Jill opened the door with a roll of her eyes, and Kirby shifted her focus to (Y/n), greeting her with a warm, "Hi pumpkin!"

Ignoring Kirby's attempt to divert the conversation, Jill pressed, "Know what?" Kirby's eyes darted away from (Y/n), who stood eagerly waiting to share something. "How upset you are." She finished.

Olivia hopped into the backseat of the car, engaging Jill in conversation about Trevor. While they chatted, Kirby shifted her attention to the younger Roberts sister, who stood patiently at the door. With an exuberant greeting, she handed Kirby a piece of paper, saying, "I drew this for you!" Kirby smiled at the young girl, touched by the fact that her best friend's younger sister cared enough to create a drawing. "It’s me, you, and Jill," she explained, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

"It’s amazing, (Y/n)!" Kirby examined the drawing carefully before placing it on the dashboard. "When I get home from school, it’s going straight up on my refrigerator," she promised with a smile. (Y/n) beamed at this news. Kirby glanced at the time; if they didn’t leave now, they’d be late. “We have to go, pumpkin. Have a good day at school!” she called out as she watched (Y/n) run back into the house, waving back to the girls as she did and Jill shut the car door.

Olivia rolled her eyes from the back seat, letting out a scoff. She had something against Jill’s sister ever since she accidentally broke her cell two years ago. Olivia opened her mouth to state something when Jill quickly turned to face her, her stare cold and harsh, quickly shutting Olivia up. She huffed, “I wasn’t going to say anything about your sister!” Her arms raised in the air in defense.

Jill let a small smirk grace her lips; she could see Olivia was lying. “Really!” She turned back to the front, glancing at her through the rearview mirror. Jill wanted to see what kind of stupid story Olivia would attempt to create to dig herself out of the hole she made. “What was it you were going to say?”

Olivia stumbled over her words, desperately trying to come up with a story that would fit, but she couldn’t. “Fine!” She bowed her head in defeat. “But it’s not a crime to dislike your sister; she's just so...” She trailed off, seeing Jill's glare. “Clingy.”

The pulsating beat of a song jolted all three girls from their conversation. Jill's cellphone buzzed near her feet, prompting her to fish it out of her bag. As Olivia grumbled about the ringtone, Jill examined the caller ID.

"Why is Jenny Randall calling me?"

Both Kirby and Olivia shrugged, as Jenny wasn't someone they interacted with frequently.

"I don't know. I don't like Jenny Randall. She threw up on me at Tony Marshall's luau," Olivia interjected. Kirby rolled her eyes, and as Jill answered the phone, "That luau was freshman year!" Kirby turned to Olivia, who threw up her hands, “I didn't say my anger was rational!"

Both girls redirected their attention to Jill upon hearing her asking about the caller. Kirby returned her focus to the road, stealing glances at Jill's now irritated expression. "What does she want?" Jill ignored her friend's question, continuing to reprimand the mysterious caller. "Where’s Jenny?" Confusion deepened on the faces of Kirby and Olivia. Was Jenny Randall attempting to prank call Jill? Jill lowered the volume of the car's music. "Who is this?"

Kirby listened intently to the voice on the other end. It resonated deep and rough, like gravel on the highway. Certainly not Jenny Randall. Panic crept over Jill's face as she abruptly declared, “I’m hanging up.”

After a brief pause, Jill turned to her friends. "That was so weird. I just got a prank call from Jenny Randall." Olivia promptly interrupted with her own story, but Jill remained silent, appearing uninterested. "Jenny Randall is weird. Her and her little Marnie the Carny friend are freaks!" Glancing at Jill, who sat somewhat diminished in her seat and gazing out the window, Kirby sensed Jill might be anxious about her sister after such a peculiar call. Olivia continued to ramble on, it was very clearly not helping Jill. Kirby sighed before trying to reassure Jill.

"It's massacre week. People go looney, remember?"

Shattered Unity

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1 year ago

Hi I don’t know if you write poly but if you do could I request some Sam x Kirby x f reader smut please!

of course! I've never heard of this poly relationship, sounds like a lot of fun though. Mind you I haven't written smut in a long while and idk if it'll be good but enjoy

Tonight was movie night and you were with your two favorite girls. Your girlfriends Sam and kirby. You met them both while you were getting food and you couldn't tear your eyes away from them, it's been amazing ever since

"Y/n honey can you scoot a little closer" kirby asked politely. Y/n hummed and moved closer by a few inches but kirby wasn't satisfied

Kirby placed her hand on your hip and pulled y/n closer. Y/n giggled and turned to one of her two amazing girlfriends. She turned to Sam and waved at her to come closer also. Sam took the hint and moved to her girlfriends

While y/n was focused on the movie, Kirby turned to Sam and raised her brows. Sam scoffed out a laugh

"What?" Y/n turned to Sam. Sam smiled at her sweet girlfriend

"Nothing sweetheart" Sam grabbed her face and turned it to the TV. Y/n thought nothing of it and continued with their movie. Sam looked to kirby who was biting her lip, she nodded at the blonde as a 'yes'

"Honey, come sit on my lap" y/n smiled at kirby and immediately sat on her lap. Kirby smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek

"Good girl" y/n turned red at the phrase

"Keep watching, this is where it gets interesting" kirby points to the TV that now has y/n's attention. Sam moved and sat right next to them, placing her hand on y/n's thigh

Kirby moved some of her hair out of the way and placed a kiss on the back of her neck. Y/n let out a tiny sigh. Sam started inching her hand up y/n's thigh until it was so close to her panty line

Y/n felt her need grow strong for the two of them. She tried refocusing on the movie but kirby started leaving little kisses everywhere on her neck. Y/n sighed and closed her eyes

"Something wrong baby?" Sam questioned with feigned innocence

"N-No, everything is fine" she smiled to her girlfriend, trying to stay calm and nor blow her cover

Y/n's need grew even more until she couldn't take it, she needed friction. Y/n started to move her hips back and forth on kirbys thigh. Kirby turned to Sam with a smirk

Kirby grabbed y/n's hips to still them

"What are you doing?" She questioned, trying to sound serious. Y/n froze, her cheeks turning red. Y/n stayed quiet and looked to Sam. Sam held y/ns cheek while y/n looked to her with pleading eyes

"Speak up honey" Sam told her, smoothing her thumb on y/n's cheek

"I- I want you" y/n looked between the two. Kirby smiled and pushed her on the end of the couch

"There was that so hard?" Kirby teased their girlfriend. Y/n blushed more at her girlfriends antics. She tried to cover her face but Sam took them away

"Don't cover that beautiful face" y/n smiled at the compliment. Sam leaned in and kissed her girlfriend while kirby started kissing up her neck to her jaw

Sam's kisses always felt so sensual, like she could kiss her forever and never come up for air. They pulled apart and y/n was in bliss already

Kirby turned her cheek towards her and their lips locked. Kirby's kisses always felt so exciting and electric, y/n couldn't get enough of it

While they were kissing Sam started to kiss her way down y/n's stomach. Sam unbuttoned y/n's shorts and tugged them down. Y/n already had her arousal showing through her panties

"Aww is this for us?" Sam asked while smirking. Y/n and kirby pulled apart and y/n nodded quickly. Sam licked a stripe up through her panties. Y/n whined wanting more. Kirby lifted the front of y/n's shirt

"No bra. You can prepared" kirby chuckled. Y/n sighed as her nipples hardened under the cool air

Kirby started sucking on it harshly. Y/n let out a soft moan. Sam tugged her panties off and started sucking on her clit. Y/n moaned and threw her head back. Sam started licking patterns on her clit

Y/n moved her hands to grab onto Sam's hair. Y/n tugged on her hair making Sam grunt

Kirby started to bite little marks onto y/n's breasts. Y/n started moaning louder. She turned to kirby

"I wanna taste you, please, I wanna taste you so bad" kirby smiled brightly

"How could i say no when you ask so nicely?" Kirby removed her shirt and started unbottoning her pants. Sam started licking y/n's hole

"Oh my God yes, please, please" y/n started begging for her not to stop. Kirby threw her pants across the room. She placed herself over y/n and moved her panties aside

As soon as kirby moved them y/n grabbed her thighs and pushed her down onto y/n's face. Y/n started licking into her like a starved person

"Oh my God, yes baby. Doing so good f'me" kirby moaned pushing her hands through her girlfriends hair

Y/n started moaning into kirby, kirby couldn't help but lean over in ecstasy. Y/n felt the familiar feeling build up inside her. She had to pull away from kirby to breathe. She grabbed Sam's hair again

"I'm about to cum. Please make me cum, feels so good" y/n's voice got higher and her breaths quicker. She squeezed her eyes shut and held onto to Sam's head for support

Y/n felt herself cum while Sam keeps going. Her legs shaking and eyes rolled back. Sam pulled away

"You look so pretty, all a mess for me" Sam spoke. Y/n's juices all over her mouth and chin. Y/n took a second to breathe again

Y/n grabbed onto kirby's thighs and pulled her back down starting again. Kirby moaned in surprise. Sam stood up, taking her clothes off quickly. Kirby turned to her and motioned her over

Sam stood in front of Kirby as the girl leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was hungry and rushed

Kirby pulled back and started to lick around Sam's nipple. Kirby moaned out when y/n had her so close to the edge

"Keeo going, like that" kirby had to hold the side of the couch for support as her breaths got shorter and her legs started shaking. Sam couldn't be more turned on from the sight of her two girlfriends cumming, their faces looked so lewd

As kirby came y/n started to lick and suck harder at her clit. Once kirby was done cumming y/n got up

"Your turn" y/n turned to Sam and grabbed her hand, leading her to lie down on the couch again. Y/n spread her legs apart and looked in awe at her body

Y/n's hand traveled up her thigh slowly. Sam squirmed in anticipation. Kirby got up and walked over to Sam, leaning over her shoulder to continue her work on Sam's breasts

Sam got distracted by kirby and that's when y/n saw the opportunity to dive in. Y/n started working furiously, Sam moaned out loud. Sam's hands traveled down to y/n's hair and started bucking her hips into the girl

"Thank you baby, so perfect for me. My perfect angel" she started mumbling out words almost incoherently. Y/n slowly moved one of her fingers in and Sam could not be any more in heaven. Y/n moved the finger at a fast pace

"Yes, yes, yes. Give it to me baby" she moaned out with her hips still bucking up. Y/n heard how her moans got louder and knew she was almost there

Y/n moved a second finger in and moved faster than before. Sam's hips wouldn't go down and her grip on y/n's hair would get tighter

She screwed her eyes shut tight as she felt that wave of ecstasy hit. Her moans came out almost pornagraphic. Y/n eased her pace down slowly to make her high last longer

Y/n didn't even notice kirby had left until she came back with a rags

"Need to clean yourselves up" she moved one of Sam's legs and cleaned her up. Sam whined from the sensitivity

Kirby went to y/n next and started cleaning her up. Y/n tried not to whine too much but her sensitivity eased up a bit

"What about you?" Y/n asked in a tired tone. Kirby smiled at her girlfriends worry

"I got myself cleaned up, thank you baby" she kisses her quickly before going to grab blankets

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