Kirishima X You - Tumblr Posts
Dating Kirishima Eijiro <3

Yandere Kirishima x Reader - Reprimand
Unfortunately, I’m back! Hopefully I’ll get back into a more regular upload schedule from now on. Anyway, here’s part two to this! I know this isn’t great, but I needed to write something to get myself out of this rut. Also this is sort of a Christmas offering to @ikinabi, if this pleases you then my life is fulfilled. Also I like yandere Kirishima apparently so I might just make this a series or something. Enjoy! xoxo
(Part 1)
TW: Sorta NSFW, yandere, blood, asphyxiation, physical abuse

“So pretty…”
Your captor mumbled as calloused fingers combed through your locks. It was therapeutic to Eijirou; to tend to your hair every morning before the hero left for work. You were crushed against his firm torso, ensuring you couldn’t slip from his grasp. Your cries and pleas were met with dismissive hums, as he assured you again and again that ‘There’s no need to be scared, princess’. All he wanted was to take care of you, and for you to just let him. Crimson eyes gleamed with childlike anticipation as he twirled you toward the mirror. “What’dya think, babe? Do you like it?” His voice was dripping with excitement, craving your approval like a coveted drug. His efforts, despite being the product of his drowning adoration, did not produce a… refined result. It was established early during your captivity that submission was met with reward; a kiss to remove that damnable gag, an embrace to rid yourself of the burning ropes around your wrist. So you nodded, slowly and hesitantly as tears trickled down your cheeks. A grin, sharp and beaming, cut across his face. That love-drunk gaze, so maniacal in its infatuation, was enough to chill you to the core. It was a routine Eijirou was adamant on maintaining.
It soon proved to be his mistake.
You stilled your breath in an attempt to make your fingers do the same. The hair-pin in each hand rattled against the lock. Just like they do in the movies, you told yourself over and over, hoping it would somehow cease the shaking of your fingers. Behind that reinforced window, was freedom. Kirishima was attending some mandatory gala event among his fellow heroes, giving you ample time to enact your escape, and the cover of night would prove useful against the subsequent man-hunt that would surely ensue after he found you missing. The promise of breathing air unpolluted by his musk or the intrusive scent of his cologne was utterly tantalizing. That hope, that dream, was made more tangible with each click and slide of the lock mechanism.
“C’mon…” You muttered, the tension against the pins mounting, threatening to snap as they inched further into the lock. Then, slicing through the silence, an almost deafening creak resounded.
The window didn’t budge. You struggled to breathe as it became clear - footsteps, pounding toward you. Trembling hands released their hold on the hair-pins, falling to the floor. It was hard not to scream in frustration, or breakdown in insurmountable terror. The door inched open, an exasperated sigh escaping your captor as he sauntered in. Each step toward you made you wince as they echoed throughout the room. You suppressed a shriek when strong arms coiled around your torso, his nose pressing against the base of your neck. Kirishima inhaled deeply - he had to get his fill after being apart from you for so long. He hummed, pressing his lips gently upon your skin.
“I missed you so much, princess. I wish you could’ve come with me.” He let out a tired chuckle as his chin rested upon your shoulder. “They don’t think you’re real, would you believe it? Saying shit like if you were really my girlfriend you’d be there with me.” A lingered kiss was placed upon your cheek. “But you are real-” Calloused fingertips explored your arms, shoulders, every piece of exposed skin he could relish in. The sound of his breath hitching, it’s warmth invading the nape of your neck, made your heart pound faster - he was getting excited, that much was certain.
“And you’re all mine.” He traced kisses across your neck, quietly reaffirming ‘mine’ between each affection. Gently, he gripped you by the waist and pulled you toward the bed. Slowly sitting himself upon the mattress, he pulled you atop his strong, muscular thighs. “Isn’t that right, princess?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, nodding frantically. A deep hum resonated from his chest, digits lovingly raking through your hair.
Oh god, your hair. The accessories he’d so carefully placed were now strewn about the floor. Your thoughts grew panicked, nigh incomprehensible. He could notice, he would piece it together, if he found out he’d surely -
“Come on, (Y/n), talk to me.” His tongue clicked in his mouth, rough fingers gripping your chin and turning you to face him as carefully as he could. Seeing his face, his serene smile, was enough to make the words ball in your throat. Your lips quivered, his eyes beaming as he anticipated the sound of your angelic voice.
“I c-could’ve come with you, I-” A fervent kiss silenced you, his hand cupping your cheek to support the exchange. He pulled away, brows clearly furrowed. With a disheartening sigh, Kirishima shook his head.
“You know I can’t do that, babe.” His lips lunged to your neck, imprinting kisses against the tender flesh. “I want to, I really do. I want to show everyone how lucky I am,” His mouth shifted to your shoulder, your eyes widening as you felt his sharp teeth graze your skin. “I want everyone to know who you belong to.” With animalistic ferocity, he sunk his teeth into your flesh. You whimpered in pain, tears pricking your eyes as you felt blood seep from the wound. Kirishima was eager to lap up the warm substance, working and sucking against the imprint. A powerful arm wrapped around you, keeping you from flinching away as he properly marked you. You opted to squeeze your eyes shut; to pretend you were anywhere but here. A smirk pressed against your skin, a satisfied grunt erupting from the hero at your apparent complacency. “Such a good girl for me.”
His large hand rested against the back of your head, digits entangling with strands of your hair. You felt him pause, and you could swear your heart did the same. Had he noticed? You had to distract him, he couldn’t be allowed find out.
Against your better judgement, you shifted upon his lap until your body faced his. Hesitantly, your hands met his broad chest, inching toward the collar of his dress shirt. His mouth was slightly agape, his pupils dilated with a cocktail of surprise and excitement. Kirishima couldn’t believe what was happening, you were initiating it. Shaky fingers hooked against his tie, slowly working to undo the tight knot. You didn’t dare meet his gaze, terrified of glimpsing at the lust that swirled among the crimson. “B-babe? What are you doing?” His face flared with an impossible red, his pants growing tighter and more uncomfortable with each passing second.
“I-I want to be good for you, Ei-Eijirou.” You cursed at the transparent fraudulence of your words. Kirishima, however, was too euphoric to care. Unsatisfied with the clumsy pace of your digits, he violently yanked his tie away. He made quick work of his shirt buttons, exposing the powerful mass of muscle hidden beneath. His large hands gripped your wrists tightly, guiding your palms against his sculpted torso. He eased them across the rigid canyons of his abdomen, his blush darkening at your touch.
“S-so strong…” You rest your palms against his defined chest, leaning into the crook of his neck. The scent of his expensive cologne is overbearing as you imprint a fleeting kiss upon his skin. You feel his heart thump, his breath growing more erratic and unrestrained.
“F-fuck, princess,” Eijirou grits his teeth as you gently knead his flesh, throwing his head back to allow you more leeway. “I-It’s all to protect you, so I can keep you safe.” His muscles tense, affirming the immense power they hold. You pause to breathe, to steady yourself. It’s hard not to feel disgusted, not when that prominent protrusion bucks roughly against you.
But Kirishima is impatient. In an instant, you’re thrown unto your back, Eijirou looming over you with your wrists pinned beside your head. Lips smash against your own, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. He presses his powerful body atop yours, his deep rumbles of delight sending vibrations across your skin. Shark-like teeth sink into your lips, humming as he savors the delectable metallic taste. Your pained whimpers, your weak gasps for air, they’re all so adorable. His fingers intertwine with your locks, pulling slightly to allow his tongue greater dominion over yours.
At first, you’re relieved when he finally pulls away - desperately trying to fulfill the oxygen debt he so eagerly created. But relief melts into abject terror as the muscles of his brow tense, his eyes squinting in scrutiny. Despite the invasive heat of his heavy pants against your face, you’re frozen.
“Babe…” Kirishima agonizingly pauses. You wanted to break free from his suffocating gaze, but it was futile - every fiber of your being was utterly petrified. “Where’s your..” He glanced back to the window.
You couldn’t hold it back, the tears trailing down your cheeks. He figured it out, didn’t he?
“Ei-Eijirou it’s not-”
His head snapped back to you. Fury danced upon the rigidity of his features, his breathing labored from barely restrained rage rather than impassioned lust. That voice, often jovial, was seethed through barred teeth. “Did you…?”
You choked on your frantic words, your sobs indicative of your guilt. “I-I’m sorry! I promise, I-I won’t try it ever -”
“Shut up,” Kirishima growls. His grip on your wrists tighten painfully, eliciting a sharp cry. In an instant, he releases his hold on one arm, slamming a balled fist into the bed mere inches away from your head. Your mouth gapes in terror, his knuckles straining threateningly against the skin. The fingers unfurl, instead quickly snaking around your throat in a vice grip. His thumb hardens, pressing against your windpipe with a crushing force. Hot, angry tears trail down his face, his teeth grinding against each other as he spits a stream of muttered vulgarities. You’re gasping; silently pleading for the respite of air, which only spurs his thumb to drive deeper against your throat.
“Why are you making me do this?!” Eijirou squeezed his eyes shut, heart wrenching in his chest. “I don’t want to hurt you. Why can’t you just let me keep you safe? What if you got hurt out there?” Every word threatens to break, his voice unsteady and pained. “Why couldn’t you just behave?!”
Kirishima’s senses regain when he sees your eyelids dipping, releasing his immovable hold. He cups your cheeks with calloused palms, tears mingling with your own as they drip upon your face. Somehow, his softened expression of apprehension is more terrifying than that of rage.
“I’ve been too lenient, haven’t I?” His hand left your cheek, slowly inching down your arm as he shook his head. Eijirou’s fingers interlocked with yours - and they harden. He isn’t choking you anymore, so why can’t you breathe?
“I’m sorry, princess. I don’t want to do this, but what choice do I have?”
You shake your head frantically, your sobs amplifying. He flashes a weak smile, a deranged attempt at reassurance.
“I-I need to punish you, (Y/n). How else are you going to learn?” A brief, apologetic kiss is placed at the corner of your mouth.
The hardened digits crushingly tighten.
“I just want the best for you. You know that, right?”
All that work to earn his praise and leniency - gone. That trust you so meticulously earned was crushed, the bones in your hand threatening to do the same. Kirshima shushed your whimpers and cries of pain as he tightened his grip.
“Please, don’t make this harder than it has to be. Take it like a good girl, for me.”
Blinding agony, blurred vision, his voice resounding against your ear.
“I love you,”
“So never make me do this again.”
Kirishima’s Plaything - Part 11 - My Only Love

Series Masterlist
Tagging: @ladyinpastelpink bc I know she’s gonna wanna see this
A/N: This is going to be LONG. Make sure to buckle in.
“That was a pretty bad thing I did, huh?” He chuckled, looking out of the window, staring down at everyone on the streets beneath. “I really… never imagined I’d have to threaten anyone like that. But I can’t just have some big-wig with a badge threatening my baby like that-” his breath hinged at the last word and he choked for a second, taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “Well… alright, maybe not my baby, since you… clearly don’t want to be called that anymore. I just… wish you’d give me a chance, you know? I’m not… whatever you think I am. I’m not a monster. I don’t know what you believe, or what you think I am, but… it’s alright. I understand.”
The thoughts were racing around in your head. Was this the real Kiri you thought you knew? Was anything real? Did anything between you and him… actually happen? You wanted to ask anything and everything that came to mind, feeling as though your skull was splitting, but there was a voice inside your head repeating “He’s just going to tell you what you want to hear,” over and over. Maybe you were wrong, maybe Kirishima was wrong, maybe the detective was wrong - there was no one to trust anymore.
“I just want you to give me a chance,” he continued, pivoting himself back towards you and pacing to the chair next to your bedside. “I want you… to give me a chance to prove that… nothing actually happened. Except with Bakugo, of course… I can definitely… definitely understand why you’d think that was real… because I saw it for myself. I thought that guy was my best friend, you know. But to take the death footage of All Might, and have people voice over it with my name…? That’s… that’s pretty messed up.”
He’d switched again. You didn’t know this Eijiro. You were unfamiliar with these soft words and this understanding tone. It was such a back and forth, which version of him was, well, actually him?
“There’s nothing in this world that I want more… than for you to just feel me, deep in your heart again,” he whispered. “I know we really hadn’t been dating for long when you went missing. It was only six months. You went to the store to get some things for a half-anniversary dinner and then you… never came back. I was pretty confused myself, you know…”
His voice was choking up, and his chest was hiccupping with sobs as his loose red hair was hanging over his forehead. Glancing at him, as he folded his knees to his chest and burying his face into them, you noticed his black roots. He hadn’t re-dyed his hair in… quite some time.
You were getting nauseous again when the realization hit you that there was a possibility you were wrong.
Keep reading

Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Smut, Hand Jobs, Semi-Public. Word Count: 900 words.
Summary: Squad movie nights sure are more fun with Kirishima trying to stifle his moans.
A/N: Ft. A little surprise in the end.

On nights like these, when the rest of the squad are settled down in the living room watching another mind-numbing action flick, you're glad that you and Kirishima started to fool around.
'Focus Eiji... Or, someone's going to find out.' You coo into Kirishima's ear, shifting your chair to press in even closer. Your shoulder is flush to his, allowing you to lean forward and pitch over the table to peak into the living room, perfectly hiding the way your hand snakes down his stomach and over the growing bulge in his basketball shorts.
He tenses, shoulders locking up around his ears as you squeeze him. The adrenaline coursing through him makes his leg bounce, but he keeps his wiggling to a minimum. The last thing he wants is for you to stop, even if the group is only a few feet away. 'Baby...'
'Mmm.' You hum and press down with your palm, causing him to groan at the touch. 'Want me to keep going, Eiji?'
Nodding, he shifts bucking his hips into your hand to punctuate his point.
'Ask nicely...'
Pecking him on the cheek, you work your hand under the waist band of his shorts and boxers, feeling the wiry curls of black pubic hair scratch at your fingers as you move to take hold of him. His cock is warm and wet, heavy in your palm when you gently roll your hand down the shaft. 'You gotta stay quiet, okay?'
There's a fine sheen on his shoulders where he's almost sweating through his tank-top and his teeth are clenched so tight that he thinks they might slice his gums, but even that doesn't stop the almost silent whimper that leaks past his lips when you begin to move. His back curves as he plants his elbows on the table, hands balling up into fists on top of the wood. 'I – I c-can't.'
'Sure you can, baby...' Pre-cum coats your palm, making each achingly slow slide of your hand along his shaft easier. His cock twitches, desperate for a rougher touch, but you're nowhere near done with him yet. Squeezing at him, you twist your wrist encouraging another bead of pre-cum to leak steadily from the swollen head. 'Just let me take care of you.'
'I – fuck...' He jerks, body betraying him as heat pools in his stomach forcing his abs to tense. There's a shake in his voice when he tries to speak again, swallowing hard as another moan threatens to bubble up his throat. ''m not – not gonna last long if you – holy shit – if you keep going like that.'
You smile, biting your lip as you lean in close. At this distance you can feel each of his ragged breaths fan across your cheeks, see the desperate glint in his eye as his pupils blow out eclipsing the deep carmine of his iris'. 'Want to cum?'
He nods, not trusting himself enough to speak.
With a single peck placed just below his above his cheekbone, you pick up the pace. Each pass of your wrist makes him tense, his body lurching as you work him up, closer and closer to the edge.
Squirming, it doesn't take long before he's cumming. A rumbling moan bursts from him, barely smothered by the tension in his jaw. Thick white spurts from his cock, coating your hand in his release as you stroke him through the last throws of his orgasm. His breath rattles in his chest when he finally begins to come down, unlocking his muscles as they begin to turn to jelly.
'Shit, Kiri.' You chuckle, pulling your hand back and holding it up to the dim light into the kitchen. Sticky webs coat your fingers, dyeing them in a translucent glow that shimmers faintly as you bend and twist your fingers. Raising your hand to your mouth, you let your tongue poke out from between your lips to gently lap at a droplet rolling down your finger. A burst of bitterness spreads over your tongue, but that doesn't stop you going back in for another, longer lick.
Groaning, he watches as you diligently lap at the rest of the cum coating your fingers. His cock twitches back to life when you swallow, loudly before letting you jaw drop open to show him the empty cavern of your mouth. A sigh breaks through his lips. 'I'm – fuck – I think I'm getting hard again.'
The kitchen door clicks shut, causing both you to snap towards the sound.
Bakugo snorts, leaning back against the door. His eyes roam over you before flickering to Kirishima and scrutinizing the blush coating his cheeks. 'There room for one more?'
'Yes – uh - I mean, it's – it's not really up to me - I...' Kirishima is sent scrambling, struggling to piece sentences together as he realises that his half-chub is still out in the open, only half obscured by the table.
You smirk, reaching under the table to palm at Kirishima's cock, working it back up to hardness in a few slow tugs. 'Got my hands full.'
Bakugo arcs his eyebrows, tongue licking at the side of his lip before he pulls up his own chair beside you and throws himself down into it. He looks you dead in the eye as he slips a thumb under the hem of his sweats and boxers, yanking them down until both his balls and cock are freed. Reaching for your other hand, he takes you lightly by the wrist and wraps your palm around his cock. 'Aint you got two hands for a reason?'

-> Masterlist
୨୧— including: e. kirishima x fem!reader
୨୧— genre: smut
contains: overstimulation, sub!kiri x dom!reader, slight nipple play
↳ summary: kiri always doms in the bedroom, and gives you no mercy. So you decide to do the same..
freak: doja cat

Kiri is used to being the dom in the relationship, and you were fine with it. The way he would mercilessly fuck your brains out whilst praising you never failed to make you clench around nothing. But one day you asked eji if you could dom him and see if he liked it.
"Really baby? I mean if you want to go ahead, but are you sure you can take all of me without my help?" He teases, his eyes looking you up and down his heavy gaze already making you want to submit to him then and there. But you were determined, "Mhm, all you have to do is lie down and look pretty." You tease, catching the slight embarrassment in his expression. He quirked his brow with a slight smirk on his face as he laid back on your bed.
Not even ten minutes later, Eji was at your mercy. Tear stained cheeks, throbbing cock in your hand watching him write in pain and pleasure. Begging you to stop, whilst thrusting up into you sloppily, head thrown back with glassy eyes. "P-please baby, f-fuck just fuckk." Kiri's moans are music to your ears as you ride him faster, fighting the feeling of your legs giving out. "Please what baby? Hmm~?" You tease, using one hand to play with his nipples. Earning a choked moan from eji, "P-please don't st-top!" He moaned out, one thrust in particualar hiting your sweet spot.
Causing the knot in your stomach to slowly unravel, "Still fuck think I can't take you hmm?" You asked, looking down on the red head feeling his cock twitch inside of your cunt. "N-no no! You can your f-fucking me so well." He moans his grip on your wrist slowly loosening, "Good, then you'll be fine with going another 3 rounds yea?"

Kirishima x Reader
Kinktober Day 5, lingerie, drabble
Kirishima x Reader
Kinktober Day 9, size kink, drabble
Kirishima x Reader
Kinktober Day 11, dumbification, drabble
Kirishima x Reader
Kinktober Day 16, tit fucking, ficlet
Kirishima x Reader
Fem!Deaf!Reader dealing with Ableism, ficlet

TodoDeku x Reader
Kinktober Day 17, threesome, drabble

Class 1A x Reader
Male!Antisocial!Reader slowly opening up to the class, headcanons.

Hawks x Reader
Reader with nightmares, drabble

♡︎𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮♡︎
Day 3 of Kinktober 2022
Summary: you get the bright idea to bring up double penetration to your two boyfriend's you don't regret it.
Props to my beta reader for today - @sasualblxd - thank you again bae <3
1,175 words.

The three of you are inseparable. Some would think you're connected at the hip. Even when Katsuki's going through it he's still got time and space for the two of you. And Kirishima would never turn down the chance to hang out no matter how he feels.
The rare, but passionate, and soft dynamic between the three of you is exactly what you needed, in all honesty. The vast difference in personalities balance eachother out, and the three of you are thick as thieves, like you're tuned into your own little frequency.
Most days are spent with the three of you sitting in your room, doing apprentice work or playing Mario kart, during which Katsuki would beat your ass and then proceed to lazer Eijirou without remorse. However, sometimes the air gets a little hot and heavy.
Katsuki straddles you with an expression of shock, his eyes big and wide as he lets his usual tough exterior drop.
"Are you-... Are you sure-?"
It's at this point that you want to hide away and pretend you never said anything, but Katsuki pries your hands away from your face as Eijirou tilts his head like a confused puppy. He turns his body in your direction and the mattress dips a little at the extra pressure, and you squeak as your face heats up even more.
"Yeah- I wanna... Try it."
You can tell that Eijirou is about a second away from fussing over you and telling you how shouldn't feel like you need to do this for them, but he's wrong. You want them both inside of you.
In the past you had stuck to cuckolding and voyeurism, and at the very most they would spit roast you, but they had never double stuffed you.
You can't help but drool at the thought. Katsuki sputters a little and it's one of your absolute favourite sights when he gets all flustered like this, his eyebrows furrowed just barely and his cheeks all red. His blush even dusts his collarbones.
The air is tense with a pregnant pause before Eijirou snaps. The idea just seems too good, and if you've said you wanted it, he'll stop at nothing to give it to you. And that's all it takes for Katsuki to warm up to the idea as well. Your two eager partners loom over you greedily, and their chuckles synchronise in a throaty chorus that has your thighs rubbing together and your underwear soaked.
"Huh... So you wanna take us both, yeah? Awful cocky of you to think you can handle that~"
Anticipation pools in your underwear until they're pulled to the side, peeling away from your pussy lips to make room for Katsuki's fingers under your skirt, already scissoring you open.
"Geez, so wet. We haven't even touched you yet."
Katsuki's voice is like dripping gold, rich and sultry as he eats up the sight of your drenched skin beneath him, and the second he flicks piercing red eyes to look up at your face, monitoring your reactions, you're a blubbering mess, your words escaping you amidst breathy moans.
"Hey now, don't forget about me, babe."
You can't even compose yourself enough to think of a response to his teasing, but you don't need to as he leans down to press a delicate kiss to your lips spiderman-style, his rough lips colliding with yours after a few more seconds.
The air in the room turns hot and already starts to smell like sex as you get lost in the haze of pleasure and lust, and your hands make their way to languidly play with Eijirou's loose hair, which falls down over your face and just barely reaches his shoulders.
Katsuki takes the liberty of pressing his tip against your cunt first, rubbing his pre against your clit and fucking around for a few seconds, but you're not necessarily mad. You're not even sure when he took his pants off but you're just glad they didn't settle who goes first by playing rock paper scissors again. Nothing could've ever prepared you for that, but after being given a tennis-ball sized lump on their heads, they've never repeated the offense.
Katsuki's cock twitches happily as he groans, not even bothering to lower his volume a little, and you wriggle at the stretch. It's really not too painful, given that he's quite girthy, and the sounds he makes are the real cherry on top.
Immense self-restraint is something the blonde prides himself on having, but even he can't resist a few weak thrusts before he starts to stretch you out with his fingers again. A deep breath is sucked into your greedy lungs as you finally part with Eijirou and he flashes you a toothy grin as you recover, before manoeuvring down to your hips and replacing Katsuki's fingers with his own.
Your shark-toothed boyfriend takes a little longer to prep you than Katsuki does on average, and especially now that he's about to try something so potentially painful, but you suffer in silence as your pussy clenches and your juices leak onto the sheets, and you practically cry in relief when he deems you stretched enough.
The room spins and it feels like your organs struggled to keep up with you as you're yanked up by a sweaty, impatient blonde, and God, you didn't even realise that Katsuki must have serious blueballs right now.
Kirishima's warm, hard as rock chest is firm against your back and your legs tremble with anticipation as you finally get what you've been begging for, and more stuttered gasps melt with your boyfriends' when you finally feel his cock pressing deep inside of you and rendering you breathless. Your cunt is stretched out perfectly over your partners, and it take everything in you not to cry as your eyes roll back.
They've never felt this kind of pleasure before. Each rub of their cocks against eachother sends pleasure straight to their brain as little hearts appear in their eyes while they leave sloppy, lustful kisses on your neck and shoulders. What's really fucking hot is how they tilt their heads to kiss eachother over your shoulder as you catch your breath again, exchanging tongues while your pussy throbs.
Their hips move in steady rhythm, your G-Spot never knowing peace while they pound you, groaning and panting as hot breath hits your neck, and if it weren't for the boys holding you up you would be a little puddle of goo right now.
Katsuki cums first, filling you up and pumping you full with his sperm, and it only brings Eijirou closer and closer as he fucks into your wet heat, the blonde's seed running over his head and leaking down his balls. He delivers one last punishing thrust as he reaches his orgasm, fucking it into you to ride it out before slowing to a stop, chest heaving with exertion.
The sheets are ruined and your thighs are covered in sweat and sperm and your own mess mixed together, making your thighs glisten and stick together slightly.

© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan

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♡︎𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚♡︎
Day 5 of Kinktober 2022
Summary: Kirishima comes home to be surprised with you in lingerie, and he goes feral.
1,017 words.

God, Eijirou's almost home and you're only half dressed, what if he doesn't like it? What if you don't like it?
You just wanted to surprise your husband with a cute little set of lingerie after what was probably a stressful, boring day at work for him.
Obviously, you had gone with the red edition. It is his favourite colour, after all.
Soft, good quality fabric hugs your curves just barely, a lacy thong complimenting thick, moderately muscled thighs and bringing every dip out to the eye. You had gotten a complete wax about a week and a half ago, and wanted to show off to your loving Eijirou, especially since he never had anything but compliments to give you.
The air in the room is still and silent as you clip the back of your bra, breathing steadily and trying to assure yourself that Eijirou will love this, but a lingering doubt creeps in the back of your mind.
Supple breasts are pushed up and accentuated with a red bralette, giving you just enough support to make your boobs look porn-worthy, and belatedly you look at yourself in the full length mirror, admiring yourself and adjusting your makeup.
Painted nails tousle long, thick hair and the second you hear keys rattling at the front door, you rush to cover up with his favourite dressing gown, not even bothering to tie it in favour of holding it in place before you hesitantly open the bedroom door, greeting him in the hallway.
He gives you his shark-toothed grin as he closes the front door behind him, slipping his shoes off so that he can give you a kiss and hold you like he always does.
He's warm, and you always miss the feeling of being wrapped in his bear hug as he cuddles you, slipping his hands to your hips and rubbing his thumbs over the fluffy fabric of his dressing gown.
"Comfy, I see?"
He teases you, pressing his lips to your cheek and then your mouth as you take in the scent of his cologne. It's your favourite smell.
"Hmm- very..."
The questioning raise of his eyebrow at your suggestive tone goes ignored as you ask him how his day has been, but of course you know already considering that you keep in contact with him regularly during the day.
"Well, it was alright but- ah- the crime rate has really gone down so the past few days have just been boring paperwork!-..."
You give him a sympathetic smile as he complains, but he just sounds so whiny you can't stop yourself from laughing quietly.
By now it's getting dark outside, and as you kiss his cheek and place a ghost of a peck on his lips, leaving him leaning forward for more to no avail, you speak with a sultry but still playful voice, lowering it to just above a whisper.
"Aw, well maybe you can do something more exciting with me~"
He watches, mesmerized by your lips and the mascara that paints your lashes, and he's just about to respond when you drop the dressing gown, exposing the lingerie to him. His eyes trail up your thighs and the frilly, red lace that clings to it, over the thong and your hourglass figure, and up to your tits.
The redhead practically salivates, and it takes almost a minute for his horny brain to actually boot back up as he realizes that you're still in the hallway. His eyes darken and his muscles ripple in ways that has you soaking in his arms when he sweeps you away to the bedroom.
"Fuck, baby. Is all this just for me?"
You're helpless to stop the needy moan that escapes you as you look into his hungry expression, his pupils blown and his tongue darting out to lick at his lips.
"All for you, babe..."
He groans loudly and grinds his rock hard erection against your hips, dry humping you to get just an ounce of relief. Pretty red eyebrows furrow and his eyes scrunch shut, but once he's frustrated himself enough his pants are torn off with hardened fingers. Your arms wrap around his neck as you try to ground yourself, and while Kirishima rummages through the drawer for lube and a condom he practically whines like a dog until they're in his clutches.
Suddenly, your panties are pushed aside and cold liquid drenches your cunt, making your thighs spasm as your head shoots down to look at what he's doing. It's not much use anyway, though, because the very next second your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as your husband abuses your poor clit, already driving you close to your first orgasm.
He's a real animal when he's horny, it's like a switch flicks in his brain and he's suddenly pouncing on you, ravaging you and fucking you like a bunny. He barely speaks, only gifting you with throaty moans and cries that he only ever tried to hide during your first time.
Warm fingers are pressed inside of you, curling upwards to get a reaction out of you, drawing wails and gasps from your throat until he's got his cock lined up with you. The condom is brought to his lips and he tears it open, rolling it on one-handed with relative ease because he's done it so many times before, and you can't even take a little break to catch your breath because Kirishima's already roughly fucking you. One hand holds the back of your head and the other is comfortable on your ass, squeezing and kneading while strong hip bones bruise your legs, hips posting in and out of you.
It takes all you have to delay your orgasm but inevitably you fail, spasming and clenching around his cock and feeling him shiver in response, a high pitched cry piercing the air while little drops of your juices trickle onto the bed and down Eijirou's thick thighs.
Maybe you'll save lingerie for the special occasions then, because you can definitely feel him bruising what feels like your cervix.

© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan

◃ 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 ▹
Hello hello. We need more MHA hcs, so could I request for yan!Kirishima hcs?? -😻
Yay! Finally another MHA ask. Of course 😻, here ya go!
Triggers: obsessive behavior, stalking, extreme stalking, mention of being kidnapped, punishments, physical punishment, short mention of being thrown into a wall, mention of Kiri driving reader and himself off cliff. And yandere like behaviors. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN READING!!!

Kirishima seems to be more a harmless yandere, before slowly spiralling down into insanity.
He'll slowly turn into an obsessive stalker yandere.
It's fairly easy to get his attention, all you need to do is smile and have a pretty social personality.
That or be a Bakugou 2.0
He wouldn't even recognize it as an obsession, but more like he has a much stronger liking towards you.
He will begin by doing the stereotypical behaviors of crushing on someone.
He'll stare at you in class or other places.
He'll want to be around you more.
He'll try to befriend you, if you're not already friends.
Kirishima will ask people about you if he doesn't know that much.
Then he'll step it up and look for any of your social media.
He'll start to leave love letters in your locker/on your desk.
Maybe he might follow you around the halls of the school…
Then things go a bit too far …
Kirishima will start to look into the people you hang around, if you don't hang out with him and his friends.
He'll start to watch you more and more in class.
He'll stalk you in the hallways and hide before you can even see him.
It's's still not that bad... right?
Well, this is when he starts to acknowledge his obsession with you.
But at this point, he thinks he has it under control.
Just a few pictures of you in his room.
Maybe a couple old pencils you forgot in class.
But he'll keep up his stalkerish tendencies.
Kirishima will start to stalk you on your way home or to work.
He'll keep constantly posted on your whereabouts.
His friends might start to get a bit concerned.
Shit even Bakugou will try to step in, and that will be the first time Kirishima snaps back at him.
Things will continue to spiral downwards until he finally hits rock bottom.
Bakugou and the others will try multiple times to intervene and get Kirishima focused on something else.
But once again, Kirishima will just snap at them over and over.
Until eventually he will just drift away from the group completely.
Even outsiders will start to notice the grave difference in his personality.
It's concerning to a lot of people.
But Kirishima won't let their weird stares at him stop him from making you his.
It will take awhile, and if you aren't friends with Kirishima, he'll take you away himself.
And being kidnapped by Kirishima isn't fun.
He'll likely try to be gentle with you, but every time you refuse he lashes out.
He doesn't have a whole lot of patience at this point.
He's likely been stalking you for about a year now, so he immediately expects you to love him back.
Punishments can rage anywhere from leaving you isolated for days on end.
To throwing you against walls repeatedly.
And if you drive him insane enough...well don't be surprised when he is driving both you and him off a cliff.
After all …
"If I can't have, my little one is gonna have you…"
Inshort: Kirishima is probably one of the more unstable yanderes, and it's likely best if you don't get his attention.
Word count: 542
Thanks for reading!
❛ you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good boy / girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜ WITH KIRI PLS ILL DIE


line. ❛ you’re fucking gorgeous like that, spread out for me like a good boy / girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜
extension. shibari kink, oral sex, begging, praise + afab!reader/pro hero!kirhsima, nsfw, minors and ageless blogs do not interact.
things to note. dani baby, i hope this pleases you bc im ngl i ascended to heaven writing this hehe !! anyways ily mwah mwah !!

when you’d texted kirishima, asking him to come home early, this hasn’t been what he expected at all. he was a good man, he took his job saving the day a little too seriously. but when his baby texted him, in need and urgently, he was happy to hang up the mantle of number five hero to come and be your hero.
kirishima was a good man, but maybe good men don’t secretly thank the heavens that civilians don’t need rescuing so they can come home early just to fuck their baby.
“well this is nice,” eijirou does try to keep his voice even as he enters your shared bedroom — a place full of love and lust, usually in equal amounts. he feels his cock throb behind the heavy leather pants of red riot’s uniform. his tip oozes thick and viscous precum against the inside of the material at the sight of you, though it hardly does anything to alleviate his yearning.
you’re a vision of beauty, something only the gods of the highest power could spread, spread out against silken sheets with your ankles tied to the bed posts by red ribbon’s as dark as the blood that pumps through kirishima’s veins. that same blood that carries happy hormones through the chambers of his heart and right up to his brain, dizzying the redhead with delirium and desire for you.
thumbing the ribbon, eijirou comes to stand by the bed — swaying on his feet as he watches you tantalisingly scissor two of your fingers inside your tight heat while your hips back up in search for more. “you did this all for me? now, what did i do to deserve such a treat like this?” he speaks through a pout as if he’s mocking you, the rough palm of his hand traversing it’s way down your calves and your thighs that twitch under his touch.
truth be told, he is mocking you. because while he appreciates the view, kirishima knows your tiny little fingers are not enough to get you off on their own, he knows you must’ve been right on the edge waiting for him. his poor little baby. you poor little thing.
“missed you,” you croon, slipping another finger inside yourself to emulate the feeling of kirishima stretching you open. a squelching symphony echoes throughout the room as you fuck yourself and narrowly brush up against your g-spot, bouncing off of walls and shooting straight to the hero’s sopping, seedy length. “been workin’ so hard. w-wanted to treat you.”
“yeah? kirishima hums huskily as the bed dips beneath his weight. to see a man of his sheer size crawl between your open legs only serves to make you gush into the seat of your palm as it lewdly slaps against your puffy mound. “a reward all for me? god baby, i must be the luckiest man on earth t’get rewarded like this...” he continues, voice lowering to a carnivorous and lecherous growl that has your back arching away from the bed. the redhead can hardly control his slur either, saliva pooling in palette of his tongue as a sign post for his desperation to taste you.
calculatedly, eijirou spreads your swollen folds apart with two fingers — head swooping down to spit down on your clenching cunt and add his spit to the mix, watching the frothy white slide into your hole alongside whatever juices you leak. like the filthy, not so good man he is — he inhales deeply, moaning at the scent of your sex in the air. “you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good baby who just wants to be eaten.” his words taper off, drowned out by the loud slurping sound he makes as his lips wrap around your budding clit. “god, you’re so fucking wet down here, gorgeous. all for me?”
“a-all for you!” high pitched whines burst out from your spit-slicked lips and your legs jerk against their restraints when kirishima lays his tongue flat against your slit — sucking the juices right from between your swollen folds. he pushes your hand aside, languidly rolling his tongue past your entrance to fuck your greedy little hole, even though his appetite for your sweet nectar is probably greater than your body’s need for him.
kirishima’s ruby framed eyes roll back into the darkness of his skull at the taste of you and the way your nimble fingers sift through his red locks, harshly tugging his face into your sopping heat. “fuck me baby,” he laments mindlessly, lapping at your clit and your juicy pussy while you soak his cheeks with the syrupy essence that flows from your gooey insides. “i want it, want it all over my face. fuckin’ cover me in it.”
moving to rest your restrained legs on his broad shoulders, eijirou spreads you even further than before — whining against your folds, nose nudging your clit that pearls with arousal, pink tongue stimulating you to the point where your mind literally fucking breaks. you’re a mess, and if you could see yourself now, you’d be embarrassed at the way your thighs shake either side of your boyfriend’s head — every drag, and roll and flick of his tongue dragging you towards the orgasm your body so desperately cries out for.
“please baby, ah— fuck, please give it t’me baby. wanna taste you, want my reward so fucking badly, it hurts,” kirishima knows better than to talk with his mouthful — but he really can’t help it, wriggling his tongue against your ribbed walls in an impatient attempt to get you messy and squirting all over him just like he wants. three of his rough fingers find themselves on your clit, rubbing in tight circles while he sucks on your pussy so hard you think you might die.
“c’mon baby, know you’re close. you’re gonna cum for me? yeah?” a condescending chuckle vibrates against your sex, threatening to knock down the bricks of pleasure building in your lower tummy. “oh you fucking are. yeah you are… come on baby, come on. there you fucking are… oh, fuck.” at this point, he’s fucking the sheets — high on ecstasy, cock aching to cum but he won’t until you do.
your orgasm nearly kills you.
it sucks the life from your lungs and replaces it with all that is eijirou kirishima — your mind goes blank and your body convulses so hard that he has to hold you down while he kitten licks you through your high. eijirou takes everything that you give him too, gulping down the stream of your arousal until he feels like he’s choking, gagging on your juices like they’re the last thing he’ll ever have to drink.
he does so because he’s grateful.
because kirishima isn’t one to take eating you out as a reward, for granted.

꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 💌: reposted! accidentally uploaded it way too early for my liking, oopies

Kirishima has a badass daughter, literally. If you thought that out of all the lineages, this family has nothing but chivalry and kindness driving in their bloodstream since they have Kirishima as their surname, you are misinformed.
You see, she's like my sister: always partying, doesn't like being told no, comes back home an hour after the established time, and always. talking. back. ESPECIALLY to her mama.
And when you attempt to correct her, Kirishima always steps up to convince you (ahem, you with a belt secured in your hand) to lessen down her punishment since "she doesn't know better!" or "she's still a baby!"
Then gets taken down with her as well.
Fr he be feeling like he's starting a movement
You knew she was going to turn out like this since she's the youngest of three and the only daughter. Y'all already know how much of a girl-dad Kirishima is
She always wants to be coddled with her daddy and make it seem like you're the villain which he sometimes believes 🙂 Again, behavior from being pampered way too much ever since she a day old
She still loves you tho anyways
I love to imagine that Kirishima owns a rescued Teacup Yorkie named 'Lady' who has been there longer before you.
He absolutely adores her, even training he how to stand on her feet and give little twirls or high fives!
Plus, he dresses her for every occasion. Halloween? Here's her in this cute little Snow White costume! Christmas? Look how sweet she is in this little dress and barrette!
Literally, just this tall 200-pound man, built off of nothing but chivalry and muscles bigger than England, with a small thing that weights lesser than a newborn baby. Imagine seeing that at a dog park 😍
How do you feel about kirishima?
Hmmm, I don't know 😑 he's not really my type

𝙎𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙂. ─ k. eijiro.
𝗦𝗬𝗡𝗢𝗣𝗦𝗜𝗦 ─ (n.) love; lit. "I wish to be with you until death."
𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ─ kirishima x gender-neutral!reader
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ─ I recommend listening to "if you love me" by Brenda Lee before reading this for the aesthetic, yet if you don't that is also fine since this is only a small drabble BUT it's really a good song you should check out afterward. Oh, and marriage and gooey fluff 🤢

The music was fogged as two lovers slightly swayed on the tiny octagon gazebo adorned with the sandy glow of the vintage string lights. Your arms are gently enclosed around his neck as so his around your waist. You're so close that your foreheads connect, noses occasionally browsing against the other as you gingerly rocked jointly.
It must've been from all the walking Kirishima did today because his black shoelaces became relaxed and drooled onto the wooden floor. Without knowing, you accidentally stepped onto one and he narrowly falls more into you, enclosing the tiny neighborhood your snouts held.
You both give a dusty chuckle and stood there for what felt like a new era. Your eyes are still closed until (e/c) globes are freed from its shields when you detect your husband soften his jaw to speak, but then eventually decides to go against it as no words can leak from it. He resumes back to cradle you.
No word is announced as the edge of the song draws nearer, and if there are, your mind is unoccupied without the bossy thoughts running rapid in your mind except one. Your eyes narrow as you stare longingly at your spouse's lips, believing how much you want to lean in and...
And you do. This one is different, though. The kiss shared here at the octagon gazebo wasn't as brief as the one standing on the alter or meeting guests. This kiss however was just as wanting as the one on the matrimony but extended.
You could feel kirishimas lips melt as he pushed further into the kiss that he dipped into you, just as eager as you were.
His lips curve into a closed smile, the ones where you dimples begins to show.
"I love you." the voice belonging to the man is barely above a whisper as he kissed your smile lines.
"God I fucking love you." this time his voice erupts like an earthquake, trembling and having a big impact on you.
"I love you too."

𝙎𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙂. ─ based on this little answer!
Want more? view my 𝗡𝗔𝗩𝗜 & 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗧 or just skip right to the 𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧. Or maybe just follow!
a/📓 : okay, I've been wanting to invest in this headcannon ever since november first but that seemed inappropriate 😒 so here it is!

Okay, so you and Kiri have two daughters that are age five and four. Kirishima wanted to do something special for them and dress up like Santa Claus and pleaded for you to help carry with this idea. Obviously, you do.
The plan was to help Kirishima get suited up, wait by the Christmas tree and then you would go upstairs to wake the girls to tell them that the Santa Claus arrived to greet them and also watch how their pretty unripe faces would brighten with excitement.
Only that didn't happen.
You guys didn't even make it to phase two of the plan which was to have kirishima pose by the tree.
Fault number one, you miscalculated that your girls would be asleep (what kind of child falls to sleep knowing Christmas day is in a few hours?). Fault number two, your daughters heard thumping and giggles originating from downstairs which was from both of your goofy asses imposing Kirishima into the costume, so they came to the thought that Santa came without your clarification and they skulked downstairs and peeked through the wooden railing infested with fake, sparkly garlands.
And finally, fault number three, they saw mommy kissing Santa Claus.
(they jumped the gifts out of him.)
Kirishima listens to early TLC songs while he's cooking. He listens to "Creep," "No Scrubs," and especially "Waterfall" either with his black wired earbuds or just completely blasting it off on his Bluetooth speaker.
Like, the imagery comes across so hot to me... He'd be in the kitchen stewing some soul food; maybe collard greens and fried chicken while glittering beneath the lantern of the range hood from the heat of cooking. When you come downstairs from your premature nap, you walk into a pleasant-smelling kitchen with your favorite himbo mumbling something of "don't go chasing waterfalls..."
CERAMIC LIPS — just a little drabble of what it would be like if kirishima was into pottery.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. kirishima eijiro x reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. gender-neutral, high school au, no quirks au, fluff, not proofread so beware

kirishima eijiro, the quiet boy in your 6th-period ceramics class.
he has loud buddies, though. you recollect on the time you saw a blonde boy with yellow eyes leap onto his back, closely being pursued by a black-haired boy with awful posture and piercings, and the blonde-haired boy with crimson eyes and a frown craved on his face. you already knew his name from all the times your science teacher seated you two together for a project. you guys work together well she would say.
in here, however, kirishima is all straight face and silent since his friends aren't here to deflect. you know he's mrs urumi's favorite, she's always gloating about his works or peaking over his shoulder.
you didn't want to select ceramics as an elective for your second semester, but since you waited so long your only options were photography or exploration of ceramics. without delay, you picked ceramics.
kirishima was advanced in ceramics, always modeling extract sculptures or heads with intense care. he always looked so in love with his final productions.
while spinning your grossly saturated clay on your potter's wheel, you green-eyed him. you weren't confident if your jealousy was bred by noticing how elegant and diverse his creations came out while you only knew how to make a cock-eyed teacup, or how he cradles the life-size head so gingerly while enhancing details on its gray lips. His crimson eyes possess so much tenderness and warmth in them.
so much love and...
and your feet slowly add more pressure on the foot pedal the more you gawk at him. eventually, it builds a lanky, clay tentacle that was spiraling from the acceleration of the wheel it dangled on. the clay tentacle sprinkles portions of itself onto other tables —causing them to groan in annoyance— and attaches slivers of sludge onto your apron.
your teacher shrieks, yelling at you to stop the wheel, jerking you out of your trance. you lifted your foot from the pedal and watch your limp, mud tentacle slowly swirl to a break.
the girls in the corner giggle at you, though they're the ones all blemished in scars of clay. you feel the temperature rise in the room when you sense a pair of red eyes flick at you. Maybe photography could've fitted you better than this shitshow.
unbeknownst to you, he grins and continues working on his piece. he might look like he's in love with his work, but this personal piece has his heart beating out of his chest.

Someone write this, I'm begging you;
Daddy shark kirishima-
--someone of your choice /a1/b classmate/ (y/n) /
—they start calling kiri 'Shark-ishima' maybe it starts as a joke but as they become closer it turns into 'Shark-Ei' and it's their own personal name for him, and endearment of their affection to the oblivious ray of sunshine, (maybe they develop a mild~ obsession with kiri's teeth, or just find his qualities cute)
(I don't care if it's an AU or they are Heroe's, but sometime after graduation Ei FINALLY gets the hint they LIKE LIKE HIM, and he joking he says you can call me daddy shark, and they finally get together! (I don't have a daddy kink, but you might)
-insert fic-
Alternatively; jealousy, maybe a classmate starts calling Kiri 'Shark-ishima' and -insert partner- gets jealous and starts possessively calling him 'Shark-Ei' In Front of that friend until it develops into feelings? -insert fic-
(This idea spawned from THIS voice clip on Zedge of Kiri saying; ''*Chuckles* now just relax, leave everything to daddy shark' heard on Zedge looking for ringtones; )
Decorating Christmas tree with Kirishima
Summary: a few headcanons and a short drabble about decorating a Christmas tree with your boyfriend Kirishima 🎄
Author: Bear

Kirishima approaches Christmas tree decorating with the same level of enthusiasm he has for hero battles. He makes a detailed plan, complete with a rough sketch of how he envisions the tree's final look.
No decorating session is complete without Kirishima's curated holiday playlist blasting in the background. Expect a mix of classic carols and upbeat tunes that reflect his lively personality. Mariah Carey's on as well.
Kirishima insists on incorporating red and black ribbons, inspired by his hero costume. To him, every element should reflect strength and resilience.
Kirishima turns hanging ornaments into a mini-challenge, attempting to hang them with the utmost precision. He even playfully challenges you to a friendly competition to see who can hang the most ornaments without them falling.
Kirishima suggests creating some DIY decorations together. He's all about teamwork and bonding, so expect to find yourselves making personalized ornaments that represent your shared experiences.
Kirishima takes the opportunity to dress in festive attire, sporting a Santa hat or reindeer antlers.
Before placing any decorations, Kirishima takes a moment to inspect the tree, ensuring it's sturdy and ready for the holiday battle of aesthetics.
Kirishima is in charge of handling the lights, carefully draping them around the tree. He ensures they flow gracefully and don't get tangled.
Throughout the process, Kirishima reminisces about past holidays and shares stories.
Once the tree is fully decorated, Kirishima can't resist striking a heroic victory pose beside the masterpiece. He insists on a commemorative photo to capture the festive triumph, making it a cherished memory for the both of you.

You found yourself in the cozy living room, surrounded by the warm embrace of holiday decorations.
Kirishima, your energetic and passionate boyfriend, was bubbling with excitement as the two of you prepared to decorate the Christmas tree together.
The scent of pine filled the air as you unpacked boxes of ornaments and lights.
Kirishima's eyes sparkled with festive fervor. "Babe, this tree is gonna be the most awesome one ever! Plus Ultra Christmas, here we come!"
You chuckled, appreciating his enthusiasm. "Sure thing, Eijiro! How about we start with these candy cane lights?" you suggested, holding up a string of red and white lights.
Kirishima began to drape them around the tree. "Carefully, carefully," he whispered to himself with his tongue sticking out a little.
Soon you began to unwrap delicate glass ornaments, and Kirishima's strong, calloused hands carefully took hold of the fragile decorations. "Gotta be gentle with these, right?" he grinned, his red hair catching the warm glow of the lights.
As you adorned the tree with ornaments, Kirishima couldn't resist teasing. "You know, our tree is as tough as me! Unbreakable tree and decorations for an unbreakable hero!" Kirishima playfully flexed his muscles.
"I just love how positive you are about preparing everything," you mused sweetly, giving him a look.
Amidst the laughter and playful banter, a soft melody of holiday tunes played in the background ("All I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey).
As the tree began to take shape, you noticed a thoughtful expression on Kirishima's face. "You know, the holidays are about spreading warmth and joy. Just like us heroes do for people every day."
While decorating, you couldn't help but admire how focused he was, his crimson eyes gleaming with the joy of the season.
"How about we add some glitter for that extra sparkle?" you proposed, holding up a container of sparkling gold dust.
"Glitter! Yeah! Let's do it!" Kirishima grinned, letting you sprinkle glitter over the tree. The soft glow of the lights caught the glitter, creating a magical shimmer.
As you stepped back to admire your work, Kirishima wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close. "Our tree will be the best, just like us," he declared proudly.
You both shared a quiet moment appreciating the significance of the season. The room was filled not only with the soft glow of Christmas lights but also with the warmth of shared moments and love.
With the tree now fully adorned, Kirishima looked at you with a satisfied grin on his face. "Our Christmas tree is a masterpiece! Just like our relationship, right?"
You nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for the moments you shared with Kirishima. The room seemed to glow with a magical aura, and you couldn't help but be swept away by the festive spirit. "It's truly beautiful, Kiri!"
As you both sat on the couch, surrounded by the glow of the Christmas tree, Kirishima pulled you into a warm embrace. "Merry early Christmas, my love. Here's to many more holidays together, full of laughter and love! Mind taking a quick pic for my Insta? Gotta show off our epic Christmas tree!"
He went back to the tree, and struck a pose, flexing his muscles.
You snapped a few shots for him. "There, I'm sure your fans will love it."
"Thanks! But the one I want to post is with you. C'mere."
He took his phone grom you, adjusting the angle to frame both of you and the tree. As you stood side by side, Kirishima wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close, kissing your cheek. The lights and ornaments created a festive backdrop for the photo.
Click! The camera captured the moment, freezing it in time. Kirishima eagerly checked the photo, a wide smile spreading across his face. "This is truly delightful. I couldn't have wished for anything more this Christmas."

- you catch kirishima watching p-rn and ask to watch with him. can you guess what happens next? 🤭
note: this could also go for kaminari too UGHH
cw: (COLLEGE AU!) virgin!kirishima, virgin!reader, piv (female genitalia!), oral (f receiving) i think that’s all!! if i missed anything lmk!
you didn’t mean to ease drop. you were on your way to his dorm when you heard strange noises coming from inside, halting your fist just before your knuckles hit the door to press your ear against the wood with wide eyes. you couldn’t believe your ears, your bestfriend was watching porn.
you opened the door and kirishima couldn’t be more quick to practically slam his laptop shut, wide eyed with parted lips as he stared back at you. “were you just watching porn?” you question even though you already know and he shakes his head frantically to which you laugh and point a finger at him. “you totally were!”
his face is beat red at this point, bending his elbow and hiding his face behind his forearm and bicep, rambling on about how embarrassed he was. :(((( he’s so cute.
“can i watch too?”
he’s baffled that you would even ask such a thing, slowly lowering his arm to give you a questionable look, eyes slightly narrowed. he almost thought he was hearing things at first. “uhmm… sure…”
so you sit beside him on his bed, both criss crossing your legs causing your knees to touch and he presses play sheepishly. you guys sit in silence for a few awkward seconds, watching the grossly over exaggerated performance but you eventually start cracking jokes which causes him to laugh.
the both of you end up talking about the general idea of sex and it comes out that you’re both virgins. eijirou purses his lips as he glances back down at the laptop for a moment and suddenly without thinking, asks you if you wanted to try it out with him. although when he realizes what he said he’s back to being all embarrassed, trying so hard to defend himself.
“i mean… maybe we could figure it out together… UH-i mean like if yknow you ever wanted to- or-.. just forget i said anything.” he’s such a stuttering mess it’s adorable!!
you giggle and happily agree to his offer and he’s stunned. if any more surprises hit him tonight, he’s afraid he’ll have a heart attack.
you two end up trying what you saw in the video you watched - you started with innocent kisses; soft and sweet with both your guys’ hands cupping each others face as you both giggle into the kiss. and than the kissing progressed, a full on make out sesh that grew more intense. you end up in his lap and he’s grabbing onto anything he can touch. your shoulders, your waist, your thighs. and every time his short nails graze against your skin your humming with approval and he’s sooo dizzy.
he’s getting desperate and needy and you’re not far behind him, his hands guiding your hips against his painful hard-on, the room filled with breathy moans and gasps and all sorts of other desperate noises youre both probably embarrassed of.
you’re getting impatient, gripping his soft red hair to pull away and he’s chasing your lips.
“do you have condoms?”
he practically tumbles over the side of his bed and you erupt into a fit of giggles as he yanks open his bed side drawer and pulls out a condom.
the SECOND he pushes inside you his face pales over because shit he already feels like he’s going to cum. he’s mumbling incoherent nonsense under his breath and praying to GOD that he doesn’t embarrass himself and he’s so grateful you need a second to get used to the feeling of penetration before any movement happens.
his muscular body is hovering above you with his blanket covering you both and when you give him the go ahead to start moving he grows more anxious. he drags his hips out and his face is contorting and twisting in pleasure, a shaky groan leaving him as he slowly pushes back into you.
hearing that high pitched gasp when his tip kissed your cervix has his hips snapping back to push right back into you, wanting, needing to hear that sound again. over and over, he’s met with soft moans that has him running, sprinting to the finish line, leaning down to nip at your neck as you hold onto him and lock your legs around his waist.
“kirii..” you whine out, clenching around him and practically pulling him back in every single time he winds back and that was the literal end of him.
before he can even warn you his cumming into the condom, arms tightly wrapped around you as he fucks into you desperately, moaning into your neck and rambling incoherent praise.
when he’s realized he came in the first three minutes his face is as red as his hair and he’s pulling away to look down at you in a panic of embarrassment.
“i-i’m so sorry! fuck you just felt so good i couldn’t help myself.. did you finish?”
he’s horrified when you giggle and shake your head despite the content look on your face and he’s shoving his own face into the nape of your neck, apologizing over and over again and you only laugh.
“it’s okay kiri, i swear! it’s normal, you don’t have to be embarrassed.” you soothed but he wasn’t convinced.
“nono, i’m not gonna leave you unsatisfied.. that wouldn’t be manly at all.”
you’re shocked as you watch him shuffle down the bed and move in between your legs, about to object but we’re cut off by his tongue pressing flat against your core. your body jolts and you cry out at the stimulation, and kirishima has a sparkle in his eyes at the effect he has on you.
he’s like a kid in a candy store, lapping at your little bundle of nerves with a firm hold on your hips. he moves his tongue just like he saw in the video, flicking your sensitive bud and wrapping his lips around it. he’s making out with your heat like a starved man, moaning into you as if eating you out is causing him some immense amount of pleasure.
the vibrations from his voice against your clit is enough to make you finally come undone, legs shaking and your toes curling and you SWEAR you saw stars.
kirishima is cleaning you up, drinking down your cum and you squeal at the over stimulation, pushing against the top of his head. “too much!”
the red headed boy pulls himself up with a wide smile and a wet chin, his tongue darting out to clear any of your remaining essence off his lips. “i never thought i’d love doing that so much!” he exclaims and you shake your head with a dopey smile, still coming down from your high.
“hey, you up for another round?”
kirishima asks sheepishly after sitting up to reveal that he was hard again and you just sit up and pounce on him.
it’s safe to say you two did a lot of that in your guys’ free time after that. 🤗