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2 years ago

Submitted Prompts #53

Danny, after the whole Pariah Dark thing, gets summoned once by cultists, and it almost goes wrong, when the GIW get wind of a ritual going down and storm the basement where it's happening.

After that, he immediately takes up the Crown and, as his first decree, "By order of King Phantom the Just, the Starlight King, defeated of Pariah Dark, all summons are hereby declared as non-functional until a time wherein the Anti-Ecto Acts are lifted and the GIW is disbanded." This means that, for all intents and purposes, the new Ghost King has blocked all summons from going through.

And it also mean that, when the Justice League need Zatanna and friends to summon the Ghost King, all they get is the magical equivalent of a call going to voicemail, just playing the King's Decree at them. After getting their asses kicked by the thing they were fighting but barely managing to defeat it, they go and investigate these Anti-Ecto Acts and this GIW, because this is a PROBLEM, and no help will ever come from the Infinite Realms because in their hubris, the JL never heard a small town and their local hero begging for help, and now it's everyone's problem instead.

Cue the desperate struggle against their own government, horror at the things the GIW have on record as "legally sanctioned experiments", and meeting some very traumatized ghosts hailing their Starlight King as a savior and light of hope, who shunned his own birth species to ensure that the humans can never hurt them again (I imagine the ghosts, even the Ancients, all have the same view of "humans are horrible to our kind, except these humans" *holds Danny, Sam and Tucker like they're kittens* Yes, Dani/Ellie is there, and she's laughing).

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10 months ago

ok but what if our bones stsrted decaying from using them too much. would make a cool ass book/curse/world/whatever

Teeth are bullshit. What do you mean youā€™re decaying. Get a fucking grip. Youā€™re a bone now act like it. You donā€™t see my finger bones decaying from jerking it too much now do you

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1 year ago

what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkk

Temporary Unit Chief Derek gave me an ideaā€¦

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10 months ago

I need more fics about Loki and Peter. Spiders are literally Lokiā€™s domain. He is not just the hod of mischief but also the god of spiders. Heā€™d be so attached so some weird kid who has spider dna and who is nice to him.

And Peter wouldnā€™t care about Lokiā€™s past cus 1) mind control is a bitch 2) wade wilson, Deadpool. Peter is used to taming evil chaotic people getting weirdly attached to him

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6 years ago

bruce: finally, someone who understands !!! isnā€™t sharing your mind and body with a monster the worst???? itā€™s ruined my life and i want to die.

eddie, who came so hard from venom slithering up into his asshole that he went blind for like twenty minutes this morning:

Bruce: Finally, Someone Who Understands !!! Isnt Sharing Your Mind And Body With A Monster The Worst????

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3 years ago

a superhero on an intergalactic adventure trying desperately to save the world in record time so she can get back to the birthday party her wife is throwing for Jennifer, their adopted 2 year old

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no clue where the mlp infection thing originated but now in my girlboss ADHD brain I had this extremely specific Stranger Things au based off of both that and "Heathens" by twenty-one pilots ok buckle up because there is no guarantee this will be formatted pretty

** and please note!!! I do not support the show anymore, nor the Zionist actors who are in the show!! This is born purely out of hyperfixation, I do not intend to promote the show in any way**

IMAGINE, OK, post season two with the tunnels? Ok now imagine that the spores were like parasitic but they were dormant. WE THEN SKIP to season 4, when everyone is in the upsidedown. These parasites are activated. Slowly, the infection begins to take over the bodies of anyone who had those spores (pretty much), but instead of becoming mindless they are more like, echos of their past selves.

Let's also pretend, for a moment (and because I love him and live whumping the shit out of him) Steve is immune. The others are not. The infection spreads from the core group of kids, starting with Will ofc, who else, and outwards. Eventually, everyone who has been inside the upsidedown is infected.

They are not entirely themselves, yet, they do remember one thing - their live for their big brother and friend, Steve. This love becomes obsession, and the infected do not realize that they are infected, and seek out Steve. Now, imagine, Steve, unable to leave, trapped in his house with the living rotting bodies of his friends,

AND IN THE MOST SERIOUS WAY POSSIBLE please imagine one of those amv or animatics to "Heathens" by twenty-one pilots. You now see my vision.

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10 months ago

Edwin is kind of wattpad y/n vibes to me. Like everybody's in love with him except the one person he does like. Also I think your classmates sacrificing you to a demon is a great parallel for your parents selling you to One Direction

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4 years ago

Oh my god this is actual gold

Side note, Iā€™m morbidly curious as to what fandom Rickon is a part of??

Yet Another Modern Gendrya AU

Arya and Gendry meet in college in the Riverlands as freshman, he had to take a few years to save up, so heā€™s a bit older as a freshman.

Sophomore year, they get a two bedroom apartment together and wholeheartedly ignore the wildly intense sexual and romantic tension.

Junior year, Rickon is sixteen and having a ton of trouble at home getting along with Catelyn, so Arya offers for him to move in with her and Gendry and finish out high school in the Riverlands with them.

Rickon moves in with them, sharing Aryaā€™s room with her which theyā€™re both chill about because they get along really well and donā€™t care about sharing a bed as siblings.Ā 

After a few months, Gendry, in a truly entirely platonic way, is likeĀ ā€œHey, sharing a room with a teenage boy must suck for both of you, why donā€™t you move into my room with me. Weā€™ve been friends for a while, it will be chill.ā€Ā 

Arya, truly and genuinely oblivious to how this would be weird at all because she knows she has feelings for Gendry but also knows he definitely does not (sheā€™s wrong btw) and she can totally keep it together (sheā€™s wrong btw), is likeĀ ā€œWell, Rickon and I are totally fine, but the purpose of him coming down here was to get space, and that is pry hard with your sister in the same room and bed with you. Okay, sounds good, buddy.ā€

Rickon, as the wonderful Gen Z that he is and having been painfully aware of how much his sister and this guy are so obviously in love with each other and has been enjoying the hell out of them dancing around each other, at this point is finally fully breaking the 4th wall with himself, and is likeĀ ā€œ~~~bed sharing~~~ā€.

Eventually, bed sharing of course leads to feeling sharing and they finally bang and the rooms share a wall so when they finish, Rickon yells through the wall in the nightĀ ā€œGET ITā€ to both their chagrins. When they yell back at him to leave them alone, he yells backĀ ā€œAND THEY WERE ROOMMATESā€ and then dies laughing but does go to bed since his sleep is no longer being interrupted.Ā 

Rickon eventually graduates with honors and goes on to attend one of the best universities in Westeros, and Arya is so proud when he gets the acceptance letter she openly weeps and Rickon is a sympathetic crier so he does too. It turns out Gendryā€™s cousin Shireen already attends that school and will be starting that year as a junior, so Gendry puts them in touch.

Rickon basically goes through the entire same thing Arya and Gendry did, and Arya takes a sick delight out of the irony the entire time while Gendry would rather no one be involved in anyone elseā€™s relationships and mind their own goddamn businesses.

Everyone lives happily ever after obvi. This story would include intense angst over mutual pining and lots of doubt and insecurities all intercut with shots of Rickon basically looking into the camera like heā€™s in the office because he sees EXACTLY whatā€™s going on and has read enough fanfiction to know EXACTLY where this is going. And he is INVESTED.

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4 years ago

He calls Gendry Geralt?!

I didnā€™t think I could love this au more, but apparently I can

Also, everything you said about Rickon thriving with the attention and care of two people who actually invest time in him makes my heart swell

Yet Another Modern Gendrya AU

Arya and Gendry meet in college in the Riverlands as freshman, he had to take a few years to save up, so heā€™s a bit older as a freshman.

Sophomore year, they get a two bedroom apartment together and wholeheartedly ignore the wildly intense sexual and romantic tension.

Junior year, Rickon is sixteen and having a ton of trouble at home getting along with Catelyn, so Arya offers for him to move in with her and Gendry and finish out high school in the Riverlands with them.

Rickon moves in with them, sharing Aryaā€™s room with her which theyā€™re both chill about because they get along really well and donā€™t care about sharing a bed as siblings.Ā 

After a few months, Gendry, in a truly entirely platonic way, is likeĀ ā€œHey, sharing a room with a teenage boy must suck for both of you, why donā€™t you move into my room with me. Weā€™ve been friends for a while, it will be chill.ā€Ā 

Arya, truly and genuinely oblivious to how this would be weird at all because she knows she has feelings for Gendry but also knows he definitely does not (sheā€™s wrong btw) and she can totally keep it together (sheā€™s wrong btw), is likeĀ ā€œWell, Rickon and I are totally fine, but the purpose of him coming down here was to get space, and that is pry hard with your sister in the same room and bed with you. Okay, sounds good, buddy.ā€

Rickon, as the wonderful Gen Z that he is and having been painfully aware of how much his sister and this guy are so obviously in love with each other and has been enjoying the hell out of them dancing around each other, at this point is finally fully breaking the 4th wall with himself, and is likeĀ ā€œ~~~bed sharing~~~ā€.

Eventually, bed sharing of course leads to feeling sharing and they finally bang and the rooms share a wall so when they finish, Rickon yells through the wall in the nightĀ ā€œGET ITā€ to both their chagrins. When they yell back at him to leave them alone, he yells backĀ ā€œAND THEY WERE ROOMMATESā€ and then dies laughing but does go to bed since his sleep is no longer being interrupted.Ā 

Rickon eventually graduates with honors and goes on to attend one of the best universities in Westeros, and Arya is so proud when he gets the acceptance letter she openly weeps and Rickon is a sympathetic crier so he does too. It turns out Gendryā€™s cousin Shireen already attends that school and will be starting that year as a junior, so Gendry puts them in touch.

Rickon basically goes through the entire same thing Arya and Gendry did, and Arya takes a sick delight out of the irony the entire time while Gendry would rather no one be involved in anyone elseā€™s relationships and mind their own goddamn businesses.

Everyone lives happily ever after obvi. This story would include intense angst over mutual pining and lots of doubt and insecurities all intercut with shots of Rickon basically looking into the camera like heā€™s in the office because he sees EXACTLY whatā€™s going on and has read enough fanfiction to know EXACTLY where this is going. And he is INVESTED.

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10 months ago

This is so good

The first witcher Jaskier met besides Geralt was Aiden, a member of the Cat School, who had been hired to assassinate him.

Technically speaking, Aiden's contract was to eliminate the Viscount of Lettenhove, but he was taken aback to discover that the target was actually the same Bard who sings about the witcher he'd heard so much about.

Instead of fulfilling his contract, Aiden and Jaskier found themselves sharing a rather pleasant picnic.

Geralt, unaware of this turn of events, is frantically searching for the Cat witcher who he believes is out to kill his Bard.

At the same time, Lambert, having heard that his fellow witcher is intent on hunting down his dear friend, is racing to find Geralt to prevent him from killing Aiden.

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10 months ago

Alright, so who is going to write Necromancer!Yoongi x Reader


Y/n: If I died how much would you miss me?

Yoongi: Itā€™s cute you think death could get you out of this relationship.

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2 years ago

Aww, man my heart melted for that little fella. Don't need a story for that, I'm already rooting for their 'Big Bad Character reveals a kind heart deep down after meeting the Cute Small Character' arc.

You wished to find a dragon to slay for its treasure. Now youā€™re not sure how to feel seeing a thumb-sized dragon try to drag its single shiny copper coin with it as it runs away from you.

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Somebody please immediately make a crossover episode of the paintball scene from good omens and a legendary paintball episode from community

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2 years ago

Headcanon that HCY after learning about V's mafia nickname drives him up the wall with English cat idioms.

E.g : "Darling, why are you having kittens"

"Your smug ass has nine lives doesn't It. How did you even survive that shootout?! Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

"Has your game of cat and mouse ended? Hope the Italian family is safe"

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(The part neon ghost is replying to is where I asked if Cherri Cola's gender was a Welcome to Night Vale reference)

Now I can't help imagining a WTNV/Killjoy crossover though. Like, what if Night Vale is the Zone 13 no one talks about or something? Most of the time the radio signals canā€™t make it through that patch of weird interference, but once in a while, the wind blows just right and over the static the Killjoys hear not Dr. Death Defying but a strange man mooning over a handsome scientist or whispering the nameĀ ā€˜Huntokarā€™...Ā 

"What's your gender?" + the characters i hc as enby

Party Poison: *nods thoughtfully* "Yes, i do, indeed, have one."

Show Pony: "Dunno, lost it in the City. Hope to get it back some day." *sighs whistfully looking in the distance*

Cherri Cola: *shrugs* "Partially boy, mostly void."

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3 years ago

Honestly I totally agrees also the way he's potrayed as an innocent charector just doesn't sit right with, like he's a teenager and he is shown as pre teen who can't make his own choices, especially in iron dad fanfictions, like what?

He's a grown ass 15-16 year-old please don't make him act like a baby unless he's actually a kid

What's your favorite version of spiderman outside the comic? Also why mcu is your least favorite. Just curious, not looking to stir hate or drama

Oh gosh, anon youā€™re fine.Itā€™s almost midnight and I get to talk about Spider-Man opinions, lets go.So first off, I know you didnā€™t ask, but for the record my favorite version of 616 comics Peter is the JMS run of Amazing Spider-Man. It starts on issue #30 legacy number is issue #471. Sorry I donā€™t know how the ā€œvolumesā€ are divided out in Spider-Man books. If youā€™re reading online its issue 30 of the 1999 section. The run lasts until the infamous One More Day story line (which is a rant for another day.) It has some of my favorite Spider-Man stories in it, the first appearance of Morlun, the whole ā€œThe Otherā€ story line and Back in Black which are personal favorites. I really enjoyed how he wrote Peter and MJ, how clearly passionate they are for each other, I liked how angry and full of emotion Peter is, that he gets wine drunk and talks with spiders. I loved the extra powers he got and how they talk about and deal with the relationship he has with his powers. Its a great run and everyone should read it. For my favorite movie Peter wellā€¦ the original trilogy holds a special place in my heart, Spider-Man 2 is my all time favorite Spider-Man movie. Nothing has ever beaten it in my eyes. That Doc Ock is perfect. I will drop anything if someone says ā€œhey wanna watch Spider-Man 2?ā€. However, my all time favorite rendition of Peter and his friends is the Amazing Spider-Man movies. They did such a good job with how Peter, Gwen, and Flash interact. The best by far. There were so many little things that just showed that they get it. Iā€™m really fond of how Peter was played, and how Aunt May was played. There are scenes in those two movies where everything is just perfect. Another version of Spider-Man that was done really fucking well was the recent PS4 game Marvelā€™s Spider-Man. Without spoiling the plot, since itā€™s still a fairly recent gameā€¦ just, everyone was written beautifully and gut-wrenchingly well. The MJ was great, May was fantastic (wow what a good depiction of FEAST), Peter was written and performed so well I cried, again another stellar Octavius. Everything felt great from the social media to the quips. So, why donā€™t I like MCU Peter? Or MCU Spider-Man as a whole.My number one complaint is how everyone is depicted. None of the side characters feel like the characters they are named after. I get what they were trying to do, but boy does it just not work with me. I think the only character I sorta like was MJ out of the whole bunch. The character that upsets me the most is Ned. You have to understand, coming from the comics, Ned Leeds is an awful person. He canonically abuses his wife Betty Brant, heā€™s the villain Hobgoblin, heā€™s just, not a great dude. And to name Peterā€™s best friend fucking Ned Leeds is justā€¦ I canā€™t ignore it. And in Far From Home, when they had him and that version of Betty date, it was just, upsetting and pulled me right out of the movie. And I know many people donā€™t read the comics. They have no idea. But I justā€¦ I see people talking about how great Ned Leeds is and how cute Ned/Betty is and I just cringe. I understand theyā€™re talking MCU but god what whiplash they must feel if they ever try to look up the character they love in the comics because boy theyā€™re in for a shock.

Flash Thompson is my favorite Spider-Man character next to MJ and I really, really, really do not like the MCU Flash. Itā€™s not the actor, heā€™s fine, itā€™s the personality and way they wrote him that justā€¦ bothers me. In the comics he has a huge problem with alcoholism, even as early as high school, so to see them make a drinking joke with that character justā€¦ can we not?Other people have talked at length about this version of Peter, and I understand that the MCU is tied to Tony Stark in a way that canā€™t be diminished. But it bothers me to no end that Peterā€™s character revolves around Tony Stark. His suit was given to him by Stark, the tech is all Stark, his motivation is Stark, everything is Tony and I donā€™t like it. It honestly feels like heā€™s just Tony Stark Jr. and not Peter Parker. I know in Far From Home they make a point to have Happy say heā€™ll never be Tony, but the writing sure as shit seems to say otherwise. I have huge issues with how often MCU Peter unmasks. To like, everyone. In the comics he doesnā€™t even unmask when heā€™s on the official Avengers Team, and publicly unmasking (at Tonyā€™s request/demand I might add) is what ruins his life to the point where OMD happens, (again a rant for another day). So to see him unmask all the damn time just bugs the absolute shit out of me.

Heā€™s not shown making his own tech, (yes I know thereā€™s a shot of him dumpster diving in Civil War but come on, Iā€™m supposed to be happy with scraps?) heā€™s handed most of his tech from Stark, we donā€™t see him directly making things and I wonā€™t count the little bit where heā€™s being mini Iron Man in FFH. I guess we can sorta count when he took apart that drone in FFH at the very end but again, scraps. I really enjoy scenes were Peter is shown building his own stuff and testing it.

I donā€™t like his stupid SHIELD outfit from Far From Home, I think it looks too much like a military/police outfit, which makes sense it was made by a military group. This is a minor complaint, I just donā€™t like the suit. lmao.I donā€™t like that Peter was given access to drones with a kill mode, I donā€™t like that his suit has a kill mode. His whole character is supposed to be centered around not killing. And these things justā€¦ they just add up? You know?

I donā€™t like that Uncle Ben is not mentioned ONCE in either of his two solo films. Ben is such an integral part to who Peter is and why he does what he does that to have him absent is justā€¦ It should have been Uncle Ben climbing out of that grave in Far From Home. The whole ā€œfatherā€ dynamic with Stark is justā€¦ Peter Parker has a father and his name is Ben Parker!

All the villains he fights in his solo films are just people scorned by Stark. Heā€™s fighting Starkā€™s battles for him and they donā€™t feel like Peterā€™s bad guys. Itā€™s a lot of little things that just add up with me. From the way his friends are portrayed to the way that they gave a kid whose family is a victim of gun violence access to weapons is justā€¦.. Overall these things make the MCU take on Spider-Man my least favorite. Ok, I should stop talking, Iā€™ve written too muchā€¦ā€¦.

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6 months ago

2020 Stan Pines

someone should write about what Stan Pines would be like is he was homeless (17-late 20's) during quarantine. what type of jobs would he do for money, what music would he like, what would he dress/look like. Would he be the same or completely different?

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8 months ago

Head Cannon for a NPMD AU.

Max survives, and during a lengthy stay in the hospital Grace spends an awful lot of time proselytizing to him. After he recovers, with a limp dt damage from the injuries, he begins a whole new life. Gets baptized at Grace's church, and even applies to Grace's Bible College. The two marry quickly their freshmen year to no one's surprise.

Problem is, Max hasn't changed. All those months Grace slowly revealed how horrible of a person she is and was raised to be. Max sees the light of how he can continue to control and bully people after hig h school. Hell, these people would pay him to do it! Grace is still turned on by his violence and power. Together they start a megachurch and have six horrible children.

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