Klaus Mikaelson Fic - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Little Witch (Pt 2/5)

Little Witch (Pt 2/5)

Klaus Mikaelson x Reader

You begin trying to piece memories of what happened to you and Elijah together. Will it be enough to make Klaus believe the two of you did not betray his trust

The day had long since given way to night, letting shadows creep over the buildings and alleyways as you walked the streets of New Orleans. You'd gotten a hotel room but couldn't sit inside the four walls attempting to push against the heavy barrier within your mind blocking you from remembering just what exactly happened between you and Elijah.

You couldn't go back to the compound so you'd been forced to buy a few changes of clothes. Once you'd gotten the room you'd showered three times and threw away all the clothes you'd been wearing. You felt dirty, something had happened. You knew it to your very being that nothing on earth would have driven you and Elijah to hurt the very people that meant the most to you both.

You needed help but was unsure where to turn. Davina was with Kol, she may very well turn you away. Freya was a laughable option even if she'd been on the same continent. It had been years since you felt so damn alone.

You hadn't realized how blindly you'd been wandering until you slammed into a hard chest. Arms caught you before you could fall and only then did you realize it was Marcel. “I haven't seen you in ages without Klaus attached to your hip” he teased with a smile. Maybe Rebekah didn't know yet? Or maybe she'd kept it from him?

You forced a smile onto your face “He's at home with Hope. I was just out doing some shopping” his eyebrows furrowed together in disbelief “Alone? Normally Rebekah or Hayley would be with you” you shrugged “Maybe I'm shopping for them” he seemed to either buy it or chose to let it go. He nodded and squeezed your shoulder closest to him gently “Well do us all a favor and pay a little better attention. I'd hate to see something happen to you beyond the fact that New Orleans may not survive his wrath if something happened to Klaus’ little witch”

You promised him to be more intune with your surroundings before walking away. You took a breath, uncurling that string inside of you that held the spark of your magic just below the surface. You needed to calm down. You let it seep out just enough to make you aware should a threat be nearby but even then it felt heavier than usual. Like it took effort to touch the spark when it should've been as natural as breathing.

Maybe you just needed some sleep? You decided to head back to the hotel.

Little Witch (Pt 2/5)

After a sleepless night you were up early the following day. Another round of showers and you'd changed into fresh clothes. You needed to chase down answers even if you were alone in it.

You were just heading to the door when a knock on it pulled your attention. You slowly walked across to it, as your hand hit the knob you heard Rebekah's voice “Just open the bloody door. We need to talk”

Great, was she simply going to snap your neck to save one brother from daggering the other or worse? You opened the door, feeling every muscle inside of you tense. She let her eyes track over you then shook her head “Calm down and tone down your magic. I'm truly just here to talk”

You stepped back and let her into the room before you closed the door then turned to lean against it “Rebekah you've got to know I love Klaus” she nodded before a smile slipped onto her face “No one knows why exactly but yes the love you have for my brother is clear. I just want to know what happened. Klaus is raging, Hayley won't look at Elijah and he's not exactly being chatty either. I've caught the basics but I'm still confused. You have never been more than friends with Elijah, how the hell did you two wind up in bed with each other?”

You shrugged, feeling yourself deflate “I have no idea. The last thing I remember was the two of us walking out of an antique shop. I'd gotten the owner to track down something for me. The next thing I know I hear Klaus calling my name and it was like his voice broke through a dark wall around me. When it burst Elijah was on top of me looking just as confused as I felt”

That barrier inside your head seemed to double in weight when you once again tried to remember what happened. “Sounds like someone messed with your heads. I mean I'm not well versed in magic but it's almost as if you were compelled but your magic prevents that and Elijah is an original. No one could compel him”

You met her eyes with a small smile “Do you believe me?” She nodded “Of course. I've questioned the why of you loving my brother not the fact of it. If you need help I'm here” you nodded slowly feeling a tiny bit lighter than moments before just to be believed “Do you think Hayley will talk to me?”

She shook her head “No but I could get Elijah to meet me at one of Marcel's places. Neutral ground. The two of you can compare memories and see where that takes you” you felt a flicker of your magic swirl up without you calling it. It slammed violently against that barrier in your head blocking your memories from you. Your magic demanded answers as much as you did. “I can't thank you enough” she waved her hand “Please don't take this personally but me intervening is selfish on my part. I can't stand dealing with Klaus’ tantrum for long”

Little Witch (Pt 2/5)

You walked into the bar Marcel had secured for this meeting and froze when you saw Rebekah sitting at the bar drinking a glass of wine while it appeared the glass in Elijah's hand was barely withstanding the pressure from his fingertips while he stood on her other side.

They both glanced up at your arrival but you noticed how quickly Elijah dropped his gaze. Rebekah plucked another glass from behind the bar and poured it halfway with wine and slid it towards you. You sat next to her and stared down into the glass. After a moment she sighed heavily “I'm moving now to give you two the illusion of privacy to talk”

She stood and walked across the bar to a table. You took a sip of the wine before Elijah spoke your name gently. You turned to look at him as he said “I apologize for whatever happened”

Did he think you blamed him? Whatever occurred you were both victims of it. “I don't blame you, hell I truly don't think either of us was to blame” he tilted his head to signal you to go on with the explanation so you explained how it felt inside your head trying to remember and even told him how sluggish your magic was being. He listened intently then nodded “If what you're thinking is correct what is the reasoning?”

You shrugged “I'm not sure yet but I feel like maybe you were used as a weapon to hurt Klaus. He loves you, no matter what's happened between you two you are his big brother. I was being challenged by a lot of witches for taking the side of your family in the fight when Hayley was pregnant before Klaus invited me to move in. I can protect myself but the original hybrid saying I was his? That sent a message. I thought I'd killed all of my old coven but if someone survived this could be revenge. Rip me away from the man I love, the family that claimed me. The safety of having reinforces to back me up should it come to a fight. I took on the strongest spell they had and I'm still standing. They couldn't take me down as a witch so now they're aiming to take me down as a woman. Make heartbreak heavy on my mind so I don't see it coming”

Elijah was quiet for a moment and you could see him thinking of what you'd said then he nodded “They used me to hurt you, to hurt Niklaus. When you find them you have my word you won't be alone to face them”

You smiled slightly “Thank you Elijah and I hope this doesn't affect our friendship because you mean a lot to me” He finally gave you a small smile “It won't simply because we won't let it. I'll get Rebekah to help me speak to Hayley. Perhaps she'll see logic but as for Niklaus..” you cut him off by saying “I'll talk to him”

You started to stand up but Elijah caught your arm and when he met his eyes once again he gave you a gentle smile before slipping a dagger into your hand. “I know you love him and I want to trust in the love I know he still has for you but he is angry”

“I can't dagger Klaus” you whispered and Rebekah spoke up “The dagger is reversible but if he kills you in a fit of rage to discover later that all of this wasn't yours or Elijah's fault the guilt will never leave him”

Little Witch (Pt 2/5)

The dagger felt heavy where it laid in the inner pocket of your jacket as you walked into the Mikaelson compound. Klaus didn't know you were coming, Rebekah had called him with the pretense that she thought he'd killed a couple wolves and he'd told her he was at home.

You knew this could possibly be a death sentence but something wasn't right. Both yours and Elijah's memories were spotty at best. The last thing sticking out to both of you was walking out of that antique store but hours passed between then and the moment Klaus and Hayley found you two together. What exactly had gone down in that time frame?

You froze the moment you felt him. "Klaus" you turned to see him standing not far from you leaning against the very doorway you'd just crossed through into the sitting room "I told you to not come back here or have you come to ensure I don't kill your lover?" You felt a surge of anger at his words. You loved him as did Elijah, neither of you would've hurt him or Hayley intentionally. "I've come to talk to you Klaus”

He took a step towards you and it took everything for you to not step back. You could sense the anger and betrayal rolling off of him in waves. "About what exactly, love? About how I trusted you despite you being a witch? About how Hayley trusted you? About how our daughter keeps asking for you and neither of us can give her an answer as to where you are? About how it felt to find the woman I love, MY little witch, spread out beneath my brother?”

So many emotions hit you at once. The love you had for the man in front of you, the indignation at knowing someone managed to get in yours and Elijah's head, the worry about if something else had occurred between the two of you, the guilt at knowing you'd hurt Klaus and Hayley and now the added guilt of Hope asking for you and not being able to go to her.

“Yes, if that's what it takes for you to talk to me then by all means yes” you could see the surprise in his eyes at you answering like that even if he'd swallowed the emotion the moment he felt it. He took another step forward causing you to unintentionally take a step back.

A flicker of a smile passed his face “What's wrong love? Scared of me now?” Despite his calm demeanor you could see the anger rolling off him. Betrayal and pain stained his aura as he spoke. “I don't want you to do anything that you'll regret later” he laughed and took another step forward and it wasn't until your back hit the wall that you realized he'd done it on purpose. He wanted you pinned between him and the hard wall.

He braced his palms on either side of your head before leaning down where you could feel the warmth of his breath on your ear. Your mind was working to remind you of the bigger picture at hand but damn your body it was reacting to Klaus’ close proximity. A whimper all but tumbled from your mouth when you left the warm flick of his tongue over your pulse “You're breathing hard and your heart has sped up. What's wrong little witch?”

You swallowed hard trying to find your voice but what he said next reignited that anger in your belly “Or are you wishing I was someone else” you reached down for your magic, using it to aid in the process as you shoved both hands hard against his chest. He backed up but kept a smirk firmly in place. You shook yourself to clear your head, feeling the weight of the dagger against your side.

“I want to talk” he waved a hand “Go ahead then. Tell me how it wasn't what it looked like. How Elijah somehow knew where on your neck you like to be kissed and how you were moaning his name but you somehow say it wasn't leading to you sleeping with him”

You forced the tears down that wanted to spill at his words “We can't remember Klaus. Neither of us have any recollection for about a three hour span. The last memory was us walking out of an antique shop together”

“Such convenient amnesia” he gasped and you had the urge to slap him. You never should've come here without proof. You shook your head “Forget it. You're not wanting to talk rationally or to see logic”

You took a few steps towards the door but the reality of the fact that if you were fighting someone strong enough to get into yours and Elijah's head you may not survive it this time. You paused with your hand on the door then looked back at him. He was frozen where you'd left him but this time he was looking at you at least “Rebekah knows which hotel I'm staying at. When I find who's responsible I'm tearing them apart. If something happens to me… she has a letter for you and one for Hope. Know I love you Niklaus Mikaelson and that I will until I draw my last breath”

When he didn't make a move to come closer you shook your head, feeling tears form in your eyes before walking out.

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1 year ago

Little Witch (Pt 3/5)

Little Witch (Pt 3/5)

Klaus Mikaelson x Reader

When you get your memories back you're determined to face this enemy alone. The Mikaelsons however refuse to accept that and set out to prove your innocence to Klaus

After you'd left the Mikaelson compound you'd ended up wandering to one of the many cemeteries around New Orleans. You'd never had any business in this certain cemetery but it had drawn you there, your magic bubbling under the surface of your skin as if it was trying to lead you in the direction you needed to go in. 

The barrier in your head was still very much a tangible thing and it made you question everything about yourself. You were a strong witch, you'd taken the brunt of a spell meant to rip Hope out of Hayley's womb and hadn't let a sob escape your lips regardless of the pain. You'd gone toe to toe with ancient witches and managed to still be standing yet someone was tearing your mind to shreds from the inside out.

Little Witch (Pt 3/5)

When Hayley called and asked to meet you'd gladly agreed. She hadn't spoken to you in days and you wanted her to get whatever she needed off her chest. You hoped maybe Elijah and Rebekah got her to see logic but there was only one way to find out. 

You walked into Marcel's bar and Hayley sat at the bar alone. You both shared a favorite drink and two sat in front of her. When you took up a barstool leaving one between you she slid a drink down. “I believe you and Elijah” she spoke quietly. 

You turned to look at her and she was facing you, the emotions in her eyes matched the ones you felt “You do?” You asked in disbelief and she nodded “I was just so hurt when we found you two. Not only because I love Elijah but because you're my best friend. It just didn't make sense no matter how much I thought it over. You've gone to literal war for my daughter. You love her the same as if she was yours. Hell you came here when I was pregnant just from me calling and asking for help. You're not the type of person to hurt someone you care about”

You blinked a few times to not let your emotions overwhelm you “Thank you. I'm still not sure what happened. Davina and Kol are on their way back and Freya is coming back too. I'm hoping with the three of us we can crack the barrier in my memories. If we can safely then that means we can get Elijah's memories back too and we'll know who did this”

She nodded slowly “What are you gonna do about Klaus?” You shrugged “You know him as well as I do. He's hurt and angry. He thinks two of the most important people in his life chose each other over him. I don't know how to make him see the truth without having my memories back, without having whoever did this on their knees begging for their lives as proof”

She reached for your arm and pulled you onto the stool next to her and wrapped an arm around your shoulders “Know that as far as you and I go? We're good. I love you, Hope loves you” 

You reached into your pocket and held out the necklace you'd been carrying for days “This is for Hope. It was my grandmother's. I got the antique store to chase it down. She originally wanted my dad to give it to me one day but my mother killed him when I was so young he never got the chance. It got lost for fifty or so years. I'll never have children of my own but like you said i love her just the same. Maybe if something happens to me this will help her know just how special she is to all of us”

Hayley turned the small pendant over in her hand then looked back at you “Promise me one thing?” You nodded “Of course” she half smiled “You'll survive this to give it to her yourself” you laughed lightly and held out a hand “Deal” she shook it then said “I'm holding you to it”

Little Witch (Pt 3/5)

“I have to do what?” You asked Freya hoping you'd misheard her. “You have to lay back and let us in your mind. Davina and I will astral project in and then we break down that barrier from the inside”

You knew your eyes were probably comically large. While you trusted the two women in front of you, the idea of them being in your head, your memories freaked you out a bit. “What will you two see exactly?” 

A smirk that favored Klaus slipped onto Freya's face “Don't worry darling, I'll make sure to steer clear of anything x-rated between you and Nik” Davina nodded in agreement “Our goal will be the barrier so that's where we'll land for lack of better phrasing”

Your eyes darted towards Rebekah who stood off to the side and she gave you a nod “I'll be here to watch over your bodies and wake you should it seem like things are going bad” you took a deep breath then nodded “Let's do it”


You laid down on the couch as Freya said and closed your eyes. The weight of the barrier was making your head throb but she had told you to concentrate on nothing but that blank space in your memory.

You could hear her voice, the spell falling from her lips. You had the sudden feeling of falling, your vision bursting with white light despite your eyes being closed tightly. About the time it registered that you couldn't hear the spell anymore you felt a hand on your arm “Wake up” 

You slowly opened your eyes or so you thought. Instead of the room you'd been in the walls were a pale blue, a long hall stretching in both directions. You slowly got to your feet facing Freya and Davina who both gave you a smile “concentrate. Which way do we need to go?”

You forced yourself to try to remember what had happened then a pain shot through the right side of your body. You motioned right before walking in that direction.


“How do we know we found it?” You asked after you'd passed probably two dozen white doors. Some held whispers of long ago, your grandmother's voice drifting through.

The farther you got down the hall different voices began to drift through the doors. You could hear Rebekah's voice the first time you'd met her long ago. Then Hayley's laughter, the shrill sound of Hope's cries when she was a newborn. Memories of the family you'd been born with and the one you chose fought for your attention. 

“I think we did” Davina whispered and you looked up to see the end of the hall. The bright blue and white were replaced by a dark shadow. It seemed as if it was simply a ledge falling off into an abyss should you not turn around now.

There was something familiar about the magic behind it. You took a step forward and the moment your fingertips hit the shadow a burst went through you. Voices, leading you to the cemetery. Elijah, refusing to let you go alone.

You stumbled back and Freya caught you before you hit the floor “What was it?” You were breathless as you said “My magic did this. Someone siphoned me to use it against me, against Elijah”

She looked from you to the shadow, a dark cloud passing through her eyes “Let's rip it down and find out who” 


Freya had already explained that once the barrier fell it would knock her and Davina out of your head and could possibly throw your body from the shock but it was worth it.

You took a step forward and felt each of them place a hand on your shoulder before you touched the barrier again. This time their power helped to focus yours. Slowly the shadow began to crack, small blossoms of light bleeding through then it was like an atomic burst. Your vision went white as you were tossed backwards.


You gasped, sitting up where you were now on the floor. Davina, Freya and Rebekah were all standing around you with concern written on their faces “Did it work?”

Memories were blaring into your mind. The voices that led you to the cemetery, how Elijah had refused to let you go alone even when you'd promised to catch up should he want to go home to Hayley. The siphoner that was in the cemetery flashed through your head,the way she begged your forgiveness citing she had no choice then the person behind it all “I thought that bitch was long dead. Explains how someone could use my magic against me”

You hadn't realized you'd been rambling until Rebekah questioned who. You pushed yourself to your feet, meeting their eyes one by one “My mother”

Rebekah's eyes were wide, “What now?” You wiped your hands down your jeans feeling the dirt there from your memories, how you'd fought against the siphoner and how you'd tried to shield Elijah from the magic. 

You faced Rebekah and gave her a small smile “I'm going to go give Elijah his memories back then I'm going to go find my bitch of a mother and turn her inside out. Good news is this is no threat against your family or Hope. That bitch just wants me dead, she has for about two hundred years give or take”

“If it's a threat against you it is against family” Rebekah argued but you shook your head, already determined to do this alone. “I can do this alone” “But you don't have to” Freya pushed and you shook your head again “I need to go see Elijah. The faster he has his memories back the better”

You started to walk out then stopped to face the three women “Thank you for helping me” then looked at the two blondes “Klaus doesn't need to know what I'm doing or who I'm against. Not until either I kill her or we kill each other” “So lie to him?” Rebekah asked and you shrugged “Not lying if he doesn't care to ask” and with that you walked out. You knew who you were up against now, you could make a plan and even better you now knew how to free Elijah's memories as well. 

You were going to enjoy seeing her on her knees begging for mercy that would never come. She'd tried to destroy you. She almost cost your friendship with Hayley and Elijah and ripped the man you loved away from you. She'd pay for it all and you'd make sure she wouldn't be capable of being a threat ever again.

Little Witch (Pt 3/5)

“What does he need to do?” Hayley asked after you'd explained how you could get Elijah his memories back. You motioned to the couch “Preferably lay down and I'll sit on the floor in front of the couch because if what happened with me is any indication I ended up on the floor”

She glanced towards the stairs and you knew it was because Hope was asleep having just laid down for a nap about ten minutes before you called. “It shouldn't be loud enough to wake her but with her witch side that alone may stir her”

She shared a look with Elijah and he nodded before walking over to lay down on the couch. You gave her a slight smile then walked over to the couch and kneeled down next to it facing Elijah. “Close your eyes and just trust me ok?” “Of course” was the reply he gave before he closed his eyes. You glanced back at Hayley “Just stand back in case it tosses me” she nodded, taking another step backwards.

You reached up to place the first two fingers of each hand on Elijah's temples then closed your eyes as well. Now that you knew what you were looking for, that it was your magic, this process should be easier on him than it was on you.

You didn't even have to fall into his mind. You could feel the barrier the moment you concentrated and focused on it. A slight burst happened as you fell backwards and Elijah sat up straight. 

He took a deep breath, staring at you with wide eyes. “Do you remember everything now?” He nodded and you smiled “Good” 

You got to your feet and nodded to Hayley “We both remember now” she started to take a step towards you but Hope's voice cut through calling for her mom. You looked at the stairs and Hayley smiled “You should go up. She misses you” you shook your head despite your heart aching to see the child that you'd fought for. “If something happens to me her last memory is the day I took her to the park, we made Klaus go on the slide with her and then we got her ice cream. I don't want her last memory of me being a quick hello then me leaving”

“What do you mean?” Hayley asked but Elijah answered for you “Her mother has been hunting her for years. She killed her father when she was young and means to kill her but not before stealing her magic for herself” you tilted your head towards him before saying “And if she wants it then I plan to make her come and get it herself. No siphoner and no one else being pulled into the crosshairs this is me and her”

“You can't mean to face her alone! She got inside your head and Elijah's! She's strong” Hayley argued but before you could respond Hope called out again. You looked towards the stairs then back at Hayley “Go to Hope. I promise you i will do everything I can to make it back”


You watched Hayley walk to the stairs and started to walk out the house when Elijah called your name. You stood with your hand on the doorknob and looked back at him “You're not telling Niklaus and plan to ward it where Freya and Davina can't get into the cemetery to assist you” it wasn't a question but a statement. You hadn't realized he'd seen that while your mind was connected to him. 

“I can't let anyone else I care about be hurt by her. She almost destroyed your relationship with Hayley, my friendship with Hayley and she may have ruined my relationship with Klaus. Please Elijah, let me do this my way”

He shook his head  “You are a part of this family. None of us want to lose you. We simply need to make Niklaus see the truth” 

You glanced towards the stairs knowing if you saw Hope you'd lose any resolve you were holding onto to face this alone “Please Elijah. I've got to go” he let out a breath that was more of a sigh “When you find her you let us help you” you knew he could very well stop you from leaving if he wanted so you nodded “Deal”

Little Witch (Pt 3/5)

Elijah knew you well enough to know when you were lying. He was on his feet by the time Hayley made it downstairs with Hope on her hip. “Where did she go?” She asked and he held her gaze, knowing she could see the answer in his eyes “I'm going to find Freya and Rebekah. I'll let you know how it goes” he kissed her on the lips, the first one they'd shared in days then left a kiss on Hope's forehead.


Klaus was in his art studio, a half drank bottle of top shelf bourbon sat in front of him as he stared at the canvas you and Hope had painted so long ago. Flowers and butterflies decorated the pink background. It stood out amongst his work, brightness in all the darkness. 

His heart ached to see you, transgressions he could forgive. Had it been anyone other than his brother he would've simply killed them and that would've been that. 

He leaned his head back against the couch about the time he heard the front door slam open followed by all four of his siblings screaming variations of his name.  He downed the rest of the bourbon that was in his glass before standing. If Rebekah and Elijah had summoned Kol and Freya back to New Orleans this must be their stand against him. 


Elijah stood at the base of the stairs with Kol standing next to him and both men were flanked by Rebekah and Freya. “Dear brother, come to relish in your conquest of stealing my little witch?”

Before Elijah could open his mouth Kol shook his head “Come off it Nik. That girl loves you. She's went to hell and back for this family, for your daughter” Klaus spun to meet Kol “Don't tell me you plan to have her next”

Rebekah looked at Freya “Just show him! It's the only way to shut him up and prove to him that he's in the wrong” 

Klaus narrowed his eyes at his older sister “Come to play have we?” She shook her head “No. I came home to help her. She figured out who's after her but you're not going to believe words. You'll believe seeing the memories yourself” before he could ask she touched two fingers to his temple and two to Elijah's.

His vision went white then Klaus was on the sidewalk, seeing you and Elijah walk out of the antique shop. You tucked a small velvet bag into your purse then slipped your arm back through Elijah's before he nodded at your purse  “That's going to mean a lot to Hayley and Niklaus both” you smiled “I hope they like it. It's taken me about seventy years to chase it down”

The two of you walked past him and he cursed Freya for trapping him in this vision but then you doubled over in pain. He moved on instinct alone to grab you but of course he couldn't. Elijah helped to steady you and Klaus could see the worry on his brother's face “Perhaps you and Hayley should go out on a different night?” 

You straightened up and he knew instantly something was wrong. Your eyes weren't focused on Elijah or the people milling around the two of you “Go home Elijah, I'll catch up” you muttered pulling away from Elijah as you turned and started walking towards one of the many cemeteries around New Orleans. 

“Where are you going?” Elijah questioned falling in step behind you. Klaus followed the two of you into the gates of the cemetery and felt something was off right before you hit your knees again. Elijah yelled your name but when you looked up at him your eyes weren't their usual hue but a milky white “Elijah, it hurts” the broken sound of your voice twisted his heart then he heard another voice.

A woman walked into his view, she had a scar across her face and nothing but hate in her eyes as she looked at you. He saw pain ripple through Elijah holding him in place as the woman walked over to where you were on your knees and grabbed your hair roughly “My dear daughter. It's taken me so long to track you down and away from your hybrid too. Now how should I ensure your hybrid removes his protection from you? ”

You whimpered slightly both from pain and being helpless. He could feel his anger boiling inside of him watching you be abused. You were his strong little witch, able to withstand so much yet this woman had you immobile on your knees. Elijah managed to choke out your name and to ask who the woman was. “My mother” your voice was barely a whisper. 


The vision shifted again and this time you and Elijah were walking into the compound but neither of you were speaking and your movements were robotic almost. He watched the two of you walk up the stairs and didn't need to follow to know the truth. Your mother had done this, the milky white of your eyes meant she'd had a siphoner. The way you and Elijah were acting as if you were simply puppets. He'd let someone hurt his little witch and his brother and allowed his own insecurities and pride to come before two of the most important people to him.

Klaus stumbled back from Freya feeling tears stinging his eyes and an anger boiling deep inside of him. “Where is she?” He asked, looking between his siblings. He needed to see you, beg forgiveness and hope you have it in your heart to give it to him. All this time he'd thought you'd betrayed him while he was in fact the one that betrayed you. 

“She's gone off to find her mother and face her alone. She feels she isn't part of this family and therefore not worth us fighting for” Freya answered and he shook his head “Spread out and find her. Her mother doesn't make it out of New Orleans”

@snowtargaryen @benbarnesprettygurl @svtbpbts @secretdreamlandmentality

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1 year ago

Little Witch (Pt 4/5)

Little Witch (Pt 4/5)

Klaus Mikaelson x Reader

When you find your mother you nearly rip yourself apart to end her

You knew the moment the barrier came down in your head that you were working against the clock. The surge in magic from you would alert the old hag that your memories were back, she'd know you were coming and she'd know it wouldn't simply end with one of you scarred this time. A death would be the only thing to end this, and one gruesome enough to ensure no chance of resurrection.

You spared a glance around the hotel room you'd been staying in. You needed to grab anything worthwhile out of it but it occurred to you nothing there mattered. The clothes were those you'd brought just to have some on your back. Every material possession that mattered still lay within your shared room with Klaus.

Your heart ached when you thought of his smile. The way so many viewed him as nothing shy of evil yet he was so gentle with Hope, with you. The memory of his laughter when Hope had covered you and Hayley both with bright pink icing at her first birthday. 

You'd never meant to fall for the hybrid. Your goal when you first came to New Orleans was to be by Hayley's side for the pregnancy and birth then to ensure that a deep enough line in the sand was drawn to make anyone think twice of letting a threat towards Hope fall from their lips but your traitorous heart had other plans. He'd proven to be such a different person at his core then you'd originally thought him to be.

The Mikaelsons in general were an anomaly to you. They fought each other, daggered each other and claimed to hate each other at moments but the only thing fiercer than the Mikaelsons fighting against each other was when they were fighting for each other.  That's how you knew they would be with your loss. They'd survived worse.Each member of the ancient family held a place in your heart and you hoped they knew it.  

Your mother wouldn't win this fight no matter what it cost you. If mutual destruction was the only way to ensure she never crossed paths with those you loved then so be. You could make peace with it knowing you'd taken at least one threat down with you.


You shut the door to the hotel room and walked towards the stairs. You didn't have time to wait for the elevator. There were normal humans here, on this floor alone you counted three families, two couples and a few guys on one last road trip before they graduated college. You needed to put distance between you and any collateral damage.

You made it to the first floor of the hotel and headed for the door. The moment you stepped into the cool night air you felt the stir of another's magic brush against yours but this was no witch native to New Orleans. Marcel had made the introductions himself between you and local covens to make sure there were no “misunderstandings” as he called it.  

No, this magic felt familiar. Yours answered the call, flaring with long buried anger from abuse at the hands that waited at the other end of this call. “Come and get me bitch” you muttered under your breath heading for the cemetery you'd picked for this confrontation. You refused to let her have the say so as to where you fought this time.

She'd ambushed you and Elijah like the coward she was but this time you were ready. No siphoner was in the state of Louisiana. Without that added advantage she couldn't take you one on one and win. You were a lot older than when you'd given her that scar. This time you wouldn't miss. 


Little Witch (Pt 4/5)

“There's one cemetery we haven't checked. Where Hope was almost killed the day she was born. Klaus, her power draws strength from her emotions the memory of the anger she felt that day would be enough to wipe out a coven”  Hayley was home with Hope considering everyone she'd be safe with was trying to find you but that didn't stop her from helping the search. Klaus relayed the idea to his siblings then started to hang up but Hayley called his name “Yes?” “Don't let our daughter lose anyone tonight. Promise me” “I promise. Come morning her entire family will be together to greet her”

He hung up and turned his attention to the matter at hand. The air hung heavier the closer they got to the cemetery in question. Magic was at use, something he at one time would've avoided. The closer he got to the cemetery in question he could feel what magic was yours, it felt familiar. As familiar as your lips brushing against his or a whisper of your voice in his ear. What he at one time despised now was a comfort. You were alive and from the feel of it putting up one hell of a fight to stay that way. 

Little Witch (Pt 4/5)

You groaned as you shoved yourself to your feet. How the hell was she this strong? You glared at her as you rotated your neck in a tight circle and got your answer. Multiple auras were around her, not just her own muddled brown one but an orange aura and two pale yellow ones. Your aunts. “You resurrected their powers but not them? You're that determined to kill me?”

You could feel energy swirling inside of her, she was building another attack “You're the biggest mistake I've ever made. I should've killed you the moment you were born but hoped getting rid of that father of yours would help” you let a smirk slip onto your face “Didn't expect his mother to come get me huh?”

You could see the stolen auras shimmer as if she was barely holding onto them. “The difference between me and you? I'll die before you walk out of this cemetery and go anywhere near the people I love” you hoped if you could keep her talking you could build a big enough blast of energy to rip her very soul to shreds. 

You tossed a small amount of power at her and she staggered then grinned “I'm going to kill you then I'll siphon power off your hybrid” you felt anger roll through you at mention of Klaus but then she tilted her head and said “Then I'll drain the little tribrid dry” your vision burst in a haze of blue, your magic oozing out of you “Did you really just threaten the two most important people to me?” 

You walked towards her and for the first time in your life saw true fear in her eyes “I'll tear myself apart before you hurt them because unlike you, I know what love actually is”

Little Witch (Pt 4/5)

"I can't go in” Freya nodded to the entrance of the cemetery “She's got it warded too strongly but I can feel her Nik. She's using too much of herself. If someone with vampire blood isn't there to give it to her the moment she hits the ground she's gonna die alongside that old bitch”

“Kol stay with Freya” Rebekah ordered before nodding to her other brothers “Let's go”


In all their years neither Mikaelson had ever seen a show of magic like what they just walked into.  Every inch of your body was covered in a blue light, your magic no longer hidden within your form. Even your eyes had shifted from their usual color to a vibrant blue that glowed in the dark light. A shield was formed of your magic, blocking them from getting closer. Whatever happened now they were forced to watch.


Your vision was narrowed down on one thing, making this bitch suffer before she died. You could feel others approaching and vaguely registered that they were familiar to you but you couldn't falter and give her an opening. It was time to end this. You leant down and grabbed her around the throat before lifting her up off her feet. 

Where the physical strength to hold her three feet off the ground had come from you weren't sure but you didn't care either. You looked into her eyes and smiled as a blue flame began to devour her from the inside out. “You shouldn't have come for me. You shouldn't have dragged anyone I care into it” your grip tightened on her throat before you added “and you damn sure shouldn't have threatened Klaus or Hope” you held onto her as her aura and the stolen ones of your aunts burnt under your flame “You'll die too” she tried but you simply smiled “So be it” 

When the final glimmer of her flicked away it was like you'd been drained. Your vision shifted from the blue haze to a gray fog. You'd burnt a piece of yourself off to kill her and there was a chance you'd burnt off too much. 

You felt your legs go out from under you and expected to hit the hard ground but two strong arms caught you and you heard a voice that fought against the darkness threatening to take you “Stay with me love” “Klaus?” You whispered before your eyes drifted shut.

Little Witch (Pt 4/5)

“She's breathing and her wounds are healing. Your blood worked Nik. She just needs rest now” Freya stood protectively over where you were laid on one of the couches in the Mikaelson compound.

Klaus let his eyes track the movement of your chest rising and falling simply to reassure himself you were still alive. “It shouldn't have taken this much out of her. She's taken on covens before and didn't tire” 

Freya glanced up at him “A mother to a witch is like a sire to a vampire. In a way she broke her sire line. That's why it took so much out of her, why it nearly killed her. A lesser witch would've burnt with her mother and had no say so over it”  

Klaus flicked his eyes from his sister back to your still form. He'd nearly lost you. He'd do everything in his power to keep you safe. No one would harm you again. “Just give her space. We'll see how she's feeling come morning” 

@benbarnesprettygurl @secretdreamlandmentality @svtbpbts @a-beaverhausen @snowtargaryen

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1 year ago

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

Klaus Mikaelson x Reader

You and Klaus find your way back to each other

Fluffy, semi spicy ending

You groaned when consciousness came rushing back to you. You tried to sit up and felt hands assisting you in the effort. When you finally opened your eyes Freya was squatted in front of the couch you'd apparently been laying on “Freya? What the hell happened?”

You ran a hand over your face and she smiled before offering a steaming mug that smelled like the chamomile concoction she usually made for you “Well considering I couldn't actually get into the cemetery from what I'm told you burnt her from the inside out”

You nodded slowly after taking a sip of the warm liquid because you remembered that much. What you didn't remember was anything that came after you collapsed and Klaus being there before you could hit the ground. You decided to test if your legs would work and a small smile slipped onto your face when they obliged and let you stand. 

Freya stood up as well before you asked “What happened after?” She smiled slightly “Nik caught you before you hit the ground but you'd depleted enough of yourself killing her, you were left in a shape similar to someone who'd been tortured. When the power burst out of you it left wounds and you were fading so he gave you his blood to heal you then we brought you back here”

You looked down and realized you were still filthy with a mixture of blood, dirt and what looked to be some form of ash covering your clothes “I need a shower” she laughed at your change of mood “Well I mean you are home. You know where everything is” you looked around and she added “He isn't here at the moment” 

You cut your eyes back at her and she shrugged “If he gets back I'll keep him down here to give you enough time to shower and change in peace” “Thank you” she nodded “I'm going to call Rebekah and let her know you're up and about but if you need anything I'll be nearby darling”  “I can't thank you enough Freya” with that you headed for the stairs.


It was the first time you'd been in the room you shared with Klaus in close to three weeks. Everything was the way you'd left it, even where the comforter had been abandoned at the foot of the bed. Was Klaus not sleeping in there? 

The thought of him sleeping elsewhere made your stomach churn. If Klaus thought you guilty of infidelity had he.. no you weren't letting yourself get lost down that rabbit hole. You needed clean clothes and to shower. Freya would stall him as long as she could should he come back before you were downstairs but there was only so much she could do.

You headed for the closet to grab some jeans and a shirt. With a quick stop at the dresser for undergarments you grabbed your favorite boot as well and headed for the bathroom.

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

The moment you stepped out of the bathroom you could hear voices drifting upstairs. From the sound of it the entirety of the Mikaelsons were downstairs save for Keelin who had stayed behind in Scotland when Freya had hopped a red eye to get back to the states.

You froze in your tracks when you heard Klaus say something. After a moment you shook yourself and headed for the stairs.

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

The moment you made it to the bottom of the stairs Klaus looked up and a small smile blossomed on his face. You on the other hand were conflicted about whether to approach him or not. He'd saved your life yes but he'd also not trusted you.

While you were contemplating the front door of the compound opened and the thought of anyone else was driven out of your head when you heard Hope call your name. You spun towards her voice feeling a smile work its way onto your face. You barely managed to keep your footing when the nearly five year old threw herself into your arms.

You wrapped both arms around her and felt her squeeze you as tight as she could. “Oh I missed you sweet girl” you told her and she pulled back with a broad smile “Mommy said you were sick but daddy and aunt Freya took care of you” you nodded, glancing over her head at Hayley who gave you a small smile “They sure did and you know what I am feeling so much better” 

She grinned “Good can we go to the park on Saturday?” You laughed then nodded “Of course” she squeezed you once more then wiggled out of your arms. 

Once her feet was on the floor she headed for Klaus so Hayley covered the space between the two of you to pull you into a tight hug “Never scare me like that again” she whispered into your ear and you laughed lightly “I promise”

Once she released you she all but shoved you to Elijah who pulled you into a gentle hug. “Do you realize now that you are indeed family?” He asked and you pulled back to look up at him “Always and Forever?” He smiled “Always and Forever”


Klaus watched as Hope went around to her aunts and uncles, greeting them in the individual way she had for each of them. He also watched as you hugged Kol and told him something that had his brother laughing. 

His little witch. Alive and well and so much stronger than he had ever even known. The memory of your power surging when your wretched mother had threatened Hope flashed through his head. When he and Elijah had told Hayley she'd looked proud and commented “A mother's love is a strong thing boys. Hope just happens to have two of us that'll tear anyone apart for her” 

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

Rebekah had insisted on a family dinner before everyone headed back their separate ways to finish vacations. Klaus sat across from you, Hope sat between you and Hayley with Elijah on Hayley's other side and Freya on yours. He noticed you'd been sticking close to his older sister's side and her warning to him earlier in the evening flashed through his head ”She loves you Nik but that love means you have the power to hurt her worse and you did. Give her time”>

The evening was quite enjoyable actually. No one argued and laughter was plentiful but as the night dragged on Kol and Davina had to catch a flight, Hope began to tire and everyone was heading home or to leave. 

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

After you'd told Hope and Hayley goodnight and refreshed your promise of the park come Saturday you'd disappeared deeper into the house. 

He knew Freya needed to leave soon as well to catch her flight and considering Rebekah had not so subtly asked if you were ok being left alone with him he imagined you were with Freya.


“He hasn't been sleeping in our room. We both know him pretty well. If he thought I slept with Elijah or even had intentions to sleep with Elijah….” You didn't even have to finish the sentence to know Freya understood. 

You were leaning against a wall in the courtyard, your jacket wrapped tight around you to block from the chill of the night air. You and Freya had slipped out while Klaus was talking to Rebekah. 

She opened her mouth then shut it again. “I can't say for certain what happened before I got here” she glanced towards the door leading out into the courtyard as if she expected Klaus to appear “Do you want me to ask him?” You shook your head quickly “Gods no. How does that look? A fairly old witch sending my hybrid boyfriend's older sister to ask if he cheated on me” 

“So I am still yours but you believe I cheated on you love?” You and Freya both flinched at his voice coming from the railing above you both. She looked at you “Do you want me to catch a later flight?” You shook your head “No it's ok”

You glanced up where Klaus stood “Meet us inside so you can tell your sister to have a good flight then we'll talk” he nodded “Of course”

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

You told Freya to call when she landed and watched her cab pull away before turning back to where Klaus stood just inside the doorway waiting for you. 

You took a deep breath and walked inside. The silence echoed deeply after everyone had left just you and him in the compound. A part of you wished you'd asked Hayley to sleep on Hope's floor or see if Rebekah could get you a spare room from Marcel.

You shut the door and leaned back against it “Did you cheat on me Klaus?” He laughed and you raised an eyebrow “Not really an answer” he pushed off the wall and before you could draw another breath he was in front of you “I swore loyalty to you when Hope was but a baby”

You stared up into his eyes, admiring the shade of blue they were. You'd always loved his eyes “You were so certain of my infidelity. You told me to get out, your eyes turned Klaus. For the first time I was actually afraid of you” you hated how your voice cracked at the end.

He stared at you for a second then to your surprise he backed away, giving you some space “You were afraid of me?” You nodded “You've never let your eyes change towards me. Even before we got together, when Hayley getting between us was the only reason we didn't rip each other's heads off. I love you Klaus and I knew no matter the circumstances I wouldn't hurt you like that but you wouldn't believe me”

He nodded as if he was unsure what to say. “I didn't cheat on you. I couldn't think of another woman. How can I make this up to you? How can I reprove my love?” 

You felt tears sting your eyes as you shrugged one shoulder “I don't know but I'm exhausted and can't do this tonight” he nodded “Will you at least sleep in our room? I won't disturb you I just want to know you're there” you nodded slowly “Yeah” 

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

Klaus had stayed true to his word. You'd changed into your pajamas and he'd told you goodnight before heading to his studio down the hall from your room. 

Hours had passed and sleep still wouldn't find you. The thought of him being so near kept you awake. You missed him, no matter the hurt you felt you missed him.


You tossed the comforter off and climbed out of the bed before opening the door and stepping out onto the walkway. You walked slowly down to his studio and started to knock him but instead you pushed the door open “Klaus?” 

He was on his feet and facing you “Yes love? Something wrong?” You nodded and before he could ask you said “You're not in there with me. I'm hurt, I'm angry but I'm also lonely and I need the man I love”

A soft smile slipped onto his lips “You've got me little witch just tell me where to go” you jerked your head back towards the hall “Come to bed”


You wanted to laugh at the fact that Klaus, the original hybrid, the man who was the nightmare to so many asked before he kicked his boots off how you wanted him to be dressed for bed.

“The less clothes the better” you replied and got one of those smiles you'd always loved from him. He slipped his shirt over his head and your eyes tracked the tattoo on his shoulder as he slipped his jeans off his hips, leaving him in just a pair of black boxers. “This how you want me?” He asked and you nodded.


He climbed onto the bed so you moved closer and laid your head on his chest “Klaus if something happens again…” he cut you off “I'll believe you love. I almost lost you once, I'm not risking it again”

You smiled and looked up to meet his eyes. He brought his other hand up to cup your chin gently “The thought of losing you, I don't like it at all” you laughed “How do you think I felt?” A moment passed and you couldn't hold onto your anger any longer “Will you just kiss me?”

“Thought you'd never ask” he replied shifting the two of you so he was on top of you, holding his weight on one arm as he brought his lips to yours. The kiss was devouring, him claiming what was his and you pushing your insecurities from your mind as his hand drifted under the top of the shirt you wore, fingers ghosting over your bare breast.

You let a moan slip past your lips and he smiled into the kiss “Missed me little witch?” You broke the kiss to glare at him “Do the cocky thing later but for now show me you love me and that you only want me” the look in his eyes was nothing short of devilish “Just tell me what you want love” he lips found your neck and your hands went to his shoulders, digging in slightly as a low moan of his name slipped out of you “Please Klaus” he bit down just below your pulse point and you felt heat flood your stomach. You'd craved his touch for weeks. You'd missed him. 

He pulled back to look down at you and his eyes looked almost gentle before his lips crashed into yours again.

Little Witch (Pt 5/5)

You woke up slowly feeling the soreness throughout your lower body and groaned lightly. Hybrid stamina was not to be taken lightly, even as a witch that healed fairly fast. 

You heard a chuckle and looked up to meet Klaus’ eyes as they watched you, amusement dancing in them “Are you alright love? I didn't hurt you did I?” You shook your head with a smile “Nothing I didn't ask for, repeatedly” he laughed and caught your lips in a kiss.

You could feel his hands smoothing down your back, fingers finding patterns to draw. “I love you Klaus” “I love you. Thank you for a second chance to prove that” you couldn't help the laughter that fell out of you “Did Klaus Mikaelson admit to being wrong?”

He narrowed his eyes but a smile was pulling at his lips “For you my little witch? Yes I will admit I was horribly wrong” “and stubborn and dramatic and really just downright mean” his laughter rumbled his chest where you lay “all those things but somehow you still deem me worthy of your love”  “For some reason” you teased and he pulled you on top of him. 

Once you were straddling his waist you gave a tentative roll of your hips and when he grabbed your waist with a mischievous glint in his eyes you smiled innocently “We have no plans until tomorrow” he raised an eyebrow “What do you have in mind?” You rolled your hips again and saw the lust in his eyes “Sure we can think of something”

@benbarnesprettygurl @secretdreamlandmentality @svtbpbts @a-beaverhausen @snowtargaryen

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1 year ago

Better at Baking

Better At Baking

Klaus Mikaelson x "Little Witch" Reader

Just Fluff

Klaus watched from the doorway as you worked the comb through Hope's hair then began to braid it as she colored the page in front of her. Either you, Hayley or Rebekah always made sure that her hair was done beautifully.  

He loved seeing your relationship with her. There were times he swore she preferred your presence to his and he couldn't find it in him to be jealous. He was overjoyed to know just how many people his daughter had who was willing to fight for her and he'd seen first hand the fire that would ignite in you when Hope was threatened. 

Better At Baking

He'd seen witches first hand for most of his life and when Hayley first told him she'd called you for help he'd been hesitant. Witches always had their own agenda but the moment you stepped foot in New Orleans he'd seen a weight lift off Hayley's shoulders the moment she hugged you in the bar all of you met in. From the first day you'd let every witch in the Quarter know you were there and why. 


He should've known he'd end up falling for you. He remembered vividly the day he realized you were unlike any other witch. Hayley had been taken, some coven intent on ripping Hope from her womb. You'd found her long before anyone else. When he and Elijah had gotten there you were between Hayley and four witches, a shield of your magic around her as you took the effect of the spell. 

The set of your jaw and the blue of your magic turning the usual hue of your eyes. You'd been in pain but refused to admit it until hours later. 


He'd found you in the kitchen of the compound and you were attempting to make tea but a light whimper fell from you when you tried to lift your arms to retrieve a mug. He'd ended up retrieving the tea for you and offering his own blood to assist in your healing. You hadn't taken it stating the tea you were making would help but thanked him still. 

He watched you as you ground herbs and put them in a steeper. You were so focused on your task that he'd gotten the chance to study you in a way he'd yet to. There was a silent strength to you, the way you maintained yourself even when anger rippled through you. How you could pull a smile from nearly every member of his family and how you were one of the few people who barely blinked an eye at him. You were a remarkable woman, witch or not.


Soon he stopped thinking of you as just some witch. You became a friend of sorts then as the two of you grew closer Rebekah became a thorn in his side "You've fallen for her brother" "Where's your little witch brother" "careful if you keep waiting someone may make her their little witch instead"

Long before he admitted it to you he admitted to her how he felt for you. She'd nearly buckled under her laughter but encouraged him to pursue it with a simple shrug "She may feel the same"

Better At Baking

“Klaus” you spoke his name softly and it was only then he'd realized you noticed his presence. Hope turned towards him with a mirror of his own smile “Hey daddy”

You patted the floor next to you “Want to color with us? I'm not as talented as you and Hope but I can manage to stay within the lines” 

Hope laughed leaning her head over on your arm “It's not that bad! I think your picture is pretty” Klaus walked over to sit on the other side of the table you and Hope were sitting around and you cut your eyes at him barely containing your laughter at how his eyes tracked over the page you'd been coloring “Hush you!” You warned but he held his hands up “I wasn't going to say anything love”

Hope tilted her head at your drawing, her eyebrows furrowed before pointing to something on the page “Is that a cat?” You shook your head “It's a car!” Her eyes widened and he saw the moment your resolve broke right before you started laughing “I think I'm better at baking than coloring” 

Hope who'd started laughing as soon as  you did nodded “The cake you made was really good” Klaus looked between the two of you “What cake?” you glanced towards Hope, both of you grinning before you shrugged “Oops? Not our fault, Kol took the rest!” 

“Betrayed by my love and my daughter!” He teased and you nudged Hope “Should we bake daddy something?” She tapped her chin for a moment then nodded and stood, grabbing your hand then reached for one of his “But he has to help”


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