Klink - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Drew Pokemon With My Left Hand, Klink, Photoshop.

Drew Pokemon with my left hand, Klink, Photoshop.

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1 year ago

Me as a pokemon trainer :D

Me As A Pokemon Trainer :D

Yep, so the reaosn why i drew this is cues me and dyn(aka dynsocs im to lazy to @ them XD) have been using the discord bot poketwo, they had the idea for us as trainers, so i drew mine, also imma say my current pokemon cues im bored XD: piplup(my main and also my pride buddy), panchamp(i would switch him out for someone else like my onix or something but idk how), fidough(the pokemon i have that dyn is jealous about, i just thought they were a cute pokemon XD), oddish(kinda the first pokemon i ever caught imma keep them in my party for as long as possible :D), magnemite(thought they were cool so i caught them XD), teddisura(not much to say about them), popplio(i got them cues dyn wasnt online so i caught them), klink(they were a pokemon i have in pokemon sword so i caught them cues i adore them XD), skater wooper(DYN DONT GET MAD BUT I CAUGHT THEM CUES YOU WEARNT ONLINE AND I WAS TO IMPAIENT), thats all of them for now

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6 months ago
primejourney - PrimeJourney


Looks like I can't get enough of the Klink line! With today's Sept-Ingo prompt, I couldn't help but think of the bros first receiving their Klinks as their starter Pokemon! Ingo's Klink liked him immediately in first hearing the enthusiastic sound of his voice!

I couldn't help but sneak Emmet in the back there hehe. I'm sure he wanted to battle with his bro the very second he got his hands on his own Pokemon!

(I think Ingo picked up his signature "bravo" phrase as a kid, but before he learned one of his most favorite words, he used other cute utterances such as "wowie!" and "gosh" and perhaps even a "gee willikers, mister!!". (His adult self might pull those out again once in a while XD).

When drawing their kiddy versions, I felt a bit lost on how to draw their hair! For inspiration, I looked at @noxstrages submas kid designs! Please take a look at it! They're so sweet!

I might take a better picture later. It's a bit late here, so I didn't take the time to clear up some smudges or fix the lighting. >>

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