Koalak - Tumblr Posts
a khal drogo fanfiction

WARNINGS: mature content, sexual content, death and gore
Koalak meaning •/ƙõãłak
a person who seeks to cure diseases or heal injuries by means other than conventional medical treatment.
Since birth Adira was known to be a healer. The maester had shaken his head thinking the lady of the keep was not going to make it out of the birthing bed. Her tearing was too great but then the glowing started. And once it faded away to reveal a fine scar, they all knew.
The new babe was special.
All her young life, Adira only wished to help others with her gift, but she was always locked away by her father until one day she received a raven from the most unlikely people. A Dothraki khalassar.
This is an ongoing fanfiction.
Koalak is a khal drogo fanfiction that i am also writing and it will not follow the books so do not come for my head because i mentioned something that is not in the books..
Also, English isn't my first language but i do speak it fluently. Writing helps me a lot with perfecting my spelling.
Thank you for understanding.
You can also find this on the orange W app
Koalak I
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Between Ghost hills and The Tor, lay Carn with a small castle and a small army of nine thousand men who would ride to the King’s defense straight for Kings landing, if the opportunity arises. Lord Firenze Odarys and his predecessors were known for being supporters of whoever sat the throne.
Many frowned upon the Lord’s views, some even titling him Lord no Backbone. Not to his face of course, for fear of retaliation.
Whilst many disliked Lord Firenze, those same people adored his children and his late wife, Lady Seraphis Hightower. They were blessed with a son and two beautiful daughters. Mars Odarys and his sisters Adira and Ophilia Odarys.
Mars Odarys, the eldest, never wanted to marry and wanted to take the white cloak and serve the king. He claimed he did not want to be burdened by a wife and children and lived for the fight.
Thankfully for Lord Firenze, his youngest Ophilia only dreamed of marriage and children running around giggling. She even confessed to her septa that she wanted to be in a constant state of pregnancy because she wanted babies. Pour foul, the septa mused in her head.
And then there was Adira.
She was special and everyone knew she was the favorite child, even if lord Firenze does not wish to comment on that.
From her first breath, during a solar eclipse, Adira was special, healing her mother’s tears miraculously. Her parents could not explain what had happened. Seraphis only knew that she was in immense pain at first and close to dying then she couldn’t feel the pain and only heard her daughter’s cries.
Maesters, septas, priests, red priestesses, all gathered to find out what was wrong with the babe, but none could come to a conclusion.
And so, the child grew and blossomed into a young girl who wanted nothing to do with marriage or war. She wanted to be a healer.
That only strengthened when the lady of House Odarys, passed.
‘Maldición de sangre.’
The dornish priest said. A blood curse.
Everyone tried to understand who would curse her own father, but answers were found.
And so, Adira determined to heal her father, placed her hand near his heart and started to heal him. Unfortunately, she did not tell anyone what she was doing, and her mother walked into the room.
The curse attached itself to Lady Seraphis killing her without pity. Adira tried to save her mother, but the girl of ten and four did not have a grasp on her powers yet and failed.
Everyday Adira thinks back to this moment and every day she sheds a tear for her mother. The woman who loved making flower crowns even for her son and husband.
To her memory Adira and Ophilia always kept their hair down and would wear flower crowns.
Adira was walking in the gardens and as always, she was thinking of her mother, looking at the flowers. She was rudely shaken out of her reverie when heavy footsteps could be heard behind her.
Turning around she sees her older brother walking towards her, his shoulders looking heavy. She could see that he was carrying something and came straight to her during his combat training.
He stops in front of her and lets out a puff.
“You are lucky I came all this way. Exel even had a fit over it and I was in the middle of winning, but the raven would not leave me alone.” Mars says a little bit out of breath.
“What are you on about?” Adira replies smiling connivingly.
“A raven came for you.”
“Another Lord asking for my hand? Send it back.” Adira replies coldly.
“Surprisingly not. It is from a Dothraki herd. Who knew these savages could write…” Adira was also baffled, not about them being able to write but why would Dothrakis want to address her?
“What does it say?” She rapidly says.
“I thought you were clever… can’t read Dothraki can you?” Mars says smirking mischievously.
“Obviously not! Father did not wish me to learn it. Now, can you translate it please?” Adira did not find her brother’s words amusing.
Mars giggled slightly but started to read the letter not wanting to antagonize his sister more.
“It says something about their Khal. Their king.” He begins.
“I know what Khal means! I am not stupid. “Adira replies offended.
“Gods, I feel like you are going to flower soon... so angry...” Mars mumbles under his breath. Adira slaps him on the arm and so Mars continues reading and translating.
“This is a direct line from the letter. ‘a witch, a witch has cursed the Khal, the Khaleesi is gone. We cannot find her. She left the stones. Save our Khal’” Mars finishes the letter and simply discards it to the left of him.
Adira quickly bends down and grabs the letter before the wind blows it away…
“A curse?”
“You heard what I said” Mars says dismissively.
“Who was the Khaleesi?” Adira replies frowning.
“You do not know? “Mars exclaims, surprised. Adira shakes her head. She was trying to stay away from any marriage talk. Hers or others.
“Daenerys Targaryen. The mad king’s daughter. She and her brother apparently went into hiding in Essos. Robert Baratheon and his posse are looking high and low for them. Even sending assassins after them. One of those assassins probably gut her…” Mars was rambling now.
“Is the raven still here?” Adira cuts him off.
“Yes! Did you not here me say the raven would not-” Adira cut him off.
“I will go and heal the Khal. Would you send them a raven and tell them that?”
“What? Are you out of your mind? Father will never let you go heal that brute. Whispers in the brothel say that they fuck their horse when their women cannot satisfy them anymore… and they kill every minute.” Mars says outrageously, almost whispering the last part.
Adira crunches her nose in slight disgust. She knew her brother frequented the brothels. She remembers finding him after a banquet with three of the pleasure girls naked. A sight she wished to forget.
Adira decides not to believe him. If the Dothrakis are civil enough to write to House Odarys then they do not sleep with their horses.
“Good thing you are not father, then. I will heal the Khal and father will agree with me.” She huffs and walks away towards the small castle mentally planning what she would bring to Essos.
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DISCLAIMER: You may NOT copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display,translate my work in any way shape or form.
Saying goodbye to her father was the second hardest thing Adira had to do. Burying her mother being the first. But she knew she would see him again soon. She promised him she was going to be safe, and she would protect Ophilia with her life. Her father only nodded and told her to come back quickly.
Mars did not say anything. It looked like he did not care but deep down he was worried. He had asked his father to let him accompany his sisters, but his father swiftly reminded him that he was one of the best warriors they had, and the King would probably call him to kings landing to join the white cloaks. Mars still kissed his sisters foreheads and wished them safe travels.
Ophilia and Adira both got on their horse in the middle of a group of men their father trusted. Most of them were much older and had fought alongside Lord Firenze, even before he took lordship of Carn. So, Lord Firenze knew he could trust them. He had still given both daughters a dagger each, in secret. He trusted his men, but he was no fool.
Once the company started moving, Lord Firenze sighed and moved back to the castle to ponder his decision. Mars walked towards the training grounds and life at Carn went on as if nothing had happened. The people were not aware that the two daughters of the lord were leaving, and Lord Firenze preferred it that way. The less people were aware, the better.
The ride towards the coast was rough. They rode for three days and Ophilia already had the desire to go back to the safety of her father but then she would see the determined look on her sisters face and knew they were doing this for the right cause.
Adira was tired but she could not live with the reminder there was someone needing her help. Three days and she could see the coast and the ship that would sail for Pentos. At least, the magister living in Pentos prepared a carriage for them knowing how difficult the ride to Vaes Dothrak would be. The Khalassar had gone to Vaes Dothrak hoping their prayers would save their Khal. Vaes Dothrak is the most sacred place to any Dothraki horde.
As soon as they got to the coast, the girls climbed off their horse with the help of them men as they could not feel their legs and with trembling steps walked on the ship and stumbled while getting on. They were escorted to the cabins and collapsed on the beds provided.
Ten days. Ten days of rough sea and seasickness and they finally arrived at Pentos. The magister was waiting for them with a company of warriors and servants. Adira frowned, not expecting the warm welcome. They were treated like royalty. Even their men were treated with such respect.
Both sisters spent the time towards the Pentos keep thanking the magister for his welcome and the man only shook his head as if it meant nothing.
"You are most welcome in my home. I will always remember when your father sent me some men as we were under attack and pirates were threatening to take my ships. I have to say, those men are the best warriors I have ever seen." The magister said in a jolly voice.
"Yes, father does train the man with an iron fist." Adira said smiling sadly, missing her father.
As soon as they arrived in the magister's home, they were shown to their room. Each sister had a room but decided to share a room, not fully trusting yet. The servants helped them with their baths and then escorted them to the dining hall where they had a lovely dinner filled with conversations and more thanks from both sisters.
"I have to give you a word of warning. The Dothraki are dangerous. Be incredibly careful with them. The one time I met Khal Drogo, he did not say a word. If you can actually help him, just know that he is a very intimidating man. I actually thought it cruel when Viserys Targaryen decided to sell his sister to Khal Drogo. She was only thirteen." The magister's words were heavy making Ophilia look at Adira worriedly. "Thank you, Magister. I will always remember your kindness and I will forever be in your debt after this." Adira was sincere with her words and was already of thinking diverse ways she might pay back her debt.
The next day, the company were on their way. Adira and Ophilia thanking the magister over and over again for his kindness. He had provided them with Dothraki language learning books.
They knew it would take long to get to Vaes Dothrak. They busied themselves learning the complex language, but they found it was pretty easy but needed to work on their pronunciation... But on the thirtieth day, the girls were tired from the journey. For all they saw was sand and trees. Some creaks here and there but it was deserted. They wanted to pass some villages, but the men told them it was too big of a risk.
So, they both sighed and bit their lips enduring the journey and learning more Dothraki getting almost fluent in the language. Almost. It took four more days before they started to see signs that horse herds travel there a lot. "The first sign of Dothraki. Prints and dried horse shit." She heard Ramon, one of the men accompanying them say.
The carriage suddenly came to an abrupt stop. The girls both gasped and strained their ears to listen to what was being said but could not hear anything.
Adira grabbed the dagger hidden in her boots and Ophilia copied her with trembling hands.
The carriage door was wrenched open, and it was Ramon. The girls look at him expectantly, but their eyes shifted quickly to the left of him and saw a man. He did not look like a Dothraki. He looked westerosi.
"Ladies, we are almost here, and this man will accompany us the rest of the way." Ramon says.
Sighing in relief, the girls put their daggers away and looked towards the stranger.
"My name is Jorah Mormont. I am an acquaintance of the Dothraki, they trust me. I will safely guide you in Vaes Dothrak. I only ask that you leave those daggers in the carriage. Weapons are not allowed in Vaes Dothrak. Spilling blood is forbidden." Jorah Mormont says with a gravelly voice.
"Mormont? You are from the north aren't you." Ophilia says curious.
"Yes. But I was exiled. Lord Stark did not appreciate me selling poachers to slavery." He replied quietly and walked away, closing the carriage door.
Adira looked at Ophilia with her mouth open in shock. She did not even have time to introduce herself or thank the man for his help. She hoped he would be more welcoming once inside Vaes Dothrak.
"At least there is a westerosi here that knows the Dothraki and can help us build rapport." Adira always admired Ophilia for her optimism.
The next day, they were at the horse gates of Vaes Dothrak and instantly their carriage was surrounded by a group of locals.
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"They are making them take out their weapons."
Ophilia whispered while glancing out the small carriage window worriedly, both girls could hear various voices coming from outside. They were glad, they were fast learners and could pick up on the language rapidly.
Adira was just breathing in and out and trying to prepare herself for what might happen. She had a long time on the road to think about what the Dothraki could do to her. A witch cursed there Khal claiming she was going to heal him. What would happen to her if she failed?
The locals might think she is a witch coming to take their Khal away. How would she convince them she was not a witch? What would happen to her sister if they cut her head off? Adira was not scared of death. She was ready to meet the gods, but she was scared for Ophilia. A young foreign girl all alone in the middle of a Dothraki horde.
The carriage door was yanked open, and Ramon stood there. Adira could see some Dothraki behind him. Most of them were looking at the carriage curiously trying to catch a glimpse of the foreigners but a lot of them were also looking angrily at them.
"My Lady Adira, Lady Ophilia, should we turn around? I could easily..."
"Running away from horse lords? That is your great idea? Ser Ramon, please. I Came here for a reason." Adira could not believe Ramon would suggest this. It was a stupid idea, but she was not going to tell him that.
Adira grabbed at her dress and walked out of the carriage in the blinding sun. She could hear the murmurs and whispers as she turned around and beckoned her little sister out.
Ophilia got out the carriage and instantly hid herself behind her sister.
A young woman approached them and surprised them by speaking the common tongue.
"My lady, my name is Irri. I was the one helping the Khaleesi when she was still here." Irri was a petite woman, but Adira could hear her strength in her words.
"Thank you Irri. I will be happy to help your Khal. This is my sister, Ophilia. She accompanied me to learn about the Dothraki. Your customs and traditions." I smiled at Irri and Ophilia stepped forward and smiled back shyly greeting Irri in Dothraki.
"Good. Very good pronunciation, Lady Ophilia." Irri said then she turned around addressing the crowd, probably informing them what Adira told her.
Instantly there was an uproar. The whispers turned into loud talking and Adira could make out some words, Witch, Murderer, Koalak Healer, Princess, Whore and many more words she couldn't decipher.
Adira decided she had had enough of the terms they were using to describe her and her sister and stepped forward and addressed them in their tongues.
"I am Adira Odarys. You asked for a healer to come and heal your Khal and I will heal him. I know someone lied to you. But trust me. If you don't trust me with healing your Khal, find me someone that I can heal for you. I will show you what I can do. I have never lied in my life, and I will not start today."
There was more whispers until the crowd started to part slightly and a young man walked forward gripping the hand of an older man. Adira could tell that the young man was no more than sixteen and the man he was pulling behind him was probably his father. They both looked alike down to the nose shape and the braid they were supporting. The only difference was the young man had green eyes and the older man had icy grey eyes.
"My father wishes to fight for the Khal again, Witch! If you are what you say, make him see again. If you can't heal him, the horses are not the only thing we will be riding."
Adira could feel Ophilia gripping her arm and pulling her back slightly, but Adira ripped her arm out and stepped forward.
"You can bring him forward." Adira was not scared of him or his threat. She knew who she was and what she could do.
The young rider brought his father forward and Adira could hear the older man muttering under his breath. Probably praying.
She placed her right hand on his shoulder and left hand on this face covering his eyes.
The man was shivering definitely scared.
"It will not hurt, we swear." Ophilia quietly mutters.
Adira closes her eyes and let the power flow through her entire body to her palm. She could feel it coming from her heart travelling through her entire body, even to her toes and lastly to her palm and fingertips.
After a few minutes, Adira smiled and opened her eyes, removing her palm from his face.
"Open your eyes and look at your son again." The man did so hesitantly. "I knew your son would have the same eyes as you."
Instantly, Adira could see the man tear up whilst he was looking around, smiling almost like a child. His eyes fell on his son, and he walked quickly towards him grabbing him by the arms.
"Ave! You can see me?"
"Yes! She is a healer!" the older man says smiling and looking around.
The crowd gasped and a lot of them started walking towards Adira, touching her shoulder and hair, claiming she will bless them and their families.
"You have impressed again, sister. Father will be proud." Ophilia said excitedly.
Adira smiled but then felt a pull on her hand. She looked down at it and could see a small girl pulling her away from the crowd, then more women surrounded her. She quickly reached for Ophilia with her other hand and pulled her with them.
All the girls were giggling and Irri says excitedly.
"It is time for you to heal the Khal now."
They got to a much larger tent guarded with two Dothraki riders on each side of the doorway. The other girls let go of Adira and Irri pulls her towards the tent entrance. Adira looked back at Ophilia, but the latter was too busy talking and giggling with the other girls to see her sister getting pulled in the tent.
As soon as she walked in, she gasped seeing the much larger man lying on the bed like a statue. It did not even look like he was breathing.
His whole body was pale, and it looked like he was cold. And the wound on his chest made him look worse. It was angry and festering still with angry black veins webbing out towards the rest of his chest.
Adira glanced at Irri who was already staring at her.
"We normally leave him outside in the sun because he likes the warmth, but when we heard you were coming, we put him here."
"I understand" Adira whispers out. "I need the tent to be empty when I hear him. No one will be allowed to come inside."
"The witch said the same thing, she also said the dead would be dancing in his tent." Irri says quickly and clearly defensive.
"I am no witch Irri and I do not deal in dark magic. Only the one flowing through me." Adira knew it would take time to convince them, but she was determined. "Could you inform my sister that healing the Khal will take longer than expected please, a week maybe. And tell the guards they are not allowed in the tent when I am healing him."
Irri nodded and left the tent, leaving me alone with the Khal.
KOALAK: Healer
AVE: Father
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DISCLAIMER: You may NOT copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display,translate my work in any way shape or form.
If not for the paleness and sickness clearly tormenting him, Adira could tell the Khal was a handsome man. Golden skin, a scar on the left side of his face starting from his eye to the top of his cheek and he was full of muscles. Adira also knew that Dothraki did not cut their hair and the longer the braid, the more battles you won. Khal Drogo has never lost any battle, she concluded. She could also tell that he would tower over her after he was healed.
Adira shakes her head to get out of her reverie. She had a job to do, and she needed to do it and go back home as soon as she could. Moving around the bed she went to stand on his left side where the Khal's wound was.
The wound was angry and the veins black, but Adira was not going to be deterred by that and hovered her hands over his wound.
As soon as she started, she felt like that would not be enough and decided 'Fuck it' and climbed on the Khal, straddling him.
It was a very provocative pose, but she had no other choice. She knew that if she stayed standing her legs would probably fail her and she preferred falling on the Khal than on the floor.
Her eyes closed and kept on going, feeling the sickness starting to leave him and going through her.
A few minutes later, she could feel some of the Khal's warmth come back. But before she could open her eyes and check on him, she fell unconscious on top of the Khal.
'Your father is in great danger.'
Adira stood up from the floor she was laying on with a frown, looking around for the voice she was hearing.
'Only with his death can they be saved.'
Turning around quickly Adira could see a girl standing there in a light grey dress, holding a baby.
'Who are you?' Adira questioned. She had some idea who she was but did not want to voice it.
'You know. If I tell you, you are unworthy.'
Adira could tell the girl and child was fading away for some reason.
'Wait! My father's in danger?' Adira did not get a reply only seeing the faded young woman and the last thing she saw was the baby's black hair and his mother's silver.
Adira's eyes snapped open and scrambled off the warm body underneath her. In her hurry she did not realize her right leg was caught in a blanket and fell off the straw bed.
She was breathing heavily and did not really register the slight pain she was in and was still thinking of the silver-haired mother and black-haired child she saw. And quickly her mind went to her father, and she ran out of the tent forgetting all about the golden-skinned Khal whose Wound looked less raw and had almost no black veins left.
The guards at the door gaps at the commotion and almost immediately Ophilia had her arms around her sister ç, holding her close.
"What is it? Adira, please tell me what happened?" Ophilia was in a panic. What happened in that tent that made her sister run so.
Irri, who was looking at both sisters on the side shares a look of worry with Rakkharo and instantly walk into the Khal's tent thinking the worst had happened.
"A dream. It came to me. Father." Adira was not making any sense to Ophilia, but she was trying.
"What about father?"
A young girl approached them with a pouch seemingly with water in it and Adira grabbed it from her and greedily swallowed the water. After she was done, she was breathing heavily and trying to calm her racing heart and breathing.
"Dira. Please, what is wrong with father?" Ophilia had tears in her eyes thinking the worst may have happened.
"The girl in the dream said he was in great danger."
"Girl? What girl?" Adira was looking at Ophilia with big brown eyes full of tears trying to convey her fear to her sister, but she saw the denial in young Ophilia's face.
"The girl with the baby" Adira could not utter the name. She knew who it was, but she just could not say it for it meant only one thing. Death.
"You are not making any sense. You need rest and to get away from this sun. Come. I will draw you a bath and help you relax. Come." Ophilia was wiping her falling tears away. She did not believe Adira. She could not. She would return home and her father will be waiting for her and hug her hard and everything will be the same as it was.
Adira was staring at the candles lighting up the tent she was sharing with her sister. She could hear Ophilia rambling on and on about something, but Adira was not registering any of it. She had other things on her mind.
She remembered the old septa that lived with them. And she remembered something she told young Adira after the latter had told the Septa of a dream she had. A dream of a boys hand under a black horse. And then the young girl woke up screaming.
'Sweet Adira. One thing every child, every lord and lady, every king and queen must know. Dreams are meant to be forgotten. Remembering a dream only means one thing. Twas no dream, my sweet. Twas a message, a warning, An omen.'
Adira remembered giggling at the septa thinking she was funny. A few days later a black mare fell on the young stable boy killing him. Adira never doubted the old septa again.
"Adira! Are you even listening?" Ophilia sounded offended but Adira couldn't care less.
"We need to write to father. Warn him. His life is in danger." Adira got out the water when Ophilia started protesting, not caring about her nakedness, and walked to the small table and grabbed a piece of parchment and quill, starting her letter.
She did not even feel it when Ophilia placed a heavy cloak on her trying to cover her.
I hope this letter arrives to you well. I also hope you are faring well.
I had to write to you as it is most urgent.
Be careful. A dream came to me.
The stranger knocks at your door.
Your daughters.
Please, be safe.
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