Aegon The Conqueror - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Finalmente comecei a ler fogo e sangue, e estava na expectativa de gostar da rã amarela, mas simplesmente não consigo respeitar uma mulher maluca com delírios de grandeza que deixa mulheres, crianças e idosos para serem queimados pelos Targeryen, e respeito menos ainda quem usa a morte da rainha Rhaenys pra falarem que ela era fraca sendo que quando pesquisei o grrm falou que matar um dragão era quase impossível e que Dorne foi um acidente.

Respeitaria a Meria se ela tivesse sido mulher o suficiente pra entrar em acordo com o Aegon, um acordo que favorecesse Dorne e que os deixassem submissos, mas ela realmente parecia estar empenhada em provar que era maior que os Targeryen e que podia vencê-los, o que pra mim ela não conseguiu já que morreu com Dorne ainda em guerra.

Sinceramente, o povo dornês não parecia estar nem aí se eram conquistados ou não, e também não faria diferença se fossem pq em nenhum momento eles tiveram sua cultura, costumes, língua ou qualquer coisa nativa que fosse ameaçada pelos conquistadores.

Acho uma merda esse papo de conquista, principalmente pq no livro simplesmente não há motivação nenhuma pra isso, e até agora a gente não sabe se esse sonho do Aegon é canon, mas me parece que a Meria não queria ser conquistada apenas por ego mesmo, até pq viu o povo morrer e não ligou como se eles próprios levassem o nome e o sangue martell nas veias.

Vou continuar achando os Martell muito foda, amo a história da Nymeria e das cobras da areia, mas se até os stark se ajoelharam quem são eles pra não querer fazer o mesmo? Isso por um caso é uma desonra em meio a todo o caos que estava acontecendo?

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6 months ago

The more I read fire and blood more I hate Visenya.

Before starting this book I really hoping to like her, but she's fucking awful with everyone, and to be honest she isn't what everyone says she is which makes me frustrated bc I was thinking that she was some kind of largetha but she's not.

I understand part of the hype, but I still don't know why people hate rhaenys for being a conquer if visenya is as much as she is, and she's not only a conqueror but probably a kinslayer too.

Visenya is that type of person who lived enough to become a villain, and what a dumb villain. Ok, she was smart when she spred to everyone in Westeros that Aenys was weak, but there are so many decisions that she made based only on what she knows about war. I was considering that maybe she understood propaganda just like rhaenys did, but I won't consider rumors a propaganda here, mainly bc she thought that fierce was the only way to get what she wanted and bc she didn't understand the smallfoks and the power that faith has.

She also supported Maegor, and I know that she was dead when he r*pe* his wives, but he was a weirdo even as a child and bc of him the house targeryen almost disappeared, so I'll consider here that she was a fucking old bitch who just wanted her blood on the throne.

Everyone reads her as some type of hero, but she's far from it. For me, she looks like some kind of megalomaniac who could do anything to get what she wanted.

And just to make one more thing clear, even catelyn stark killed an assassin, and she didn't have any training.

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5 months ago

No one is writing about Aegon and Rhaenys, I guess I have to be the first to give the first step

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5 months ago
Aegon I places his crown on Daenerys. Dany is flanked by her dragons, and holds a sword. Both are in black and red.

Our 80th (!!!!!) art piece is...

Aegon the Conqueror crowning Daenerys, by @highgardenart here on tumblr! For jacaerys_ on twitter.

We’re currently not taking further commissions. Check out our page for our current information and to see how you can still help Palestinians in need!

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5 months ago

The Red Comet appears exactly 400 years after the Doom of Valyria. Doesn’t that seem significant?

Because round numbers like that make me want to look twice here… and in doing so, there’s something very interesting in the timeline that GRRM has made efforts to keep slightly veiled.

The Red Comet appears a year before the turn of the century in ASOIAF—that is to say, 299 AC. The Doom occurs in 102 BC. The non-existent year zero of this kind of timekeeping makes it look wrong, but that’s exactly 400 years.

I always thought it was interesting that the Doom of Valyria happened in 102 BC—it’s so close to being a round number, but it’s just off. Just enough off, though, that the Red Comet in 299 AC lines up.

Round numbers feel meaningful, and that’s even true for the characters within the world of ASOIAF:

Joffrey and Margaery shall marry on the first day of the new year, which as it happens is also the first day of the new century. The ceremony will herald the dawn of a new era. (ASOS Tyrion I)

The new century, of course, is 300 years since Aegon’s Conquest:

It’s a new century, my lady. The three hundredth year since Aegon’s Conquest. (ASOS Sansa IV)

It’s almost dissatisfying that all this talk of the new century doesn’t line up with the Doom and doesn’t line up with the Red Coment.

So do we have Aegon to blame for making these numbers not line up? Actually, no—Aegon invaded Westeros in 2BC, exactly 100 years after the Doom of Valyria.

It was then that he crowned himself… but that’s not the date that Westeros counts years from; Westeros counts the years from his coronation in Oldtown. This is a detail apparently so interesting (and perhaps important) that it’s described twice in The World of Ice and Fire. For example:

Only a handful of lords had been present for Aegon’s first coronation at the mouth of the Blackwater, but hundreds were on hand to witness his second, and tens of thousands cheered him afterward in the streets of Oldtown as he rode through the city on Balerion’s back. Amongst those at Aegon’s second coronation were the maesters and archmaesters of the Citadel. Perhaps for that reason, it was this coronation, rather than the Aegonfort crowning or the day of Aegon’s Landing, that became fixed as the start of Aegon’s reign.

If Westeros counted years from the year Aegon crowned himself, rather than from the year Aegon was crowned by the Citadel, then the year that the Red Comet appeared in the sky would be 300AC, and that would be exactly 400 years after the Doom. Seen that way, everything lines up curiously well…

So much happens when the Red Comet arrives—the revival of dragons and the return of magic in the world, whatever the relationship between those things is. Those events, and that year, feels much more like the “dawn of a new era.”

Additionally, seeing it all line up so well raises some eyebrows. Seeing all the dates like this make it seem significant that Aegon invaded exactly 100 years later, and makes room for interpreting the Red Comet as potentially having some kind of relationship to the Doom, because 400 years feels just too regular. Why does the comet appear exactly 300 years after Aegon’s invasion, exactly 400 years after the Doom?

At the least, there’s a sense of fate involved that Dany’s dragons wake exactly 400 years after the Doom—or do the revival of magic and the return of dragons both relate to some unknown third factor?

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5 months ago
Lmfao, Never Mind That The Targaryens Switched From Valyrian God Worship To The Faith Of The Seven To

Lmfao, never mind that the Targaryens switched from Valyrian god worship to the Faith of the Seven to adopt Westerosi culture.

Never mind that they adopted a house sigil to adopt to Westerosi House customs.

Never mind that they married people from non-Valyrian descended Houses like Martell, Dayne, Blackwood, Arryn...

Literally what part of this says "spit on Westerosi customs" lmfao?

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5 months ago
I Find It Interesting How House Targaryen Is Always Singled Out As The Most Violent, The Most Evil, The
I Find It Interesting How House Targaryen Is Always Singled Out As The Most Violent, The Most Evil, The

i find it interesting how house targaryen is always singled out as the most violent, the most evil, the most feudal, the most villainous, the most oppressive, responsible for the most atrocities etc etc as opposed to everyone else who is just a poor little victim of ‘targaryen colonialism’ (lol) when in reality westeros is a settler state built on genocide committed by the first men and the andals against the children of the forest. why don’t we ever see the thinkpieces about how robb stark is evil for embracing his stark identity and that was the cause of his downfall? you could easily make that argument. after all, the starks descend from first men who were evil savages and genociders. if you’re gonna use the crimes of valyria against house targaryen, then i can just as well use the crimes of the first men against the starks. house stark is guilty of a genocide of the children of the forest, extinguishing entire bloodlines and ethnic cleansing against the blackwoods. their rule over the north is the results of centuries upon centuries of absolute tyranny, doesn’t that make them evil? i could easily write a thinkpiece about how robb’s downfall is the fault of his first men values and use book quotes selectively to argue that. i could say that robb stark is an imperialist colonizer because he descends from settler colonists, i could say that him preferring to marry jeyne westerling (of first men descent) rather than roslin frey (of andal descent) is a sign of his blood purity and the narrative punished him for that and it was deserved, why not? i could say that northern separatism is very much like quebec or texas separatism, aka the people in favor of it have no right to dictate what to do with the land that isn’t theirs to begin with, why not? i could argue that starks are destined to fail because else the narrative validates colonialism and genocide, why not?

you have no right to say a bad word against the targaryens considering that your beloved starks descend from genociders and are settler colonists who very recently engaged in mass rape of newlywed women via the law of the first night, so acting like they’re some force of good against the evil valyrians is laughable. your little headcanons about how the starks are actually indigenous will not change that. pick up the books for a change, lmao

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fandom wank daenerys targaryen aegon the conqueror grrm himself compares dany to aegon and he constantly does so in a positive way i love how these people try to lecture us while completely ignoring what the author himself wrote how could the starks be indigenous when they literally persecuted & committed genocide against the real indigenous CotF of the North & othe +Northern houses even also of their race & stole their land & kicked out the Blackwoods from the wolfswood +stole the CotF's magic by forcing their daughters to mate w/ their own blood;hence the starklings' ability to warg & skinchange;literally+ +warring w/ the CotF for 1000 years before the pact;stealing & usurping the og ruling houses' throne;fighting their rival contenders to get +the top & stayed there after colonizing the North basically through ethnic cleansing too + imperialism until they knelt to the targs who+ +conquered to unite the petty kingdoms warring over pathetic;silly shit for the incoming long night in advance & actually assimilated in+ +Westeros' culture even as colonizers & conquerors too unlike the stark's ancestors' forced assimilation in the same role as the targs but+ +only inflicting far worse damage for many years;yet stark stans love to act the starks are the North's native & rightful rulers mocking th +targs from being a lesser/minor house of Old Valyria even though they were still originally one of the dragonlords/riders noble houses;ffs +the 'aryen' in targaryen arya's name derived from means noble/superior & iranian the nazis stole & appropriated for their agenda but dumb+ +stark stans support it like some literally support slavery & side w/ slavers if it means opposing & hating dany & the targaryens🤮🤦🏾‍♀️🙄 anti stansas anti green stans anti jonsa stans anti sansa stans anti stark stans
5 months ago
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &
@targaryensources Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen Monarch - KingAegon I Targaryen &

@targaryensource’s Targaryen Week 2023 || Day 3: Favourite Targaryen monarch - King Aegon I Targaryen & Queen Daenerys I Targaryen

No one was calling her Daenerys the Conqueror yet, but perhaps they would. Aegon the Conqueror had won Westeros with three dragons, but she had taken Meereen with sewer rats and a wooden cock, in less than a day.

Daenerys Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats. 

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5 months ago
AegonDany Saying Respect My Guest

Aegon🤝Dany saying “respect my guest”

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5 months ago

anyways, daenerys said ‘i am blood of the dragon’ because aegon is ‘the dragon’ and daenerys is ‘the blood and seed of aegon the conqueror’ and drogon is called ‘balerion come again’ and aegon ‘rode balerion the black dread’ and drogon is ‘the black beast & winged shadow’ and barristan said ‘daenerys had been riding that dragon as aegon had once ridden balerion of old’ and drogon is ‘the largest of her three’ and balerion is ‘the greatest of them’ out of the original targaryen dragons and drogon’s ‘scales were black, his eyes and horns and spinal plates blood red’ and balerion ‘his fire was as black as his scales’ and daenerys said ‘no one was calling her daenerys the conqueror yet, but perhaps they would’ and tyrion called her ‘aegon the conqueror with teats’ because ‘this dragon queen who wears her name is a true targaryen’

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5 months ago

I want to talk about the specific Dany’s theme that plays while Viserys I reveals to Rhaenyra about Aegon’s dream. For those who might be wondering which exactly of Dany’s themes it is, it’s “Breaker of Chains”. Here are the two videos for comparison. The “Breaker of Chains” theme starts playing at the exact moment Viserys starts to talk about Aegon’s dream (from 2:29 to 3:56). Listen to the Breaker of Chains theme from 1:40 to 3:00:

As you can see, it’s pretty much the same theme. Dany’s theme even intensifies in the exact moment that Viserys says that a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne if the world is to survive, a king or queen (notice how the show makes sure to not forget to mention that it can be a queen) strong enough to unite the realm, and that Aegon called his dream “the song of ice and fire”.

So, to sum up what we’ve learned:

Aegon called his dream “the song of ice and fire” and “the song of ice and fire” is exactly the name of the prophecy Dany learns about in the House of the Undying (and Dany is the only character to ever hear about the song of ice and fire), and of course, “A Song of Ice and Fire” is the title of the books;

The theme that plays during the scene that Viserys tells this secret to Rhaenyra is called “The Prince That Was Promised”, once again confirming the idea that Aegon’s dream, which he called “the song of ice and fire”, is about the prophecy we’ve been hearing about in the books, the Prince That Was Promised/Azor Ahai prophecy (yes, they ARE the same);

The part of “The Prince that was promised” theme that plays during the moment in which Viserys talks about the song of ice and fire and the prince that was promised is DANY’S THEME, “Breaker of Chains”;

GRRM is way more involved in House of the Dragon than he ever was in Game of Thrones, and he already said in interview that he was the one who told the showrunners about Aegon’s dream. So all of this came from GRRM, meaning it’s no coincidence that Dany’s theme is there at that exact moment.

To me, this CONFIRMS, without a shadow of doubt, that DANY is the princess that was promised/Azor Ahai, and that HERS is the song of ice and fire (and it also confirms that the Game of Thrones ending is bullshit, and Dany is actually destined to save the world).

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5 months ago
Dream Of A Song ByErta Altnz
Dream Of A Song ByErta Altnz
Dream Of A Song ByErta Altnz

“Dream Of A Song” by Ertaç Altınöz

Aegon finally decided to take over Westeros and unify the Seven Kingdoms that existed at the time, under a single rule. There is a lot of speculation that in some sense he saw what was coming 300 years later and wanted to unify the Seven Kingdoms to be better prepared for the threat that he eventually saw coming from the north – the threat that we’re dealing with in A Song of Ice and Fire. – George R. R. Martin

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5 months ago

the delusionland of the asoiaf fandom denying that aegon passed his dream to other targaryens… even if it wasn’t in a form of ‘kings telling their heirs’ like it was in hotd, it is still a thing that grrm himself comments on saying ‘the targaryens that knew about it’.

meaning, aegon didn’t just keep it to himself because, as grrm says, different generations suspected it could happen ‘in my life time or my son’s timeline’. aegon’s dream, aka the song of ice and fire wasn’t just lost and we have a concrete evidence of that in the books: rhaegar ‘finding something in his scrolls’ and talking about ‘the prince that was promised’ whose song is ‘the song of ice and fire’. what’s not clicking? stay tuned for the second episode where rhaenyra actually talks about tptwp lol

The Delusionland Of The Asoiaf Fandom Denying That Aegon Passed His Dream To Other Targaryens Even If
The Delusionland Of The Asoiaf Fandom Denying That Aegon Passed His Dream To Other Targaryens Even If
The Delusionland Of The Asoiaf Fandom Denying That Aegon Passed His Dream To Other Targaryens Even If

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5 months ago


George R. R. Martin: *associates Daenerys with the founder of the Targaryen dynasty who intended to unite Westeros in preparation for the War for the Dawn - she’s literally called “Aegon the Conqueror with teats”*

*has Daenerys dream about burning white walkers with dragonfire* 

*makes it clear that Daenerys is Azor Ahai/Princess That Was Promised* (“Azor Ahai shall […] wake dragons out of stone”/“No one ever looked for a girl. […] Daenerys is the one. […] The dragons prove it.”)

*confirms that Daenerys and her dragons are the Fire - which, according to his own description, symbolizes “love”, “passion” and “sexual ardor” in contrast to Ice representing “betrayal”, “revenge” and “cold inhumanity” - of A Song of Ice and Fire*

House of the Dragon (note that GRRM had more influence on that show than on Game of Thrones): *plays a song called “The Prince That Was Promised” - which was inspired by Daenerys’ theme songs - during the reveal of Aegon I’s prophetic dream (which came from GRRM himself)*

*has Aegon I name his dream ‘the song of ice and fire’ - which, as the GRRM himself already confirmed, refers to the Others and Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons*

*reveals that Aegon I’s dream (aka the song of ice and fire) is about a Targaryen king or queen - most likely Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Conqueror with teats, Azor Ahai Returned/Princess That Was Promised, the Fire of ASOIAF - uniting humanity against the Others*

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5 months ago

dany is called ‘aegon the conqueror with teats’ and drogon is ‘balerion come again’, now, when the new information about aegon’s ice and fire dream is out, idk how much clearer grrm must make it for antis that she’s a prophesized hero and a saviour lmao

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5 months ago
Our Histories, They Tell Us That Aegon Looked Across The Blackwater From Dragonstone, Saw A Rich Land
Our Histories, They Tell Us That Aegon Looked Across The Blackwater From Dragonstone, Saw A Rich Land
Our Histories, They Tell Us That Aegon Looked Across The Blackwater From Dragonstone, Saw A Rich Land
Our Histories, They Tell Us That Aegon Looked Across The Blackwater From Dragonstone, Saw A Rich Land
Our Histories, They Tell Us That Aegon Looked Across The Blackwater From Dragonstone, Saw A Rich Land
Our Histories, They Tell Us That Aegon Looked Across The Blackwater From Dragonstone, Saw A Rich Land

Our histories, they tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone, saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not what drove him to conquest. It was a dream. And just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men


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5 months ago

They knew, they knew, they knew, they knew.

George confirmed it.

They Knew, They Knew, They Knew, They Knew.
They Knew, They Knew, They Knew, They Knew.
They Knew, They Knew, They Knew, They Knew.


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