Koh The Face Stealer - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

The old is giving me ATLA flashbacks of that one faceless monkey in the spirit world for some reason....that and Koh the face stealer,they look like they could steal your face tbh

Don’t get be wrong axolotls are adorable and deserve the love but I don’t see enough attention for their freaky cave hermit cousins the olm

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10 months ago
Mai: When You Said You Wanted To Be A Spiritual Healer, I Didnt Think You Meant Giving Unsolicited Therapy

Mai: When you said you wanted to be a spiritual healer, I didn’t think you meant giving unsolicited therapy to centuries old, other-worldly creatures.

(Also, sorry if you blocked out the part of The Search comics where they gave Koh mummy issues, but they did. It wasn’t a bad dream, it really happened.)

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