Kokushibo Kny - Tumblr Posts

Awww!! Thank you so much! Make sure to take breaks, but also be prepared for the tests. I wish you the best of luck! One cool thing that you added was Kokushibo’s kimono. In my AU, Kokushibo’s wears his kimono in his monster form after all his character growth, so this is really cool!!

*Claps hands together.*

Would it be okay if I requested some Akaza x Kokushibo fluff? Akaza loves to cuddle up to his husband while he’s in his monster form. I hope that you’re doing well and that you’re not as stressed as you were when I last messaged you.

*Claps Hands Together.*

I usually don’t draw ships but hey, you always gotta try something new. Also I decided that chibi was the way to go with this. Thanks for asking, yeah I am doing somewhat better but Im nervous for all my upcoming tests before winter break 😥 (also I couldn’t find good references of kokushibo’s monster form besides manga panels)

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1 year ago

𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 // 𝙆𝙤𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙗𝙤


( ♡ ) pairing : You were reading in your garden and you're surprised by a new presence

( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, human!reader, a bit sad, reader is a book worm, my writing here is way too formal , NOT proofread

( ♡ ) 🗒️a/n : it's been so long , I'm sorry for not posting , but I had my exams and now I still have lots of work </33 bUT I GOT THIS IDEA , I HOPE YOU ENJOY <333


You weren't a Demon Slayer , yet you possess a katana and a thunder breathing style . You got your sword from Sakonji , you don't know how you managed to get him give it to you , even tho you didn't join the Corps , yet you use it whenever you feel attacked . You don't kill all the demons in your path , as the Slayers , but only that attack you .

The moon lords brilliantly above them as the night descends and envelopes the village in a deep sleep, filling the heavens with stars gleaming in its mantle of darkness. As you stood at the end of the garden, a subtle sigh can be heard in addition to the soft sounds of the wind " A demon slayer ? " Three pairs of bright golden orbs are gazing up at the moon by your side " I was only seeking for a decent opponent to spar with, therefore today's luck is with me. " Kokushibo lays one palm on his katana at his hip and slowly peers down at you with his three pairs of eyes.

You heard his mumble and you turn your head to look at him then mirror his previous action and look at the shining moon and stars . Your gaze was then again of the forest. You noticed his katana and his kimono , you thought he was a demon slayer at first , but the 6 golden eyes told you otherwise . And yet , you didn't run or hide . You just stood there.

Kokushibo's gaze intensifies as he observes your calm demeanor and lack of fear. His expression remains stoic, but there's a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He watches the way the wind plays with your hair, his eyes following every movement with a discerning gaze " You possess an unusual level of composure for a demon slayer. Tell me, what brings you here? Are you merely enjoying the night's solitude, or do you seek a confrontation with me? " His question is accompanied by a slow, deliberate movement of his hand, fingers caressing the hilt of his katana. His intention seems clear—he is ready for battle.

You turned your head to face the demon. You looked over him and said, " I'm not a demon slayer " After speaking, you took another glance at the woodland " I occasionally battle demons who try to harm me. Just that. It's not my problem if other people are dying. " You spoke firmly.

Kokushibo's eyes narrow slightly as he takes in your response. He can sense a hint of indifference a nd detachment in your words, contrasting with the usual determination found in demon slayers " Not a demon slayer, you say ? An interesting declaration indeed. To possess the power to fight demons and yet not align yourself with the Corps... there are few who possess such capabilities. Tell me, what is it that motivates you to confront demons on your own terms? " His grip on his katana tightens ever so slightly, prepared for any sudden movements or attacks.

You crouched down and brushed your hand against the lush summer grass, feeling its softness against your fingertips. "Survival," you murmured, contemplating the situation. "I engage in conflict only when demons pose a threat to me. I see no reason to eliminate demons that don't intend me harm." Carefully plucking a few blades of grass, you pondered each one as if it held a secret message.

"Survival," Kokushibo repeats, his voice filled with contemplation. He takes a step closer to you, his eyes never leaving your form "You have a selective approach, unlike most demon slayers who seek to eradicate all demons. Your perspective of discerning which demons pose a threat and which do not is intriguing. It is a rare trait to find in a human. " His gaze flickers to the grass in your hands, as if observing the delicate act of plucking it " Tell me, have you encountered demons that have posed a formidable challenge to your survival ? "

Observing him, you raised your head. Your hair was gently flying through the air due to the wind, and you responded, "No, I haven't seen a demon to test me yet. However, I'm not willing to engage in combat with one. " you said, and there was still a definite sound of you plucking up grass.

Kokushibo continues to observe your actions, his gaze unwavering. A sense of intrigue lingers in his eyes, his curiosity about your mindset growing stronger " You speak with great certainty. It seems that you hold a certain level of confidence in your abilities. Perhaps you believe yourself to be invincible, untouchable by the demons that roam this world. "His voice remains calm, but there's a hint of skepticism, as if he's silently challenging your words " But let us entertain a hypothetical scenario. Imagine, for a moment, that you were faced with a demon with significant power, one that could pose a genuine threat to your exitence. What course of action would you take then ? " " I cannot convince myself that I am invincible. But if I'm confronting a demon that is more powerful than my power can withstand, I'm not willing to fight. " You muttered while watching the grass flutter in the air " Neither would I run. So be it if it wishes to kill me " You said, picking up more grass, " I'm at peace with death , but I didn't finish my book so I'm willing to finish it before I die "

Kokushibo's gaze remains fixed on you, his piercing golden eyes unwavering. He takes a moment to absorb your words, the calm acceptance of death that lies within them. There is a complex mix of fascination and admiration brewing within him, intrigued by your nonchalant attitude toward life and death " Such tranquility in the face of mortality. It is a remarkably rare quality to find in humans. Your indifference to the cycle of life and death sets you apart from the rest. And yet, it raises further questions..." Kokushibo takes a step closer, his towering figure casting a shadow over you " Tell me, human, what is the book that holds such importance to you? What is its title ? " " Don't call me human " you said as you turned towards the demon " I have a name " you muttered " [name] " Kokushibo's eyes flicker with a brief glimmer of surprise as you assert your name and request not to be referred to as 'human' . He registers your name, [name] , committing it to memory " Very well, [name] . I shall address you as such " you peeked at him then looked at the grass in your hand " 'A lost letter' , that's the book " and as you picked up some grass, you relaxed " Romance. I don't think you would enjoy it " Kokushibo's expression remains stoic, but a subtle hint of intrigue lingers in his voice " 'A Lost Letter'... a romance novel. An intriguing choice for one who claims indifference to the affairs of humans. Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye. Literature has a way of captivating the human soul, even in the realm of demons " He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts "I too have indulged in human literature in my long existence. " He said then took a moment to think " If I were to allow you to finish your book before your inevitable demise, would it please you ? " As you carefully picked up some grass, you stated "I will finally feel at peace." the breeze swept the grass out of your hand, and you smiled as you turned your head.

Kokushibo observes the serenity on your face, the genuine contentment you express at the prospect of completing your book. There's a flicker of something akin to understanding in his eyes, a trace of acknowledgement " I see... Your acceptance of mortality is truly remarkable. If it brings you peace to finish your book, then perhaps I shall grant you that. Consider it a token of rare compassion from a demon " The corners of his lips tugs slightly, a ghost of a smile forming " However, do not mistake this act as an act of mercy. It is merely an acknowledgment of your unique resolve. I am merely curious to witness the conclusion of your story " Kokushibo's gaze returns to you, his golden eyes unwavering " Do you accept my offer, [name] ? To allow you the time to finish 'A Lost Letter' before I kill you ? "

You gave the demon a soft nod " I accept " before turning your attention to the grass " I'll try to let you know when I've finished reading the book. On the other hand, you can return after two days. I nearly completed the book anyway " you replied with a smile as you patted the bag where your book was, it was resting on the ground.

Kokushibo observes your acceptance and nods in acknowledgment " Very well, [name]. I shall return in two days' time to witness the conclusion of 'A Lost Letter.' I trust that you will fulfill your part of the arrangement " With a fluid movement, he turns to depart, his white kimono flowing gracefully in the wind. Before he disappears into the shadows, he casts a final glance at you, his golden eyes holding an inscrutable gaze " Until then, [name]. " And with that, the enigmatic demon, Kokushibo, vanishes into the night, leaving you alone to contemplate the impending encounter. You watched how the demon had left you in the dark. You turned your gaze from the bag to the grass. You quietly whined and grabbed the book. You were lying on your back on the grass, the book in your hands. Because you had good night vision, you could read.

As you lay on the grass, the night sky stretching above you, you open the pages of " A Lost Letter " and let yourself be immersed in the world of romance. The words on the page dance before your eyes, capturing your attention and transporting you to a different realm. The moon gazes down at you, casting a gentle glow, as you delve deeper into the story, savoring each chapter.

Time seems to slip away as you lose yourself in the tale, the characters becoming familiar companions. The night breeze whispers softly, caressing your skin, as you turn page after page, captivated by the emotions and beauty entwined within the words.


Days pass, and soon the appointed time approaches. The completion of the book draws near, and you find yourself eagerly anticipating the return of Kokushibo, eager to share the culmination of the story with him.

And as the day arrives, you find yourself at the rendezvous point, the book clutched tightly in your hands, ready to fulfill the arrangement with the enigmatic demon once again.

You sat on a white blanket on the grass with your book on your lap given that it was still light outside. Your eyes were a little teary. The story line didn't seem to have a happy ending. Even though you were crying, your face remained expressionless. With the tip of your index finger, you wiped your tears away as you turned the pages. The gentle breeze rustles the pages of the book in your hands as you sit there, tears lingering in your eyes. As each page turns, the story reaches its poignant conclusion, tugging at your heartstrings and leaving you with a mix of emotions.

As the final words of the book emerge, you close it gently , your hand lingering on the book cover for , taking a moment to compose yourself. The tears that had welled up now trickle down your cheeks, but you wipe them away, determined to face this encounter with Kokushibo.

The world around you begins to darken as dusk settles in, and soon, the figure of Kokushibo emerges from the shadows, his golden eyes fixed upon you. His presence commands the space around him, an air of impenetrable silence enveloping him.

" You have fulfilled your part of the arrangement, [name] , " he states solemnly, his voice cutting through the silence. " I have returned as promised. Now, I ask that you share the conclusion of 'A Lost Letter' . "

With trembling hands, you offer the book to Kokushibo and you cleared your throat " Page 142, I quote : do you still love me ? Mary asked. I love you. You ? Felix asked and with a smile. Mary said : I adore you. " You spoke while addressing the demon. Your hair is being blown out of your face by the wind. Your entire face was now visible to Kokushibo " Page 338, quote : he knew he didn't love her anymore - Love as she wanted it and as he understood it – but now he regrets it " You said with watery eyes. Tears that didn't fall . Kokushibo listens attentively to your recitation, his expression remaining inscrutable. As you share the poignant quotes from the book, the weight of the emotions resonates in the air. He takes a step closer, his gaze piercing through you, capturing every detail. You sucked back any feelings and knelt down in front of Kokushibo. As you picked up some grass, you lowered your head slightly and stated, "Now I shall respect our arrangement " You awaited death.

Suddenly, a shift in his demeanor becomes apparent. The usual aura of cold detachment wavers for just a moment, replaced by a flicker of something... akin to understanding. His gaze softens ever so slightly as he observes your teary eyes.

With a subtle movement of his hand, Kokushibo reaches out and gently brushes away a tear that had slipped down your cheek.

" Your willingness to fulfill our arrangement speaks of the strength within you, [name]. Your acceptance of the inevitable and the emotions woven within these pages... It is a rare quality among humans " His voice carries a hint of reverence, a touch of somberness " And yet... I sense a lingering desire for life within you, despite your acceptance of its fleeting nature. Tell me, [name] , why did you choose to share these words with me ? " The demon brushed your tears away as you briefly closed your eyes. You nodded and added, "You're the only one willing to listen to me talking about books ," adding, "And I… I find it as a good thing." Kokushibo wiped a last tear away " I'm thankful for you listening to me "

Kokushibo's gaze remains fixed on you, his golden eyes reflecting the depths of his contemplation. He absorbs your words, a sense of acknowledgment glimmering within his eyes " I see , " he responds, his tone carrying a trace of solemnity " In a world filled with chaos and destruction, the solace found within the pages of books can be a rarity. To share that solace with another soul, even in the briefest of moments, holds its own significance " He ponders your words for a moment, the weight of understanding settling upon him " You possess an appreciation for literature,[name] , a connection to words that transcends our current circumstances. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Your desire to share this connection with me... I find it... intriguing " Kokushibo takes a step back, his presence emanating a sense of both strength and restraint " Though our paths may cross in unexpected ways, [name] , know that your love for literature will not be forgotten " With those words, he retreats into the darkness, leaving you behind, pondering the enigmatic encounter you've had with Kokushibo, the highest-ranked Upper Moon of the demon society.

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8 months ago

𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣

( ♡ ) pairing : kokushibo x fem!MoonHashira!reader

( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe , idk bro, suicide metion , reader kinda suicidal and fucking dumb


An old shrine stands in disrepair, surrounded by a peaceful moat. Under the Sakura tree's gentle light, a bridge links the mainland to this holy site.

In the darkness, a silhouette emerges. With three pairs of eyes, or a total of six, the central pair displays the characters for "Upper Moon" and "One", casting an eerie glow as they gaze down at the pristine water.


The man seems to detect the entity's existence, yet remains unfazed by its presence.

As you were strolling towards the shrine, you abruptly halted in your path, your eyes widening slightly and your lips parting in astonishment at the sight of Upper Moon One. Your gaze shifted from Upper Moon One to the shrine, and you proceeded to walk towards it.

The Upper Moon One gazes into the water beneath, appearing deep in contemplation. His pale skin reflects the moonlight, creating an otherworldly radiance.

The stillness is tangible, with only the soft ripple of the water and the gentle fluttering of Sakura petals breaking the silence. Suddenly, the man breaks the quietude by asking, "Are you lost…or maybe, here to face me in a challenge?"

You swiveled your head to face the demon , you eyes looking over his figure " I'm here for the shrine . " You said as you turned to face the remnants of what had once been a beautiful place, you spoke " I am not to stir things up "

His eyes narrow as you speaks, seemingly surprised by your non-confrontational attitude. His gaze sweeps over your form, analyzing every detail. He studies the way you moves, the way you speak , the calmness of your demeanor . Then, a small chuckle escapes his lips, a sound that seems to come from the depth of his chest. He takes a few steps towards you "You're a Hashira, correct?"

You purred in approval, remaining perfectly still , your gaze sweeping over the remnants of the shrine . The moon's gentle glow illuminating the sacred grounds.

Kokushibo remains captivated by your presence as you gracefully survey the remnants of destruction. His gaze remains transfixed on the ethereal luminescence that delicately dances upon your serene countenance. A flicker of intrigue flickers within his eyes, for this Hashira, with her tranquil disposition and absence of hostility, defies his expectations "A Hashira who does not yearn for battle? How remarkably extraordinary you are."

You emitted a soft chuckle and gracefully turned your head to gaze upon the demon standing before you. "An Upper Moon that has no desire to devour me? How peculiarly extraordinary you are," you remarked, your voice laced with a hint of admiration. With a gentle smile, you then shifted your gaze upwards, allowing the moon's ethereal glow to envelop you, cherishing its celestial beauty. Kokushibo's expression remains stoic, but there is a flicker of amusement in his eyes. He had to admit, your retort was unexpected and somehow intriguing to him. "Touché." His gaze follows yours as it drifts towards the moon overhead. A brief moment of silence passes between you, filled only by the soft sound of the wind and the crickets in the grass. "You seem to cherish the moon, just as much as I do."

You crooned melodiously, your eyes never leaving the moon. The wind danced through your hair with a delicate touch. "Being the Moon Hashira, the moon holds the utmost value to me," you crooned, your hands playing with your haori.

Kokushibo scrutinizes you closely, his eyes focused on the way you gracefully fiddle with the hem of your haori, the material flowing smoothly under your caress. A glint of curiosity shimmers in his gaze, as he encounters a human unlike any other. One who regards him not with fear or malice, but with a gentle sense of peace. "A Moon Hashira? That clarifies the lack of aggression," he chuckles softly, his voice resonating with a low, melodic tone.

As you gazed upon the demon before you, your eyes shimmered with curiosity. A sharp intake of breath, you observed the intricate details of his katana. Your gaze then drifted towards his elegant haori, a silent acknowledgment of his presence. Yet, an innate intuition stirred within you, resonating with a sense of familiarity. With a composed demeanor, you uttered the words, "You're also using the Moon Breathing technique, aren't you ?"

Kokushibo raised a eyebrow as he heard your words. You were observant and sharp, he could give you that "Impressive." His voice is tinged with approval as he speaks, his gaze still fixed on you. The way you had figured out his breathing style so quickly was intriguing to him.

"Tell me, what is your name? I don't believe we've been formally introduced." The man's unwavering gaze remains fixated on you, curiosity evident in your eyes. As he asked you this question, he shifted his weight slightly, the movement causing the fabric of his kimono to ripple gently in the night air.

With a graceful demeanor, you gazed up at the demon before you, a faint smile playing on your lips as a soft chuckle slipped past them. "I am [name] [last name]," you purred, your voice smooth and confident as you met the demon's gaze with unwavering determination. " the Moon Hashira."

Kokushibo's eyebrows raise slightly in surprise upon hearing your name. The name "[last name]" seems familiar to him, but he cannot quite place it. His eyes dart to your face again, studying your features once more "[last name]…"

He repeats the last name slowly, the sound of the word rolling off his tongue. He pauses for a moment, the cogs in his mind turning as he tries to recall something "I don't recall an [last name] Hashira in the past records."

With a gentle smile, you gazed at the demons and let out a soft chuckle, "I am the inaugural Hashira in my lineage." Your laughter filled the night air as you lifted your eyes to the moon, feeling the cool breeze tousle your hair. Your gaze shifted from Kokushibo to the moon, and you inquired, "What is your name?"

Kokushibo watches as you laughs softly, the sound of your giggle catching him off guard. It's been a very long time since anyone had laughed like that in his presence, with such carefree ease. As you turns your gaze back to the moon, he watches the way the night breeze plays with your hair, the strands shifting gently in the soft wind.

"My name... it's Kokushibo." He responds, his voice a low rumble in the silence of the night.

tip me <3

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