Konig Fic - Tumblr Posts
So I read this Konig x fem reader fic months ago but I can’t find it. So I’m hoping some of yall will see a desperate reader in need and hell me out.

Like I said it was a Konig x fem reader fic. The reader worked with computers on the base Konig was stationed on. He would go down to her office and just watch her. There was a point where the base was attacked and he went to her to protect her.
Konig decides to train her. I’m pretty sure she joins his team. I know for sure that she gets kidnapped.
The 141 and Kortac team up and Soap was very flirtatious and it made Konig jelly.
Later on in the fic they go to his home and sort of get married.
Idk if this is enough to go off of, but pls let me know if you find it!!!!
Thank you :)
Whumptober Day 2-Konig

✲Prompt: "They don't care about you."
✲Yandere!Konig AU
✲Warnings: angst, toxic behavior, manipulation, yelling, self-deprecating thoughts
✲MINORS DNI (have your age in your bio or you're getting blocked)

Your heart was beating against your chest so hard you thought it was rattling your ribs. Konig had you cornered in your own room and the crazed look in his eyes had you petrified. This was not the man you fell in love with. The Konig you started to date was your protector and treated you with the utmost gentleness. Right now whoever this was in front of you was not someone you held any love for.
This whole predicament had started when you had told Konig that you felt it was best if the both of you broke up. As the months went on in the relationship he started to be as loving with you and it started to turn into controlling and obsessive behaviors. It started with him asking you to share your location with him on the phone. You thought his intentions were pure since he said he just wanted to make sure he was able to know where you were if something were to happen to you. Then it evolved into him interrogating you whenever you were going out with friends as to who was going to be there and what you were going to do while you were out. If it was somebody that he wasn’t the biggest fan of then forget about those plans. It got even worse when he would want to do routine checks on your phone to make sure you weren’t doing anything to betray his trust. Meanwhile, he didn’t see that he was losing your trust in him and you were slowly trying to pull yourself away from him.
“You think any other man could treat you better than how I care for you schatzi? I do all of these things because I care about you!” His voice was reverberating off the walls in your room and it made you cower deeper into the corner you were forced into to try and pull yourself as far away as possible from Konig’s mountainous body. “I need you to know that all of those dirty men out there on the streets do not have your best interest at heart. They don’t care about you!”
His words stung and polluted your mind. Were you truly so hard to take care of and love? You slid down and slumped against the wall contemplating all the negative thoughts that started to cloud over you. Your frame was trembling as choked sobs pushed their way through your throat. You buried your head into your hands trying to muffle the sound of your cries and hoping to even stifle whatever you’re feeling right now. It would be better to be numb right now. Konig stooped down and wrapped his thick, muscular arms around your quivering body and pressed your head into his chest.
“I hope you get rid of that silly idea that we should break up from your head, meine Schatz. I love you and I don’t want you to forget it.”
Anything V (König x Reader)
The 5th instalment in the Anything-Verse
Main Masterlist
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Like the characters?
Sunshine Masterlist || Saint Masterlist
Series Summary: A lack of information from the chain of command results in König mistaking you for an enemy sniper.
A/N: Ya’ll are in for a treat with this series. I just figured out the plot like 10 minutes ago hahaha
Category: Angst || Hurt/Comfort || Unrequited Pining || Tension
Warning: Graphic Language

You glared at the woman before you, fury simmering beneath your skin. You felt like you were on fire, you felt like you could commit heinous crimes- you knew that you could kill them.
“I understand that you may feel like this isn’t needed,” the stupid fuck soothed. “But therapy is a proven solution. I can help get you back up and running.”
Your fingers dug into the armrests.
“They told me this was training.” You were chewing on the words, jaw tight and eyes narrowed. Deep down you’d known that this was coming, you’d declined ‘help’ after the initial incident but now there was no hiding the darkness that plagued your mind. Everyone had seen it.
Daisy Chain
A/n: While I work on Atsv requests please enjoy some Konig fluff that I wrote impulsively at two in the morning
Summary: You want to know why KorTacs operator won't stop staring at you but today you finally had the courage to talk to him
Pairing: Konig and Gn Reader (Fluff, I don't know if the ending is that great but I tried)

You couldn’t help but feel a piercing stare burning holes through your head as you tirelessly scrubbed the dirt and dust that clung to the cold metal of your rifle, every movement you made began judged and evaluated by the brooding Austrian.
Sweat clung to your forehead as the sun continued to beat down on you, and his stare only made you more sweaty.
He always sat alone, his presence seemed to be enough to clear any area of beating hearts that wanted to remain beating, soldiers steered clear of him, and you did too, until today.
He loomed on the bench his gaze unwavering, from your small frame. You glanced to him every now and then but you didn’t allow yourself to linger.
But every move you made felt stiff, you felt suffocated, like the breeze that blew softly against exposed skin, didn’t fully reach your lungs only filling them with gentle, shaky breaths, it was too much.
You sighed, your body tensed as you slid off the wooden bench, your thundering boots pounding clouds of dirt from the dry earth as you walked to the soldier, it was almost endearing how he tried to avert his gaze as if he hadn’t been shamelessly staring at you a few moments ago.
Your heart rattled in your chest as you stopped in front of the stoic man, his large stature intimidating even as he sat, he looked out over the green field that surrounded the patch of dry land that you stood upon.
“Hey.” you said hushed, your voice shook as you spoke but you only prayed he wouldn’t notice, it took everything in you to not run away right then, while you still had the chance, you had seen this man in battle, you had watched him break men over his knee like they were mere twigs, who knows what he would do if you managed to piss him off.
The man's sharp eyes darted back at you briefly, like he expected you to disappear any moment, but when he shifted his gaze to see you standing still before him he lifted a brow before turning his full attention to you. Not a word leaving his lips as an unbearable silence stretched on.
You inspected the man in front of you, you had never been this close to him before, he smelled like the outside, he had a musk of rich soil, an overwhelming earthy tone, with a soft whisk of rust.
You stared at his chest trying to not make it obvious that you were practically drinking in his appearance, his large figure was covered head to toe concealing every inch of skin that could possibly be exposed to the world, his dark hood draping down past his shoulders.
The red bleach marks that plastered onto the dark fabric smudged down his face like crimson tears, the slots carved into his mask bored into you, but from the sea of black paint that smeared his hidden flesh two beautiful orbs of blue stared back at you, they looked like cloudless skies of blue, you found yourself lost in them.
And the words seemed to bubble up leaving your lips before you were able to stop them.
“You have…pretty eyes.” you stuttered out awkwardly, avoiding his gaze as you stiffened at your own words, the shifted at your sudden praise, an amused smile crept up under his mask as he looked at you, silence lingered before he spoke up
“Thanks.” his voice was low yet it held a velvety tone to it, his accent flowing with each word. From how he spoke you couldn’t gauge whether he appreciated the comment about his eyes and that level of uncertainty left a feeling of dread bubbling up inside your chest. Yet you persisted.
“You must be Konig.” you said, your tone seemed confident with your assumption as you held his firm gaze.
The Austrian nodded, his large hands moving to rest on his rifle, the movement was small and subtle, but it was a simple gesture that said a lot to you.
You felt yourself stiffen, the air suddenly felt too thick to breathe as you stood there, you felt his eyes hunting you. You needed to diverge his attention. With a shaky breath, you managed a smile as you spoke
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” you stuttered out, to this Konig paused his steady movements, his brows furrowing, but you couldn’t tell at what it was. His eyes seemed to soften, but a hint of caution still swirled in his pupils, his shoulders fell with a huff.
“Really?” he muttered, his tone seemed to contain a touch of surprise, the sound was strangely pleasing to hear from the distant man.
You nodded softly
“You're the big Austrian everyone finds so intimidating.” you spoke lowly, but you felt a wave of panic flood through you as you noticed Konigs eyes narrowing, quickly you tried to think of something to add
“But uh, I’ve also heard you're quite tall.” you chuckled nervously. The soldier's brow raised as he glanced down from his towering height, seeming to straighten himself out at your comment, which only increased his size as he offered you a slow nod.
“I am.” he said flatly, the words seemed to linger in the dense atmosphere that surrounded you two. You felt my foot tapping anxiously with the settling silence, so you spoke up again, trying to keep the flow of conversation.
“How tall exactly?” you whispered curiously glancing up to the big man.
“Six foot ten.” he huffed his chest out a bit at the answer, sounding a bit prideful about it, speaking with more confidence than he had before. Your eyes widened at his answer
“Damn.” was all you could think to sputter out, Koing nodded approvingly with a deep hum echoed from the base of his chest.
“Tallest of my unit.” he spoke, though it wasn’t boastful, he stated it as the simple truth, and you believed him, he was certainly taller than most.
“I’d believe it.” you chuckled, felt yourself begin to loosen up around Konig, and even he himself seemed to be more open with engaging in conversation than he was before.
“How tall are you?” he mused with a pointing finger as he crossed his arms over his chest leaning back on the wooden bench slightly. At this question you felt you shrink into yourself more as fiddled with my hands awkwardly.
“Well uh.” you trailed off hoping he would get the memo, but this only seemed to intrigue the soldier as he leaned in curiously.
“Yes?” he pressed, encouraging you to continue. You glanced away
“About five three.” You sighed, heat rising to your cheeks as you felt his eyes glued to you as you spoke, for some reason now more than ever you felt all eyes on you.
He tilted his head to the side as he leaned back, his eyes seemed to glow at your answer, a softness to them that only drew you to him, he seemed to smile with his eyes, it left your heart stuttering in your chest, you found it attractive.
No, you gently shook the thought from your head, you couldn’t be thinking these things about him, you scolded yourself. But Konigs heavy voice steered you from your thoughts.
“A lot smaller than me.” you could practically hear the smile in his voice, at this you felt the corners of your mouth tug into a smile as well, you snorted softly.
“Yeah, well I’m sure most people are to you.” you teased, the comment felt so natural, like you were talking to an old friend, a comfortable feeling stirring in you that you would have never guessed you could feel around this man, you couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement at your progress with prying the cold man open.
But that wasn’t even the best part, with your comment Konig let out a deep, hearty, booming sound, it was like nothing you had heard before, it rattled in his chest before it died out slowly and he returned his warm gaze to you.
“True.” he said simply, but his eyes didn’t glance away from you, he looked deeper into your eyes as if searching for something.
“You must be brave to approach me.” he quipped, to this you raised your brow in confusion.
“Really? Why is that?” you asked, he crossed his leg over his knee as hummed in thought
“Most people tend to avoid me all together, as you said they find me too intimidating to approach.” he said, his eyes drifting across the greenfield to his right, as he thought. You felt a pang of guilt wrenching up your stomach, you didn’t mean it like that.
“Yet you seem to do that easily, even going as far to say that I’m ‘pretty’ “ he recited your words, amusement dripping from his low tone as he looked at you. You smiled at his comment as you nodded.
“Because you are, you have beautiful blue eyes.” you grinned feeling comfortable enough to speak your opinions to him
“And a wonderful laugh.” you added, your smile stretching across your face as you spoke. With this the Austrian didn’t reply, he turned his head to stare back over the field baking in the golden sunlight of the afternoon, he himself began to feel a bit hot, but it was because of the heat, right? He felt his cheeks bitten with a soft red, he sighed at your words.
“You're a flirt.” he groaned, his pale eyes meeting yours once again. You chuckled at his comment, your face lighting up in a way Konig hadn’t seen before.
“Or maybe I’m just honest.” you shot back playfully
“Why not both?” he challenged, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this comfortable around someone, but he just wanted to bask in this feeling.
“You make a good point.” you say as you sit down in front of him, the dust that sat among the soft splotches of grass settled under your weight. The soldier felt a feeling of admiration bubbled up in his chest, it was an addicting feeling something he wasn’t used to in the slightest.
“I like you.” he said softly, his voice sailing through the air light enough for only you to hear, with this you couldn’t conceal the blush that made its way to your sun kissed skin as you smiled.
“I like you too.”
His eyes seemed widened in surprise at your response, as if he hadn’t been anticipating that at all, your brows furrowed at his confusion.
“Really?” he hummed lowly, as if testing the waters. He wasn’t used to people enjoying his company, or, better yet, him enjoying theirs
“Well yeah, you think I spend this much time with people I don’t like at least a little bit.” you chuckled, but you did not like Konig a little bit, you liked him a lot.
You couldn’t help but let out a yelp of surprise as the Austrians face was suddenly in front of yours inches away as he leaned down to you from the bench, you felt the air in your lungs cease to leave your quivering lips, you could feel his warm breath brush against your skin, the feeling sent a shiver up your spine.
“I really like you.” he hushed into your into ear, the sound was so deep, so rich, you felt your heart stutter in your chest as he pulled away a proud look in his blue eyes as you chuckled
“Now who's the flirt?” You teased trying to take the attention off your flustered state the large man let out a gravely laugh
“Me? Definitely.” he chirped, you grinned looking at him with admiration as your hands mindlessly wandered the patches of grass beneath, plucking a daisy from the mellow earth you poked a hole through the stem, picking another daisy as you slid it through the hole.
The action seemed to come so natural to you Konig watched curiously, as your skillful hands gently held the flowers, you noticed his straying gaze with a smile.
“Do you want me to teach you?” you asked lowly, as Konigs eyes widened before he hummed thoughtfully as he slipped down from the bench, you could see his muscular figure shifting from under his uniforms layers, you averted your gaze away trying not to stare, as he sat next to you patiently waiting as he picked two small flowers of his own.
You awkwardly cleared your throat as you grabbed two more daisies for your demonstration.
“So you take the first flower and poke a small hole through the stem.” explained as Konig mirrored your quick, yet gentle hands, as you pushed the second daisy through, he fell silent and it seemed as though all he could focus on were your hands, at his silence you felt yourself grow slightly anxious.
“Did you get the second part?” you asked, turning your attention to him, he hummed lowly as he offered his palms to you displaying the fragile chain that he clutched delicately in his large hands.
You couldn’t help but smile, watching this trained assassin of sort, sit on the grass with you as docile as a kitten as he entertained your ideas of making silly flower chains.
“Great! Now you just repeat that.” you said mindlessly as you worked on your own, Konig let out a breathy chuckle at your words
“I got that.” he snickered at your directions which led you to feel a little bit dumb at the simple instructions you had given him.
“Yeah, right.” You muttered, you glanced back to your daisy chain, as it seemed everything had been silently, the soft summer sun creeped carefully up your back clinging to your hunched over figure like a blanket of warmth had been draped over your sweating figure, the breeze hushing and whispering to you as the grass swayed lazily in reply, the sound of crickets buzzing in the distance rang in your ears.
And Konig, his watery gaze lingering on your soft lips, you noticed but this time he didn’t flinch away instead he leaned in and you couldn’t help but gasp at the feeling, his hooded face inches from your, you could practically feel his hot breath grazing your lips, you felt your gaze locked on his.
He now hovered over you almost straddling you, as he caged you in his strong arms, you felt dizzy begin this close to him, like an hunted animal. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips.
“Can I…?” he was interrupted by the sound of a soldier calling out to him from behind, he let out a soft groan as he pulled away. Raising from the ground with an irritated groan, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed as he pulled away
“Captain wants to see you.'' The soldier spoke quickly, his eyes not leaving the field in front of him as if he was scared of Konigs now narrowed gaze.
He tilted his head with a grunt and that seemed to be enough for the soldier to give a frantic nod before scampering away, you couldn’t help but frown as Konig sighed, turning to you as he squatted down leaning into your ear as he spoke.
“We'll finish this later.”
And you couldn’t help but feel like that was a promise.
I love him sm 😩