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coterie: the x1 necklace (1/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
a/n: mentions of drugs, so proceed with caution.
it’s weird, but something gravitated you towards the x1 necklace. you couldn’t explain what it was. maybe in the situation, you were in, you know, being kidnapped and all, that was the only thing you could think of. but it was only after your impulsive decision made you pick it up, that you looked up to the necks of the men that stood there. all but one adorned the same necklace that was in your grasp, and when you met the eyes of the owner, your heart dropped. piercing you with his gaze was yohan. “it’s mine,” he said, “follow me.” and before the others could disperse, yohan began to move away from the hall. his hands were shoved in his pockets and he started to briskly walk down a narrow hallway. you hurriedly followed, but you made sure you were two steps behind him. anything could happen, and frankly, you didn’t want to push any buttons. “my role in the group is the harvester.” you raised an eyebrow, “what does that mean?” yohan continued onward, till he reached a door. he opened it and walked in, leaving it wide open for you to follow. upon entering the room, your breath was caught in your throat.
the room is strangely warm and humid, but you understand why once yohan turns the light on. across the perimeter of the room are multiple long, wooden planters, growing marijuana. you scrunch your nose at the lingering scent of skunk in the room, but that doesn’t seem to faze yohan. “I see,” you tell him, shock holding you in place, while yohan slips the necklace back over his head, and sits on the ledge of a window on the other side of the room. he’s looking back at you, but he’s got a dazed look on his face. when you squint, you can see a red tint in the whites of his eyes, and you put two and two together: he’s stoned. “I grow the weed this gang sells, and I control who the weed goes to, and whatever. I also smoke the weed, but you already knew that right?” you gulped, suddenly hyper-aware of the situation. “I-I’ve never met a stoner before.” yohan stands to pull a lighter out of his back pocket, before reaching over on a nearby table to grab a joint. he places it between his teeth and lights the open end, till you see small fumes escaping his nostrils.
he’s approaching you, now, and you subconsciously move back once for every step he takes towards you until you feel the wall behind you. he’s close enough to where you can clearly see the red rim of his eyelids, and the dilation of his pupils. “stoner? I prefer the word... cannabis enthusiast. or I guess, that’s two words. anyhow, you chose to work with me.” he takes another hit on the joint, and offers it to you. you decline, putting your hand up and scrunching your nose in distaste. he shrugs before blowing the smoke out, white fumes moving at their own leisure. “your job is to help me harvest. it’s as simple as that. I deal with other substances besides weed, so I'll take care of that once you get the hang of harvesting these.” you comb a hand through your hair and nod. you chose this fate, and now you must deal with it. “I’ll teach you everything, don’t worry about it. for now, just relax. I’m high as shit right now so I can’t teach you properly. let’s start tomorrow.” he stuck the joint back in the mouth and patted your shoulder, only to walk out of the room. you stood, a shiver made its way down your spine despite the air in the room being thick from the humidity. you clenched your fists and muttered curses, heading out of the room.
someday // l.t.y.
summary: several years after high school, when you and your peers have all established careers, you get invited to your graduating class reunion.
pairing: lee taeyong x gn!reader
word count: 2.4k
genre: exes!au, angst, some closure.
a/n: mentions of alcohol, UNEDITED
You knew this day would come, but not this soon.
It feels like it came fast when in reality it’s been almost seven years since you graduated from high school. It took a handful of odd jobs after receiving your bachelor’s degree, but you were able to land a position as an accountant. With your hard work, you’ve slowly climbed up the ladder to where you now serve as the finance director of the firm you work for. Your salary is handsome, as per your standards, and you were recently able to afford a nice apartment. It was only after your move that you visited your parents on the other side of the city where they handed you the envelope in your hands. It was an invitation to your high school reunion.
That's how, fast forward a week later, you found yourself standing in front of your old high school gymnasium. You see people walking towards the entrance and feel stupid because most of them seem to be going with another person, maybe a friend they would keep in touch with or a significant other. Maybe you should have coaxed one of your co-workers and bribed them with drinks or something afterward. Too late now, you thought, as you sighed and made your way to the entrance. Upon arrival, the first thing you notice is the reasonably large group of people scattered throughout the room. It’s dark and the only light sources are the few disco ball lamps projecting multicolored circles throughout the perimeter of the room. You squint to try to make out people when seconds later, your thoughts are interrupted by a shrill, “Y/N!” You turn your head towards the sound and find an adult Jisoo approaching you. Jisoo was one of your closest friends you kept in touch with for a while but lost contact with a couple of years into college. “Jisoo, is that you? Oh my god, it’s been ages! How are you?” you hugged her, and she began to share how shortly after graduating college, she applied for a job as a photographer at a fashion agency, but she ended up landing a job as a model. Long story short, Jisoo was now a thriving model. “I’m so happy for you!” you gush with sincerity and she gets shy, combing her fingers through her hair. She tells you that she may have just landed her big break, about to fill you in on details when an oh-so-familiar voice cuts her off. “Hey guys,” you turn around and your eyes meet Lee Taeyong.
Taeyong and Y/N: the “dream team” as they used to call you back in high school. You shared a long and valuable relationship with him, dating almost throughout all of high school. That's why when people heard that you split up, they were more shocked than they would have liked to admit. it was a rather nasty breakup that was not mutual at first; he had gotten into his dream university located across the country while you chose to stay in your home city for college. You didn't want to stop him from achieving his dreams of becoming a pediatric dietitian; you would have hated yourself for acting that selfish. Therefore, you thought things could work via long-distance and they did for a while, but the harsh realities like not being able to hold each other in your hard times set in faster than you wanted to admit. Your schedules were becoming increasingly incompatible, and it became difficult for either one of you to grasp onto the relationship. You both watched as it slowly slipped away from your hands. Taeyong was the one to pull the trigger, and with heavy hearts, the two of you officially parted ways.
You have not contacted each other since then. Now, the two of you stand face to face, and you see an emotion in his eyes that you don’t recognize. Perhaps it’s because you successfully managed to forget the negative memories from all the ones you still have of him. Or maybe you just forgot how to read him. “Uh, Y/N, I wasn’t expecting you to show up,” he awkwardly rubs his hands together as he slowly shifts his gaze around the room. “Yeah, I wasn’t going to come, but I decided to come just for the fun of it. Bit of a last-minute decision, actually.” Jisoo could sense the tension in the air and playfully scoffed, “really? Y/N, I thought you weren’t the type of person to make last-minute decisions. You used to grill me for doing that all the time.” You notice the surprise looming on Taeyong's face; he must’ve been taken aback by your statement too. You turn away from his careful gaze before coldly replying, “people change over time, I guess.”
After Jisoo finds someone else to catch up with, you quickly excuse yourself to the bar to grab a glass of punch because there is no way in hell that you want to be left alone with Taeyong right now. The walk over to the bar is a little difficult, mainly due to the lack of light, but you manage to make it without bumping into anyone else. as you pour your punch in a cup, someone clears their throat in front of you. “Johnny Suh!” you gasp, a smile forming on your face. Johnny and you used to be neighbors in high school but right after graduation, he and his family moved to Chicago. You were very sad at the departure of one of your only friends, so you were beyond thrilled to see him again. You shuffle around the table to give him a hug that he gladly reciprocated. “I thought I saw you walk in. how are you, Y/N?”
“I’ve been well. Busy, but well. When did you get back?” He tells you that he recently got a job at an accounting firm, right here in the city. When you ask him where he says the name of your firm. “No way! I work there, too!” Johnny lights up at this, you talk about the work-life, how the people are, and share your experiences.
You fail to notice that across the room, a pair of eyes have been following you ever since you left them alone a few moments ago. Taeyong watches, with a pained gaze, as you reciprocate what is obvious flirtatious behavior from Johnny. Truthfully, when Johnny moved away, Taeyong remembers being a little happy on the inside, because he wouldn’t have to hear you talk about him so much. If he didn’t know better, he’d say that Johnny harbored a small crush on you. When he brought it up, you used to throw your head back in laughter, before pinching his cheeks and calling him cute. That same feeling begs to ignite again, but his head is quicker than his heart, as it forces him to look down at the thin silver band wrapped around the ring finger of his right hand. You’ve moved on, he hears, and he tucks his hand into his pocket. Someone walks over to him and captures his attention, pushing the thoughts of you and what could have been to the back of his head.
Johnny gets a call from someone, so he excuses himself from your company, leaving you standing amidst the terrible background music and a half-full cup of punch in your hand. You figure you can go grab some fresh air right about now, so you meander off to the door, before stepping out onto the concrete outside. The cool summer breeze is comfortable against your arms but out of habit you fold them together, the cup of punch firmly held in your palm. You close your eyes and exhale the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Care if I join you?” Taeyong’s voice rings, shattering the silence you developed briefly. Opening your eyes, you clear your throat before saying, “be my guest.” Taeyong stands next to you, and once he’s in the light you’re able to get a better look at him. The last time you saw Taeyong, his hair was much shorter and cleanly trimmed. He had innocence in his eyes that twinkled with every step. The version of him standing next to you was definitely more mature; there’s a shadow of smile lines and crow’s feet on the side of his face you see, his hair has grown out quite a bit and you can make out the sharpness of his cheekbone and jaw naturally contouring his face.
“Some things never change, right?” He says out of the blue and you cough to offset the growing embarrassment you feel. He’s referring to how you used to zone out into your thoughts when you stared at him, usually from the side. He would always be able to pick up on it, teasing you relentlessly. “Have you been well?” “Did you move back here?” The both of you asked at the same time to one another, awkwardly laughing off the collision of your questions before you said, “you first.” Taeyong nodded, “I moved back here almost a year ago actually. I was transferred to a small hospital and they knew I was from here, so they figured it was easier to send someone who had a feel for the demographic.” You bit your lip, and he continued, “I didn’t realize how much I missed this city. It was only after I moved back that I felt like this is where home was all along. How about you, did you ever leave?” You shook your head, “I had all my opportunities here, so I never felt the need to go anywhere. I have been perfectly happy and I never felt better,” and as you speak, you notice Taeyong pull his hand out of his pocket to scratch his ear and light reflects the ring resting nicely on his ring finger. You try not to let your eyes widen too much, but you can’t help it if your heart shatters in your chest. “You’re engaged.” Taeyong winced at the change in your tone; he wanted to avoid this topic. “Uh, yeah. Yes, I am.” You attempt to play it off, looking away from his analyzing gaze. “Who’s the lucky person?” Taeyong looks outward with a certain fondness as he recalls details of his significant other. He says they met in one of his classes, saying they “were the best friend he never had”. You listened on as your walls started to break.
“I proposed shortly after I found out I was transferred here. They moved here with me, actually.” You nodded, recognizing all too well this feeling growing in you. It was reminiscent of how you felt when you broke up with him, but this was much more intense. You painfully exhaled and you knew he could sense it. “Happy for you. I really am,” you managed to say without letting your voice crack. Taeyong was always very straightforward with you, and it didn’t surprise you when he said, “Y/N, I was in the darkest place when we broke up. They helped me get out of that. I know it was not an easy decision to make, which is why I want you to know that you will always have a place in my heart. We spent so many years together, it’s natural that you and I will always be something special.” You turn the other way, and this time, you can’t stop the tears from falling. You couldn’t face him anymore because you don’t want to reveal to him that a big part of you still wanted him. Seeing that ring on his finger and hearing him gush about his partner reaffirmed all that. Now, all you wanted to do was to get out of there. “I’ll be honest, sometimes it still feels like I haven’t gotten over you. Even if I did. Know that I will always love you and that you’ll always have a piece of me.” Taeyong says, and a small whimper leaves you. “I’m a mess, Taeyong,” you croak. “I built this strong wall and convinced myself that I was okay. Tonight you’ve proved me wrong. I tried time and time again to find someone else to introduce into my life but no one comes close.” You finally wipe your eyes and turn back to face Taeyong to find silent tears trailing down his face. “I was hoping you’d be here tonight if I’m being honest. I needed to get this off my chest. I’m sorry for everything, Y/N.”
You breathe, the final bit of teardrops sitting at your waterline. “Thank you, Taeyong. For everything, but especially the memories. I know I can’t fall out of love with you overnight, and I certainly will not ask you to do anything selfish. You know that I just want you to be happy, and if they make you happy, that’s all that matters.” Taeyong wants to reach out to wipe your tears, but he’s afraid he’ll cross a line he set for himself. “Would you still want to be friends? For old times’ sake,” Taeyong asks, hoping you’ll say yes. You feel conflicted but you say, “you’re going to need to give me time, Taeyong. I need to sort things out in terms of relationships, and right now, I don’t think I can take being your friend. That’s going to lead to me wishing terrible things on you two, and I don’t want to jeopardize a relationship that is strong enough as it is. Please, don’t force me to befriend you when I’m broken.” Taeyong is hurt, but the rational voice in his head is telling him that you are doing the right thing. “It’s getting late,” you muster the courage to say, “I should head out but I’m glad you got the closure you needed.” Taeyong offered to walk you to your car, and you don’t know if you can take any more heartbreak, but you let him walk you anyway. The tears are gone for now, but they’ll come back. Taeyong hesitates, “Do you want to meet up for lunch or something anytime soon?” You unlock your door and open it before turning to him. There’s a glint of hope in his eye, and you smile meekly, “maybe but not soon, Taeyong. When I’m ready. I hope you can understand.” He nods almost instantly, and you’re grateful for his reaction. “I’ll see you someday,” you tell him and he nods, waving to you as you start your car and leave, whispering under his breath “someday.”
a/n: AHHH my first ever long scenario. this was much easier to do than a series lol but I’m nervous! I would appreciate any and all feedback you guys have for me, and thank you for reading it!

♡ B.A.P


♡ Day6

♡ Got7
hi! can you make a day6 young k scenario where young k confesses to the reader? thanks in advance:)
Hi anon! Of course! This was super cute and fun to write~ and it made me excited because it’s my first request heheh. Thanks for sending the request, I hope you like it (:
Young K scenario: Confession

You and Brian had been friends for a little over a year. You would always spend time together, going for walks, to concerts, eating food, you’d do everything together. Day6 had been gaining more and more popularity over the months, and Brian’s schedule was always getting busier, meaning you had less time to spend with him. Yeah, you were happy for him, but you missed your best friend, and he missed you too. Day6 had a world tour coming up which you were dreading. You used to spend so much time with him that you couldn’t imagine him being gone for that long. Lately Brian had noticed you going all quiet and upset whenever anyone mentioned the tour, although you tried to hide it, he knew you too well. It was the day before they had to leave for the tour, and Brian decided to arrange something with the other members, who you were also close friends with, to cheer you up. Now that you thought about it, he had been doing a lot for you lately, like buying you food, when usually you’d split the bill. You guessed that the reason was just because he was going to miss you too. Brian knocked on your door with a bright smile, and the other four stood behind him. He didn’t tell you where you were going, it was a surprise. You arrived at your favourite restaurant to your, intended, surprise. Usually Brian would fight until you went to the restaurant he liked, but this time he voluntarily took you here. You looked at him happily and hugged him.
“Thank you!!”
“Haha, anything for you.”
After the meal, you went to the restroom and when you came back you saw Brian leaning over the table speaking quietly to the others, but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. When you arrived at the table, the other members said goodbye to you abruptly and left the two of you alone. You were confused as to why they left, but you were just happy that he stayed. It was late now, and the two of you thought to go to a park nearby which looked beautiful at night. You walked for a while, speaking about memories the two of you shared together, before sitting on a bench. It was silent, and Brian sat looking down at his feet.
“Are you okay Brian?”
“I- I’m really going to miss you.”
“I know… I’m gonna miss you too.”
“Y/N… I was going to wait until after the tour but… I can’t. There’s something I need to tell you.” You looked at him with a confused expression, “Go ahead.”
“Okay.. I know, we’re best friends, and I know that’s all you see me as, just you’re best friend. But I can’t wait until the tour is over to say this, I can’t keep these feelings to myself anymore. Believe me I’ve tried. But.. I love you. I don’t want to be only you’re best friend anymore.”
“Brian, it’s okay.” You’re eyes started to tear up, thinking about how you’d been waiting for this moment and how much you were going to miss him while he was on tour. “I love you too.”
You gave him a smile, with a happy tear down one cheek. He smiled back, and pulled you into a warm hug.
BTS as YouTubers
RM (Namjoon)
Something to do with music.
Maybe does remixes, and definitely original stuff.
Would collab with a lot of people, including Yoongi.
590,000 subscribers.
Underrated rapper.
Not in the millions yet but 590k is a lot of people.
Uploads pretty often but doesn't have a set schedule.
Likes and replies to nice comments.

Cooking channel (you saw this coming).
6,000,000 subscribers.
With his cooking skills, humour, and beautiful face, he's gonna have a successful channel.
Has an upload schedule that he sticks to.
Also has a following on Instagram and Twitter.
Does mukbang videos too.
Has guests in his videos that cook and/or eat with him.

Suga (Yoongi)
Definitely also something music related.
All original stuff.
Collabs a lot as well, mainly with Namjoon.
Might do product reviews, or song reactions.
Not the most consistent at uploading.
90,000 subscribers, but they're all very loyal (and that's still a lot of people).
Badass MVs that actually get a decent amount of attention.
Channel will take off one day, this guy is gonna get discovered.

J-Hope (Hoseok)
Choreographs his own dances.
Does dance covers.
Possibly in a dance crew and has a shared channel with them.
700,000 subscribers on his channel, 1,550,000 on the shared channel.
No upload schedule, but uploads very consistently.
Not as consistent himself on the shared channel, but videos still get put out by the other people.

Beauty channel, main focus probably on skincare.
We know that Jimin has knowledge on skincare.
Does GRWMs and skincare product reviews.
Might release some music with other people here and there (like Edward Avila).
990,000 subscribers.
Channel is growing fairly quickly.
Has an upload schedule, uploads maybe 2-4 times a week.
Might do collabs with friends.

V (Taehyung)
Lifestyle channel.
Does volgs, story times, and maybe GRWMs.
Vlogs usually consist of buying clothes, meeting friends and possibly eating food.
Has lots of other YouTuber friends in his videos (or non YouTuber friends).
Videos of Yeontan.
I don't think he'd have an upload schedule, but I think he'd be consistent.
2,600,000 subscribers.

Gaming channel (you saw this coming too).
Mainly plays Overwatch but does play other games too.
Plays games with his friends in videos.
Gained popularity from his pro Overwatch gameplay.
Livestreams all the time.
Probably on Twitch too.
More consistent with streaming than with actual uploads.
2,900,000 subscribers.

Hii^^ could you do a high school sweetheart scenario with namjoon ?
Hi! Eeeek my second request!! This is super cute, thank you for asking! I hope you like it :)
Namjoon scenario: High School Sweethearts

You and Namjoon were in your last year of high school, and you had been together since the start. Sure, you’d had arguments here and there like any other couple, but your relationship was as strong as it gets. You’d always go to school together, whether that be by bus, walking, etc, you’d be together. You’d always get lunch together, you had most of the same classes together and would sit together whenever you could, to be honest there was hardly a moment that you weren’t with him. He was indeed your high school sweetheart. One of your favourite things was when your smart boyfriend would help you with homework, specifically from subjects you didn’t like so much or struggled with, you loved seeing his impressive brain at work and it just gave you another reason to spend time with him. He’d take you on all sorts of dates, from simple walks in the park to whole days out at the funfair. People were always jealous of your relationship, and actually you felt incredibly lucky to be with who you thought was the sweetest guy on earth, and sometimes you might’ve doubted whether you even deserved him, but he always assured you that he loved you more than anyone. Some people would watch you walking through the corridors while holding hands and squeal, and your friends would try to plan your future wedding with him. You didn’t mind, because you honestly couldn’t see yourself ever being in a relationship with anyone other than Namjoon anyway. You remember the exact date he asked you to be his girlfriend and how he did it, I mean it’s hard not to remember. Cheesily, he asked you on Valentines Day by knocking on your door, holding your favourite flowers. You remember his nervous but excited expression, and how happy he was when you said yes, and how happy you were that he asked. You always think of that moment and smile.
Hello! May I please make a BTS Request? Where even though she's afraid of needles their s/o wants to donate blood at a local Blood Drive. They go on a 'Donating Date' and BTS holds their s/o hand while they're both getting blood drawn so she feels less anxious during it. Thank you!💜
Hello anon :) This request is very creative (and specific aha) and it was fun to write! Thanks for the request, I hope you like it.
S/O goes to a blood drive but is scared of needles
Scenario: You had been feeling unproductive lately and a little useless, and your boyfriend had been feeling the same. The two of you were lying on the bed trying to think of something to do. He scrolled through his phone, looking for any events happening in your area. He saw that there was a local Blood Drive and suggested it, and despite your fear of needles, you really just wanted to do something and that was all you had, so you agreed without mentioning your fear.
RM (Namjoon)
You arrived at the Blood Drive. Up until this point, you were fairly confident that you were going to feel okay and it would be over as soon as you knew it, but when you saw the needles you freaked out. Namjoon noticed you becoming anxious and asked if you were okay, not knowing about your phobia. You explained your situation to him and he made sure that you still wanted to do this. He went first, to show you that it wasn’t that bad, and held your hand while you gripped his tightly when it was your turn. Afterwards, he took you for ice cream to make you feel better.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re scared of needles??”

On the way, you were already starting to get nervous, just imagining the needles. Sweat started appear on your forehead and your eyes filled with regret. Jin, being the caring boyfriend he is, noticed this and asked if you were okay. You told him about your fear but you didn’t want to back out so you didn’t make it seem as bad as it was. When it was your turn, you became even more anxious and Jin noticed, and realised just how scared you were. He wasn’t angry, but a little annoyed that you didn’t tell him beforehand, only because he cared for you and didn’t like you being anxious like this. Nevertheless, he held your hand and placed a small kiss on it to calm you.
“I can’t believe you didn’t just tell me…”

Suga (Yoongi)
You and Yoongi often had late night conversations about your random experiences and thoughts, etc, and because of this, he already knew that you didn’t like needles. But as well as you, he wanting to do something and suggested the idea anyway. When you agreed, he did confirm with you that you were 100% sure, which you said you were. When he saw you getting scared during your turn, he felt to blame for suggesting the idea, so he insisted on holding your hand. You reassured him that you were okay and it wasn’t his fault, and you went to get food together after to cheer eachother up.
“Sorry Y/N, why did I suggest this?…”

J-Hope (Hoseok)
Hoseok doesn’t even know why he suggested this. He didn’t know about your fear, but he was probably scared too. He insisted that you go first, too busy being scared to notice that you were too, and you gave him a concerned look and nodded. While you were already in the seat, that’s when he realised. He saw a little tear in one of your eyes and grabbed your hand, asking if you were okay. When you told him that you were scared of needles, he felt almost relieved that he wasn’t the only one who was scared, but was also worried about you. He stroked your hand to calm you down, and you did the same for him when it was his turn.
“Jeez.. we’re a mess.”

You told Jimin that you were scared of needles on the way there. He was really confused about why you still wanted to do it, and got kinda worried. Before arriving, he stopped at a store to buy you a little teddy bear to comfort you. When it was your turn to have your blood drawn, Jimin was almost as worried as you for some reason, he was fine during his turn but he was just concerned about how you were feeling. He let you hold his hand and afterwards gave you lots of hugs.
“Wait why do you want to do this then?”

V (Taehyung)
Taehyung didn’t even know about your fear yet somehow he still managed to make you feel a little better before you even got there. On the way, you stopped at a boba place, and he would point out every dog he saw on the street. When you arrived and finally saw the needles, you realised what was actually about to happen. You tapped Taehyung’s arm and told him that you were scared, and he gave you a little kiss on the forehead and told you that you’d be okay. You held his hand and he didn’t let go until the whole way home.
“See, I knew we’d have fun on our ‘donating date!”

You didn’t tell Jungkook about your fear until it was actually your turn because you thought he’d take the piss out of you. Which is exactly what he did, well until he looked at you and saw how genuinely scared you were. He laughed at you in a playful way when you first told him, but when he realised, he gave you his hand to hold tightly, told you to close your eyes until it was over, and reassured you that everything would be okay, while getting nervous too for you.
“You’re seriously scared of needles?? Wait Y/N are you gonna cry?..”

Hiiii!! I’ve been thinking of a request and I’ve finally got one (thank the loRD). Could I request some fluffy/domestic bambam? Idk I’m in the mood to feel s o f t. thank you so much!! Please keep writing!!
Hii! I love this request aw x) Lol soft feels are always welcome here! I hope you like what I’ve written, and I do intend to keep writing :) p.s I didn’t know what else to title this :’)
Fluffy and domestic BamBam (living together)

You and bambam had been together for almost a year, and had recently decided to move in together. He loved you with all of his heart and was so excited to be living with you. The first thing he wanted to do was sit with you on the couch and just cuddle, that’s it. He can be silly and childish sometimes, which isn’t bad, he’s still young anyway and it’s who he is and that’s why you love him, but now that he was living with you, he really wanted to take care of you and become a bit more mature. He was still the same Bambam you’d always loved, but now you got to see another side of him. He would love to make dinner with you or take you out to a restaurant, and though he could do that with you anyway, the fact that he didn’t have to drop you off at home afterwards because you lived with him just made him feel all warm inside. The two of you would play games like rock, paper, scissors to see who had to do the dishes, or you would work together and he would clean while you dry and vice versa. You would always try to split chores evenly, unless if you were sick, in which case he would try to take care of everything including you. After you were both done with work, the house chores were done and you had eaten, the two of you would cuddle together and watch a film or talk about eachother’s day. He loved living with you because every moment that he spent at home, you, the love of his life, was there with him.
can i request an enemies to lovers scenario with jae from day6 thank you!!
Of course! This is pretty long but I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing it~
Jae scenario: Enemies to lovers

You had known Jae since high school, and you hated eachother. When you found out that one of your best friends, Sungjin, was now in a band with your enemy, you were almost disappointed with him but annoyed more than anything. Sungjin didn’t want to force you to see Jae, but he did want you to get closer to the other members since you and them were his closest friends. Of course, Day6 wouldn’t just exclude Jae whenever you were hanging out with them, so you had to see him more than you’d like. Day6 weren’t very big, but they had managed to book a gig at a venue much bigger than the ones they usually played at. You were really proud and happy for the boys, well, most of them, and when Sungjin asked you to come you were excited as hell. The show was amazing, even Jae, although you didn’t like him, you couldn’t deny his talent. Afterwards you were allowed to go backstage to see them. The boys were super happy to see you, lately you’d been becoming pretty good friends with them. Even Jae was happy to see you, surprisingly.
“Hey kid.” Jae approached you.
“Um I came to see the others.”
“What’s your problem?”, he acted as if he didn’t know.
You walked past him to the others, he sighed and followed. Sungjin grabbed your arm and asked if you could talk.
“I don’t think you’ve ever told me why you two don’t get along.”
“That’s exactly why, we just, don’t get along. But I’ll tell you why if you really want, it’s a long time coming. I remember the first year of high school, he sat next to me in almost every class, not by choice, I think the teachers just hated me and subconsciously knew that me and Jae didn’t like eachother. He was a class clown, always had witty answers especially for teachers, but other students too. I admit he could be funny, but most of the time he was just plain annoying. We got to know eachother pretty well from sitting together so much, I just ended up disliking him more and more. We ended up arguing quite a lot and getting sent out of class.”
“So that’s it? A high school feud? You’ve held that grudge for this long?”
“Well kinda, but there’s more. I didn’t actually hate him to begin with. I actually.. thought he was kinda cute. I told one of my friends and I think they told someone and it just ended up spreading that I liked him. Eventually Jae found out, and he would always pick on me and stuff. That’s when I actually started to hate him. He kept picking on me all throughout high school after that.”
“Damn. Well, he’s changed. I saw him trying to talk to you, maybe he wants to make up for it?”
“I don’t know to be honest Sungjin.”
The boys were going to a restaurant after, and Sungjin asked you to tag along. You sat down, reading the menu. You looked up for a second and saw Jae, who was sitting across from you, staring at you.
“Uh, you okay there Jae?”
“Yup I’m great, are you?”
“I’ll be better when you look at your menu instead of me.”
“Don’t act like you don’t love my dreamy face looking into your eyes.”
“Nice joke, chicken little.”
“Lighten up Y/N”
“I’ll lighten up when you read your fucking menu and shut up.”
The waitress came over to your table to take your orders. Jae ordered lobster, what a surprise, you remembered him always talking about lobster in high school. He even had a little song about it. You giggled to yourself, thinking about how he would sing the song quietly while you were working, he was actually very good at singing and- wait, were you just thinking about a nice memory about Jae? No, you couldn’t be.
“Something funny?” Jae looked back up at you.
“Yeah, you.”
“Oof should I take that as a compliment or an insult?”
“How did I even get here?” You questioned under your breath and sighed to yourself.
“By cab.” Jae joked.
“Wow very funny. Seriously though, I thought I’d be free from you after high school, yet here I am.”
“You should be glad.” Jae laughed. “We always had fun in school, now we still get to.”
You glared at him, and raised your voice slightly “Fun?! You think it was fun?!” You calmed yourself, “Let’s take this outside.”
Jae followed you out of the restaurant. “So where were we?”
“You seriously think that any of it was fun for me?! You made my life hell! You think I enjoyed being called names, being tripped up in the corridor by your friends and dropping all of my books, just because of a stupid five minute crush?”
“We were just kids.” Jae defended.
“So what?”
“So what do kids do when they have a crush? Isn’t there that whole thing about picking on your crush or something? I don’t know I’m not saying it was okay but I just mean that I was young and didn’t know what I was doing-”
“Wait what are you saying?”
Jae ignored you and continued, “and don’t act like you didn’t do it too! Calling me chicken little all the damn time and laughing at me whenever I answered the teacher in class.”
“I laughed because I thought you were funny.”
“You know what else is funny?” Jae stepped closer to you, “It’s the fact that you didn’t see it. Any of it. You didn’t see me blush or smile whenever you talked to me, even if it was to laugh at me or call me a chicken. You didn’t see me hit my friends after they tripped you up. You didn’t see-”
“Jae please just answer my question.” You started up at him, feeling guilty now.
“Oh right haha… I guess I’m saying that I liked you too.”
You started to tear up, thinking about all the things that you missed from school, asking yourself why you had to hold this silly grudge for so long. Jae put his hand on your face and wiped away the tears.
“You okay kid?” For once in your life, you saw how genuinely concerned he was about you.
“I’m- I’m fine. I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you.”
“Me too Y/N.” He lent down to place a small kiss on your lips. During that moment, all of the good memories that you had forgotten about started to fill your mind. You fell harder for him, erasing all of the bad memories.
“I’m glad we finally made up Y/N, I love you. I always have.”
“Me too and.. I love you too Jae.”
Hi!(: could you do a reaction to day6 dating a mom. Or just a scenario for YoungK dating a single mom
Hi anon! Thank you for sending the request, I hope you like it!
Day6 reaction to dating a mother
I think Sungjin would love looking after you and your child, he’s a very protective and caring person in relationships I think so he’d love the caring family aspect of your relationship with him. He might feel a bit sad sometimes and like he’s letting you down if he has a busy schedule with Day6, but he’d adore spending time with the both of you when he could. As the kid grew up he’d probably teach them how to play guitar.

I think Jae would be similar to Sungjin, in that he would like spending as much time with you and your child as he could, and I think he would also teach them how to play guitar, and they’d play computer games together. It would probably be the least unusual for Jae since he is the oldest (but I don’t think any of the members would mind, I just couldn’t think of a better word). Jae would probably love having a kid around, they could be silly and mess around together.

Young K (Brian)
Brian would also like having a kid around, he’s a very caring guy so like Sungjin he would like the family aspect that comes with you and would like being loving to you and your child. He would also like having a kid around like Jae, and I can see him getting the kid to annoy the crap out of you with him. He’d sing to the kid while they were little, and as they get older he’d teach them how to play guitar and bass, and maybe teach them how to dance too.

Wonpil is a little squish so he’d probably be all soft around you and your child. He’d love spending time with the both of you, maybe watching Disney movies or something, unless they were older in which case just movies in general. He could teach them how to play piano and would feel all warm and proud inside while doing so.

Dowoon is pretty young, so I think at first he would be a bit scared that he wasn’t ready to be to be a father figure or that he wouldn’t be a good one, but he’d soon become more comfortable. If you’re older than him, you might end up looking after the both of them more than he looks after you, but you don’t mind since he’s the cutest person ever and you love him. He’d try his best to take care of the both of you, and he’d be another to have that warm feeling inside of him when he was with you both.

Hiiii can you do fluffy (or sexy TT) neck kisses with Got7 Yugyeom? I like his neck so much aghhhhh those pictures with him looking up are just so sexy and inviting. Thanks a lot:)
Hi anon! I’m sorry that it’s late ): but I hope you like it! also dw ik how you feel, Yugyeom’s neck fucks me up
Neck kisses with Yugyeom
Genre: Fluff // Suggestive

(i love this gif ksjksj)
You and your boyfriend Yugyeom were sat together on the couch watching a rom-com. Well, he was sat on the couch, you were sat on his lap, pulled into his arms in a soft cuddle. The movie wasn’t very interesting and you were getting pretty bored, and when you heard and felt Yugyeom yawn, you knew he felt the same. He didn’t seem tired, just bored like you. You turned your head away from the TV to look to him.
“Should we turn it off?” You asked, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Well, you tried to kiss his cheek. When you looked to him, he moved his head to look to you too, and you kinda missed, kissing his neck instead.
“Ah Y/N what are you trying to do to me?”
“It- it was an accident!” Your cheeks went red, and you buried your face into his shoulder.
“Haha, you’re so cute you know.” Yugyeom kissed your neck back, making you even more embarrassed.
This turned into a kissing war. He had you playfully pinned to the couch and was attacking you with kisses, mainly your neck, and you were doing the same. The sounds from the TV became more quiet, catching the attention of you both. It was a kissing scene, you were going to ask if you should turn the TV off again, but before you could, Yugyeom pressed his lips against yours, and worked his way down to your neck again. This time his kisses were more sensual. You continued to kiss his neck as well. You were there for a while, but eventually the movie ended, catching your attention once again, and Yugyeom finally turned the TV off and looked to you, his cheeks now red too, and the both of you exchanged shy smiles. (unless the two of you had already decided to take this to the bedroom).
hey, can you do a day6 reaction to their s/o speaking +8 languages?
Hii, of course I can! I Hope you like it~
Day6 reaction to their S/O being multilingual
Sungjin would be somewhat proud that you could speak so many languages. It would amaze him that you could communicate with so many people around the world as a result of this too, especially since he can only speak Korean. He would probably ask you to teach him simple words or phrases in each language, like “hello” or “how are you?”.
“Whoa seriously?? EIGHT languages? Could you teach me something?”

Jae would love that you could speak so many languages. Being able to speak two languages himself, he would probably feel proud, in a different way to Sungjin, in that he would like having a S/O who was multilingual like him. He might be jealous that you could speak eight languages while he could only speak two, and he might even try to learn one of them.
“Seriously? I guess I’ll have to learn one. It’ll be another language for me to talk to you in!”

Young K (Brian)
Brian would wonder how you how’d learnt all of those languages, and he’d probably want to know the story like if you learnt them by taking classes, living places, etc. Since he learnt English he would know how hard it is to learn a foreign language, and would be surprised that you had learnt so many. He might end up understanding you slightly when you spoke some of them, because he’s probably tried to write a song in some of the languages a couple times for you, or Googled translations to some words just out of curiosity.
“That’s awesome! How did you learn them?” *gets popcorn*

Wonpil would think it’s the coolest thing ever that you could speak so many languages. His reaction would be similar to Sungjin, since he also only speaks Korean, and he would think that it was so cool that you could communicate with so many people from around the world. He would feel so lucky to have a S/O so skilled in that way and would love to hear you speak the different languages.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?! That’s so cool! Wow I’m so lucky.”

Dowoon would be so surprised that you could learn that many languages in your life, and he might be a little jealous since he only speaks Korean. But he would also think is was really cool. He’d be excited that he could hear you speak in so many different languages, even if he didn’t understand. You know how Dowoon tries to say things in English but it’s really just a mess of random English words that doesn’t make sense? Yeah he might do that with the other languages too.
“Wait how??”

Hi! Can you please write a reaction of day6 when their girl cutting her hair short without them knowing? Thankyou!!
Helloo~ sure! I hope you like it :) (I’m guessing you meant g/f but I only realised that you could’ve meant daughter after I’d already written it so if this isn’t what you meant just let me know and I’ll do another one, sorry)
Day6 reaction to their G/F cutting her hair
Scenario: Your boyfriend was at work, and you had a date planned with him later on. You were sat at home, bored, so you decided to get ready for the date early. You weren’t sure what to do with your hair, and you thought that it might be nice to change it up a little, so you decided to cut it/get it cut before the date.
He was taking you out to dinner, and when you answered the door, his jaw almost dropped. You looked beautiful, all dressed up with a new haircut. He has said in an interview that he likes girls with short hair, he didn’t dislike your long hair, he just liked the change and thought that it really suited you. He complimented you a lot throughout the evening, and smiled whenever you played with your hair.
“Hey Y/N- you cut your hair? It looks so good! I have the most beautiful girlfriend.”

When Jae knocked on your door, he looked almost jealous, but you understood why, his hair was looking a little longer than usual and he could’ve probably done with a haircut too. I think he would also compliment it a lot, but he might mix the compliments with sarcastic comments because of the jealousy.
“Uh Jae… You okay there?”
“How could you get a haircut without me?”
“I’m kidding Y/N, it looks great.”

Young K (Brian)
When he saw your hair he was surprised since it was a big change and he didn’t expect it, but he actually thought it looked cool and really suited you. He would suggest that the two of you get your hair cut together next time.
“Oh you cut your hair? It looks nice.”

When Wonpil saw your hair he just stared at you in amazement. Your beauty always amazes him. He thought you could pull of absolutely anything, and he always wondered how you could do that. He constantly complimented you and got shy every time.
“I like your hair.”
“I know Wonpil, you’ve told me 12 times already.”

Dowoon wasn’t expecting you to cut your hair, and even though he did like it, he wasn’t sure what to say since it was a surprise to him. As the evening went on and he got more used to it, he would probably shyly compliment it like Wonpil, but not as frequently. At first you might have to ask for his opinion on it.
“So… Do you like my hair?”
“Yes! I mean it looks really nice.”

Boyfriend day6 pls ♡
Of course! This is so cute and I loved writing it :) I hope you like it~
Day6 as boyfriends
Protective, would always ask if you got home okay if he couldn’t take you there himself, etc.
Honestly the most caring guy ever.
Probably embarrasses you in public.
His goddamn dancing.
Would probably flail around dance in public and try to get you to dance with him.
But you’d love being silly and dancing with him if you weren’t in public.
Would sing and play guitar for you.
He’d teach you how to play guitar if you wanted.
Wants to hold you and protect you from the world but wouldn’t admit it.
“Did you get home safely? Sorry for embarrassing you haha.”

You always go out to eat together.
He rarely lets you pick the restaurant because he has to make sure they sell lobster.
Would constantly send you memes.
Not super into PDA.
Kissing him is kinda awkward anyway unless he’s sat down since he’s so tall.
Always trying to make you laugh.
Also plays guitar for you, probably to show you something he’s been writing.
Loves seeing you in the crowd at their shows.
Boba dates.
“I know that we came here for food but PLEASE just look at this meme.”

Young K (Brian)
The most loving man on earth.
He’s sweet, he’s sexy, he’s talented, what more could you want?
Always down to cuddle.
Had a good day? Hugs.
Had a bad day? He literally throws himself onto you.
Shows you what he’s been writing, likes to hear your input.
He feels like the luckiest person in the world to have you but intentionally annoys you.
The best listener.
Spontaneous dates.
“Hey Y/N, I know it’s 2am but I miss you and I’m hungry.”

The cutest, softest little bean.
Gets so excited and happy when he sees you, he can’t stop smiling.
He thinks you’re the most beautiful and amazing person on earth and even though you’re dating, he can sometimes still get shy in your presence.
Probably enjoys playing with your hair.
You mean the world to him, and because of this he might be surprisingly jealous.
Sings to you.
He literally serenades you randomly.
He’s also such a gentleman.
“Ah you’re so perfect.” *shyshy*

Another shy boy, but gets less shy the more time you spend together.
Makes you play computer games with him, or at least watch.
Probably lets you wear his hoodies.
Has you saved as his lockscreen and homescreen.
Shy kisses.
The sweetest boyfriend.
Would be too embarrassed for any skinship around the other members.
Only managed to ask you out because the members (aka Jae and Brian) wouldn’t leave him alone about it.
But he’s thankful for it because he would’ve been too shy otherwise.
“It’s pretty cold, wanna borrow my hoodie?”

hi! can you do a day6 reaction to their baby's first word being another member's name?
Done! This was a fun request, sorry that it’s late ): But I hope you like it!
Day6 reaction to child’s first word being another member’s name
For the moment that Sungjin knew that his baby was about to say something for the first time he got all excited and proud, you could see the emotions in his face. But when the baby said “Jae” instead of “dad”, disappointment rushed through Sungjin. He’d get mad at Jae for clearly spending too much time with him and his child, and he wouldn’t let Jae visit them for a few days while he tried to get the baby to say “dad” instead.
“JAE?” *scolds Jae*

Jae wasn’t paying much attention to the baby or his S/O at that second, he was too busy playing a computer game, but they were all in the same room. When Jae heard his baby say something, he hit pause faster than he ever has before and almost fell right next to her and his S/O. He didn’t even acknowledge that the baby had just said Wonpil’s name of all things, he was just shook™ in that moment- but then he realised. He would probably joke about it, but he would still feel disappointed.
“HOLD UP. Did she just talk?!”
“Wait.. Wonpil? Why Wonpil? If you were gonna say anything other than ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ then you should’ve at least said ‘Brian’ so that I could prove that nobody is ever gonna call him YoungK.”

YoungK (Brian)
Brian was spending time with his child and S/O, just watching a movie peacefully. But then the baby spoke, and he hit pause on the movie and freaked out -but she said ‘Dowoon’. I think Brian would react similarly to Sungjin, but he wouldn’t scold Dowoon. He would turn to his S/O with a bummed out look on his face.
“Babe.. I think we’ve spent too much time around Dowoon.”

He was singing to his child before drinking some water as his throat was getting dry, and then out of nowhere, the baby spoke. Wonpil had mixed emotions. He wasn’t sure if he should be happy and excited, or annoyed that his baby had just named Brian for no reason. He was excited to witness his child’s first word, over the moon in fact, but he was sad that they didn’t say dad instead.
“OHMYGOD YOU SPOKE. But couldn’t you have said ‘dad’?” *pouty Wonpil*

Dowoon’s reaction would be similar to Jae’s at first, he would’ve been playing computer games too, and would be shocked and pause the game as fast as he could. However when he realised that his baby had just said “Sungjin”, he would react differently. He would be really confused as to why his child just named Sungjin, as he just assumed that their first word would be mum or dad. I think he wouldn’t really be sure how to react.
“Oh my- Huh? I’m not Sungjin…”

hi can i request a domestic fluffy brian and reader? ty!
Coming right up :) This made me so soft~ Thanks for the request, I hope you like it.
Young K scenario: Making chores fun

You and Brian had both been fairly busy all week, so you were behind on the household chores. You both finally had a day off to spend together, and though all you wanted to do was sleep in, the two of you knew that there was a lot of cleaning to catch up on. You decided that you would at least do it together and try to have as much fun as possible, which actually turned out to be a lot. You guys were singing and dancing funnily all over the place. You would throw the pillows at him, and he would catch them and arrange them on the couch or bed. You would be dancing with the mop and he would set the mop aside to dance with you instead. You’d find a way to make everything fun. Also, thanks to the teamwork, it would all get done fairly quickly. You were initially going to order take out, but since there was quite a lot of time left in the day, you decided to make a nice dinner together. Brian put on a movie that you both loved, so that you could watch it while you ate the food. Afterwards, you did the dishes for that meal, with Brian promising that he’d do them next time, as he lay flat on the couch. When you’d done the dishes, you turned around and saw Brian lying there with a sad facial expression, but you knew he was only pretending because he wanted something.
“What do you want?” You giggled.
“You have to ask?” He was surprised that you’d asked, and when you realised what he wanted you were surprised that you didn’t instantly know too.
You walked over and sat next to him, before he pulled you on top of him and engulfed you in his arms with warm cuddles.
“I love you Y/N.” Brian smiled.
“I love you too.” You said, gasping for air from his affection.
DAY6 reaction to when their gf wants cuddles?✨✨✨
I love this requestt~ But I’ve changed it to S/O rather than G/F because I try to keep everything gender neutral. Thanks for sending the request :) I hope you like it!
Day6 reaction to their S/O wanting cuddles
Sungjin wouldn’t mind at all. Well, I actually think he’d quite enjoy it but wouldn’t wanna show it much. I can see him being protective and caring in relationships and I think he would love to hold his S/O in his arms and feel like he’s protecting them from the world. He would also find it endearing if they wanted this too.
“You want to cuddle? Of course we can.”

If Jae knew that you wanted to cuddle, I can see him becoming all cocky. He would also jokingly make you work for it, asking what was in it for him, while actually to him, getting you cuddle you was enough and he didn’t actually need anything else to want to do that. But I don’t think he’d be super into PDA, so if people were around he might be a bit uncomfortable, unless you were having a bad day.
“Of course you wanna cuddle with me, but what do I get? I’m kidding Y/N come here.”

YoungK (Brian)
Before you could even finish telling/asking him, Brian would already have his arms wrapped around you. He would probably land the two of you on the couch, and there you would stay, as close to Brian as he could get you, you’d probably even end up falling asleep there. He would be all smiles and hugs.
“Say no more.”

This boy would be all shy smiles, he’d giggle, finding it super cute that you wanted to cuddle with him. He would love cuddling too, and just being all affectionate with you like that. You might end up talking about your day or random thoughts with him.
“Sure! How has your day been beautiful?”

Dowoon would become your teddy bear, I think he’d be similar to Wonpil, but the more often you cuddled, the less shy he would get. He would find your cuddles comforting, and would be happy when you asked, especially after a long day.
“Let’s go to the couch.”

How about some Yugyeom fluff, a scenario, maybe like saying “I love you” for the first time?? Please and thank you! ☺️💕💕
Sure! Writing this made me feel all soft lol, I love Yugyeom sm. Thanks for sending the request, I hope you like it!
Yugyeom Scenario: First time saying ‘I love you’

You and Yugyeom had been together for a few months. Your relationship was cute as heck, always holding hands, cuddling, going on cute dates. But one thing neither of you had done yet was say ‘I love you’. You truly did love him, and he loved you too, but the both of you were just too shy to say it and neither of you knew when the right time would be.
Yugyeom had stayed over at your house for the night, and the next morning he had to leave to practice some new choreography with Got7. He apologised for having to leave so early, and as he walked up to you, you handed him a sandwich which you had made for him to eat on his way there. One of the things he loved about you was how caring and considerate you were.
“Is this for me?”
“Haha well I’m handing it to you aren’t I?”
“Thank you so much Y/N! You didn’t have to do this.” He pulled you in for a quick hug and then looked at you briefly with a loving expression before leaving in a hurry. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you so bad. It didn’t really feel right to him, leaving like that without saying it. You wanted to as well, but you didn’t mind so much, knowing that he was busy right then anyway, and you were just happy to do something nice for him.
Later on, he sent you a text while he was at work.
Text from Yugyeom: “Hey Y/N, I don’t have any time to buy some lunch from the store but I’m starving. Do you think you could bring something over please? Sorry to bother you xx”
Text from Y/N: “It’s no bother! I’ll be right there.”
Text from Yugyeom: “Thanks!! You’re the best.”
You made it to the JYP building shortly after. You found Yugyeom in the practice room, dancing to the new song alone. You admired how much work he was still putting in, even while the other members were taking a rest. You handed him the food you had brought.
“This is amazing! I’m so hungry. Ah I love you!!-” He said it without thinking, and you stared at him in disbelief.
“I’m- I’m sorry Y/N! I wasn’t thinking about what I was saying.. I was just so happy that you-”
“I love you too Yugyeom.” You interrupted.
“Really??” He grew shy and his face went red while he looked down, smiling. “That’s good then! I wanted this moment to be more special though, you know, when I’m not covered in sweat and not in my work place.”
You giggled, “Every moment is special with you.”
He set the food aside and pulled you into a warm hug, full of smiles from the both of you. After he was done with work, you spent the night together again, going for a walk, eating food, watching TV, and at every chance you got, saying how much you loved eachother. You were so excited to now be able to say this without it being the ‘wrong time’, no time was the wrong time to tell your beautiful boyfriend how much you loved him.
Hii! You're the first blog I've found that writes for both B.A.P and BTS 💗 haha. May I please request a scenario of you dating Taehyung but Zelo being your first bias ever so you still have a soft spot for him (and Tae knows) and you meet him at an awards show and Tae gets insecure bc of how well you're getting along and you potentially liking Zelo more? Sorry if it's too specific lmao, and thank you! 💕
Hello! I enjoyed writing this, but I’m sorry that it’s late ): I’m excited about this since it’s my first B.A.P-related request xD Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it :)
V scenario: Insecure ft. B.A.P’s Zelo

You were in a cab, on your way to the Melon Music Awards, while your boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, was also on his way with his fellow members. BTS had been nominated for several categories, and you were going to show your support for the man you loved. During the journey, you were browsing online on your phone, since you were curious about the other nominees and who else would be at the awards show. To your surprise, you saw B.A.P nominated in one of the categories. Since they’re pretty underrated, you didn’t expect to see their name, but you were overjoyed nonetheless. You had always loved B.A.P, even before you had met Taehyung, you would listen to B.A.P’s music on repeat, and Zelo in particular was your first ever bias. Of course, Taehyung was the love of your life, but you just had such a soft spot for Zelo.
You arrived at the award show and met up with your boyfriend.
“Hey Y/N! I missed you.” Taehyung smiled and pulled you into a hug.
“Here’s the superstar! I’m so proud of you Tae.”
“Thanks Y/N.” He noticed the happy and excited expression on your face. You seemed more excited this time than you had at other awards shows you’d accompanied him to. “You seem really happy, did something good happen?”
“No? Oh! B.A.P were nominated for an award! Do you think they’ll be here?” You looked around in search for them.
“Oh haha you have always liked them haven’t you? Hopefully you’ll get to meet them tonight.”
“I hope so!”
You looked around all night, with no sign of them. That was, until they went up on stage having won an award.
You tapped on Taehyung’s arm, “Hey look it’s them!”
Taehyung noticed how excited you were. He couldn’t help but to feel a little insecure at how you seemed so happy just to be in B.A.P’s presence, compared to your reaction to BTS being nominated for so many awards, but he was pleased to see you this happy anyway.
The night was coming to an end as all of the winners had been announced. Some people were leaving, while some were staying to mingle. In the corner of your eye, you saw a tall figure, and turned to realise that it was Zelo.
“Wow, is that actually him? He’s so tall in real life!” You thought to yourself.
You glanced to Taehyung, who was busy talking with the other members, and decided not to interrupt his conversation to say anything, before approaching Zelo.
“Zelo?” You looked up at him.
“Huh? Oh hi.”
“OH MY-” You almost screamed. “I’m actually talking to him!! Okay come on Y/N, calm down.” You thought. “Uh, I mean, sorry to bother you! I just wanted to tell you that I’m a massive fan.”
“Really? It’s nice to meet you!” He smiled down at you.
The two of you got talking. You actually had a lot in common, and it was a pleasant conversation filled with laughter. Most of the laughing was from you though, who was still slighting in disbelief that you were talking to your first bias, as you tried to laugh of the nervousness.
“So who did you come here with?” He questioned.
“Oh, I came with BTS’ Tae-” You were interrupted as Taehyung approached.
“Hey Y/N, you finally met him? I saw that you were having a good time.” He wrapped one arm around you.
“Yeah! Zelo is super friendly.”
“Aha that’s good.” He shook Zelo’s hand, saying “Nice to meet you”. He then turned back to you, “We should probably get going. It’s late now.”
You checked the time on your phone. “Oh it is late! I had fun talking to you Zelo, but I should go now.”
“I had fun too, see you another time!” Zelo responded.
You squealed slightly at him saying that as you and Taehyung walked away. You were going back to the dorm with Taehyung, but during the cab ride he was more quiet than usual.
“You feeling okay Tae?”
“Yeah. Well no… You liked Zelo a lot, huh?”
“Of course! He was my first bias.”
“Yeah I know. You don’t like him more than me do you?” Taehyung had a sad puppy-like expression.
“What? I don’t! I love you! You’re my boyfriend after all.”
The cab stopped and the two of you got out.
“Promise?” He looked down to you and you held his hands.
“Yes, you have nothing to worry about.” You reassured him as you placed a kiss on his nose.
“Good.” He smiled, pleased and relieved from your response.
“There’s that boxy smile I love!” You giggled as the two of you entered the building.
hi can i have a fluffy scenario with jae pls and ty!!
Of course! I live for all these fluffy requests xD I hope you like what I’ve written~
Jae scenario: Pillow fight

You were hanging out with Jae at the dorm. Well, you were at the dorm, but you didn’t feel like you were spending much time with Jae. He was playing a computer game while you sat on his bed just watching him. Occasionally you would try to start a conversation, but Jae would just respond with short and simple answers, not really paying much attention to you. You were getting bored, and tried one last time to get him to communicate with you. To no surprise, he offered the same kind of brief answer as your past attempts. So you, now frustrated as well as bored, decided to throw a pillow at him. He set his controller aside and turned to you.
“You almost made my character die!”
“No, that’s just you being bad at the game.” You laughed.
“This means war.” Jae declared.
He grabbed the pillow you had thrown and stood up, towering above you. He intended to whack you with the pillow in revenge, but instead dropped it onto your face, realising that he had forgotten to pause the game and he had just died.
“Great…” He sighed, turning back to you. When out of nowhere, you came crashing towards him with a pillow in each hand.
“So you wanna play this game? Isn’t it a bit childish?”
“Nothing is too childish if it gets you to finally pay attention to me.” You laughed while playfully attacking him with pillows.
Jae grabbed a pillow and proceeded to fight you back.
The both of you actually had a fun time, which pleased you. You were lying on his bed and he was sat above you, pillow in hand, ready to plummet it towards your face, but before he could, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him down beside you.
“Does this mean I win?” Jae stared at you.
“No, I think I’m the winner here.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well I got what I wanted didn’t I?”
Before Jae could speak you snuggled up to his chest, to which he smiled and placed his arms around you.
“Sorry Y/N, I’ll pay more attention to you from now on. But I think I win, after all, I have a partner as cute as you, I definitely win in life!”